public JsonResult saveExaminationData(SaveDocotor Doctormodel) { try { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); T_Examination modelScreenings = new T_Examination() { ComplaintID = Doctormodel.ChiefComplaintID, PresentingComplaint = Doctormodel.HistoryPresentingComplaint, PastMedicalHistory = Doctormodel.PastMedicalHistory, PastSurgicalHistory = Doctormodel.PastSurgicalHistory, FamilyHistory = Doctormodel.FamilyHistory, CurrentMedication = Doctormodel.CurrentMedication, Diagnosis = Doctormodel.Diagnosis, Tests = Doctormodel.Tests, TreatmentPlan = Doctormodel.TreatMentPlan, ArogyaID = Session["arogyid"].ToString(), Token_Number = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Token"]), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, Active = true, UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]), ScreeningID = Doctormodel.ScreeningoutcomeID }; context.T_Examination.Add(modelScreenings); context.SaveChanges(); return(Json("Data Saved", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch { return(Json(-1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public IList <DashBordModel> GetNurseDashbord() { IList <DashBordModel> BookList = new List <DashBordModel>(); ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query = from token in context.T_Token from reg in context.T_PatientInfo .Where(x => x.ArogyaID == token.ArogyaID) from scr in context.T_Screenings .Where(x => x.ArogyaID == token.ArogyaID).DefaultIfEmpty() from gender in context.M_Gender .Where(x => x.ID == reg.FK_GenderID) where EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(token.Tokem_Date).Value == EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now).Value&& scr.ArogyaID == null // where patient.FirstName.Contains(searchString) || patient.SurName.Contains(searchString) || patient.ContactNumber.Contains(searchString) select new DashBordModel { Tokem_Date = token.Tokem_Date, ArogyaID = token.ArogyaID, PatientName = reg.FirstName + reg.SurName, TokenNumber = token.Token_Number, GenderName = gender.Gender, Age = reg.Age }; return(BookList = query.Distinct().ToList()); }
public JsonResult saveMedicationData(string DrugName, int Doseid, int Frequencyid, string Duration, int Routid, string Instruction) { try { int savedata = 0; ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); T_Medication modelScreening = new T_Medication() { DrugName = DrugName, DoseID = Doseid, FrequencyID = Frequencyid, Duration = Duration, RouteID = Routid, SpecialInstruction = Instruction, ArogyaID = Session["arogyid"].ToString(), Token_Number = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Token"]), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]) }; context.T_Medication.Add(modelScreening); context.SaveChanges(); dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject(); obj.Token = modelScreening.Token_Number; obj.Arogyaid = modelScreening.ArogyaID; = modelScreening.CreateDate; return(Medication(obj.Arogyaid, obj.Token,; // Json(obj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch { return(Json(-1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public JsonResult Medication(string argid, int token, DateTime dt) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query = context.SP_GetMedicationDetailsByArogyaID(argid, token, dt); return(Json(query, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public IList<DashBordModel> GetDoctorDashbord() { IList<DashBordModel> BookList = new List<DashBordModel>(); ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query = from token in context.T_PatientInfo from reg in context.T_Screenings .Where(x => x.ArogyaID == token.ArogyaID) from scr in context.T_Examination .Where(x => x.ArogyaID == token.ArogyaID).DefaultIfEmpty() from reg1 in context.M_PComplaints .Where(x => x.ID == reg.ComplaintID) from gender in context.M_Gender .Where(x => x.ID == token.FK_GenderID) where EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(reg.CreateDate).Value == EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now).Value && reg.ScreenOutcomeID == 1 || reg.ScreenOutcomeID == 3 && scr.ArogyaID == null // where patient.FirstName.Contains(searchString) || patient.SurName.Contains(searchString) || patient.ContactNumber.Contains(searchString) select new DashBordModel { Tokem_Date = reg.CreateDate, ArogyaID = token.ArogyaID, PatientName = token.FirstName + token.SurName, TokenNumber = reg.Token_Number, Age = token.Age, GenderName = gender.Gender, ComplaintName = reg1.M_PresentingComplainting, screeningoutcomeID = reg.ScreenOutcomeID.Value }; BookList = query.Distinct().ToList(); if (BookList.Count > 0) { var updatelist = BookList.Where(x => x.screeningoutcomeID == 3).ToList(); if (updatelist != null && updatelist.Count > 0) updatelist[0].rowcolor = "Follow Up"; } return BookList; }
public IList <DashBordModel> GetDoctorDashbord() { IList <DashBordModel> BookList = new List <DashBordModel>(); ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query = from token in context.T_PatientInfo from reg in context.T_Screenings .Where(x => x.ArogyaID == token.ArogyaID) from scr in context.T_Examination .Where(x => x.ArogyaID == token.ArogyaID).DefaultIfEmpty() from reg1 in context.M_PComplaints .Where(x => x.ID == reg.ComplaintID) from gender in context.M_Gender .Where(x => x.ID == token.FK_GenderID) where EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(reg.CreateDate).Value == EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now).Value&& reg.ScreenOutcomeID == 1 || reg.ScreenOutcomeID == 3 && scr.ArogyaID == null // where patient.FirstName.Contains(searchString) || patient.SurName.Contains(searchString) || patient.ContactNumber.Contains(searchString) select new DashBordModel { Tokem_Date = reg.CreateDate, ArogyaID = token.ArogyaID, PatientName = token.FirstName + token.SurName, TokenNumber = reg.Token_Number, Age = token.Age, GenderName = gender.Gender, ComplaintName = reg1.M_PresentingComplainting, screeningoutcomeID = reg.ScreenOutcomeID.Value }; BookList = query.Distinct().ToList(); if (BookList.Count > 0) { var updatelist = BookList.Where(x => x.screeningoutcomeID == 3).ToList(); if (updatelist != null && updatelist.Count > 0) { updatelist[0].rowcolor = "Follow Up"; } } return(BookList); }
public IList<DashBordModel> GetNurseDashbord() { IList<DashBordModel> BookList = new List<DashBordModel>(); ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query = from token in context.T_Token from reg in context.T_PatientInfo .Where(x=>x.ArogyaID == token.ArogyaID) from scr in context.T_Screenings .Where(x=>x.ArogyaID == token.ArogyaID).DefaultIfEmpty() from gender in context.M_Gender .Where(x => x.ID == reg.FK_GenderID) where EntityFunctions.TruncateTime( token.Tokem_Date).Value == EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now).Value && scr.ArogyaID ==null // where patient.FirstName.Contains(searchString) || patient.SurName.Contains(searchString) || patient.ContactNumber.Contains(searchString) select new DashBordModel { Tokem_Date = token.Tokem_Date, ArogyaID = token.ArogyaID, PatientName = reg.FirstName + reg.SurName, TokenNumber = token.Token_Number, GenderName = gender.Gender, Age = reg.Age }; return BookList = query.Distinct().ToList(); }
public ActionResult VideoCasesheet(string arogyaID) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); List<Episode> episodes = new List<Episode>(); List<Episode> finalEpisodes = new List<Episode>(); EncounterSummaryBll encounterSummaryBll = new EncounterSummaryBll(); List<EncounterSummaryModel> encounters = encounterSummaryBll.GetEncounterList(arogyaID).OrderBy(x => x.CreateDate.Value).ToList(); List<T_Appointments> appointments = encounterSummaryBll.GetAppointmentList(arogyaID); foreach (EncounterSummaryModel encounter in encounters) { Episode episode; var eps = episodes.FindAll(x => x.ComplaintID == encounter.ComplaintID.Value); if (eps.Count == 0) { episode = new Episode { ComplaintID = encounter.ComplaintID.Value, ComplaintName = encounter.ComplaintName, LastModifiedDate = encounter.CreateDate.Value }; episode.encounterSummaryList.Add(encounter); episodes.Add(episode); } else { if (encounter.CreateDate.Value.Date.Subtract(eps[eps.Count - 1].LastModifiedDate.Date).Days < 30 || appointments.Where(x => encounter.CreateDate.Value.Date.Subtract(x.ApptDate.Value.Date).Days < 30 && x.ApptDate.Value.Date.Subtract(eps[eps.Count - 1].LastModifiedDate.Date).Days > 0 && x.ComplaintID == encounter.ComplaintID ).ToList().Count > 0) { eps[eps.Count - 1].LastModifiedDate = encounter.CreateDate.Value; eps[eps.Count - 1].encounterSummaryList.Add(encounter); } else { episode = new Episode { ComplaintID = encounter.ComplaintID.Value, ComplaintName = encounter.ComplaintName, LastModifiedDate = encounter.CreateDate.Value }; episode.encounterSummaryList.Add(encounter); episodes.Add(episode); } } } episodes = episodes.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastModifiedDate).ToList(); ViewBag.Episodes = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(episodes); return View(); }
public JsonResult Allrgy(int tokenNumber, string arogyaID) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query2 = from allergy in context.T_Allergies from at in context.M_AllergyType .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.AllergenID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.AllergenID equals at.ID from ar in context.M_Reaction .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.ReactionID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.ReactionID equals ar.ID from asev in context.M_Severity .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.SeverityID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.SeverityID equals asev.ID from ast in context.M_Status .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.StatusID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.StatusID equals ast.ID where allergy.Token_Number == tokenNumber && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(allergy.CreateDate).Value == EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now).Value && allergy.ArogyaID == arogyaID select new Allergy { AllergyType = at.AllergyType, ReactionName = ar.Reaction, SeverityrName = asev.Severity, Status = ast.M_StatusName, CreateDate = allergy.CreateDate.Value //CreateDateString=allergy.CreateDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") }; return Json(query2.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public ActionResult PatientHealthRecord(Screening model, string command) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); try { try { T_Vitals Vitals = new T_Vitals() { Height = model.Height, Weight = model.Weight, BMI = model.BMI, SysBP = model.SysBP, DiaBP = model.DiaBP, Temparature = model.Temparature, Pulse = model.Pulse, Respiratory = model.Respiratory, Token_Number = 1 }; T_Screenings screenings = new T_Screenings() { ComplaintID = model.ComplaintID, CheckListID = model.CheckListID, PresentingComplaint = model.PresentingComplaint, PastMedicalHistory = model.PastMedicalHistory, PastSurgicalHistory = model.PastSurgicalHistory, FamilyHistory = model.FamilyHistory, CurrentMedication = model.CurrentMedication, ECGOutcomeID = model.ECGOutcomeID, ScreenOutcomeID = model.ScreenOutcomeID, SpecialtyID = model.SpecialtyID, AppointDate = model.AppointDate, CreateDate = model.CreateDate, Token_Number = 1 }; context.T_Screenings.Add(screenings); context.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("PatientSearch"); } catch { return View(model); } } catch { return View(model); } }
public JsonResult saveScreenData(Screening model) { try { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); T_Screenings modelScreenings = new T_Screenings() { PresentingComplaint = model.PresentingComplaint, PastMedicalHistory = model.PastMedicalHistory, PastSurgicalHistory = model.PastSurgicalHistory, FamilyHistory = model.FamilyHistory, CurrentMedication = model.CurrentMedication, ECGOutcomeID = model.ECGOutcomeID, ScreenOutcomeID = model.ScreenOutcomeID, ArogyaID = Session["strArogyaID"].ToString(), Token_Number = Convert.ToInt32(Session["intTokenNumber"].ToString()), ComplaintID = model.ComplaintID, CheckListID = model.chkId, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]), }; context.T_Screenings.Add(modelScreenings); context.SaveChanges(); return Json(1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch { return Json(-1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public JsonResult saveData(int AllrgyTypid, int Reactionid, int Severityid, int Statusid) { try { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); T_Allergies modelScreening = new T_Allergies() { AllergenID = AllrgyTypid, ReactionID = Reactionid, SeverityID = Severityid, StatusID = Statusid, ArogyaID = Session["strArogyaID"].ToString(), Token_Number = Convert.ToInt32(Session["intTokenNumber"].ToString()), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]) }; context.T_Allergies.Add(modelScreening); context.SaveChanges(); return Allrgy(Convert.ToInt32(Session["intTokenNumber"]), Session["strArogyaID"].ToString()); } catch { return Json(-1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public JsonResult saveVitaltData(Screening model) { try { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); T_Vitals modelVitals = new T_Vitals() { Height = model.Height, Weight = model.Weight, BMI = model.BMI, SysBP = model.SysBP, Pulse = model.Pulse, DiaBP = model.DiaBP, Temparature = model.Temparature, Respiratory = model.Respiratory, ArogyaID = Session["strArogyaID"].ToString(), UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]), Token_Number = Convert.ToInt32(Session["intTokenNumber"].ToString()), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, }; context.T_Vitals.Add(modelVitals); context.SaveChanges(); return Json(1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch { return Json(-1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public JsonResult CadSaveData(Screening model) { //string str = "Anemia"; ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); double k = 0.0; try { for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { k += model.Cadmiaradio[i - 1] * model.CadmiaWeightage[i - 1] / 100.0; T_ChkAnemia chkanemia = new T_ChkAnemia() { ChkID = i, AnsID = model.Cadmiaradio[i - 1], ArogyaID = Session["strArogyaID"].ToString(), Token_Number = Convert.ToInt32(Session["intTokenNumber"].ToString()), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]) }; context.T_ChkAnemia.Add(chkanemia); context.SaveChanges(); } return Json(new { score = k }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch { return Json(-1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public JsonResult saveMedicationData(string DrugName, int Doseid, int Frequencyid, string Duration, int Routid, string Instruction) { try { int savedata = 0; ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); T_Medication modelScreening = new T_Medication() { DrugName = DrugName, DoseID = Doseid, FrequencyID = Frequencyid, Duration = Duration, RouteID = Routid, SpecialInstruction = Instruction, ArogyaID = Session["arogyid"].ToString(), Token_Number = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Token"]), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]) }; context.T_Medication.Add(modelScreening); context.SaveChanges(); dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject(); obj.Token = modelScreening.Token_Number; obj.Arogyaid = modelScreening.ArogyaID; = modelScreening.CreateDate; return Medication(obj.Arogyaid, obj.Token,; // Json(obj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch { return Json(-1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
public JsonResult Medication(string argid, int token, DateTime dt) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query = context.SP_GetMedicationDetailsByArogyaID(argid, token, dt); return Json(query, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public ActionResult PatientHealthRecord(string arogyaID, int tokenNumber) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); Screening model = new Screening(); string searchString = ""; if (arogyaID != "") { searchString = arogyaID; } Session["strArogyaID"] = arogyaID; Session["intTokenNumber"] = tokenNumber; strArogyaID = Session["strArogyaID"].ToString(); intTokenNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Session["intTokenNumber"]); string sortOrder = ""; ViewBag.NameSortParm = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "name_desc" : ""; IList<PatientModel> BookList = new List<PatientModel>(); ViewBag.DateSortParm = sortOrder == "Date" ? "date_desc" : "Date"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString)) { BookList = patientBll.Get_PrintCard(sortOrder, searchString); } else { searchString = ""; BookList = patientBll.Get_PrintCard(sortOrder, searchString); } var query2 = from allergy in context.T_Allergies from at in context.M_AllergyType .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.AllergenID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.AllergenID equals at.ID from ar in context.M_Reaction .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.ReactionID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.ReactionID equals ar.ID from asev in context.M_Severity .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.SeverityID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.SeverityID equals asev.ID from ast in context.M_Status .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.StatusID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.StatusID equals ast.ID where allergy.Token_Number == tokenNumber && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(allergy.CreateDate).Value == EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now).Value && allergy.ArogyaID == arogyaID select new Allergy { AllergyType = at.AllergyType, ReactionName = ar.Reaction, SeverityrName = asev.Severity, Status = ast.M_StatusName, // CreateDate = EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(allergy.CreateDate).Value.ToString() //CreateDateString=allergy.CreateDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") }; model.Allergys = query2.ToList(); return View(model); }
public JsonResult saveExaminationData(SaveDocotor Doctormodel) { try { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); T_Examination modelScreenings = new T_Examination() { ComplaintID = Doctormodel.ChiefComplaintID, PresentingComplaint = Doctormodel.HistoryPresentingComplaint, PastMedicalHistory = Doctormodel.PastMedicalHistory, PastSurgicalHistory = Doctormodel.PastSurgicalHistory, FamilyHistory = Doctormodel.FamilyHistory, CurrentMedication = Doctormodel.CurrentMedication, Diagnosis = Doctormodel.Diagnosis, Tests = Doctormodel.Tests, TreatmentPlan = Doctormodel.TreatMentPlan, ArogyaID = Session["arogyid"].ToString(), Token_Number = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Token"]), CreateDate = DateTime.Now, Active = true, UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]), ScreeningID = Doctormodel.ScreeningoutcomeID }; context.T_Examination.Add(modelScreenings); context.SaveChanges(); return Json("Data Saved", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } catch { return Json(-1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
private DocotorScreening LoadData(int TokenNumber, string ArogyaID) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query1 = (from screening in context.T_Screenings from pc in context.M_PComplaints .Where(x => x.ID == screening.ComplaintID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on screening.ComplaintID equals pc.ID from user in context.M_User .Where(x => x.User_ID == screening.UserID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on screening.UserID equals user.User_ID where screening.Token_Number == TokenNumber && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(screening.CreateDate).Value == DateTime.Today && screening.ArogyaID == ArogyaID select new DocotorScreening { ChiefComplaintName = pc.M_PresentingComplainting, ChiefComplaintID = screening.ComplaintID.Value, HistoryPresentingComplaint = screening.PresentingComplaint, PastMedicalHistory = screening.PastMedicalHistory, PastSurgicalHistory = screening.PastSurgicalHistory, FamilyHistory = screening.FamilyHistory, CurrentMedication = screening.CurrentMedication, ECGOutcomeID = screening.ECGOutcomeID.Value, ScreenOutcomeID = screening.ScreenOutcomeID.Value //CreateDate = screening.CreateDate }).ToList(); doctormodel = query1[0]; var query = context.T_Vitals.Where(o => o.ArogyaID == ArogyaID && o.Token_Number == TokenNumber && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(o.CreateDate) == DateTime.Today).ToList(); if (query.Count > 0) { doctormodel.Weight = query[0].Weight; doctormodel.Height = query[0].Height; doctormodel.BMI = query[0].BMI; doctormodel.DiaBP = query[0].DiaBP; doctormodel.SysBP = query[0].SysBP; doctormodel.Temparature = query[0].Temparature; doctormodel.Pulse = query[0].Pulse; doctormodel.Respiratory = query[0].Respiratory; var query2 = from allergy in context.T_Allergies from at in context.M_AllergyType .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.AllergenID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.AllergenID equals at.ID from ar in context.M_Reaction .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.ReactionID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.ReactionID equals ar.ID from asev in context.M_Severity .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.SeverityID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.SeverityID equals asev.ID from ast in context.M_Status .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.StatusID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.StatusID equals ast.ID where allergy.Token_Number == TokenNumber && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(allergy.CreateDate).Value == DateTime.Today && allergy.ArogyaID == ArogyaID select new AllergyModel { AllergyTypeName = at.AllergyType, AllergenName = "", ReactionName = ar.Reaction, SeverityName = asev.Severity, StatusName = ast.M_StatusName, CreateDate = allergy.CreateDate, //CreateDateString=allergy.CreateDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") }; doctormodel.Allergies = query2.ToList(); } return(doctormodel); }
//public ActionResult FileUpload(HttpPostedFileBase Files) //{ // //create object of LINQ to SQL class // //loop through request file collection // foreach (string upload in Request.Files) // { // //create byte array of size equal to file input stream // byte[] fileData = new byte[Request.Files[upload].InputStream.Length]; // //add file input stream into byte array // Request.Files[upload].InputStream.Read(fileData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(Request.Files[upload].InputStream.Length)); // //create object using byte array // System.Data.Linq.Binary binaryFile = new System.Data.Linq.Binary(fileData); // //initialise object of FileDump LINQ to sql class passing values to be inserted // FileDump record = new FileDump { FileData = binaryFile, FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[upload].FileName) }; // //call InsertOnsubmit method to pass new object to entity // dataContext.FileDumps.InsertOnSubmit(record); // //call submitChanges method to execute implement changes into database // dataContext.SubmitChanges(); // } // var returnData = dataContext.FileDumps; // ViewData.Model = returnData.ToList(); // return View(); //} public IList<Patient> GetListGender() { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query = (from m in context.M_Gender select new Patient { Gender=m.ID, GenderName=m.Gender }).Distinct(); query = query.OrderBy(m => m.Gender); return query.ToList(); }
public ActionResult PatientRegistration(Patient model, string command, HttpPostedFileBase Files) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); try { try { ObjectParameter outParm = new ObjectParameter("callid", typeof(string)); context.SP_TokenGenration(outParm); int tokennumber = Convert.ToInt32(outParm.Value); ObjectParameter outParm1 = new ObjectParameter("callid", typeof(string)); context.SP_GenarateArogyaID(outParm1); int intarogyaID = Convert.ToInt32(outParm1.Value); string arogyaID = "A" + intarogyaID; var webCamePath = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WebCampath"]; if (command.Equals("Reset")) { return RedirectToAction("PatientRegistration"); } else { var fileName = ""; if (Request.Files.Count > 0 && Request.Files[0].ContentLength > 0) { var file = Request.Files[0]; if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DocumentUploadPath"]), fileName); file.SaveAs(path); } T_RegUpload upload = new T_RegUpload() { Active = true, ArogyaID = arogyaID, CreateDate = DateTime.Now, FileName = fileName, UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]) }; context.T_RegUpload.Add(upload); context.SaveChanges(); } PatientModel book = new PatientModel() { PatientName = model.PatientName, ArogyaID = arogyaID, Surname = model.Surname, Age = model.Age, AgeType = model.Cal, Gender = model.Gender, AadharID = model.AadharID, Address = model.Address, ContactNo = model.ContactNo, Village = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["Village"]), Town = Request.Form["Mandal"].ToString(), RefBy = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["RefBy"]), RefName = model.RefName, Consent = true, District = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["city"].ToString()), Sate = model.Sate, }; T_Token tokn = new T_Token() { ArogyaID = arogyaID, Token_Number = tokennumber, Tokem_Date = DateTime.Now }; context.T_Token.Add(tokn); context.SaveChanges(); patientBll.Save(book); return RedirectToAction("PrintCard", new { ArogyaID = arogyaID }); } } catch { return View(model); } } catch { return View(model); } }
public ActionResult UpdateRegistration(Patient model, string command, HttpPostedFileBase Files) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); try { try { ObjectParameter outParm = new ObjectParameter("callid", typeof(string)); context.SP_TokenGenration(outParm); int tokennumber = Convert.ToInt32(outParm.Value); if (command.Equals("Reset")) { return RedirectToAction("PatientRegistration"); } else { T_Token tokn = new T_Token() { ArogyaID = model.ArogyaID, Token_Number = tokennumber, Tokem_Date = DateTime.Now }; context.T_Token.Add(tokn); var value= context.T_PatientInfo.Where(x => x.ArogyaID == model.ArogyaID).FirstOrDefault(); value.FirstName = model.PatientName; value.ArogyaID = model.ArogyaID; value.SurName = model.Surname; value.Age = model.Age; value.AgeType = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["AgeType"]); value.FK_GenderID = model.Gender; value.ID_Number = model.AadharID; value.Address = model.Address; value.ContactNumber = model.ContactNo; value.VillageId = Convert.ToInt64(Request.Form["Village"]); value.TownId = Request.Form["Town"]; value.RefBy = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["RefBy"]); value.RefName = model.RefName; value.Consen = true; value.DistrictId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Form["District"].ToString()); value.SateId = model.Sate; context.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("PatientSearch"); } } catch { return View(model); } } catch { return View(model); } }
private DocotorScreening LoadData(int TokenNumber, string ArogyaID) { ArogyaParivarEntities context = new ArogyaParivarEntities(); var query1 = (from screening in context.T_Screenings from pc in context.M_PComplaints .Where(x => x.ID == screening.ComplaintID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on screening.ComplaintID equals pc.ID from user in context.M_User .Where(x => x.User_ID == screening.UserID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on screening.UserID equals user.User_ID where screening.Token_Number == TokenNumber && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(screening.CreateDate).Value == DateTime.Today && screening.ArogyaID == ArogyaID select new DocotorScreening { ChiefComplaintName = pc.M_PresentingComplainting, ChiefComplaintID = screening.ComplaintID.Value, HistoryPresentingComplaint = screening.PresentingComplaint, PastMedicalHistory = screening.PastMedicalHistory, PastSurgicalHistory = screening.PastSurgicalHistory, FamilyHistory = screening.FamilyHistory, CurrentMedication = screening.CurrentMedication, ECGOutcomeID = screening.ECGOutcomeID.Value, ScreenOutcomeID = screening.ScreenOutcomeID.Value //CreateDate = screening.CreateDate }).ToList(); doctormodel = query1[0]; var query = context.T_Vitals.Where(o => o.ArogyaID == ArogyaID && o.Token_Number == TokenNumber && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(o.CreateDate) == DateTime.Today).ToList(); if (query.Count > 0) { doctormodel.Weight = query[0].Weight; doctormodel.Height = query[0].Height; doctormodel.BMI = query[0].BMI; doctormodel.DiaBP = query[0].DiaBP; doctormodel.SysBP = query[0].SysBP; doctormodel.Temparature = query[0].Temparature; doctormodel.Pulse = query[0].Pulse; doctormodel.Respiratory = query[0].Respiratory; var query2 = from allergy in context.T_Allergies from at in context.M_AllergyType .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.AllergenID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.AllergenID equals at.ID from ar in context.M_Reaction .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.ReactionID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.ReactionID equals ar.ID from asev in context.M_Severity .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.SeverityID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.SeverityID equals asev.ID from ast in context.M_Status .Where(x => x.ID == allergy.StatusID).DefaultIfEmpty() //on allergy.StatusID equals ast.ID where allergy.Token_Number == TokenNumber && EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(allergy.CreateDate).Value == DateTime.Today && allergy.ArogyaID == ArogyaID select new AllergyModel { AllergyTypeName = at.AllergyType, AllergenName = "", ReactionName = ar.Reaction, SeverityName = asev.Severity, StatusName = ast.M_StatusName, CreateDate = allergy.CreateDate, //CreateDateString=allergy.CreateDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") }; doctormodel.Allergies = query2.ToList(); } return doctormodel; }