Exemple #1
    //void FixedUpdate(){
    //WrapMode emulator

     * if (currentAnimationData == null || currentAnimationData.clip == null) return;
     * var normalizedTime = GetNormalizedTime();
     * Debug.Log("normalizedTime" + normalizedTime + "Mathf.FloorToInt(normalizedTime)" + Mathf.FloorToInt(normalizedTime));
     * var timesPlayed = Mathf.FloorToInt(normalizedTime);
     * if (currentAnimationData.timesPlayed > timesPlayed)
     * {
     *  currentAnimationData.timesPlayed = timesPlayed;
     * }
     * else if (currentAnimationData.timesPlayed < timesPlayed)
     * {
     *  if (currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Loop || currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.PingPong)
     *  {
     *      if (MecanimControl.OnAnimationLoop != null) MecanimControl.OnAnimationLoop(currentAnimationData);
     *      currentAnimationData.timesPlayed++;
     *      var position = normalizedTime - timesPlayed;
     *      if (currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Loop)
     *      {
     *          //SetCurrentClipPosition(position);
     *          currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed = normalizedTime * currentAnimationData.length;
     *      }
     *      if (currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.PingPong)
     *      {
     *          SetSpeed(currentAnimationData.clipName, -currentAnimationData.speed);
     *          SetCurrentClipPosition(position);
     *      }
     *  }
     *  else if (currentAnimationData.timesPlayed == 0)
     *  {
     *      if (MecanimControl.OnAnimationEnd != null) MecanimControl.OnAnimationEnd(currentAnimationData);
     *      currentAnimationData.timesPlayed = 1;
     *      if (currentAnimationData.clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Once && alwaysPlay)
     *      {
     *          Play(defaultAnimation, currentMirror);
     *      }
     *      else if (!alwaysPlay)
     *      {
     *          animator.speed = 0;
     *      }
     *  }
     * }
     * else
     * {
     *  //currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed += Time.deltaTime * animator.speed * Time.timeScale;
     *  currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed += (Time.fixedDeltaTime * animator.speed);
     *  //if (currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed > currentAnimationData.length)
     *  //	currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed = currentAnimationData.length;
     * }

    //void OnGUI()
    //    //Toggle debug mode to see the live data in action
    //    if (debugMode)
    //    {
    //        GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width - 340, 40, 340, 400), "Animation Data");
    //        GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(Screen.width - 330, 60, 400, 400));
    //        {

    //            AnimatorClipInfo[] animationInfoArray = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0);
    //            foreach (AnimatorClipInfo animationInfo in animationInfoArray)
    //            {
    //                AnimatorStateInfo animatorStateInfo = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0);
    //                GUILayout.Label(animationInfo.clip.name);
    //                GUILayout.Label("-Wrap Mode: " + animationInfo.clip.wrapMode);
    //                GUILayout.Label("-Is Playing: " + IsPlaying(animationInfo.clip.name));
    //                GUILayout.Label("-Blend Weight: " + animationInfo.weight);
    //                GUILayout.Label("-Normalized Time: " + animatorStateInfo.normalizedTime);
    //                GUILayout.Label("-Length: " + animationInfo.clip.length);
    //                GUILayout.Label("----");
    //            }

    //            GUILayout.Label("--Current Animation Data--");
    //            GUILayout.Label("-Current Clip Name: " + currentAnimationData.clipName);
    //            GUILayout.Label("-Current Speed: " + GetSpeed().ToString());
    //            GUILayout.Label("-Times Played: " + currentAnimationData.timesPlayed);
    //            GUILayout.Label("-Seconds Played: " + currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed);
    //            GUILayout.Label("-Emul. Normalized: " + (currentAnimationData.secondsPlayed / currentAnimationData.length));
    //            GUILayout.Label("-Lengh: " + currentAnimationData.length);

    //            GUILayout.Label("-GetNormalizedTime(): " + GetNormalizedTime());
    //        }
    //        GUI.EndGroup();
    //    }

    public void ClearClips()
        foreach (var name in animations.Keys)