public override DirectoryInfo GetTempFolder() { var d = new DirectoryInfo(Application.temporaryCachePath); AssertV2.AreEqual(base.GetTempFolder().FullPath(), d.FullPath()); // TODO test this return(d); }
public override IEnumerator RunTest() { MyUserUi userUiPresenter = new MyUserUi(); userUiPresenter.targetView = gameObject.GetViewStack().GetLatestView(); { // Load a first user into the UI by passing it through the presenter: var user1 = new MyUserModel() { userName = "******", userAge = 4 }; yield return(userUiPresenter.LoadModelIntoView(user1).AsCoroutine()); AssertV2.AreEqual("Carl", userUiPresenter.NameInputField().text); AssertV2.AreEqual("4", userUiPresenter.AgeInputField().text); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f)); // Load another user into the UI: { // Example of loading a second user in a separate asyn method "LoadUser2": yield return(LoadUser2(userUiPresenter).AsCoroutine()); AssertV2.AreEqual("55", userUiPresenter.AgeInputField().text); // The age of user 2 } }
private static string GetKeyFromBsonDoc(BsonDocument x) { var key = x.Keys.First(); AssertV2.AreEqual("_id", key); return(x[key].AsString); }
public void TestReadableAssertAreEqualErrorOutputs() { AssertV2.AreEqual("abcd", "abce"); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[4] { 1, 2, 2, 4 }, new int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[2] { 1, 2 }, new int[2] { 1, 3 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[6] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, new int[6] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[2] { 1, 2 }, new int[1] { 1 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[1] { 1 }, new int[2] { 1, 2 }); }
public static Canvas GetOrAddRootCanvas() { var roots = GetAllRootCanvases(); if (roots.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(CreateNewRootCanvas()); } // Check if there is a root canvas that has a ViewStack attached: var rootCanvasesWithViewStack = roots.Filter(x => x.GetComponent <ViewStack>() != null); if (!rootCanvasesWithViewStack.IsNullOrEmpty()) { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, rootCanvasesWithViewStack.Count(), "rootCanvasesWithViewStack"); return(rootCanvasesWithViewStack.First()); } // Prefer canvas objects that are on the root level of the open scene: var canvasesOnRootOfScene = roots.Filter(x => x.gameObject.GetParent() == null); if (canvasesOnRootOfScene.IsNullOrEmpty()) { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, canvasesOnRootOfScene.Count(), "canvasesOnRootOfScene"); return(canvasesOnRootOfScene.First()); } // As a fallback return the first root canvas: return(roots.First()); }
public static Texture2D ToTexture2D(this ImageResult self) { AssertV2.AreEqual(8, self.BitsPerChannel); Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(self.Width, self.Height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); tex.LoadRawTextureData(self.Data); tex.Apply(); return(tex); }
private async Task LoadUser2(MyUserUi userUiPresenter) { var user2 = new MyUserModel() { userName = "******", userAge = 55 }; await userUiPresenter.LoadModelIntoView(user2); AssertV2.AreEqual("Anna", userUiPresenter.NameInputField().text); }
private Task <Texture2D> StartLoading(string imageUrl) { var runningTask = this.StartCoroutineAsTask(LoadFromUrlCoroutine(imageUrl, response), () => { AssertV2.AreEqual(imageUrlCurrentlyLoadingFrom, imageUrl); // Check that there was not a new url set in the meantime var result = response.getResult(); response = null; // Set back to null to indicate the task is done return(result); }); return(UnityRestRequest.WrapWithResponseErrorHandling(response, runningTask)); }
public string GetHeaderValue(string headerName, string fallbackValue) { var headerValues = GetHeaderValues(headerName); if (headerValues == null) { return(fallbackValue); } AssertV2.AreEqual(1, headerValues.Count()); return(headerValues.First()); }
private async void ShowUserUi(GameObject buttonGo) { Ui1_PresenterTests.MyUserUi presenter = new Ui1_PresenterTests.MyUserUi(); GameObject ui = gameObject.GetViewStack().ShowView("MyUserUi1", gameObject); presenter.targetView = ui; await presenter.LoadModelIntoView(currentUser); var links = ui.GetLinkMap(); AssertV2.AreEqual(currentUser.userName, links.Get <InputField>("Name").text, "userName"); }
private IEnumerator ShowAllFoundTests(List <XunitTestRunner.Test> allTests) { this.CellData = allTests; if (autoRunAllTests) { foreach (var test in allTests) { yield return(RunTestCoroutine(test)); } AssertV2.AreEqual(0, allTests.Filter(t => t.testTask.IsFaulted).Count()); } }
private void TestJsonSerialization() { var prefsKey = "testObj1"; var myObj = new MyClass1() { theCurrentTime = "It is " + DateTime.Now, myInt = 123 }; PlayerPrefsV2.SetObject(prefsKey, myObj); AssertV2.AreEqual(myObj.theCurrentTime, PlayerPrefsV2.GetObject <MyClass1>(prefsKey, null).theCurrentTime); AssertV2.AreEqual(myObj.myInt, PlayerPrefsV2.GetObject <MyClass1>(prefsKey, null).myInt); links.Get <Text>("JsonOutput").text = JsonWriter.GetWriter().Write(PlayerPrefsV2.GetObject <MyClass1>(prefsKey, null)); }
private static MyUser ReduceSelection(MyModel parent, MyUser oldFieldValue, object action) { if (action is ChangeSelectionAction a) { return(a.newSelection); } if (action is DeleteAction d) { AssertV2.AreEqual(oldFieldValue, d.userToDelete, "currentlySelectedUser"); return(null); // Clear selection when deleted } return(ReduceUser(oldFieldValue, action)); }
private static bool JsonCouldBeFullyParsed(IJsonReader reader, string path, IDictionary input, IDictionary parsed, int depth) { if (depth > MAX_DEPTH) { Log.e("Deth > " + MAX_DEPTH + ", will abort recursive search on this level, path=" + path); return(false); } foreach (var f in input) { var field = (DictionaryEntry)f; var key = field.Key; var value = field.Value; //Assert.IsTrue(field != null); value = JsonReader.convertToGenericDictionaryOrArray(value); if (value != null && !parsed.Contains(key)) { var infoStringAboutField = "field " + path + "." + key + " = " + value; if (value != null) { infoStringAboutField += ", value type=(" + value.GetType() + ")"; } var args = new StackFrame(5 + depth, true).AddTo(null); Log.e(" > Missing " + infoStringAboutField, args); return(false); } else if (value is IDictionary) { var a = value as IDictionary; var valueInParsedDict = JsonReader.convertToGenericDictionaryOrArray(parsed[key]); var b = valueInParsedDict as IDictionary; var args = new StackFrame(5 + depth, true).AddTo(null); AssertV2.IsNotNull(b, "Field was found but it was not a JsonObject, it was a " + valueInParsedDict.GetType(), args); return(JsonCouldBeFullyParsed(reader, path + "." + key, a, b, depth + 1)); } else if (value is IDictionary[]) { var a = value as IDictionary[]; var valueInParsedArray = JsonReader.convertToGenericDictionaryOrArray(parsed[key]); var b = valueInParsedArray as IDictionary[]; var args = new StackFrame(5 + depth, true).AddTo(null); AssertV2.IsNotNull(b, "Field was found but it was not a JsonArray, it was a " + valueInParsedArray.GetType(), args); AssertV2.AreEqual(a.Length, b.Length, "", args); var r = true; for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++) { r = JsonCouldBeFullyParsed(reader, path + "." + key + "[" + i + "]", a[i], b[i], depth + 1) & r; } return(r); } } return(true); }
public void TestAssertV2Methods() { AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(() => { AssertV2.IsTrue(1 + 1 == 2, "This assertion must not fail"); var s1 = "a"; AssertV2.AreEqual(s1, s1); AssertV2.IsNull(null, "myVarX"); AssertV2.AreEqual(1, 1); AssertV2.AreNotEqual(1, 2); }); var stopWatch = AssertV2.TrackTiming(); var res = 1f; for (float i = 1; i < 500000; i++) { res = i / res + i; } Assert.NotEqual(0, res); stopWatch.Stop(); AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(() => { stopWatch.AssertUnderXms(200); }); Assert.True(stopWatch.IsUnderXms(200), "More time was needed than expected!"); AssertV2.AreEqual("abcd", "abce"); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[4] { 1, 2, 2, 4 }, new int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[2] { 1, 2 }, new int[2] { 1, 3 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[6] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, new int[6] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[2] { 1, 2 }, new int[1] { 1 }); AssertV2.AreEqual(new int[1] { 1 }, new int[2] { 1, 2 }); }
public void TestAssertV2Throws() { AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(() => { try { AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, 1); // this will not fail.. }); // the AssertV2.Throws should fail Log.e("This line should never be reached since AssertV2.Throws should fail!"); throw new Exception("AssertV2.Throws did not fail correctly!"); } catch (AssertV2.ThrowsException) { // Only catch it if its a ThrowsException // AssertV2.Throws failed correctly and threw an ThrowsException error Log.d("ThrowsException was expected and arrived correctly"); } }); }
public static void CheckIntersectingFieldViewsForChanges(this Dictionary <string, FieldView> self, Dictionary <string, FieldView> newFieldViews, Action <FieldView, FieldView, string> onUpdateNeeded) { foreach (var item in self.IntersectKeys(newFieldViews)) { var oldFieldView = item.Value; var newFieldView = newFieldViews[item.Key]; var newFieldValue = JsonWriter.GetWriter(newFieldView.field).Write(newFieldView.field); if (oldFieldView.fieldAsJson != newFieldValue) { onUpdateNeeded(oldFieldView, newFieldView, newFieldValue); } AssertV2.AreEqual(item.Value.fieldName, newFieldView.fieldName); } }
private IEnumerator ShowAllFoundTests(List <XunitTestRunner.Test> allTests) { this.CellData = allTests; if (autoRunAllTests) { using (var progress = pm.GetOrAddProgress("RunAllTests", allTests.Count, true)) { foreach (var test in allTests) { progress.IncrementCount(); yield return(RunTestCoroutine(test)); } } AssertV2.AreEqual(0, allTests.Filter(t => t.testTask.IsFaulted).Count()); } }
/// <summary> Takes a string like AA34 and returns the CellPos for it </summary> private static CellPos ToCellPos(string cellPosString) { var regex = "([A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+)"; // See var match = Regex.Match(cellPosString, regex); AssertV2.AreEqual(3, match.Groups.Count); if (match.Groups.Count != 3) { throw Log.e("Invalid CellPos: " + cellPosString); } Group g0 = match.Groups[1]; Group g1 = match.Groups[2]; return(new CellPos(g0.Value, int.Parse(g1.Value))); }
private async Task TestJsonSerialization() { var t = Log.MethodEntered(); var prefsKey = "testObj1"; var myObj = new MyClass1() { theCurrentTime = "It is " + DateTimeV2.Now, myInt = 123 }; await Preferences.instance.Set(prefsKey, myObj); AssertV2.AreEqual(myObj.theCurrentTime, (await Preferences.instance.Get <MyClass1>(prefsKey, null)).theCurrentTime); AssertV2.AreEqual(myObj.myInt, (await Preferences.instance.Get <MyClass1>(prefsKey, null)).myInt); links.Get <Text>("JsonOutput").text = JsonWriter.GetWriter().Write(await Preferences.instance.Get <MyClass1>(prefsKey, null)); Log.MethodDone(t); }
private MyUser3 ReduceUser(MyUser3 previousState, object action) { if (action is ActionSetNewUser a) { return(a.newUser); } if (action is ActionUpdateUser a2) { AssertV2.AreEqual(,; if (object.Equals(, { return(a2.newValues); } } return(previousState); }
public static Canvas GetOrAddRootCanvas() { var roots = GetAllRootCanvases(); if (roots.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(CreateNewRootCanvas()); } // Check if there is a root canvas that has a ViewStack attached: var rootCanvasesWithViewStack = roots.Filter(x => x.GetComponent <ViewStack>() != null); if (!rootCanvasesWithViewStack.IsNullOrEmpty()) { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, rootCanvasesWithViewStack.Count(), "rootCanvasesWithViewStack"); return(rootCanvasesWithViewStack.First()); } return(FilterForBestRootCanvas(roots)); }
public bool SwitchBackToLastView(GameObject gameObject, bool destroyFinalView = false) { var currentView = GetRootFor(gameObject); var currentIndex = currentView.transform.GetSiblingIndex(); AssertV2.AreEqual(currentIndex, transform.childCount - 1, "Current was not last view in the stack"); if (currentIndex > 0) { var lastView = transform.GetChild(currentIndex - 1).gameObject; lastView.SetActive(true); EventBus.instance.Publish(UiEvents.SWITCH_BACK_TO_LAST_VIEW, lastView); } if (currentIndex == 0 && !destroyFinalView) { return(false); } return(currentView.Destroy()); }
private string GetFileExtensionFromMimeType(string fallbackValue) { var mime = GetContentMimeType(fallbackValue); if (mime == null) { return(fallbackValue); } // if (mime.Contains(";")) { mime = mime.Split(";").First(p => p.Contains("/")); } var x = mime.Split("/"); AssertV2.AreEqual(2, x.Length); return(x.Last()); }
public static async Task <Dictionary <Item, Item> > GetBestAnswersFor(string question, List <string> tags, int maxResults = 3) { ApiResponse bestQuestions = await Search(question, tags); var questionsWithAnswers = bestQuestions.items.Filter(x => x.answer_count > 0 && x.score > 0); Dictionary <Item, Item> bestAnswers = new Dictionary <Item, Item>(); foreach (Item q in questionsWithAnswers) { var answers = await GetAnswersForQuestion(q.question_id, pageSize : 1); AssertV2.AreEqual(1, answers.items.Count()); bestAnswers.Add(q, answers.items.First()); if (bestAnswers.Count >= maxResults) { break; } } return(bestAnswers); }
public override IEnumerator RunTest() { // Create an immutable datastore that will contain the data model in this example: var log = Middlewares.NewLoggingMiddleware <MyDataModel3>(); IDataStore <MyDataModel3> store = new DataStore <MyDataModel3>(MainReducer, new MyDataModel3(), log); IoC.inject.SetSingleton(store); // Create a presenter that connectes the model with the view (the Unity UI): var currentUserPresenter = new MyUserUi3(); // Set the target view by loading it from a prefab and setting the root GO: currentUserPresenter.targetView = ViewStackHelper.MainViewStack().ShowView("MyUserUi1"); // Connect the model changes with the presenter: currentUserPresenter.ListenToStoreUpdates(store, state => state.currentUser); // Dispatch a first setUser action to update the UI: store.Dispatch(new ActionSetNewUser() { newUser = new MyUser3("Carl", 99) }); // Delay needed since the UI update simulates a delay too: yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); // Check that the UI was automatically updated: AssertV2.AreEqual("Carl", currentUserPresenter.NameUi().text); AssertV2.AreEqual("99", currentUserPresenter.AgeUi().text); // Simulate that the user changed the model via the UI: store.Dispatch(new ActionUpdateUser() { target = store.GetState().currentUser, newValues = new MyUser3("Paul", 0) }); // Delay needed since the UI update simulates a delay too: yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); // Check that the UI was automatically updated: AssertV2.AreEqual("Paul", currentUserPresenter.NameUi().text); AssertV2.AreEqual("0", currentUserPresenter.AgeUi().text); }
public string GetHeaderValue(string headerName, string fallbackValue, bool allowFuzzyHeaderName = true) { var headerValues = GetHeaderValues(headerName); if (headerValues == null && allowFuzzyHeaderName) { // Google names it "x-goog-stored-content-length" instead of "content-length" var similar = headers.Filter(x => x.Key.Contains(headerName.ToLowerInvariant())); // If there is exactly 1 header that matches the fuzzy search, use that one: if (similar.Count() == 1) { headerValues = similar.First().Value; } } if (headerValues == null) { return(fallbackValue); } AssertV2.AreEqual(1, headerValues.Count()); return(headerValues.First()); }
public override IEnumerator RunTest() { var testTracker = new TestAppFlowTracker(); testTracker.WithAllTrackingActive(); AppFlow.AddAppFlowTracker(testTracker); setupImmutableDatastore(); // In setupImmutableDatastore() Log.MethodEntered is used, so there must be a recorded method: AssertV2.AreEqual(1, testTracker.recordedEvents.Count(x => x.category == EventConsts.catMethod)); // In setupImmutableDatastore() the datastore will be set as a singleton: AssertV2.AreEqual(1, testTracker.recordedEvents.Count(x => x.action.Contains("DataStore"))); var store = MyDataModel.GetStore(); AssertV2.IsNotNull(store, "store"); store.Dispatch(new ActionSetBool1() { newB = true }); store.Dispatch(new ActionSetString1 { newS = "abc" }); AssertV2.AreEqual(true, store.GetState().subSection1.bool1); AssertV2.AreEqual("abc", store.GetState().subSection1.string1); // After the 2 mutations, there should be 2 mutation AppFlow events recorded: AssertV2.AreEqual(2, testTracker.recordedEvents.Count(x => x.category == EventConsts.catMutation)); var presenter = new MyDataModelPresenter(); presenter.targetView = gameObject; yield return(presenter.LoadModelIntoView(store).AsCoroutine()); // After the presenter loaded the UI there should be a load start and load end event recorded: AssertV2.AreEqual(2, testTracker.recordedEvents.Count(x => x.category == EventConsts.catPresenter)); // The MyDataModelPresenter uses a GetLinkMap() when connecting to the view: AssertV2.AreEqual(1, testTracker.recordedEvents.Count(x => x.category == EventConsts.catLinked)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); }
public void TestAssertV2Methods() { AssertV2.ThrowExeptionIfAssertionFails(() => { AssertV2.IsTrue(AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails, "AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails"); AssertV2.IsTrue(1 + 1 == 2, "This assertion must not fail"); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.IsTrue(1 + 1 == 4, "This assertion has to fail"); Log.e("This line should never be printed since throwExeptionIfAssertionFails is true"); }); var s1 = "a"; AssertV2.AreEqual(s1, s1); AssertV2.IsTrue(AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails, "AssertV2.throwExeptionIfAssertionFails"); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.AreNotEqual(s1, s1, "s1"); }); string myVarX = null; AssertV2.IsNull(null, "myVarX"); myVarX = "Now myVarX is not null anymore"; AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.IsNull(myVarX, "myVarX"); }); AssertV2.AreEqual(1, 1); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.AreEqual(1, 2); }); AssertV2.AreNotEqual(1, 2); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { AssertV2.AreNotEqual(1, 1); }); var stopWatch = AssertV2.TrackTiming(); Thread.Sleep(10); stopWatch.Stop(); AssertV2.Throws <Exception>(() => { stopWatch.AssertUnderXms(1); }); // This should always fail stopWatch.AssertUnderXms(50); AssertV2.IsTrue(stopWatch.IsUnderXms(50), "More time was needed than expected!"); }); }
public virtual JsonSchema NewField(string name, Type parentType, object pInstance = null, JToken jpInstance = null) { MemberInfo model = parentType?.GetMember(name).First(); Type modelType = GetModelType(model); JTokenType jTokenType = ToJTokenType(modelType, jpInstance); AssertV2.IsNotNull(jTokenType, "jTokenType"); JsonSchema newField = new JsonSchema() { type = jTokenType.ToJsonSchemaType(), title = JsonSchema.ToTitle(name) }; ExtractFieldDocu(newField, model, modelType, jTokenType, pInstance, jpInstance); if (model != null) { if (!model.CanWriteTo()) { newField.readOnly = true; } if (model.TryGetCustomAttribute(out RegexAttribute attr)) { newField.pattern = attr.regex; } if (model.TryGetCustomAttribute(out ContentAttribute c)) { newField.format = "" + c.type; } if (model.TryGetCustomAttribute(out MinMaxRangeAttribute ra)) { newField.minimum = ra.minimum; newField.maximum = ra.maximum; } if (model.TryGetCustomAttribute(out InputLengthAttribute ila)) { if (ila.minLength > 0) { newField.minLength = ila.minLength; } if (ila.maxLength > 0) { newField.maxLength = ila.maxLength; } } if (model.TryGetCustomAttribute(out EnumAttribute e)) { newField.contentEnum = e.names; newField.additionalItems = e.allowOtherInput; } if (model.TryGetCustomAttribute(out RequiredAttribute r)) { newField.mandatory = true; } if (model.TryGetCustomAttribute(out JsonPropertyAttribute p)) { if (p.Required == Required.Always || p.Required == Required.DisallowNull) { newField.mandatory = true; } } if (modelType.IsEnum) { newField.contentEnum = Enum.GetNames(modelType); } } if (jTokenType == JTokenType.Object) { if (modelType == null) { = new Dictionary <string, JsonSchema>(); AddFieldsViaJson(newField, null, jpInstance as JObject); } else { var modelInstance = pInstance != null?model.GetValue(pInstance) : null; SetupInnerJsonSchema(newField, modelType, modelInstance); } } if (jTokenType == JTokenType.Array) { var listElemType = GetListElementType(modelType); var arrayElemJType = ToJTokenType(listElemType); if (arrayElemJType == JTokenType.Null) { if (jpInstance is JArray a && a.Count > 0) { arrayElemJType = a.First.Type; } } if (arrayElemJType != JTokenType.Null) { if (!IsSimpleType(arrayElemJType)) { var childrenInstances = GetChildrenArray(pInstance, jpInstance, model); if (childrenInstances == null || AllChildrenHaveSameType(childrenInstances)) { var firstChildInstance = childrenInstances?.FirstOrDefault(); var childVm = new JsonSchema() { type = arrayElemJType.ToJsonSchemaType() }; SetupInnerJsonSchema(childVm, listElemType, firstChildInstance); newField.items = new List <JsonSchema>() { childVm }; } else { newField.items = new List <JsonSchema>(); foreach (var child in childrenInstances) { var childVm = new JsonSchema() { type = arrayElemJType.ToJsonSchemaType() }; SetupInnerJsonSchema(childVm, child.GetType(), child); newField.items.Add(childVm); } AssertV2.AreEqual(childrenInstances.Length, newField.items.Count); } } else { newField.items = new List <JsonSchema>() { new JsonSchema() { type = arrayElemJType.ToJsonSchemaType() } }; } } } return(newField); }