protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int _ProductId = AlwaysConvert.ToInt(Request.QueryString["ProductId"]); Product _Product = ProductDataSource.Load(_ProductId); if (_Product != null) { List <AbleCommerce.Code.ProductAssetWrapper> assetList = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetAssets(this.Page, _Product, "javascript:window.close()"); if (assetList.Count > 0) { CaptionText.Text = this.Caption; AssetLinkList.DataSource = assetList; AssetLinkList.DataBind(); ProductAssetsPanel.Visible = true; } } }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_BasketItem != null) { Product product = _BasketItem.Product; if (product != null) { //OUTPUT THE PRODUCT NAME string productName = product.Name; if (_BasketItem.ProductVariant != null) { productName += string.Format(" ({0})", _BasketItem.ProductVariant.VariantName); } if (this.LinkProducts) { //OUTPUT NAME AS LINK string link = string.Format("<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl("~/Admin/Products/EditProduct.aspx?ProductId=" + product.Id), productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } else { //OUTPUT NAME phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(productName)); } //SHOW INPUTS IList <BasketItemInput> inputs = GetCustomerInputs(); if (inputs.Count > 0) { InputList.DataSource = inputs; InputList.DataBind(); } else { InputList.Visible = false; } //SHOW KIT PRODUCTS IList <BasketItem> kitProductList = GetKitProducts(_BasketItem); KitProductPanel.Visible = (kitProductList.Count > 0); if (KitProductPanel.Visible) { KitProductRepeater.DataSource = kitProductList; KitProductRepeater.DataBind(); } //SET THE WISHLIST LABEL WishlistLabel.Visible = (_BasketItem.WishlistItem != null); if (WishlistLabel.Visible) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME WishlistLabel.Text = string.Format(WishlistLabel.Text, GetWishlistName(_BasketItem.WishlistItem.Wishlist)); } //SET THE SHIPS TO PANEL Basket basket = _BasketItem.Basket; //SHOW ASSETS List <AbleCommerce.Code.ProductAssetWrapper> assets = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetAssets(this.Page, _BasketItem.Product, _BasketItem.OptionList, _BasketItem.KitList, "javascript:window.close()"); AssetsPanel.Visible = (this.ShowAssets && assets.Count > 0); if (AssetsPanel.Visible) { AssetLinkList.DataSource = assets; AssetLinkList.DataBind(); } //SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS SubscriptionPlan sp = _BasketItem.Product.SubscriptionPlan; SubscriptionPanel.Visible = (this.ShowSubscription && sp != null && sp.IsRecurring); if (SubscriptionPanel.Visible) { InitialPayment.Visible = (sp.RecurringChargeSpecified); if (InitialPayment.Visible) { InitialPayment.Text = string.Format(InitialPayment.Text, _BasketItem.Price.LSCurrencyFormat("lc")); } string period; if (sp.PaymentFrequency > 1) { period = sp.PaymentFrequency + " " + sp.PaymentFrequencyUnit.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + "s"; } else { period = sp.PaymentFrequencyUnit.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); } int numPayments = (sp.RecurringChargeSpecified ? sp.NumberOfPayments - 1 : sp.NumberOfPayments); if (sp.NumberOfPayments == 0) { RecurringPayment.Text = string.Format("Recurring Payment: {0}, every {1} until canceled", sp.CalculateRecurringCharge(_BasketItem.Price).LSCurrencyFormat("lc"), period); } else { RecurringPayment.Text = string.Format(RecurringPayment.Text, numPayments, sp.CalculateRecurringCharge(_BasketItem.Price).LSCurrencyFormat("lc"), period); } } } else { //OUTPUT NAME phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(_BasketItem.Name)); InputList.Visible = false; KitProductPanel.Visible = false; WishlistLabel.Visible = false; AssetsPanel.Visible = false; SubscriptionPanel.Visible = false; } } else { //NO ITEM TO DISPLAY this.Controls.Clear(); } }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_OrderItem != null) { Product product = _OrderItem.Product; if (product != null) { string productName = _OrderItem.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_OrderItem.VariantName)) { string variantName = string.Format(" ({0})", _OrderItem.VariantName); if (!productName.EndsWith(variantName)) { productName += variantName; } } if (this.LinkProducts) { ProductLink.NavigateUrl = "~/Admin/Products/EditProduct.aspx?ProductId=" + product.Id.ToString(); ProductLink.Text = productName; ProductName.Visible = false; } else { ProductName.Text = productName; ProductLink.Visible = false; } //SHOW INPUTS if (_OrderItem.Inputs.Count > 0) { InputList.DataSource = _OrderItem.Inputs; InputList.DataBind(); } else { InputList.Visible = false; } //SHOW KIT PRODUCTS IF AVAILABLE, AND THE PRODUCT DOES NOT USE ITEMIZED DISPLAY if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_OrderItem.KitList) && !_OrderItem.ItemizeChildProducts) { IList <OrderItem> kitProductList = GetKitProducts(_OrderItem); if (kitProductList.Count > 0) { KitProductPanel.Visible = true; KitProductRepeater.DataSource = kitProductList; KitProductRepeater.DataBind(); } } //SET THE KIT MEMBER LABEL if (_OrderItem.OrderItemType == OrderItemType.Product && _OrderItem.IsChildItem) { OrderItem parentItem = _OrderItem.GetParentItem(true); if (parentItem != null && (parentItem.ItemizeChildProducts || _OrderItem.OrderShipmentId != parentItem.OrderShipmentId)) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME KitMemberLabel.Visible = true; KitMemberLabel.Text = string.Format(KitMemberLabel.Text, parentItem.Name); } } //SET THE WISHLIST LABEL WishlistLabel.Visible = (_OrderItem.WishlistItem != null); if (WishlistLabel.Visible) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME WishlistLabel.Text = string.Format(WishlistLabel.Text, GetWishlistName(_OrderItem.WishlistItem.Wishlist)); } //SET THE SHIPS TO PANEL Order basket = _OrderItem.Order; OrderShipment shipment = _OrderItem.OrderShipment; ShipsToPanel.Visible = this.ShowShipTo; if (ShipsToPanel.Visible) { ShipsTo.Text = shipment.ShipToFullName; } //SHOW GIFT WRAP GiftWrapPanel.Visible = (_OrderItem.WrapStyle != null); if (GiftWrapPanel.Visible) { GiftWrap.Text = _OrderItem.WrapStyle.Name; GiftWrapPrice.Visible = (_OrderItem.WrapStyle.Price != 0); GiftWrapPrice.Text = string.Format(" ({0})", _OrderItem.WrapStyle.Price); } //SHOW GIFT MESSAGE GiftMessagePanel.Visible = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_OrderItem.GiftMessage)); if (GiftMessagePanel.Visible) { GiftMessage.Text = _OrderItem.GiftMessage; } //SHOW ASSETS List <AbleCommerce.Code.ProductAssetWrapper> assets = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetAssets(this.Page, _OrderItem.Product, _OrderItem.OptionList, _OrderItem.KitList, "~/Members/MyOrder.aspx?OrderNumber=" + _OrderItem.Order.OrderNumber.ToString()); AssetsPanel.Visible = (this.ShowAssets && assets.Count > 0); if (AssetsPanel.Visible) { AssetLinkList.DataSource = assets; AssetLinkList.DataBind(); } } else { ProductLink.Visible = false; ProductName.Text = _OrderItem.Name; InputList.Visible = false; KitProductPanel.Visible = false; WishlistLabel.Visible = false; ShipsToPanel.Visible = false; GiftWrapPanel.Visible = false; GiftMessagePanel.Visible = false; AssetsPanel.Visible = false; } } else { //NO ITEM TO DISPLAY this.Controls.Clear(); } }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_OrderItem != null) { Product product = _OrderItem.Product; if (product != null) { string productName = _OrderItem.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_OrderItem.VariantName)) { string variantName = string.Format(" ({0})", _OrderItem.VariantName); if (!productName.Contains(variantName)) { productName += variantName; } } if (this.LinkProducts) { ProductLink.NavigateUrl = UrlGenerator.GetBrowseUrl(product.Id, CatalogNodeType.Product, productName); if (EnableFriendlyFormat) { ProductLink.Text = string.Format("{0} of {1}(<span class='price'>{2}</span>)", _OrderItem.Quantity, productName, _OrderItem.Price.LSCurrencyFormat("ulc")); } else { ProductLink.Text = productName; } ProductName.Visible = false; } else { if (EnableFriendlyFormat) { ProductName.Text = string.Format("{0} of {1}(<span class='price'>{2}</span>)", _OrderItem.Quantity, productName, _OrderItem.Price.LSCurrencyFormat("ulc")); } else { ProductName.Text = productName; } ProductLink.Visible = false; } //SHOW INPUTS if (_OrderItem.Inputs.Count > 0) { InputList.DataSource = _OrderItem.Inputs; InputList.DataBind(); } else { InputList.Visible = false; } //SHOW KIT PRODUCTS IF AVAILABLE, AND THE PRODUCT DOES NOT USE ITEMIZED DISPLAY if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_OrderItem.KitList) && !_OrderItem.ItemizeChildProducts) { IList <OrderItem> kitProductList = GetKitProducts(_OrderItem); if (kitProductList.Count > 0) { KitProductPanel.Visible = true; KitProductRepeater.DataSource = kitProductList; KitProductRepeater.DataBind(); } } //SET THE KIT MEMBER LABEL if (_OrderItem.OrderItemType == OrderItemType.Product && _OrderItem.IsChildItem) { OrderItem parentItem = _OrderItem.GetParentItem(true); if (parentItem.ItemizeChildProducts || _OrderItem.Id != parentItem.Id) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME KitMemberLabel.Visible = true; KitMemberLabel.Text = string.Format(KitMemberLabel.Text, parentItem.Name); } } //SET THE WISHLIST LABEL WishlistLabel.Visible = (_OrderItem.WishlistItem != null); if (WishlistLabel.Visible) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME WishlistLabel.Text = string.Format(WishlistLabel.Text, GetWishlistName(_OrderItem.WishlistItem.Wishlist)); } //SET THE SHIPS TO PANEL Order basket = _OrderItem.Order; OrderShipment shipment = _OrderItem.OrderShipment; ShipsToPanel.Visible = this.ShowShipTo; if (ShipsToPanel.Visible) { ShipsTo.Text = shipment.ShipToFullName; } //SHOW GIFT WRAP GiftWrapPanel.Visible = (_OrderItem.WrapStyle != null); if (GiftWrapPanel.Visible) { GiftWrap.Text = _OrderItem.WrapStyle.Name; GiftWrapPrice.Visible = (_OrderItem.WrapStyle.Price != 0); GiftWrapPrice.Text = string.Format(" ({0})", _OrderItem.WrapStyle.Price.LSCurrencyFormat("ulc")); } //SHOW GIFT MESSAGE GiftMessagePanel.Visible = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_OrderItem.GiftMessage)); if (GiftMessagePanel.Visible) { GiftMessage.Text = _OrderItem.GiftMessage; } //SHOW ASSETS List <AbleCommerce.Code.ProductAssetWrapper> assets = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetAssets(this.Page, _OrderItem.Product, _OrderItem.OptionList, _OrderItem.KitList, "~/Members/MyOrder.aspx?OrderNumber=" + _OrderItem.Order.OrderNumber.ToString()); AssetsPanel.Visible = (this.ShowAssets && assets.Count > 0); if (AssetsPanel.Visible) { AssetLinkList.DataSource = assets; AssetLinkList.DataBind(); } //SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS if (this.ShowSubscription) { SubscriptionPlan sp = _OrderItem.Product.SubscriptionPlan; if (sp != null && _OrderItem.IsSubscription && _OrderItem.Frequency > 0) { // GET THE RECURRING PAYMENT MESSAGE FOR THIS PRODUCT RecurringPaymentMessage.Text = ProductHelper.GetRecurringPaymentMessage(_OrderItem); SubscriptionPanel.Visible = true; } } } else { ProductLink.Visible = false; ProductName.Text = _OrderItem.Name; InputList.Visible = false; KitProductPanel.Visible = false; WishlistLabel.Visible = false; ShipsToPanel.Visible = false; GiftWrapPanel.Visible = false; GiftMessagePanel.Visible = false; AssetsPanel.Visible = false; SubscriptionPanel.Visible = false; } } else { //NO ITEM TO DISPLAY this.Controls.Clear(); } }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_OrderItem != null) { string productName = _OrderItem.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_OrderItem.VariantName)) { string variantName = string.Format(" ({0})", _OrderItem.VariantName); if (!productName.EndsWith(variantName)) { productName += variantName; } } Product product = _OrderItem.Product; if (product != null) { if (this.LinkProducts) { ProductLink.NavigateUrl = "~/Admin/Products/EditProduct.aspx?ProductId=" + product.Id.ToString(); ProductLink.Text = productName; ProductName.Visible = false; } else { ProductName.Text = productName; ProductLink.Visible = false; } //SHOW INPUTS if (_OrderItem.Inputs.Count > 0) { InputList.DataSource = _OrderItem.Inputs; InputList.DataBind(); } else { InputList.Visible = false; } //SET THE WISHLIST LABEL WishlistLabel.Visible = (_OrderItem.WishlistItem != null); if (WishlistLabel.Visible) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME WishlistLabel.Text = string.Format(WishlistLabel.Text, GetWishlistName(_OrderItem.WishlistItem.Wishlist)); } //SET THE SHIPS TO PANEL Order basket = _OrderItem.Order; OrderShipment shipment = _OrderItem.OrderShipment; ShipsToPanel.Visible = this.ShowShipTo; if (ShipsToPanel.Visible) { ShipsTo.Text = shipment.ShipToFullName; } //SHOW GIFT WRAP GiftWrapPanel.Visible = (_OrderItem.WrapStyle != null); if (GiftWrapPanel.Visible) { GiftWrap.Text = _OrderItem.WrapStyle.Name; GiftWrapPrice.Visible = (_OrderItem.WrapStyle.Price != 0); GiftWrapPrice.Text = string.Format(" ({0})", _OrderItem.WrapStyle.Price); } //SHOW GIFT MESSAGE GiftMessagePanel.Visible = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_OrderItem.GiftMessage)); if (GiftMessagePanel.Visible) { GiftMessage.Text = _OrderItem.GiftMessage; } //SHOW ASSETS List <AbleCommerce.Code.ProductAssetWrapper> assets = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetAssets(this.Page, _OrderItem.Product, _OrderItem.OptionList, _OrderItem.KitList, "~/Members/MyOrder.aspx?OrderNumber=" + _OrderItem.Order.OrderNumber.ToString()); AssetsPanel.Visible = (this.ShowAssets && assets.Count > 0); if (AssetsPanel.Visible) { AssetLinkList.DataSource = assets; AssetLinkList.DataBind(); } //SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS if (this.ShowSubscription) { SubscriptionPlan sp = _OrderItem.Product.SubscriptionPlan; if (sp != null && _OrderItem.IsSubscription && _OrderItem.Frequency > 0) { // GET THE RECURRING PAYMENT MESSAGE FOR THIS PRODUCT RecurringPaymentMessage.Text = ProductHelper.GetRecurringPaymentMessage(_OrderItem); SubscriptionPanel.Visible = true; } } } else { ProductLink.Visible = false; ProductName.Text = productName; InputList.Visible = false; WishlistLabel.Visible = false; ShipsToPanel.Visible = false; GiftWrapPanel.Visible = false; GiftMessagePanel.Visible = false; AssetsPanel.Visible = false; } } else { //NO ITEM TO DISPLAY this.Controls.Clear(); } }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_BasketItem != null) { Product product = _BasketItem.Product; if (product != null) { //OUTPUT THE PRODUCT NAME string productName = _BasketItem.Name; if (_BasketItem.ProductVariant != null) { string variantName = string.Format(" ({0})", _BasketItem.ProductVariant.VariantName); if (!productName.EndsWith(variantName)) { productName += variantName; } } if (this.LinkProducts) { //OUTPUT NAME AS LINK TO EDIT PRODUCT PAGE string url = "~/Admin/Products/EditProduct.aspx?ProductId=" + product.Id.ToString(); string link = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">{1}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl(url), productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } else { //OUTPUT NAME phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(productName)); } //SHOW INPUTS IList <BasketItemInput> inputs = GetCustomerInputs(); if (inputs.Count > 0) { InputList.DataSource = inputs; InputList.DataBind(); } else { InputList.Visible = false; } //SHOW KIT PRODUCTS IF AVAILABLE, AND THE PRODUCT DOES NOT USE ITEMIZED DISPLAY if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_BasketItem.KitList) && _BasketItem.Product != null && _BasketItem.Product.Kit != null && !_BasketItem.Product.Kit.ItemizeDisplay) { IList <BasketItem> kitProductList = GetKitProducts(_BasketItem); if (kitProductList.Count > 0) { KitProductPanel.Visible = true; KitProductRepeater.DataSource = kitProductList; KitProductRepeater.DataBind(); } } //SET THE KIT MEMBER LABEL if (_BasketItem.OrderItemType == OrderItemType.Product && _BasketItem.IsChildItem) { BasketItem parentItem = _BasketItem.GetParentItem(true); if (parentItem != null && parentItem.Product != null && parentItem.Product.Kit != null && parentItem.Product.Kit.ItemizeDisplay) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME KitMemberLabel.Visible = true; KitMemberLabel.Text = string.Format(KitMemberLabel.Text, parentItem.Name); } } //SET THE WISHLIST LABEL WishlistLabel.Visible = (_BasketItem.WishlistItem != null); if (WishlistLabel.Visible) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME WishlistLabel.Text = string.Format(WishlistLabel.Text, GetWishlistName(_BasketItem.WishlistItem.Wishlist)); } //SET THE SHIPS TO PANEL Basket basket = _BasketItem.Basket; BasketShipment shipment = _BasketItem.Shipment; Address address = (shipment == null) ? null : shipment.Address; ShipsToPanel.Visible = (this.ShowShipTo && (address != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(address.FullName))); if (ShipsToPanel.Visible) { ShipsTo.Text = address.FullName; } //SHOW GIFT WRAP GiftWrapPanel.Visible = (_BasketItem.WrapStyle != null); if (GiftWrapPanel.Visible) { GiftWrap.Text = _BasketItem.WrapStyle.Name; //GiftWrapPrice.Visible = (_BasketItem.WrapStyle.Price != 0); //GiftWrapPrice.Text = string.Format(" ({0})", _BasketItem.WrapStyle.Price); } //SHOW GIFT MESSAGE GiftMessagePanel.Visible = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_BasketItem.GiftMessage)); if (GiftMessagePanel.Visible) { GiftMessage.Text = _BasketItem.GiftMessage; } //SHOW ASSETS List <AbleCommerce.Code.ProductAssetWrapper> assets = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetAssets(this.Page, _BasketItem.Product, _BasketItem.OptionList, _BasketItem.KitList, "javascript:window.close()"); AssetsPanel.Visible = (this.ShowAssets && assets.Count > 0); if (AssetsPanel.Visible) { AssetLinkList.DataSource = assets; AssetLinkList.DataBind(); } //SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS SubscriptionPlan sp = _BasketItem.Product.SubscriptionPlan; if (sp != null && _BasketItem.IsSubscription && _BasketItem.Frequency > 0) { // GET THE RECURRING PAYMENT MESSAGE FOR THIS PRODUCT RecuringPaymentMessage.Text = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetRecurringPaymentMessage(_BasketItem); SubscriptionPanel.Visible = true; } } else { //OUTPUT NAME phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(_BasketItem.Name)); InputList.Visible = false; KitProductPanel.Visible = false; WishlistLabel.Visible = false; ShipsToPanel.Visible = false; GiftWrapPanel.Visible = false; GiftMessagePanel.Visible = false; AssetsPanel.Visible = false; SubscriptionPanel.Visible = false; } } else { //NO ITEM TO DISPLAY this.Controls.Clear(); } }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { BasketItem basketItem = BasketItemDataSource.Load(this.BasketItemId); if (basketItem != null) { Product product = basketItem.Product; if (product != null) { //OUTPUT THE PRODUCT NAME string productName = basketItem.Name; if (basketItem.ProductVariant != null) { string variantName = string.Format(" ({0})", basketItem.ProductVariant.VariantName); if (!productName.EndsWith(variantName)) { productName += variantName; } } if (this.LinkProducts && product.Visibility != CatalogVisibility.Private) { //OUTPUT NAME AS LINK string url = UrlGenerator.GetBrowseUrl(product.Id, CatalogNodeType.Product, product.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basketItem.KitList) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(basketItem.OptionList)) { string link = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}?ItemId={1}&Kits={2}&Options={3}\">{4}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl(url), basketItem.Id, basketItem.KitList, basketItem.OptionList.Replace(",0", string.Empty), productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basketItem.KitList) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(basketItem.OptionList)) { string link = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}?ItemId={1}&Kits={2}\">{3}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl(url), basketItem.Id, basketItem.KitList, productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(basketItem.KitList) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(basketItem.OptionList)) { string link = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}?ItemId={1}&Options={2}\">{3}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl(url), basketItem.Id, basketItem.OptionList.Replace(",0", string.Empty), productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } else { string link = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}?ItemId={1}\">{2}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl(url), basketItem.Id, productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } } else { //OUTPUT NAME phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(productName)); } if (EnableFriendlyFormat) { phProductName.Controls.AddAt(0, new LiteralControl(string.Format("{0} of ", basketItem.Quantity))); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(string.Format("<span class='price'>({0})</span>", basketItem.Price.LSCurrencyFormat("ulc")))); } //SHOW INPUTS IList <BasketItemInput> inputs = GetCustomerInputs(basketItem); if (inputs.Count > 0) { InputList.DataSource = inputs; InputList.DataBind(); } else { InputList.Visible = false; } //SHOW KIT PRODUCTS IF AVAILABLE, AND THE PRODUCT DOES NOT USE ITEMIZED DISPLAY OR FORCE KIT DISPLAY IS ON if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basketItem.KitList) && basketItem.Product != null && basketItem.Product.Kit != null && (!basketItem.Product.Kit.ItemizeDisplay || this.ForceKitDisplay)) { IList <BasketItem> kitProductList = GetKitProducts(basketItem, this.IgnoreKitShipment); if (kitProductList.Count > 0) { KitProductPanel.Visible = true; KitProductRepeater.DataSource = kitProductList; KitProductRepeater.DataBind(); } } //SET THE KIT MEMBER LABEL if (basketItem.OrderItemType == OrderItemType.Product && basketItem.IsChildItem) { BasketItem parentItem = basketItem.GetParentItem(true); if (parentItem != null) { if ((parentItem.Product != null && basketItem.Product.Kit != null && parentItem.Product.Kit.ItemizeDisplay) || basketItem.ShipmentId != parentItem.ShipmentId) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME KitMemberLabel.Visible = true; KitMemberLabel.Text = string.Format(KitMemberLabel.Text, parentItem.Name); } } } //SET THE WISHLIST LABEL WishlistLabel.Visible = (basketItem.WishlistItem != null); if (WishlistLabel.Visible) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME WishlistLabel.Text = string.Format(WishlistLabel.Text, GetWishlistName(basketItem.WishlistItem.Wishlist)); } //SET THE SHIPS TO PANEL Basket basket = basketItem.Basket; BasketShipment shipment = basketItem.Shipment; Address address = (shipment == null) ? null : shipment.Address; ShipsToPanel.Visible = (this.ShowShipTo && (address != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(address.FullName))); if (ShipsToPanel.Visible) { ShipsTo.Text = address.FullName; } //SHOW GIFT WRAP GiftWrapPanel.Visible = (basketItem.WrapStyle != null); if (GiftWrapPanel.Visible) { GiftWrap.Text = basketItem.WrapStyle.Name; GiftWrapPrice.Visible = (basketItem.WrapStyle.Price != 0); GiftWrapPrice.Text = string.Format(" ({0})", basketItem.WrapStyle.Price.LSCurrencyFormat("ulc")); } //SHOW GIFT MESSAGE GiftMessagePanel.Visible = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(basketItem.GiftMessage)); if (GiftMessagePanel.Visible) { GiftMessage.Text = basketItem.GiftMessage; } //SHOW ASSETS List <AbleCommerce.Code.ProductAssetWrapper> assets = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetAssets(this.Page, basketItem.Product, basketItem.OptionList, basketItem.KitList, "javascript:window.close()"); AssetsPanel.Visible = (this.ShowAssets && assets.Count > 0); if (AssetsPanel.Visible) { AssetLinkList.DataSource = assets; AssetLinkList.DataBind(); } //SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS if (this.ShowSubscription) { SubscriptionPlan sp = basketItem.Product.SubscriptionPlan; if (sp != null && basketItem.IsSubscription && basketItem.Frequency > 0) { // GET THE RECURRING PAYMENT MESSAGE FOR THIS PRODUCT RecurringPaymentMessage.Text = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetRecurringPaymentMessage(basketItem); SubscriptionPanel.Visible = true; } } } else { //OUTPUT NAME phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(basketItem.Name)); InputList.Visible = false; KitProductPanel.Visible = false; WishlistLabel.Visible = false; ShipsToPanel.Visible = false; GiftWrapPanel.Visible = false; GiftMessagePanel.Visible = false; AssetsPanel.Visible = false; SubscriptionPanel.Visible = false; } } else { //NO ITEM TO DISPLAY this.Controls.Clear(); } }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { _BasketItem = BasketItemDataSource.Load(BasketItemId); if (_BasketItem != null) { Product product = _BasketItem.Product; if (product != null) { //OUTPUT THE PRODUCT NAME string productName = product.Name; if (_BasketItem.ProductVariant != null) { productName += string.Format(" ({0})", _BasketItem.ProductVariant.VariantName); } if (this.LinkProducts) { //OUTPUT NAME AS LINK string url = UrlGenerator.GetBrowseUrl(product.Id, CatalogNodeType.Product, product.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_BasketItem.KitList) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_BasketItem.OptionList)) { string link = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}?ItemId={1}&Kits={2}&Options={3} \">{4}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl(url), _BasketItem.Id, _BasketItem.KitList, _BasketItem.OptionList.Replace(",0", string.Empty), productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_BasketItem.KitList) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_BasketItem.OptionList)) { string link = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}?ItemId={1}&Kits={2}\">{3}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl(url), _BasketItem.Id, _BasketItem.KitList, productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_BasketItem.KitList) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_BasketItem.OptionList)) { string link = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}?ItemId={1}&Options={2}\">{3}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl(url), _BasketItem.Id, _BasketItem.OptionList.Replace(",0", string.Empty), productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } else { string link = string.Format("<a href=\"{0}?ItemId={1}\">{2}</a>", Page.ResolveUrl(url), _BasketItem.Id, productName); phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(link)); } } else { //OUTPUT NAME phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(productName)); } //SHOW INPUTS IList <BasketItemInput> inputs = GetCustomerInputs(); if (inputs.Count > 0) { InputList.DataSource = inputs; InputList.DataBind(); } else { InputList.Visible = false; } //SHOW KIT PRODUCTS IList <BasketItem> kitProductList = GetKitProducts(_BasketItem); KitProductPanel.Visible = (kitProductList.Count > 0 && _BasketItem.Product.Kit != null && !_BasketItem.Product.Kit.ItemizeDisplay); if (KitProductPanel.Visible) { KitProductRepeater.DataSource = kitProductList; KitProductRepeater.DataBind(); } //SET THE WISHLIST LABEL WishlistLabel.Visible = (_BasketItem.WishlistItem != null); if (WishlistLabel.Visible) { //SET THE WISHLIST NAME WishlistLabel.Text = string.Format(WishlistLabel.Text, GetWishlistName(_BasketItem.WishlistItem.Wishlist)); } //SET THE SHIPS TO PANEL Basket basket = _BasketItem.Basket; //SHOW ASSETS List <AbleCommerce.Code.ProductAssetWrapper> assets = AbleCommerce.Code.ProductHelper.GetAssets(this.Page, _BasketItem.Product, _BasketItem.OptionList, _BasketItem.KitList, "javascript:window.close()"); AssetsPanel.Visible = (this.ShowAssets && assets.Count > 0); if (AssetsPanel.Visible) { AssetLinkList.DataSource = assets; AssetLinkList.DataBind(); } //SHOW SUBSCRIPTIONS SubscriptionPlan sp = _BasketItem.Product.SubscriptionPlan; SubscriptionPanel.Visible = (this.ShowSubscription && _BasketItem.IsSubscription); if (SubscriptionPanel.Visible) { InitialPayment.Visible = (sp.RecurringChargeSpecified); if (InitialPayment.Visible) { InitialPayment.Text = string.Format(InitialPayment.Text, _BasketItem.Price.LSCurrencyFormat("ulc")); } string period; if (_BasketItem.Frequency > 1) { period = _BasketItem.Frequency + " " + _BasketItem.FrequencyUnit.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + "s"; } else { period = _BasketItem.FrequencyUnit.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); } int numPayments = (sp.RecurringChargeSpecified ? sp.NumberOfPayments - 1 : sp.NumberOfPayments); if (sp.NumberOfPayments == 0) { RecurringPayment.Text = string.Format("Recurring Payment: {0}, every {1} until canceled", sp.CalculateRecurringCharge(_BasketItem.Price).LSCurrencyFormat("ulc"), period); } else { RecurringPayment.Text = string.Format(RecurringPayment.Text, numPayments, sp.CalculateRecurringCharge(_BasketItem.Price).LSCurrencyFormat("ulc"), period); } } } else { //OUTPUT NAME phProductName.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(_BasketItem.Name)); InputList.Visible = false; KitProductPanel.Visible = false; WishlistLabel.Visible = false; AssetsPanel.Visible = false; SubscriptionPanel.Visible = false; } } else { //NO ITEM TO DISPLAY this.Controls.Clear(); } }