Exemple #1
    static void DrawGizmoForMyScript(AntMovement scr, GizmoType gizmoType)
        Transform transform = scr.gameObject.transform;

        //if (Vector3.Distance(position, Camera.current.transform.position) > 10f)
        //Gizmos.DrawIcon(transform.position, "arrow.tiff", true);
        Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + transform.up);
Exemple #2
    //public int ability = 1;

    // Start is called before the first frame update

    void Start()
        antMovement = new AntMovement();

        targetFeed = GameObject.Find("feed").transform.position;
        targetNest = GameObject.Find("nest").transform.position;
        antMovement.nowPlace = transform.position;

        nodeGraph = new NodeGraph();
        nodeNest  = nodeGraph.CreateNode(targetNest);
        nodeFeed  = nodeGraph.CreateNode(targetFeed);
        targetNestEntrance = GameObject.Find("nestEntrance").transform.position;
        nodeNestEntrance   = nodeGraph.CreateNode(targetNestEntrance);
        //nodeGraph.ConnectNodes(new []{from,to});→ fromからtoへnodeをつなげる
        //nodeGraph.ConnectNodes(new []{A, B,C});→ABCの循環円を作成
        nodeGraph.ConnectNodes(new [] { nodeNest, nodeNestEntrance });
        nodeGraph.ConnectNodes(new [] { nodeNestEntrance, nodeFeed });
        searcher = new AStarSearcher(nodeGraph);
        searcher.SearchRoute(nodeNest, nodeFeed);
        foreach (var node in searcher.Route)
            I++; //vの大きさ

        antMovement.nowPlace = transform.position;
        //public float speed = hogehoge.speed;
        //試験用スピード //これは後で削除
        antMovement.speed = 0.01f;
        i               = 1;
        target          = v[i];
        antMovement.way = antMovement.Explore(target);
Exemple #3
    void Start()
        data = (ErgateAntData)GetComponent <ErgateAnt>().Data;

        antMovement = GetComponent <AntMovement>();
        var elements = NestSystem.Instance.NestElements;

        foreach (var element in elements)
            if (element.GetType().Name.Equals("StoreRoom"))
                nodeNest = element.GetNodes().ElementAt(0);

             * else if (element.GetType().Name.)
             * {
             * }
        nodeFeed = NestSystem.Instance.NestElements[0].GetNodes().ElementAt(0);

        antMovement.nowPlace = transform.position;

        IEnumerable <IPathNode> routes = NestSystem.Instance.FindRoute(nodeNest, nodeFeed);

        foreach (var node in routes)

        antMovement.nowPlace = transform.position;
        //public float speed = hogehoge.speed;
        //試験用スピード //これは後で削除
        antMovement.speed = 0.01f;
        i               = 1;
        target          = v[i];
        antMovement.way = antMovement.Explore(target);
Exemple #4
    public bool DEBUG_ANT = false; // Used for debugging

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        oldNest            = GameObject.Find(Naming.World.InitialNest).NestManager();
        carryPosition      = transform.Find(Naming.Ants.CarryPosition);
        sensesCol          = transform.Find(Naming.Ants.SensesArea).GetComponent <Collider>();
        move               = gameObject.AntMovement();
        nestThreshold      = RandomGenerator.Instance.NormalRandom(Other.v[Other.QualityThreshMean], Other.v[Other.QualityThreshNoise]);
        perceivedQuality   = float.MinValue;
        finishedRecruiting = false;
        //make sure the value is within contraints
        if (nestThreshold > 1)
            nestThreshold = 1;
        else if (nestThreshold < 0)
            nestThreshold = 0;
Exemple #5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this.oldNest = GameObject.Find("OldNest");
        this.carryPosition = transform.Find("CarryPosition");
        this.sensesCol = (Collider) transform.Find("Senses").GetComponent("Collider");
        this.move = (AntMovement) transform.GetComponent("AntMovement");
        this.rg = new RandomGenerator();
        this.nestThreshold = normalRandom(this.qualityThreshMean, this.qualityThreshNoise);
        this.percievedQuality = float.MinValue;
        this.finishedRecruiting = false;
        //make sure the value is within contraints
        if(this.nestThreshold > 1)
            this.nestThreshold = 1;
        else if(this.nestThreshold < 0)
            this.nestThreshold = 0;

        //!passive ants assess nest as a soon as simulation begins
        this.nextAssesment = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;