Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SetPosition(double raHours, double deDeg, DateTime utcTime, bool isVideoNormalPosition, bool highPrecision = false)
            double roundedTime = (utcTime.Hour + utcTime.Minute / 60.0 + (utcTime.Second + (utcTime.Millisecond / 1000.0)) / 3600.0) / 24;
            string format      = "00.000000";

            if (isVideoNormalPosition)
                roundedTime = Math.Truncate(Math.Round(roundedTime * 1000000)) / 1000000;
                format      = "00.000000";
                roundedTime = Math.Truncate(Math.Round(roundedTime * 100000)) / 100000;
                format      = "00.00000";

            m_TimeString_16_32 = (utcTime.ToString("yyyy MM ") + (utcTime.Day + roundedTime).ToString(format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).PadRight(17).Substring(0, 17);

            if (highPrecision)
                m_RAString_33_44 = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raHours, "HH MM SS.TTT").PadRight(13).Substring(0, 13);
                m_DEString_45_56 = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+HH MM SS.TT").PadRight(13).Substring(0, 13);
                m_RAString_33_44 = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raHours, "HH MM SS.TT").PadRight(12).Substring(0, 12);
                m_DEString_45_56 = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+HH MM SS.T").PadRight(12).Substring(0, 12);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ShowImageHeader(AstroImage currentImage)
                var hdr = new QHYImageHeader(currentImage);

                lblSeqNo.Text  = hdr.SeqNumber.ToString();
                lblTempNo.Text = hdr.TempNumber.ToString();

                lblGpsState.Text = hdr.GPSStatus.ToString();
                lblMaxClock.Text = hdr.MaxClock.ToString();
                    lblStartTime.Text = hdr.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd  HH:mm:ss.fffffff");
                    lblEndTime.Text   = hdr.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd  HH:mm:ss.fffffff");
                catch { }

                lblStartFlag.Text = "0x" + Convert.ToString(hdr.StartFlag, 16).PadLeft(2, '0');
                lblEndFlag.Text   = "0x" + Convert.ToString(hdr.EndFlag, 16).PadLeft(2, '0');
                lblNowFlag.Text   = "0x" + Convert.ToString(hdr.NowFlag, 16).PadLeft(2, '0');

                lblLongitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(hdr.ParseLongitude, "+DD°MM'SS.TT\"");
                lblLatitude.Text  = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(hdr.ParseLatitude, "+DD°MM'SS.TT\"");
                lblImageSize.Text = string.Format("{0} x {1}", hdr.Width, hdr.Height);
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static List <MPCheckEntry> CheckRegion(
            DateTime utcDate, double raDeg, double deDeg, double radiusArcMin, double magLimit, string observatoryCode)
            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Checking potential objects around RA:{0:0.0000}, DEC:{1:0.0000} at {2} UTC for observatory code {3})", raDeg / 15, deDeg, utcDate.ToString("yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss"), observatoryCode));

            double dayPart = utcDate.Day + (utcDate.Hour + utcDate.Minute / 60.0 + (utcDate.Second + (utcDate.Millisecond / 1000.0)) / 3600.0) / 24.0;

            string requestUrl =
                    TangraConfig.Settings.Urls.MPCheckHttpsServiceUrl + "?year={0}&month={1}&day={2}&which=pos&ra={3}&decl={4}&TextArea=&radius={5}&limit={6}&oc={7}&sort=d&mot=h&tmot=s&pdes=u&needed=f&ps=n&type=p",
                    utcDate.Year, utcDate.Month, dayPart.ToString("0.000"),
                    AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raDeg / 15.0, "HH MM SS"),
                    AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+DD MM SS"),

            ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls;

                HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(requestUrl);

                Version ver = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
                req.UserAgent = "Tangra, ver " + ver.ToString();

                HttpWebResponse response       = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
                Stream          responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
                string          responseString = null;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8))
                    responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                int startIdx = responseString.IndexOf("<pre>");
                int endIdx   = responseString.IndexOf("</pre>");

                if (startIdx > -1)
                    List <MPCheckEntry> parsedData = ParseMPCheckResponse(responseString.Substring(startIdx + 5, endIdx - startIdx - 5));

            catch (Exception ex)

            return(new List <MPCheckEntry>());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public frmRovingObsLocation()

            if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLongitude == null)
                cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = -1;
                tbxLongitude.Text          = string.Empty;
                double longNoSign = Math.Abs(TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLongitude.Value);
                tbxLongitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(longNoSign, "DD MM SS");
                if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLongitude.Value < 0)
                    cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = 0;

            if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLatitude == null)
                cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = -1;
                tbxLatitude.Text          = string.Empty;
                double latNoSign = Math.Abs(TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLatitude.Value);
                tbxLatitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(latNoSign, "DD MM SS");
                if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingLatitude.Value < 0)
                    cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = 0;

            if (TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingAltitude != null)
                tbxAltitude.Text = string.Format("{0:0}", TangraConfig.Settings.LastUsed.RovingAltitude.Value);
                tbxAltitude.Text = string.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void SaveHeader()
            Header.AddValue("HISTORY", "Fits header populated by Tangra v0.1", string.Empty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxObject.Text))
                Header.AddValue("OBJECT", tbxObject.Text, null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxScope.Text))
                Header.AddValue("TELESCO", tbxScope.Text, null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxCamera.Text))
                Header.AddValue("INSTRUME", tbxCamera.Text, null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxObserver.Text))
                Header.AddValue("OBSERVER", tbxObserver.Text, null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxNotes.Text))
                Header.AddValue("NOTES", tbxNotes.Text, null);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxRA.Text))
                Header.AddValue("OBJCTRA", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_RA, "HH MM SS.TT"), string.Empty);
                Header.AddValue("RA", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_RA, "HH MM SS.TT"), string.Empty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxDE.Text))
                Header.AddValue("OBJCTDEC", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_DEC, "DD MM SS.T"), string.Empty);
                Header.AddValue("DEC", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_DEC, "DD MM SS.T"), string.Empty);

            if (cbxDateTime.Checked)
                Header.AddValue("DATE-OBS", m_ExposureTime, string.Empty);
                Header.AddValue("TIMESYS", "UTC", "Default time system");

            Header.AddValue("CLRBAND", "R", string.Empty);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override void LoadSettings()
            m_CatalogValidator = new StarCatalogueFacade(TangraConfig.Settings.StarCatalogue);

            if (double.IsNaN(TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Longitude))
                cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = -1;
                tbxLongitude.Text          = string.Empty;
                double longNoSign = Math.Abs(TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Longitude);
                tbxLongitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(longNoSign, "DD MM SS");
                if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Longitude < 0)
                    cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    cbxLongitude.SelectedIndex = 0;

            rbMPCCode.Checked = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.UseMPCCode;
            tbxMPCCode.Text   = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.MPCObservatoryCode;

            if (double.IsNaN(TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Latitude))
                cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = -1;
                tbxLatitude.Text          = string.Empty;
                double latNoSign = Math.Abs(TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Latitude);
                tbxLatitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(latNoSign, "DD MM SS");
                if (TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.Latitude < 0)
                    cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    cbxLatitude.SelectedIndex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal void SelectStar(PlateConstStarPair selectedPair, PSFFit psfFit)
            if (selectedPair != null)
                lblStarNo.Text = selectedPair.StarNo.ToString();
                lblRA.Text     = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(selectedPair.RADeg / 15.0, "HH MM SS.TT");
                lblDE.Text     = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(selectedPair.DEDeg, "+DD MM SS.T");
                lblX.Text      = selectedPair.x.ToString("0.00");
                lblY.Text      = selectedPair.y.ToString("0.00");
                lblResRA.Text  = string.Format("{0}\"", selectedPair.FitInfo.ResidualRAArcSec.ToString("0.00"));
                lblResDE.Text  = string.Format("{0}\"", selectedPair.FitInfo.ResidualDEArcSec.ToString("0.00"));

                m_SelectedPSF = psfFit;
                m_SelectedPSF = null;

            pnlSelectedStar.Visible = selectedPair != null;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public frmConfigureCsvExport()

            TrackedObjects = new List <TrackedObjectConfig>();

            pb1.Image = new Bitmap(pb1.Width, pb1.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            pb2.Image = new Bitmap(pb2.Width, pb1.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            pb3.Image = new Bitmap(pb3.Width, pb1.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            pb4.Image = new Bitmap(pb4.Width, pb1.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

                CoordsAndLocation savedSettings = Properties.Settings.Default.AtmExtRememberedConfig.Deserialize <CoordsAndLocation>();
                tbxRA.Text        = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(savedSettings.RAHours, "HH MM SS");
                tbxDec.Text       = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(savedSettings.DEDeg, "+DD MM SS");
                tbxLatitude.Text  = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(savedSettings.LatitudeDeg, "+DD MM SS");
                tbxLongitude.Text = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(savedSettings.LongitudeDeg, "DDD MM SS");
                tbxHeightKm.Text  = savedSettings.HeightKM.ToString("0.000");
            catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void MouseMove(Point location)
            if (m_State == FittingsState.Activated)
            else if (m_State == FittingsState.Solved && m_SolvedPlate != null)
                double ra, de;
                m_SolvedPlate.GetRADEFromImageCoords(location.X, location.Y, out ra, out de);

                string info = string.Format("RA={0} DE={1}", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(ra / 15, "HHhMMmSS.Ts"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(de, "+DD°MM'SS\""));
                m_VideoController.DisplayCursorPositionDetails(location, info);
                if (m_State == FittingsState.Configuring)

                m_VideoController.DisplayCursorPositionDetails(location, null);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void MouseMove(Point location)
            IStarMap map = AstrometryContext.Current.StarMap;

            if (map == null)

            bool nearbyStarFound = false;

            AstrometricState state = AstrometryContext.Current.AstrometricState;

            if (state != null)
                if (state.AstrometricFit != null)
                    for (int radius = 1; radius < 8; radius++)
                        ImagePixel centroid = map.GetCentroid(location.X, location.Y, radius);
                        if (centroid == null)

                        foreach (PlateConstStarPair star in state.AstrometricFit.FitInfo.AllStarPairs)
                            if (Math.Abs(star.x - centroid.XDouble) < radius &&
                                Math.Abs(star.y - centroid.YDouble) < radius)
                                m_Object = star;

                                nearbyStarFound = true;

                        if (nearbyStarFound)

                    if (!nearbyStarFound)
                        m_State = SelectObjectState.NoObject;
                        m_State = SelectObjectState.ObjectLocked;

                    if (m_AstrometricState.MeasuringState == AstrometryInFramesState.Ready)
                        double ra, de;
                        state.AstrometricFit.GetRADEFromImageCoords(location.X, location.Y, out ra, out de);

                        string moreInfo = string.Format("RA={0} DE={1}", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(ra / 15, "HHhMMmSS.Ts"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(de, "+DD°MM'SS\""));
                        m_VideoController.DisplayCursorPositionDetails(location, moreInfo);
                    StarMapFeature nearbyFeature = map.GetFeatureInRadius(location.X, location.Y, 8);
                    nearbyStarFound = nearbyFeature != null && nearbyFeature.PixelCount > 4;

                m_VideoController.SetPictureBoxCursor(nearbyStarFound ? Cursors.Hand : (state.ManualStarIdentificationMode ? Cursors.Cross : Cursors.Default));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void btnGenerateVideo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!ValidateParameters())

            if (cbxVideoFormat.SelectedIndex == 0)
                saveFileDialog.Filter     = "AAV Files (*.aav)|*.aav";
                saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = "aav";
            else if (cbxVideoFormat.SelectedIndex == 1)
                saveFileDialog.Filter     = "AVI Files (*.avi)|*.avi";
                saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = "avi";

            if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)

                var config = new ModelConfig()
                    FileName                   = saveFileDialog.FileName,
                    IsAAVFile                  = cbxVideoFormat.SelectedIndex == 0,
                    Integration                = (int)Math.Pow(2, cbxAAVIntegration.SelectedIndex),
                    TotalFrames                = (int)nudTotalFrames.Value,
                    FrameWidth                 = (int)nudFrameWidth.Value,
                    FrameHeight                = (int)nudFrameHeight.Value,
                    NoiseMean                  = (int)nudNoiseMean.Value,
                    NoiseStdDev                = (int)nudNoiseStdDev.Value,
                    FlickeringStdDev           = (int)nudStarFlickering.Value,
                    FWHM                       = (double)nudStar1FWHM.Value,
                    BrighestUnsaturatedStarMag = (double)nudFirstSaturatedMag.Value,
                    LimitStarMag               = (double)nudLimitMag.Value,
                    RADeg2000                  = m_RA * 15,
                    DEDeg2000                  = m_DE,
                    PlatePixWidth              = (double)nudPlatePixWidth.Value,
                    PlatePixHeight             = (double)nudPlatePixHeight.Value,
                    PlateFocLength             = (double)nudPlateFocLength.Value,
                    PhotometricFilter          = (ModelledFilter)cbxPhotometricFilter.SelectedIndex,
                    BVSlope                    = (double)nudBVSlope.Value,
                    LinearityCoefficient       = (double)nudNonLinearity.Value,
                    DarkFrameMean              = cbxProduceDark.Checked ? (int)nudDarkMean.Value : 0,
                    CheckMagnitudes            = cbxCheckMagnitudes.Checked,
                    PSFMagnitudeModelling      = cbxPSFStarModelling.Checked

                config.PlateRotAngleRadians = (double)nudPlateRotation.Value * Math.PI / 180.0;
                config.MatrixToImageScaleX  = config.FrameWidth / (double)nudMatrixWidth.Value;
                config.MatrixToImageScaleY  = config.FrameHeight / (double)nudMatrixHeight.Value;

                config.InfoLine1 = string.Format("Model Video Generated by Tangra v.{0}", ((AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute), true)[0]).Version);
                config.InfoLine2 = string.Format("Noise: {0} +/- {1}, Flickering: {2}, FWHM: {3}", config.NoiseMean, config.NoiseStdDev, config.FlickeringStdDev, config.FWHM.ToString("0.0"));
                config.InfoLine3 = String.Format("Field Center: RA={0} DE={1}", AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_RA, "HHh MMm SSs"), AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_DE, "+DDo MM' SS\""));
                config.InfoLine4 = "";

                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(GenerateSimulatedVideo), config);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotSlowMotion(
            Dictionary <int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements,
            FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext,
            GetProcessingValueCallback getValueCallback,
            Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth)
            // Compute median, use median based exclusion rules
            // Report the median position for the time at the middle of the measured interval
            // Do not expect elongated image (no corrections from the exposure)
            // May apply instrumental delay corrections for the frame time

            var rv = new ProcessingReturnValues();

            double sum           = 0;
            double userSum       = 0;
            double stdDevUserSum = 0;
            int    numFramesUser = 0;

            double userMidFrom = meaContext.UserMidValue - meaContext.MaxStdDev;
            double userMidTo   = meaContext.UserMidValue + meaContext.MaxStdDev;

            rv.EarliestFrame = int.MaxValue;
            rv.LatestFrame   = int.MinValue;

            List <double> medianList              = new List <double>();
            List <double> medianWeightsList       = new List <double>();
            var           minPosUncertaintyArcSec = TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.AssumedPositionUncertaintyPixels * meaContext.ArsSecsInPixel;

            foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values)
                float            x         = (measurement.FrameNo - meaContext.MinFrameNo) * xScale + 5;
                ProcessingValues val       = getValueCallback(measurement);
                double           valueFrom = val.Value - val.StdDev;
                double           valueTo   = val.Value + val.StdDev;

                float yFrom = (float)(valueFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                float yTo   = (float)(valueTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                sum += val.Value;

                Pen mPen = plottingContext.IncludedPen;
                if (!double.IsNaN(meaContext.UserMidValue))
                    if ((valueFrom >= userMidFrom && valueFrom <= userMidTo) ||
                        (valueTo >= userMidFrom && valueTo <= userMidTo))
                        userSum += val.Value;
                        medianWeightsList.Add(ComputePositionWeight(val.StdDev, measurement, minPosUncertaintyArcSec, WeightingMode.SNR));

                        stdDevUserSum += val.StdDev * val.StdDev;
                        if (rv.EarliestFrame > measurement.FrameNo)
                            rv.EarliestFrame = measurement.FrameNo;
                        if (rv.LatestFrame < measurement.FrameNo)
                            rv.LatestFrame = measurement.FrameNo;
                        mPen = plottingContext.ExcludedPen;

                g.DrawLine(mPen, x, yFrom, x, yTo);
                g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 1, yFrom, x + 1, yFrom);
                g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 1, yTo, x + 1, yTo);

            if (!double.IsNaN(meaContext.UserMidValue) && numFramesUser > 0)
                double average = userSum / numFramesUser;
                double err     = Math.Sqrt(stdDevUserSum) / (numFramesUser - 1);
                float  yAve    = (float)(average - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve - 1, imageWidth - 5, yAve - 1);
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve, imageWidth - 5, yAve);
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yAve + 1, imageWidth - 5, yAve + 1);

                float yMin = (float)(userMidFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                float yMax = (float)(userMidTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yMin, imageWidth - 5, yMin);
                g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, 5, yMax, imageWidth - 5, yMax);

                double median;
                double medianWeight;

                WeightedMedian(Tuple.Create(medianList, medianWeightsList), out median, out medianWeight);

                double standardMedian = medianList.Median();

                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}; Included: {1}; Average: {2}; Wighted Median: {3}; Standard Median: {4}",
                                              numFramesUser, AstroConvert.ToStringValue(average, "+HH MM SS.TTT"),
                                              AstroConvert.ToStringValue(median, "+HH MM SS.TTT"),
                                              AstroConvert.ToStringValue(standardMedian, "+HH MM SS.TTT")));

                rv.FittedValue = median;

                var stdDevArcSec = 3600 * Math.Sqrt(medianList.Sum(x => (x - median) * (x - median)) / (medianList.Count - 1));
                var tCoeff95     = TDistribution.CalculateCriticalValue(medianList.Count, (1 - 0.95), 0.0001);
                var error95      = 1.253 * tCoeff95 * stdDevArcSec / Math.Sqrt(medianList.Count);
                rv.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec = error95;
                rv.IsVideoNormalPosition        = false;
                double average = sum / measurements.Count;
                float  yAve    = (float)(average - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                g.DrawLine(Pens.WhiteSmoke, 5, yAve, imageWidth - 5, yAve);

                rv.FittedValue = double.NaN;

Ejemplo n.º 13
 private string IAU_Id()
     return(string.Format("PPMXL {0}{1}",
                          AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_RADeg, "HHMMSS.T"),
                          AstroConvert.ToStringValue(m_DEDeg, "+DDMMSS")));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private bool CheckInputAndLoadStars()
            if (!TangraContext.Current.HasImageLoaded)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "There is no loaded frame/image", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            m_RAHours = double.NaN;
            m_DEDeg   = double.NaN;

            Context.ObsCode = tbxObsCode.Text;

            if (rbKnownCenter.Checked)
                    m_RAHours = AstroConvert.ToRightAcsension(cbxRA.Text);
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Enter a valid RA value", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

                    m_DEDeg = AstroConvert.ToDeclination(cbxDE.Text);
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Enter a valid DE value", "Validation Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

            else if (rbKnownObject.Checked)
                // Connect to MPC to find the object coordinates
                MPEph2.MPEphEntry position = null;
                Cursor  = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                Enabled = false;
                    if (!TangraConfig.Settings.HasSiteCoordinatesOrCOD && string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxObsCode.Text))
                        m_VideoController.ShowTangraSettingsDialog(false, true);

                        if (!TangraConfig.Settings.HasSiteCoordinatesOrCOD)


                    frmIdentifyObjects frm;

                    if (TangraConfig.Settings.Astrometry.UseMPCCode || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxObsCode.Text))
                        Context.ObsCode = tbxObsCode.Text;
                        frm             = new frmIdentifyObjects(cbxObject.Text, Context.UtcTime, Context.ObsCode);
                        frm = new frmIdentifyObjects(
                            cbxObject.Text, Context.UtcTime,

                    if (m_VideoController.ShowDialog(frm) == DialogResult.OK)
                        position = frm.Position;
                    Enabled = true;
                    Cursor  = Cursors.Default;

                if (position == null)
                        string.Format(string.Format("Could not retrieve the position of '{0}' from MPC. Is your internet connection active? Is the designation correct?", cbxObject.Text)),
                        "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    m_RAHours = position.RAHours;
                    m_DEDeg   = position.DEDeg;


                    Context.FoundObject = position;

            Context.RADeg   = m_RAHours * 15;
            Context.DEDeg   = m_DEDeg;
            Context.ErrFoVs = (double)nudError.Value;

            Context.Method = RecognitionMethod.KnownCenter;

            Context.LimitMagn = (double)nudFaintestMag.Value;

            float epoch = Context.UtcTime.Year + Context.UtcTime.DayOfYear / 365.25f;

            if (TangraConfig.Settings.TraceLevels.PlateSolving.TraceInfo())
                Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Loading stars in region ({0}, {1})",
                                              AstroConvert.ToStringValue(Context.RADeg / 15, "REC"),
                                              AstroConvert.ToStringValue(Context.DEDeg, "DEC")));

            var facade = new StarCatalogueFacade(TangraConfig.Settings.StarCatalogue);

            m_CatalogueStars = facade.GetStarsInRegion(
                (Context.ErrFoVs + 1.0) * m_Image.GetMaxFOVInArcSec() / 3600.0,

            Context.CatalogueStars      = m_CatalogueStars;
            Context.StarCatalogueFacade = facade;

            Context.DetermineAutoLimitMagnitude = rbAutomaticLimitMagnitude.Checked;
            Context.AutoLimitMagnitude          = double.NaN;

Ejemplo n.º 15
        private AstroDigitalVideoStreamV2(string fileName, ref AdvFileMetadataInfo fileMetadataInfo, ref GeoLocationInfo geoLocation)
            //CheckAdvFileFormat(fileName, ref fileMetadataInfo, ref geoLocation);

            m_FileName = fileName;

            m_AdvFile = new AdvFile2(fileName);

            m_FirstFrame  = 0;
            m_CountFrames = m_AdvFile.MainSteamInfo.FrameCount;

            m_BitPix        = m_AdvFile.DataBpp;
            m_Width         = m_AdvFile.Width;
            m_Height        = m_AdvFile.Height;
            m_MaxPixelValue = (uint)m_AdvFile.MaxPixelValue;

            m_FrameRate    = 0;
            m_AAVVersion   = 0;
            m_StackingRate = 0;

            m_Engine = "ADV2";

            fileMetadataInfo.Recorder = GetFileTag("RECORDER-SOFTWARE");
            CameraModel             = fileMetadataInfo.Camera = GetFileTag("CAMERA-MODEL");
            fileMetadataInfo.Engine = GetFileTag("FSTF-TYPE");

            fileMetadataInfo.AdvrVersion = GetFileTag("RECORDER-SOFTWARE-VERSION");
            fileMetadataInfo.SensorInfo  = GetFileTag("CAMERA-SENSOR-INFO");

            fileMetadataInfo.ObjectName = GetFileTag("OBJNAME");

            int aavVersion;

            if (int.TryParse(GetFileTag("AAV-VERSION"), out aavVersion))
                m_AAVVersion    = aavVersion;
                m_VideoStandard = GetFileTag("NATIVE-VIDEO-STANDARD");
                double.TryParse(GetFileTag("NATIVE-FRAME-RATE"), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out m_NativeFrameRate);

                int.TryParse(GetFileTag("OSD-FIRST-LINE"), out m_OsdFirstLine);
                int.TryParse(GetFileTag("OSD-LAST-LINE"), out m_OsdLastLine);

                if (m_OsdLastLine > m_Height)
                    m_OsdLastLine = m_Height;
                if (m_OsdFirstLine < 0)
                    m_OsdFirstLine = 0;

                m_IntegratedAAVFrames = -1;

                if (double.TryParse(GetFileTag("EFFECTIVE-FRAME-RATE"), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out m_EffectiveFrameRate) && m_NativeFrameRate != 0)
                    m_IntegratedAAVFrames = (int)Math.Round(m_NativeFrameRate / m_EffectiveFrameRate);
                    m_FrameRate           = m_EffectiveFrameRate; // This is important for OCR-ing as the frame rate is used to derive the frame exposure

                int.TryParse(GetFileTag("FRAME-STACKING-RATE"), out m_StackingRate);
                if (m_StackingRate == 1)
                    m_StackingRate = 0;                      // Video stacked at x1 is a non-stacked video
                m_Engine = string.Format("AAV{0}", aavVersion);

            this.geoLocation = new GeoLocationInfo();
            double lng;
            double lat;

            if (
                double.TryParse(GetFileTag("LONGITUDE"), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out lng) &&
                double.TryParse(GetFileTag("LATITUDE"), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out lat))
                this.geoLocation.Altitude  = GetFileTag("ALTITUDE");
                this.geoLocation.Longitude = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(lng, "DD°MM'SS.T\"");
                this.geoLocation.Latitude  = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(lat, "DD°MM'SS.T\"");

            geoLocation = this.geoLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void TestRAUncertainty()
            var regressionRA      = new LinearRegression();
            var regressionRACosDE = new LinearRegression();
            var regressionDE      = new LinearRegression();

            #region DATA

            var data3 = new double[100, 2]
                { 107.739483057629, 23.1727860863356 },
                { 107.739758423225, 23.1725858289442 },
                { 107.739270316112, 23.1727265176296 },
                { 107.740138616241, 23.1726236358575 },
                { 107.739635635855, 23.1720172219518 },
                { 107.739770516897, 23.1729142307849 },
                { 107.73978035157, 23.1724868171702 },
                { 107.7402464908, 23.1722211800014 },
                { 107.740153319844, 23.17248806658 },
                { 107.739638162317, 23.1721297891023 },
                { 107.740152592624, 23.1724840894266 },
                { 107.73958378293, 23.1723613227751 },
                { 107.740253757515, 23.172044928013 },
                { 107.739869281082, 23.1718262300426 },
                { 107.739789179397, 23.1719229687229 },
                { 107.740109562638, 23.1722060231074 },
                { 107.740283891099, 23.1718843884705 },
                { 107.739908616613, 23.1721244581715 },
                { 107.740456941346, 23.171955354053 },
                { 107.739775905586, 23.1718647897894 },
                { 107.739910899659, 23.1717039889273 },
                { 107.740289075343, 23.1716186337573 },
                { 107.739949394724, 23.171506240555 },
                { 107.739932221015, 23.1716027243754 },
                { 107.740295228809, 23.1716475314679 },
                { 107.740110388037, 23.1713426960706 },
                { 107.740000979798, 23.1716693560547 },
                { 107.740683952325, 23.1709681704731 },
                { 107.740203119785, 23.1714519510736 },
                { 107.740273707513, 23.1713702195282 },
                { 107.740715664145, 23.1708006096487 },
                { 107.740242143812, 23.1714449185373 },
                { 107.740687548443, 23.1714370988362 },
                { 107.740393828828, 23.1711679651411 },
                { 107.740547330181, 23.1707733940985 },
                { 107.740304974691, 23.1709983145174 },
                { 107.74034540204, 23.1710469626238 },
                { 107.740904365499, 23.1712337543625 },
                { 107.740271422439, 23.1707876401664 },
                { 107.740473226403, 23.1707728540074 },
                { 107.740636055235, 23.1704881107108 },
                { 107.740425649522, 23.1706972672815 },
                { 107.741075014634, 23.1711886612524 },
                { 107.740786717375, 23.1703917179741 },
                { 107.740612480474, 23.1707997640991 },
                { 107.740513888292, 23.1702033095878 },
                { 107.740861057518, 23.1707917436653 },
                { 107.740431450664, 23.1704962321596 },
                { 107.740894364108, 23.1706460451468 },
                { 107.740737653969, 23.1699454114361 },
                { 107.741167338868, 23.1704390641158 },
                { 107.7413536072, 23.1702117449598 },
                { 107.741086391515, 23.1708025027409 },
                { 107.740817260861, 23.1707126761071 },
                { 107.741221711022, 23.1703529560508 },
                { 107.740861537438, 23.1703420196572 },
                { 107.74133696574, 23.1699266624604 },
                { 107.741008974082, 23.1698332023904 },
                { 107.741330374957, 23.1699747581779 },
                { 107.740956577025, 23.1699971703065 },
                { 107.741383593614, 23.1700614545797 },
                { 107.741111473117, 23.1693429455465 },
                { 107.741121545844, 23.1698626383014 },
                { 107.740820518692, 23.1696821611261 },
                { 107.740916798005, 23.1696481452449 },
                { 107.741407098196, 23.1697794065368 },
                { 107.741287855641, 23.1694896025056 },
                { 107.741231209856, 23.1697278715938 },
                { 107.741571326879, 23.1696485314836 },
                { 107.741256422563, 23.1692796164232 },
                { 107.741083941569, 23.1692085591873 },
                { 107.742137813992, 23.1692501809322 },
                { 107.741681536193, 23.1691250721346 },
                { 107.741303539868, 23.1692497992003 },
                { 107.741635549928, 23.1696783769589 },
                { 107.741659390834, 23.1692018221502 },
                { 107.741519314827, 23.1689582724524 },
                { 107.741584255568, 23.1690406639767 },
                { 107.741457448448, 23.1689571870363 },
                { 107.741598496613, 23.1690963575179 },
                { 107.741640939783, 23.1689548869089 },
                { 107.741369971733, 23.1688034552239 },
                { 107.741859029521, 23.1688553893107 },
                { 107.741963565581, 23.1683666431612 },
                { 107.741666822527, 23.1688987338326 },
                { 107.741641792823, 23.1689634685279 },
                { 107.742023968239, 23.1690510611327 },
                { 107.741962846523, 23.1688076089897 },
                { 107.741683243803, 23.1683235937605 },
                { 107.742121706882, 23.1689619396987 },
                { 107.741538062532, 23.168283426697 },
                { 107.742422013432, 23.1687801621234 },
                { 107.741896618583, 23.1686362544736 },
                { 107.741972513575, 23.1686551496664 },
                { 107.74206679923, 23.168500337937 },
                { 107.742405073144, 23.1684770104653 },
                { 107.742032294448, 23.1683475533958 },
                { 107.742230287337, 23.1682284222132 },
                { 107.742201384546, 23.1682279605208 },
                { 107.741884032454, 23.1682565185304 }

            var data2 = new double[100, 2]
                { 107.739477771965, 69.1728347555165 },
                { 107.73961196667, 69.1726830767986 },
                { 107.739409817125, 69.1725933008645 },
                { 107.74019077671, 69.172494940147 },
                { 107.740585586026, 69.1726077103564 },
                { 107.74059838218, 69.1722819118463 },
                { 107.740208274081, 69.1723120729806 },
                { 107.740712281929, 69.1720791829606 },
                { 107.74033612626, 69.1723780587458 },
                { 107.741242715081, 69.1721192003436 },
                { 107.741266002392, 69.1722343854433 },
                { 107.741105006249, 69.1721003309252 },
                { 107.741363419742, 69.172088671089 },
                { 107.741690798727, 69.1722568414364 },
                { 107.741666861184, 69.17205417308 },
                { 107.741361837266, 69.1720675384819 },
                { 107.742084712903, 69.1718874998462 },
                { 107.742042010619, 69.1719175816475 },
                { 107.742280817921, 69.1719094396275 },
                { 107.742577304285, 69.1717986068223 },
                { 107.741966244595, 69.1718798130166 },
                { 107.742684141694, 69.1718510228511 },
                { 107.742976630078, 69.17157595174 },
                { 107.743352294911, 69.1715857376448 },
                { 107.743061556848, 69.1714241326127 },
                { 107.743090113926, 69.1714458284253 },
                { 107.743275509384, 69.1715522559223 },
                { 107.743176399757, 69.1714823812197 },
                { 107.743814300524, 69.1713901151672 },
                { 107.743767969983, 69.1714428793583 },
                { 107.743858065548, 69.1713035534992 },
                { 107.743822885639, 69.1712307918348 },
                { 107.744334295083, 69.1713055626603 },
                { 107.744427875787, 69.1712388751409 },
                { 107.744340783728, 69.1710928940912 },
                { 107.744805413896, 69.1710055991679 },
                { 107.74502108349, 69.1709137441353 },
                { 107.744828974649, 69.1709496406011 },
                { 107.74512401154, 69.1708573778863 },
                { 107.745281281021, 69.1708161629737 },
                { 107.745576469803, 69.1710203029433 },
                { 107.745740147716, 69.1707075932863 },
                { 107.745502577032, 69.1708074622807 },
                { 107.745623997879, 69.1706684821245 },
                { 107.746509028511, 69.1708362938784 },
                { 107.74602549245, 69.1706568551002 },
                { 107.745897609677, 69.170596921634 },
                { 107.746469521491, 69.1704027875192 },
                { 107.746277468908, 69.1703449453588 },
                { 107.74672857027, 69.1705498632184 },
                { 107.746946720371, 69.1702725215642 },
                { 107.746884661238, 69.1704713141467 },
                { 107.746860604767, 69.1702156222331 },
                { 107.747294089089, 69.1701998357532 },
                { 107.747620144745, 69.1702161529364 },
                { 107.747858455982, 69.170059426359 },
                { 107.747632580795, 69.1700516486805 },
                { 107.747755094573, 69.1698765265442 },
                { 107.747994751954, 69.1701514424405 },
                { 107.748121399878, 69.1700667592208 },
                { 107.748172662863, 69.1698849007696 },
                { 107.748228803142, 69.1699923304849 },
                { 107.749014214424, 69.1697868133965 },
                { 107.748792915115, 69.1700161340914 },
                { 107.748638559821, 69.1698409328545 },
                { 107.748636809009, 69.1697153039492 },
                { 107.749136438823, 69.1697074633957 },
                { 107.749338377121, 69.1697654496001 },
                { 107.749569612206, 69.1697500026688 },
                { 107.749595422398, 69.169419529115 },
                { 107.750383523525, 69.1696656542994 },
                { 107.75048831811, 69.1692035028989 },
                { 107.750352623105, 69.1693815488115 },
                { 107.750761537512, 69.1692866838914 },
                { 107.750685403332, 69.1693024139098 },
                { 107.750705748086, 69.1692717484141 },
                { 107.750843059166, 69.1692580533525 },
                { 107.750716179597, 69.1691529497331 },
                { 107.75072202975, 69.1691168107163 },
                { 107.75108559747, 69.1691834005496 },
                { 107.751493043153, 69.1691522809292 },
                { 107.751596829163, 69.169012841963 },
                { 107.75131727043, 69.1688012714158 },
                { 107.751666922544, 69.1689359714136 },
                { 107.751578388338, 69.1687399323656 },
                { 107.751905351653, 69.1688376229061 },
                { 107.752250104552, 69.1687619831483 },
                { 107.752678677296, 69.1687244251449 },
                { 107.752525957028, 69.1686536798413 },
                { 107.752373714866, 69.1686287601216 },
                { 107.753019411842, 69.1686380478501 },
                { 107.752741905599, 69.1684961094107 },
                { 107.753018243388, 69.1683971436757 },
                { 107.752942371889, 69.1684595315802 },
                { 107.753259742823, 69.1684806579804 },
                { 107.753511849838, 69.168268224757 },
                { 107.75342673874, 69.1685388792275 },
                { 107.753991832751, 69.1681999371544 },
                { 107.753606583523, 69.1682240722345 },
                { 107.753806764198, 69.1682937040626 },

            var data = new double[100, 2]
                { 107.73935730677, 69.172711754819 },
                { 107.739941719805, 69.1725607327368 },
                { 107.739969545763, 69.1728020832412 },
                { 107.739725613496, 69.1724948444009 },
                { 107.739031353708, 69.1726159366499 },
                { 107.739747958109, 69.1721826902977 },
                { 107.74074663056, 69.1722130865804 },
                { 107.739619292955, 69.1724872676585 },
                { 107.739526386824, 69.1723097829692 },
                { 107.7410771233, 69.1725703918204 },
                { 107.740739660076, 69.1724144742981 },
                { 107.740697636644, 69.1721550394849 },
                { 107.741880544558, 69.1719738870443 },
                { 107.741833247397, 69.1721940884685 },
                { 107.742314186337, 69.17193450189 },
                { 107.740926254247, 69.1721384298611 },
                { 107.741970497859, 69.1721455511604 },
                { 107.742119450987, 69.1721636360282 },
                { 107.742132805385, 69.1719603779096 },
                { 107.742777129314, 69.1714210932301 },
                { 107.743075397391, 69.1714527431053 },
                { 107.743768675633, 69.1715943552255 },
                { 107.742542542626, 69.1716645234002 },
                { 107.743524460336, 69.1716088168889 },
                { 107.743350115709, 69.1717882604853 },
                { 107.743489485345, 69.1721692852173 },
                { 107.74401344733, 69.1717430018303 },
                { 107.743001358569, 69.171745750306 },
                { 107.744101155658, 69.1715995718388 },
                { 107.743357827113, 69.1709192593056 },
                { 107.744693317033, 69.1716866797303 },
                { 107.74508962137, 69.1713006067015 },
                { 107.743997983147, 69.1708910615953 },
                { 107.743996491802, 69.1715212096561 },
                { 107.74373222623, 69.1709626863127 },
                { 107.744993875976, 69.1714069871322 },
                { 107.744573043011, 69.1710885783853 },
                { 107.744610440986, 69.1709524781463 },
                { 107.744515880438, 69.171012647055 },
                { 107.745021853434, 69.1706795177817 },
                { 107.745928469586, 69.1709513201446 },
                { 107.746274328526, 69.1709990525173 },
                { 107.746003621776, 69.1703636654999 },
                { 107.746860479622, 69.1707788370646 },
                { 107.746015994963, 69.170532070676 },
                { 107.745308266138, 69.1703833282827 },
                { 107.747434171025, 69.1707583505672 },
                { 107.746380716695, 69.1707477283657 },
                { 107.746322773734, 69.1705759472448 },
                { 107.747195770778, 69.1704783387962 },
                { 107.746726832268, 69.1705445287354 },
                { 107.746479807916, 69.170295182694 },
                { 107.746858852632, 69.170151842435 },
                { 107.748005552167, 69.1701324143026 },
                { 107.746440725163, 69.1702997117708 },
                { 107.747632752596, 69.1699714950714 },
                { 107.746288060495, 69.170247112624 },
                { 107.748643753256, 69.1698662806951 },
                { 107.74881046717, 69.1699979516342 },
                { 107.747535292112, 69.170078645581 },
                { 107.747766333879, 69.1699744718271 },
                { 107.748809227233, 69.1700193921839 },
                { 107.749697498078, 69.1695793718616 },
                { 107.74893998829, 69.1698713857366 },
                { 107.748878487794, 69.1695228880432 },
                { 107.74904534252, 69.1698472549382 },
                { 107.749463140037, 69.1696628177742 },
                { 107.749830174792, 69.1698519550262 },
                { 107.749699649195, 69.1695956041761 },
                { 107.750502343619, 69.1693099555417 },
                { 107.750326261356, 69.1691415029809 },
                { 107.748673873243, 69.1692620977489 },
                { 107.75106313072, 69.1690631812159 },
                { 107.75052688368, 69.1691938573698 },
                { 107.750543324985, 69.1695068538202 },
                { 107.751031016666, 69.1692150774484 },
                { 107.751096804392, 69.1688797213772 },
                { 107.75042386222, 69.1690032179007 },
                { 107.750153005185, 69.169176739356 },
                { 107.751104742713, 69.1687864249361 },
                { 107.751084417858, 69.1690641095538 },
                { 107.751285471877, 69.1690996992436 },
                { 107.751597211541, 69.169157134543 },
                { 107.751909360988, 69.1690350795147 },
                { 107.752462310445, 69.1684796654783 },
                { 107.751635885797, 69.1688208914861 },
                { 107.752428595531, 69.1685312843568 },
                { 107.753169064017, 69.1685892661358 },
                { 107.752228822227, 69.1685323946141 },
                { 107.753263916127, 69.168469632772 },
                { 107.753442528401, 69.1684911064022 },
                { 107.753490171167, 69.168976339076 },
                { 107.753304279553, 69.1685787342008 },
                { 107.75333647205, 69.1683355355218 },
                { 107.753820078749, 69.1683194672346 },
                { 107.753790511111, 69.1683609672304 },
                { 107.754442898298, 69.1681319406902 },
                { 107.753649542414, 69.1683447688382 },
                { 107.754436235939, 69.1684819745314 },
                { 107.754808387808, 69.1680718218884 },

            double SEC_TO_DAY = 1.0 / (24 * 3600);

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var ra = data[i, 0];
                var de = data[i, 1];

                regressionRA.AddDataPoint(i * SEC_TO_DAY, ra);
                regressionDE.AddDataPoint(i * SEC_TO_DAY, de);

                regressionRACosDE.AddDataPoint(i * SEC_TO_DAY, ra * Math.Cos(de * Math.PI / 180.0));


            double      timeOfDay = 50 * SEC_TO_DAY;
            ErrorMethod errMethod = ErrorMethod.HalfStdDev;

            double errRAArcSec;
            double errDEArcSec;

            var raHours = regressionRA.ComputeYWithError(timeOfDay, out errRAArcSec, errMethod) / 15.0;
            var deDeg   = regressionDE.ComputeYWithError(timeOfDay, out errDEArcSec, errMethod);

            double cosDEFactor = Math.Cos(deDeg * Math.PI / 180);

            double errRACosDEArcSec = errRAArcSec * cosDEFactor * 3600;
            errDEArcSec *= 3600;

            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("RA = {0} +/- {1:0.00}\" StdDev={4:0.000}; DE={2} +/- {3:0.00}\"",
                                          AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raHours, "HH MM SS.TT"), errRACosDEArcSec, AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+DD MM SS.T"), errDEArcSec, regressionRA.StdDevUnscaled * cosDEFactor * 3600));

            double errRA2;
            var    raHoursCosDE = regressionRACosDE.ComputeYWithError(timeOfDay, out errRA2, errMethod) / 15.0;
            raHours = raHoursCosDE / cosDEFactor;
            errRA2 *= 3600;

            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("RA = {0} +/- {1:0.00}\" StdDev={4:0.000}; DE={2} +/- {3:0.00}\"",
                                          AstroConvert.ToStringValue(raHours, "HH MM SS.TT"), errRA2, AstroConvert.ToStringValue(deDeg, "+DD MM SS.T"), errDEArcSec, regressionRACosDE.StdDevUnscaled * 3600));

            Assert.IsTrue(regressionRA.StdDevUnscaled * cosDEFactor < regressionRACosDE.StdDevUnscaled);

            // NOTE: StdDev in the RA fit appears to be smaller in RA.CosDE terms when the fitting is done in RA, compared to when it is done in RA.CosDE.
            // Therefore we continue to use the RA fitting, rather than RA.CosDE fitting.
            // TODO: This needs to be looked through and proper mathematical evaluation needs to be done for the uncertainties before the RA.CosDE fitting can be used directly
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void BuildAbsFlux()
            var indexFile = new StringBuilder();

            indexFile.AppendLine("BD and HD CALSPEC stars with STIS fluxes between 3000 and 10000 Angstroms");
            indexFile.AppendLine("Name            FK5_Coordinates_J2000      Type    Mag    B-V   File_Name");

            foreach (CalSpecStar star in CalSpecDatabase.Instance.Stars)
                if (star.AbsFluxStarId.StartsWith("TYC"))
                string modifiedId = star.AbsFluxStarId.Replace(" ", "_");
                if (modifiedId.Length < 10)
                    modifiedId += "_";
                while (modifiedId.Length < 10)
                    int firstUnderScorePos = modifiedId.IndexOf("_");
                    modifiedId = modifiedId.Substring(0, firstUnderScorePos) + "_" + modifiedId.Substring(firstUnderScorePos);
                string raStr        = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(star.RA_J2000_Hours, "HH MM SS.TTT");
                string deStr        = AstroConvert.ToStringValue(star.DE_J2000_Deg, "+DD MM SS.TT");
                string dataFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(star.FITS_File) + "_t1.txt";
                string line         = string.Format("{0}{1} {2}    {3}{4}  {5}  {6}\r\n",
                                                    modifiedId.PadRight(14), raStr, deStr,

                string filePath = Path.GetFullPath(@"Z:\CALSPEC\current_calspec\" + star.FITS_File);

                double wavelengthFrom = star.DataPoints.Keys.Min();
                double wavelengthTo   = star.DataPoints.Keys.Max();
                using (var bf = new BufferedFile(filePath, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                    var fitsFile = new Fits();

                    BasicHDU imageHDU = fitsFile.GetHDU(1);

                    var      table         = (ColumnTable)imageHDU.Data.DataArray;
                    double[] wavelengths   = (double[])table.Columns[0];
                    float[]  fluxes        = (float[])table.Columns[1];
                    float[]  col2          = (float[])table.Columns[2];
                    float[]  col3          = (float[])table.Columns[3];
                    float[]  col4          = (float[])table.Columns[4];
                    short[]  goodnessFlags = (short[])table.Columns[5];
                    float[]  exposures     = (float[])table.Columns[6];

                    var dataFile = new StringBuilder();
                    dataFile.AppendLine("      WAVELENGTH          FLUX     STATERROR      SYSERROR         FWHM     DATAQUAL      TOTEXP");
                    dataFile.AppendLine("              1D            1E            1E            1E           1E           1I          1E");
                    dataFile.AppendLine("       ANGSTROMS          FLAM          FLAM          FLAM    ANGSTROMS         NONE         SEC");

                    for (int j = 0; j < fluxes.Length; j++)
                        if (wavelengths[j] < wavelengthFrom)
                        if (wavelengths[j] > wavelengthTo)

                        string dataLine = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}            {5}{6}",



                    File.WriteAllText(@"Z:\AbsFlux\v3\" + dataFileName, dataFile.ToString());
            File.WriteAllText(@"Z:\AbsFlux\v3\AbsFluxCALSPECstars.txt", indexFile.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public ProcessingReturnValues FitAndPlotSlowFlyby(
            Dictionary <int, SingleMultiFrameMeasurement> measurements,
            FlybyMeasurementContext meaContext,
            FittingContext fittingContext,
            FittingValue fittingValue,
            GetFrameStateDataCallback getFrameStateDataCallback,
            Graphics g, FlybyPlottingContext plottingContext, float xScale, float yScale, int imageWidth, int imageHight,
            out double motionRate)
                #region Building Test Cases
                if (m_DumpTestCaseData)
                    var mvSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FlybyMeasurementContext));
                    var sb    = new StringBuilder();
                    using (var wrt = new StringWriter(sb))
                        mvSer.Serialize(wrt, meaContext);
                    var fcSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FittingContext));
                    using (var wrt = new StringWriter(sb))
                        fcSer.Serialize(wrt, fittingContext);

                    var smfmSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SingleMultiFrameMeasurement));
                    foreach (int key in measurements.Keys)
                        using (var wrt2 = new StringWriter(sb))
                            smfmSer.Serialize(wrt2, measurements[key]);
                            if (measurements[key].FrameNo != key)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException();

                // Do linear regression, use residual based exclusion rules
                // Report the interpolated position at the middle of the measured interva
                // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file
                // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections

                motionRate = double.NaN;

                var rv = new ProcessingReturnValues();

                int numFramesUser = 0;

                rv.EarliestFrame = int.MaxValue;
                rv.LatestFrame   = int.MinValue;

                var intervalValues  = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <List <double>, List <double> > >();
                var intervalMedians = new Dictionary <double, double>();
                var intervalWeights = new Dictionary <double, double>();

                LinearRegression regression = null;
                if (measurements.Values.Count > 1)
                    rv.EarliestFrame = measurements.Values.Select(m => m.FrameNo).Min();
                    rv.LatestFrame   = measurements.Values.Select(m => m.FrameNo).Max();

                    var minUncertainty = meaContext.MinPositionUncertaintyPixels * meaContext.ArsSecsInPixel;

                    foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values)
                        int integrationInterval = (measurement.FrameNo - fittingContext.FirstFrameIdInIntegrationPeroid) / fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount;

                        Tuple <List <double>, List <double> > intPoints;
                        if (!intervalValues.TryGetValue(integrationInterval, out intPoints))
                            intPoints = Tuple.Create(new List <double>(), new List <double>());
                            intervalValues.Add(integrationInterval, intPoints);

                        if (fittingValue == FittingValue.RA)
                            intPoints.Item2.Add(ComputePositionWeight(measurement.SolutionUncertaintyRACosDEArcSec, measurement, minUncertainty, fittingContext.Weighting));
                            intPoints.Item2.Add(ComputePositionWeight(measurement.SolutionUncertaintyDEArcSec, measurement, minUncertainty, fittingContext.Weighting));

                    if (intervalValues.Count > 2)
                        regression = new LinearRegression();

                        foreach (int integratedFrameNo in intervalValues.Keys)
                            Tuple <List <double>, List <double> > data = intervalValues[integratedFrameNo];

                            double median;
                            double medianWeight;

                            WeightedMedian(data, out median, out medianWeight);

                            // Assign the data point to the middle of the integration interval (using frame numbers)
                            // |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|
                            // |           |           |
                            // Because the time associated with the first frame is the middle of the frame, but the
                            // time associated with the middle of the interval is the end of the field then the correction
                            // is (N / 2) - 0.5 frames when integration is used or no correction when integration of x1 is used.

                            double dataPointFrameNo =
                                rv.EarliestFrame +
                                fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount * integratedFrameNo
                                + (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount / 2)
                                - (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount > 1 ? 0.5 : 0);

                            intervalMedians.Add(dataPointFrameNo, median);
                            intervalWeights.Add(dataPointFrameNo, medianWeight);
                            if (fittingContext.Weighting != WeightingMode.None)
                                regression.AddDataPoint(dataPointFrameNo, median, medianWeight);
                                regression.AddDataPoint(dataPointFrameNo, median);


                        var    firstPos       = measurements[rv.EarliestFrame];
                        var    lastPos        = measurements[rv.LatestFrame];
                        double distanceArcSec = AngleUtility.Elongation(firstPos.RADeg, firstPos.DEDeg, lastPos.RADeg, lastPos.DEDeg) * 3600;
                        var    firstTime      = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, rv.EarliestFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, firstPos.FrameTimeStamp);
                        var    lastTime       = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, rv.LatestFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, lastPos.FrameTimeStamp);
                        double elapsedSec     = new TimeSpan(lastTime.UT.Ticks - firstTime.UT.Ticks).TotalSeconds;
                        motionRate = distanceArcSec / elapsedSec;

                FrameTime resolvedTime = null;
                if (int.MinValue != meaContext.UserMidFrame)
                    // Find the closest video 'normal' MPC time and compute the frame number for it
                    // Now compute the RA/DE for the computed 'normal' frame
                    resolvedTime = GetTimeForFrame(fittingContext, meaContext.UserMidFrame, meaContext.FirstVideoFrame, getFrameStateDataCallback, measurements[meaContext.UserMidFrame].FrameTimeStamp);

                    #region Plotting Code
                    if (g != null)
                        float xPosBeg = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalIntervalFirstFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5;
                        float xPosEnd = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalIntervalLastFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5;

                        g.FillRectangle(s_NormalTimeIntervalHighlightBrush, xPosBeg, 1, (xPosEnd - xPosBeg), imageHight - 2);

                Dictionary <double, double> secondPassData = new Dictionary <double, double>();

                int minFrameId = measurements.Keys.Min();

                #region Plotting Code
                if (g != null)
                    foreach (SingleMultiFrameMeasurement measurement in measurements.Values)
                        float x = (measurement.FrameNo - minFrameId) * xScale + 5;

                        ProcessingValues val = new ProcessingValues()
                            Value  = fittingValue == FittingValue.RA ? measurement.RADeg : measurement.DEDeg,
                            StdDev = fittingValue == FittingValue.RA ? measurement.StdDevRAArcSec / 3600.0 : measurement.StdDevDEArcSec / 3600.0

                        double valueFrom = val.Value - val.StdDev;
                        double valueTo   = val.Value + val.StdDev;

                        float yFrom = (float)(valueFrom - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float yTo   = (float)(valueTo - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x, yFrom, x, yTo);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x - 1, yFrom, x + 1, yFrom);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.IncludedPen, x - 1, yTo, x + 1, yTo);

                foreach (double integrFrameNo in intervalMedians.Keys)
                    double val = intervalMedians[integrFrameNo];

                    double fittedValAtFrame = regression != null
                        ? regression.ComputeY(integrFrameNo)
                        : double.NaN;

                    bool included = Math.Abs(fittedValAtFrame - val) < 3 * regression.StdDev;

                    #region Plotting Code
                    if (g != null)
                        if (fittingContext.IntegratedFramesCount > 1)
                            Pen mPen = included ? plottingContext.IncludedPen : plottingContext.ExcludedPen;

                            float x = (float)(integrFrameNo - minFrameId) * xScale + 5;
                            float y = (float)(val - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                            g.DrawEllipse(mPen, x - 3, y - 3, 6, 6);
                            g.DrawLine(mPen, x - 5, y - 5, x + 5, y + 5);
                            g.DrawLine(mPen, x + 5, y - 5, x - 5, y + 5);

                    if (included)
                        secondPassData.Add(integrFrameNo, val);

                #region Second Pass
                regression = null;
                if (secondPassData.Count > 2)
                    regression = new LinearRegression();
                    foreach (double frameNo in secondPassData.Keys)
                        if (fittingContext.Weighting != WeightingMode.None)
                            regression.AddDataPoint(frameNo, secondPassData[frameNo], intervalWeights[frameNo]);
                            regression.AddDataPoint(frameNo, secondPassData[frameNo]);

                if (regression != null)
                    #region Plotting Code
                    if (g != null)
                        double leftFittedVal  = regression.ComputeY(rv.EarliestFrame);
                        double rightFittedVal = regression.ComputeY(rv.LatestFrame);

                        double err = 3 * regression.StdDev;

                        float leftAve  = (float)(leftFittedVal - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float rightAve = (float)(rightFittedVal - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float leftX    = 5 + (float)(rv.EarliestFrame - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale;
                        float rightX   = 5 + (float)(rv.LatestFrame - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale;

                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve - 1, rightX, rightAve - 1);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve, rightX, rightAve);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftAve + 1, rightX, rightAve + 1);

                        float leftMin  = (float)(leftFittedVal - err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float leftMax  = (float)(leftFittedVal + err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float rightMin = (float)(rightFittedVal - err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                        float rightMax = (float)(rightFittedVal + err - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;

                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftMin, rightX, rightMin);
                        g.DrawLine(plottingContext.AveragePen, leftX, leftMax, rightX, rightMax);

                    if (int.MinValue != meaContext.UserMidFrame &&
                        resolvedTime != null)
                        // Find the closest video 'normal' MPC time and compute the frame number for it
                        // Now compute the RA/DE for the computed 'normal' frame

                        double fittedValueUncertainty;
                        double fittedValueAtMiddleFrame = regression.ComputeYWithError(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo, out fittedValueUncertainty);

                        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}; Included: {1}; Normal Frame No: {2}; Fitted Val: {3} +/- {4:0.00}",
                                                      numFramesUser, resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo,
                                                      AstroConvert.ToStringValue(fittedValueAtMiddleFrame, "+HH MM SS.T"),
                                                      regression.StdDev * 60 * 60));

                        // Report the interpolated position at the middle of the measured interval
                        // Don't forget to add the video normal position flag in the OBS file
                        // Expect elongated images and apply instrumental delay corrections

                        rv.FittedValue                  = fittedValueAtMiddleFrame;
                        rv.FittedValueTime              = resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameTime;
                        rv.IsVideoNormalPosition        = true;
                        rv.FittedNormalFrame            = resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo;
                        rv.FittedValueUncertaintyArcSec = fittedValueUncertainty * 60 * 60;

                        #region Plotting Code
                        if (g != null)
                            // Plot the frame
                            float xPos = (float)(resolvedTime.ClosestNormalFrameNo - rv.EarliestFrame) * xScale + 5;
                            float yPos = (float)(rv.FittedValue - plottingContext.MinValue) * yScale + 5;
                            g.DrawLine(Pens.Yellow, xPos, 1, xPos, imageHight - 2);
                            g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, xPos - 3, yPos - 3, 6, 6);
                        rv.FittedValue = double.NaN;
                    rv.FittedValue = double.NaN;

            catch (Exception ex)
                motionRate = 0;