public void TestLinkMaps() { bool prefabLoadedEventReceived = false; EventBus.instance.Subscribe(new object(), IoEvents.PREFAB_LOADED, () => { prefabLoadedEventReceived = true; }); GameObject prefab = ResourcesV2.LoadPrefab("ExamplePrefab1.prefab"); Assert.IsTrue(prefabLoadedEventReceived); bool linkMapCreationEventReceived = false; EventBus.instance.Subscribe(new object(), LinkingEvents.LINK_MAP_CREATED, () => { linkMapCreationEventReceived = true; }); var links = prefab.GetLinkMap(); Assert.IsTrue(linkMapCreationEventReceived); Assert.IsNotNull(links.Get <Button>("Button 1")); Assert.IsNotNull(links.Get <GameObject>("Button 1")); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { links.Get <Button>("Button 2"); }); links.Get <Text>("Text 1").text = "Some text"; Assert.AreEqual("Some text", links.Get <Text>("Text 1").text); links.Get <Button>("Button 1").SetOnClickAction(delegate { Log.d("Button 1 clicked"); }); links.Get <Toggle>("Toggle 1").SetOnValueChangedAction((isNowChecked) => { Log.d("Toggle 1 is now " + (isNowChecked ? "checked" : "unchecked")); return(true); }); }
public void TestLoadingPrefabs() { // Load the ExamplePrefab1.prefab located in Assets\Tests\TestLinking\Resources : Assert.IsNotNull(ResourcesV2.LoadPrefab("ExamplePrefab1")); // Loading a prefab that does not exist results in an error: AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { ResourcesV2.LoadPrefab("ExamplePrefab2"); }); }
public void TestAssertV2Throws() { AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(() => { try { AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, 1); // this will not fail.. }); // the AssertV2.Throws should fail Log.e("This line should never be reached since AssertV2.Throws should fail!"); throw new Exception("AssertV2.Throws did not fail correctly!"); } catch (AssertV2.ThrowsException) { // Only catch it if its a ThrowsException // AssertV2.Throws failed correctly and threw an ThrowsException error Log.d("ThrowsException was expected and arrived correctly"); } }); }
public IEnumerator TestExecuteDelayed2() { { MonoBehaviour myMonoBehaviour = CreateSomeMonoBehaviour(); myMonoBehaviour.enabled = false; AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { myMonoBehaviour.ExecuteDelayed(() => { throw Log.e("Executing coroutine of disabled mono"); }); }); } { MonoBehaviour myMonoBehaviour = CreateSomeMonoBehaviour(); myMonoBehaviour.gameObject.SetActive(false); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { myMonoBehaviour.ExecuteDelayed(() => { throw Log.e("Executing coroutine of inactive GO"); }); }); } yield return(null); }
public IEnumerator TestMainThread() { GameObject go = null; var task = TaskRunner.instance.RunInBackground(delegate { // Test that its not be possible to create a GO in a background thread: AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { go = new GameObject(name: "A"); }); // Test that on MainThread the gameobject can be created: MainThread.Invoke(() => { go = new GameObject(name: "B"); }); Thread.Sleep(1000); // wait for main thread action to execute Assert.IsTrue(go != null); // Assert.AreEqual("B",; // not allowed in background thread Log.d("Background thread now done"); }).task; Assert.IsNull(go); yield return(task.AsCoroutine()); task.ThrowIfException(); Assert.IsNotNull(go); Assert.AreEqual("B",; }
public void TestGetOrAddComponentSingleton() { Injector injector = GetInjectorForTesting(); injector.RemoveAllInjectorsFor <MyExampleMono1>(); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { // It should not be possible to create a mono via default constructor: injector.GetOrAddSingleton <MyExampleMono1>(this); }); { var singletonsName = "SingletonsMaster1"; var x1 = injector.GetOrAddComponentSingleton <MyExampleMono1>(this, singletonsName); Assert.NotNull(x1); var go = x1.gameObject; Assert.NotNull(go); Assert.AreEqual(singletonsName, go.GetParent().name); var x2 = injector.Get <MyExampleMono1>(this); Assert.AreEqual(x1, x2); Assert.AreEqual(x1.gameObject, x2.gameObject); } }
public void TestAssertV2Methods() { AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(() => { AssertV2.IsTrue(AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails, "AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails"); AssertV2.IsTrue(1 + 1 == 2, "This assertion must not fail"); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.IsTrue(1 + 1 == 4, "This assertion has to fail"); Log.e("This line should never be printed since throwExeptionIfAssertionFails is true"); }); var s1 = "a"; AssertV2.AreEqual(s1, s1); AssertV2.IsTrue(AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails, "AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails"); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.AreNotEqual(s1, s1, "s1"); }); string myVarX = null; AssertV2.IsNull(null, "myVarX"); myVarX = "Now myVarX is not null anymore"; AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.IsNull(myVarX, "myVarX"); }); AssertV2.AreEqual(1, 1); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, 2); }); AssertV2.AreNotEqual(1, 2); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.AreNotEqual(1, 1); }); var stopWatch = AssertV2.TrackTiming(); Thread.Sleep(10); stopWatch.Stop(); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { stopWatch.AssertUnderXms(1); }); // This should always fail stopWatch.AssertUnderXms(50); AssertV2.IsTrue(stopWatch.IsUnderXms(50), "More time was needed than expected!"); }); }
public IEnumerator TestMainThread() { var queue = BackgroundTaskQueue.NewBackgroundTaskQueue(1); GameObject go = null; var task = queue.Run(async(cancel) => { cancel.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); // Test that its not be possible to create a GO in a background thread: AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { go = new GameObject(name: "A"); }); // Test that on MainThread the gameobject can be created: MainThread.Invoke(() => { go = new GameObject(name: "B"); }); await TaskV2.Delay(1000); // wait for main thread action to execute Assert.IsTrue(go != null); // Assert.AreEqual("B",; // not allowed in background thread Log.d("Background thread now done"); }); Assert.IsNull(go); yield return(task.AsCoroutine()); task.ThrowIfException(); Assert.IsNotNull(go); Assert.AreEqual("B",; }
public async Task TestDirectoryMethods() { AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails = true; var rootDir = CreateDirectoryForTesting("DirMethodsTest_" + DateTimeV2.UtcNow.ToUnixTimestampUtc()); // Test FullPath: var dir1 = rootDir.GetChildDir("TestDir 1"); var alsoDir1 = dir1.Parent.GetChildDir("TestDir 1"); Assert.Equal(dir1.FullName, alsoDir1.FullName); // Test deleting and creating Dir 1: dir1.DeleteV2(); // Make sure dir does not yet exist from previous tests Assert.False(dir1.IsNotNullAndExists(), "dir1.IsNotNullAndExists"); Assert.False(dir1.Exists, "dir1.Exists"); Assert.True(dir1.CreateV2().Exists, "dir1.CreateV2().Exists"); Assert.True(dir1.IsNotNullAndExists(), "dir1.IsNotNullAndExists"); dir1.CreateV2(); // Should do nothing and not throw an exception var nameOfChildDir1 = "ChildDir 1"; var nameOfTestFile1InChildDir1 = "Test file 1"; // Test creating sub dirs and files: var subDir = dir1.CreateSubdirectory(nameOfChildDir1); SaveAndLoadTextToFile(subDir.GetChild(nameOfTestFile1InChildDir1), textToSave: "Test 123"); SaveAndLoadTextToFile(subDir.GetChild("Test file 2.txt"), textToSave: "Test 123"); { // Test moving folders: var oldPath = dir1.Parent.GetChildDir(dir1.Name); var dir2 = rootDir.GetChildDir("TestDir 2"); dir2.DeleteV2(); // Make sure dir does not yet exist from previous tests await TaskV2.Delay(20); Assert.False(dir2.Exists, "before MOVE: dir2.ExistsV2"); var moveToWorked = dir1.MoveToV2(dir2, out dir1); await TaskV2.Delay(100); // After move first test that the new dir is now there: Assert.True(dir2.Exists, "after MOVE: dir2.ExistsV2"); Assert.True(dir2.IsNotNullAndExists(), "dafter MOVE: ir2.IsNotNullAndExists"); Assert.Equal(dir2.FullName, dir1.FullName); Assert.True(dir1.Exists, "after MOVE: dir1.ExistsV2"); Assert.True(moveToWorked, "dir1.MoveToV2(dir2) failed"); Assert.False(oldPath.Exists, "oldDir2.Exists"); var subDirs = dir2.GetDirectories(); Assert.NotEmpty(subDirs); var movedChildDir = dir2.GetChildDir(nameOfChildDir1); Assert.True(movedChildDir.Exists, "!movedChildDir.ExistsV2, all childDirs=" + subDirs.ToStringV2(sd => "" + sd)); Assert.NotEmpty(movedChildDir.EnumerateFiles()); var movedTestFile1 = movedChildDir.GetChild(nameOfTestFile1InChildDir1); Assert.True(movedTestFile1.Exists, "movedTestFile1.ExistsV2"); } { // Test that moving to existing folders fails: var dir3 = rootDir.GetChildDir("TestDir 3").CreateV2(); Assert.Equal("TestDir 3", dir3.Name); dir3 = rootDir.CreateSubdirectory(dir3.Name); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { dir1.MoveToV2(dir3, out dir1); // This should fail since dir3 already exists }); Assert.NotEqual(dir3.FullName, dir1.FullName); dir3.DeleteV2(); // Cleanup after test } { // Test copying folders: var oldPath = dir1.Parent.GetChildDir(dir1.Name); var dir4 = rootDir.GetChildDir("TestDir 4"); dir4.DeleteV2(); // Make sure dir does not yet exist from previous tests Assert.False(dir1.IsEmtpy()); Assert.True(dir1.CopyTo(dir4), "dir1.CopyTo(dir4) failed"); await TaskV2.Delay(20); Assert.True(dir4.IsNotNullAndExists(), "dir4.IsNotNullAndExists"); Assert.NotEqual(dir4.FullName, dir1.FullName); Assert.True(oldPath.Exists, "oldDir4.Exists"); // Check that the files were really copied from dir1 to dir4: var dir4ChildDir1 = dir4.GetChildDir(nameOfChildDir1); var testFile1InDir1ChildDir4 = dir4ChildDir1.GetChild(nameOfTestFile1InChildDir1); Assert.True(testFile1InDir1ChildDir4.IsNotNullAndExists(), "tf1d4 not found"); var newTextInTestFile1 = "Some new text for txt file in dir4"; testFile1InDir1ChildDir4.SaveAsText(newTextInTestFile1); // A second copyTo now that dir4 exists should throw an exception: Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { dir1.CopyTo(dir4, replaceExisting: false); }); // Replacing only works when replaceExisting is set to true: Assert.True(dir1.CopyTo(dir4, replaceExisting: true), "dir1.CopyTo(dir4, replaceExisting true) failed"); // The path to the testFile1 should still exist after copy: Assert.True(testFile1InDir1ChildDir4.IsNotNullAndExists(), "old tf1d4 not found"); // The text should not be newTextInTestFile1 anymore after its replaced by the original again: Assert.NotEqual(newTextInTestFile1, testFile1InDir1ChildDir4.LoadAs <string>()); Assert.True(dir4.DeleteV2(), "dir4.Delete"); // Delete dir4 again Assert.False(dir4.DeleteV2(), "dir4.Del"); // dir4 now does not exist anymore so false is returned } { // Test renaming folders: var newName = "TestDir 5"; rootDir.GetChildDir(newName).DeleteV2(); var oldPath = dir1.Parent.GetChildDir(dir1.Name); Assert.True(dir1.Exists, "dir1.Exists false BEFORE rename"); Assert.True(dir1.Rename(newName, out dir1), "dir1.Rename(newName) failed"); Assert.Equal(newName, dir1.Name); Assert.True(dir1.Exists, "dir1.Exists false AFTER rename, dir1=" + dir1.FullName); if (oldPath.Exists) { var e = Log.e("WebGL renamed via copy but could not delete the original dir=" + oldPath); if (!EnvironmentV2.isWebGL) { throw e; } } } try { rootDir.DeleteV2(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("COuld not cleanup the rootDir as the final step", e); } }
public void TestDirectoryMethods() { var rootDir = CreateDirectoryForTesting("TestDirectoryMethods"); // Test FullPath: var dir1 = rootDir.GetChildDir("TestDir 1"); var alsoDir1 = dir1.Parent.GetChildDir("TestDir 1"); Assert.Equal(dir1.FullPath(), alsoDir1.FullPath()); // Test deleting and creating Dir 1: dir1.DeleteV2(); Assert.False(dir1.IsNotNullAndExists()); Assert.False(dir1.Exists); Assert.True(dir1.CreateV2().Exists); Assert.True(dir1.IsNotNullAndExists()); dir1.Create(); // Should do nothing and not throw an exception // Test creating sub dirs and files: var subDir = dir1.CreateSubdirectory("ChildDir 1"); SaveAndLoadTextToFile(subDir.GetChild("Test file 1"), textToSave: "Test 123"); SaveAndLoadTextToFile(subDir.GetChild("Test file 2.txt"), textToSave: "Test 123"); { // Test moving folders: var oldPath = dir1.FullPath(); var dir2 = rootDir.GetChildDir("TestDir 2"); dir2.DeleteV2(); dir1.MoveToV2(dir2); Assert.True(dir2.IsNotNullAndExists()); Assert.Equal(dir2.FullPath(), dir1.FullPath()); Assert.False(new DirectoryInfo(oldPath).Exists); } { // Test that moving to existing folders fails: var dir3 = rootDir.GetChildDir("TestDir 3").CreateV2(); Assert.Equal("TestDir 3", dir3.Name); dir3 = rootDir.CreateSubdirectory(dir3.Name); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { dir1.MoveToV2(dir3); // This should fail since dir3 already exists }); Assert.NotEqual(dir3.FullPath(), dir1.FullPath()); dir3.Delete(); // Cleanup after test } { // Test copying folders: var oldPath = dir1.FullPath(); var dir4 = rootDir.GetChildDir("TestDir 4"); dir4.DeleteV2(); // Make sure dir does not yet exist from previous tests dir1.CopyTo(dir4); Assert.True(dir4.IsNotNullAndExists(), "dir=" + dir4.FullPath()); Assert.NotEqual(dir4.FullPath(), dir1.FullPath()); Assert.True(new DirectoryInfo(oldPath).Exists); dir4.DeleteV2(); // Cleanup after test } { // Test renaming folders: var newName = "TestDir 5"; rootDir.GetChildDir(newName).DeleteV2(); var oldPath = dir1.FullPath(); dir1.Rename(newName); Assert.False(new DirectoryInfo(oldPath).Exists); Assert.True(dir1.Exists); Assert.Equal(newName, dir1.NameV2()); // DirectoryInfo.Name does not correctly update after renaming, // Thats why must return an incorrect value: Assert.NotEqual(newName, dir1.Name); // TODO is DirectoryInfo.Name broken for all .net versions? } rootDir.DeleteV2(); // Cleanup after test }