Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called as we try an exit from this form - we need to ensure that the asset type name is unique
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void bnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Update the asset type definition with any changes
            _assetType.Name = tbName.Text.Trim();
            _assetType.Icon = tbIconFile.Text;
            AssetTypeList listAssetTypes = new AssetTypeList();


            // Does this name duplicate an existing item?
            AssetType existingAsset = listAssetTypes.FindByNameAndParentID(_assetType);

            if (existingAsset != null)
                if ((_assetType.AssetTypeID != existingAsset.AssetTypeID) && (_assetType.ParentID == existingAsset.ParentID))
                    MessageBox.Show("An Asset Type of this name has already been created, please enter a different name for this type");
                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None;

            // OK the name is fine so either create a new asset type or update an existing one