Exemple #1
        private void Initialize()
            // Create the scene with the imagery basemap.
            Scene myScene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImagery());

            MySceneView.Scene = myScene;

            // Add the surface elevation.
            Surface mySurface = new Surface();

            mySurface.ElevationSources.Add(new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_localElevationImageService));
            myScene.BaseSurface = mySurface;

            // Add the scene layer.
            ArcGISSceneLayer sceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer(_buildingsUrl);


            // Create the MapPoint representing the initial location.
            MapPoint initialLocation = new MapPoint(-4.5, 48.4, 56.0);

            // Create the location viewshed analysis.
            _viewshed = new LocationViewshed(

            // Create a camera based on the initial location.
            Camera camera = new Camera(initialLocation, 200.0, 20.0, 70.0, 0.0);

            // Create a symbol for the viewpoint.
            _viewpointSymbol = SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol.CreateSphere(Colors.Blue, 10, SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Center);

            // Add the symbol to the viewpoint overlay.
            _viewpointOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                SceneProperties = new LayerSceneProperties(SurfacePlacement.Absolute)
            _viewpointOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(initialLocation, _viewpointSymbol));

            // Apply the camera to the scene view.

            // Create an analysis overlay for showing the viewshed analysis.
            _analysisOverlay = new AnalysisOverlay();

            // Add the viewshed analysis to the overlay.

            // Add the analysis overlay to the SceneView.

            // Add the graphics overlay

            // Update the frustum outline color.
            // The frustum outline shows the volume in which the viewshed analysis is performed.
            Viewshed.FrustumOutlineColor = Colors.Blue;

            // Subscribe to tap events to enable moving the observer.
            MySceneView.GeoViewTapped += MySceneViewOnGeoViewTapped;
Exemple #2
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create the scene with an imagery basemap.
            MySceneView.Scene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImagery());

            // Add the elevation surface.
            ArcGISTiledElevationSource tiledElevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_elevationUri);
            Surface baseSurface = new Surface
                ElevationSources = { tiledElevationSource }

            MySceneView.Scene.BaseSurface = baseSurface;

            // Add buildings.
            ArcGISSceneLayer sceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer(_buildingsUri);


            // Configure the graphics overlay for the tank and add the overlay to the SceneView.
            _tankOverlay.SceneProperties.SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Relative;

            // Configure the heading expression for the tank; this will allow the
            //     viewshed to update automatically based on the tank's position.
            SimpleRenderer renderer3D = new SimpleRenderer();

            renderer3D.SceneProperties.HeadingExpression = "[HEADING]";
            _tankOverlay.Renderer = renderer3D;

                // Create the tank graphic - get the model path.
                string modelPath = GetModelPath();
                // - Create the symbol and make it 10x larger (to be the right size relative to the scene).
                ModelSceneSymbol tankSymbol = await ModelSceneSymbol.CreateAsync(new Uri(modelPath), 10);

                // - Adjust the position.
                tankSymbol.Heading = 90;
                // - The tank will be positioned relative to the scene surface by its bottom.
                //       This ensures that the tank is on the ground rather than partially under it.
                tankSymbol.AnchorPosition = SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Bottom;
                // - Create the graphic.
                _tank = new Graphic(new MapPoint(28.047199, -26.189105, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), tankSymbol);
                // - Update the heading.
                _tank.Attributes["HEADING"] = 0.0;
                // - Add the graphic to the overlay.

                // Create a viewshed for the tank.
                GeoElementViewshed geoViewshed = new GeoElementViewshed(
                    geoElement: _tank,
                    horizontalAngle: 90.0,
                    verticalAngle: 40.0,
                    minDistance: 0.1,
                    maxDistance: 250.0,
                    headingOffset: 0.0,
                    pitchOffset: 0.0)
                    // Offset viewshed observer location to top of tank.
                    OffsetZ = 3.0

                // Create the analysis overlay and add to the scene.
                AnalysisOverlay overlay = new AnalysisOverlay();

                // Create a camera controller to orbit the tank.
                OrbitGeoElementCameraController cameraController = new OrbitGeoElementCameraController(_tank, 200.0)
                    CameraPitchOffset = 45.0
                // - Apply the camera controller to the SceneView.
                MySceneView.CameraController = cameraController;

                // Create a timer; this will enable animating the tank.
                Timer animationTimer = new Timer(60)
                    Enabled   = true,
                    AutoReset = true
                // - Move the tank every time the timer expires.
                animationTimer.Elapsed += (o, e) =>
                // - Start the timer.

                // Allow the user to click to define a new destination.
                MySceneView.GeoViewTapped += (sender, args) => { _tankEndPoint = args.Location; };
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Error");
        private void Initialize()
            // Create a scene with elevation.
            Surface sceneSurface = new Surface();

            sceneSurface.ElevationSources.Add(new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_worldElevationService));
            Scene myScene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImagery())
                BaseSurface = sceneSurface

            // Create and add a building layer.
            ArcGISSceneLayer buildingsLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer(_buildingService);


            // Create and add an analysis overlay.
            AnalysisOverlay measureAnalysisOverlay = new AnalysisOverlay();


            // Create an initial distance measurement and show it.
            MapPoint start = new MapPoint(-4.494677, 48.384472, 24.772694, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
            MapPoint end   = new MapPoint(-4.495646, 48.384377, 58.501115, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);

            _distanceMeasurement = new LocationDistanceMeasurement(start, end);
            MySceneView.SetViewpointCamera(new Camera(start, 200, 0, 45, 0));

            // Keep the UI updated.
            _distanceMeasurement.MeasurementChanged += (o, e) =>
                // This is needed because measurement change events occur on a non-UI thread and this code accesses UI object.
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                    // Update the labels with new values in the format {value} {unit system}.
                    DirectMeasureLabel.Content = string.Format("{0:F} {1}", _distanceMeasurement.DirectDistance.Value,
                    VerticalMeasureLabel.Content = string.Format("{0:F} {1}", _distanceMeasurement.VerticalDistance.Value,
                    HorizontalMeasureLabel.Content = string.Format("{0:F} {1}",

            // Configure the unit system selection box.
            UnitSystemCombo.ItemsSource  = Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnitSystem));
            UnitSystemCombo.SelectedItem = _distanceMeasurement.UnitSystem;

            // Update the unit system selection.
            UnitSystemCombo.SelectionChanged += (sender, args) =>
                _distanceMeasurement.UnitSystem = (UnitSystem)UnitSystemCombo.SelectedItem;

            // Show the scene in the view.
            MySceneView.Scene = myScene;

            // Enable the 'New measurement' button.
            NewMeasureButton.IsEnabled = true;
Exemple #4
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create scene
            Scene myScene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels())
                // Set initial viewpoint
                InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(_observerPoint, 1000000)
            // Create the elevation source
            ElevationSource myElevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_elevationUri);

            // Add the elevation source to the scene
            // Create the building scene layer
            ArcGISSceneLayer mySceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer(_buildingsUri);

            // Add the building layer to the scene

            // Add the observer to the scene
            // Create a graphics overlay with relative surface placement; relative surface placement allows the Z position of the observation point to be adjusted
            GraphicsOverlay overlay = new GraphicsOverlay()
                SceneProperties = new LayerSceneProperties(SurfacePlacement.Relative)
            // Create the symbol that will symbolize the observation point
            SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol symbol = new SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol(SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle.Sphere, Color.Red, 10, 10, 10, SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Bottom);

            // Create the observation point graphic from the point and symbol
            _observerGraphic = new Graphic(_observerPoint, symbol);
            // Add the observer to the overlay
            // Add the overlay to the scene

            // Add the taxi to the scene
            // Create the model symbol for the taxi
            ModelSceneSymbol taxiSymbol = await ModelSceneSymbol.CreateAsync(new Uri(GetModelUri()));

            // Set the anchor position for the mode; ensures that the model appears above the ground
            taxiSymbol.AnchorPosition = SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Bottom;
            // Create the graphic from the taxi starting point and the symbol
            _taxiGraphic = new Graphic(_points[0], taxiSymbol);
            // Add the taxi graphic to the overlay

            // Create GeoElement Line of sight analysis (taxi to building)
            // Create the analysis
            _geoLine = new GeoElementLineOfSight(_observerGraphic, _taxiGraphic)
                // Apply an offset to the target. This helps avoid some false negatives
                TargetOffsetZ = 2
            // Create the analysis overlay
            AnalysisOverlay myAnalysisOverlay = new AnalysisOverlay();

            // Add the analysis to the overlay
            // Add the analysis overlay to the scene

            // Create a timer; this will enable animating the taxi
            Timer animationTimer = new Timer(60)
                Enabled   = true,
                AutoReset = true

            // Move the taxi every time the timer expires
            animationTimer.Elapsed += AnimationTimer_Elapsed;
            // Start the timer

            // Subscribe to TargetVisible events; allows for updating the UI and selecting the taxi when it is visible
            _geoLine.TargetVisibilityChanged += Geoline_TargetVisibilityChanged;

            // Add the scene to the view
            MySceneView.Scene = myScene;
Exemple #5
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create scene.
            Scene myScene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels())
                // Set initial viewpoint.
                InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(_observerPoint, 1600)

            // Create the elevation source.
            ElevationSource myElevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_elevationUri);

            // Add the elevation source to the scene.
            // Create the building scene layer.
            ArcGISSceneLayer mySceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer(_buildingsUri);

            // Add the building layer to the scene.

            // Add the observer to the scene.
            // Create a graphics overlay with relative surface placement; relative surface placement allows the Z position of the observation point to be adjusted.
            GraphicsOverlay overlay = new GraphicsOverlay {
                SceneProperties = new LayerSceneProperties(SurfacePlacement.Relative)
            // Create the symbol that will symbolize the observation point.
            SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol symbol = new SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol(SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle.Sphere, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 10, 10, 10, SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Bottom);

            // Create the observation point graphic from the point and symbol.
            _observerGraphic = new Graphic(_observerPoint, symbol);
            // Add the observer to the overlay.
            // Add the overlay to the scene.

                // Add the taxi to the scene.
                // Get the path to the model.
                string taxiModelPath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("3af5cfec0fd24dac8d88aea679027cb9", "dolmus.3ds");
                // Create the model symbol for the taxi.
                ModelSceneSymbol taxiSymbol = await ModelSceneSymbol.CreateAsync(new Uri(taxiModelPath));

                // Set the anchor position for the mode; ensures that the model appears above the ground.
                taxiSymbol.AnchorPosition = SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Bottom;
                // Create the graphic from the taxi starting point and the symbol.
                _taxiGraphic = new Graphic(_points[0], taxiSymbol);
                // Add the taxi graphic to the overlay.

                // Create GeoElement Line of sight analysis (taxi to building).
                // Create the analysis.
                _geoLine = new GeoElementLineOfSight(_observerGraphic, _taxiGraphic)
                    // Apply an offset to the target. This helps avoid some false negatives.
                    TargetOffsetZ = 2
                // Create the analysis overlay.
                AnalysisOverlay myAnalysisOverlay = new AnalysisOverlay();
                // Add the analysis to the overlay.
                // Add the analysis overlay to the scene.

                // Create a timer; this will enable animating the taxi.
                _animationTimer = new Timer(120);
                // Keep the timer running continuously.
                _animationTimer.AutoReset = true;

                // Add the scene to the view.
                _mySceneView.Scene = myScene;
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
Exemple #6
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create scene.
            Scene myScene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels())
                InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(_observerPoint, 1600)
            // Create the elevation source.
            ElevationSource myElevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_elevationUri);

            // Add the elevation source to the scene.
            // Create the building scene layer.
            ArcGISSceneLayer mySceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer(_buildingsUri);

            // Add the building layer to the scene.

            // Add the observer to the scene.
            // Create a graphics overlay with relative surface placement; relative surface placement allows the Z position of the observation point to be adjusted.
            GraphicsOverlay overlay = new GraphicsOverlay()
                SceneProperties = new LayerSceneProperties(SurfacePlacement.Relative)
            // Create the symbol that will symbolize the observation point.
            SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol symbol = new SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol(SimpleMarkerSceneSymbolStyle.Sphere, Color.Red, 10, 10, 10, SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Bottom);

            // Create the observation point graphic from the point and symbol.
            _observerGraphic = new Graphic(_observerPoint, symbol);
            // Add the observer to the overlay.
            // Add the overlay to the scene.

                // Add the taxi to the scene.
                // Create the model symbol for the taxi.
                ModelSceneSymbol taxiSymbol = await ModelSceneSymbol.CreateAsync(new Uri(DataManager.GetDataFolder("3af5cfec0fd24dac8d88aea679027cb9", "dolmus.3ds")));

                // Set the anchor position for the mode; ensures that the model appears above the ground.
                taxiSymbol.AnchorPosition = SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Bottom;
                // Create the graphic from the taxi starting point and the symbol.
                _taxiGraphic = new Graphic(_points[0], taxiSymbol);
                // Add the taxi graphic to the overlay.

                // Create GeoElement Line of sight analysis (taxi to building).
                // Create the analysis.
                _geoLine = new GeoElementLineOfSight(_observerGraphic, _taxiGraphic)
                    // Apply an offset to the target. This helps avoid some false negatives.
                    TargetOffsetZ = 2
                // Create the analysis overlay.
                AnalysisOverlay myAnalysisOverlay = new AnalysisOverlay();
                // Add the analysis to the overlay.
                // Add the analysis overlay to the scene.

                // Create a timer; this will enable animating the taxi.
                DispatcherTimer animationTimer = new DispatcherTimer()
                    Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 60)
                // Move the taxi every time the timer expires.
                animationTimer.Tick += AnimationTimer_Tick;
                // Start the timer.

                // Subscribe to TargetVisible events; allows for updating the UI and selecting the taxi when it is visible.
                _geoLine.TargetVisibilityChanged += Geoline_TargetVisibilityChanged;

                // Add the scene to the view.
                MySceneView.Scene = myScene;
            catch (Exception e)
                await new MessageDialog2(e.ToString(), "Error").ShowAsync();
        private void Initialize()
            // Create the scene with the imagery basemap.
            _mySceneView.Scene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImagery());

            // Add the surface elevation.
            Surface mySurface = new Surface();

            mySurface.ElevationSources.Add(new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_localElevationImageService));
            _mySceneView.Scene.BaseSurface = mySurface;

            // Add the scene layer.
            ArcGISSceneLayer sceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer(_buildingsUrl);


            // Create the MapPoint representing the initial location.
            MapPoint initialLocation = new MapPoint(-4.5, 48.4, 56.0);

            // Create the location viewshed analysis.
            _viewshed = new LocationViewshed(

            _settingsVC             = new ViewshedLocationSettingsController(_viewshed);
            _settingsButton.Enabled = true;

            // Create a camera based on the initial location.
            Camera camera = new Camera(initialLocation, 200.0, 20.0, 70.0, 0.0);

            // Apply the camera to the scene view.

            // Create an analysis overlay for showing the viewshed analysis.
            _analysisOverlay = new AnalysisOverlay();

            // Add the viewshed analysis to the overlay.

            // Create a symbol for the viewpoint.
            _viewpointSymbol = SimpleMarkerSceneSymbol.CreateSphere(Color.Blue, 10, SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Center);

            // Add the symbol to the viewpoint overlay.
            _viewpointOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                SceneProperties = new LayerSceneProperties(SurfacePlacement.Absolute)
            _viewpointOverlay.Graphics.Add(new Graphic(initialLocation, _viewpointSymbol));

            // Add the analysis overlay to the SceneView.

            // Add the graphics overlay

            // Update the frustum outline color.
            // The frustum outline shows the volume in which the viewshed analysis is performed.
            Viewshed.FrustumOutlineColor = Color.Blue;
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create the scene with an imagery basemap.
            _mySceneView.Scene = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImagery());

            // Add the elevation surface.
            ArcGISTiledElevationSource tiledElevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(_elevationUri);

            _mySceneView.Scene.BaseSurface = new Surface
                ElevationSources = { tiledElevationSource }

            // Add buildings.
            ArcGISSceneLayer sceneLayer = new ArcGISSceneLayer(_buildingsUri);


            // Configure the graphics overlay for the tank and add the overlay to the SceneView.
            _tankOverlay.SceneProperties.SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Relative;

            // Configure the heading expression for the tank; this will allow the
            //     viewshed to update automatically based on the tank's position.
            _tankOverlay.Renderer = new SimpleRenderer
                SceneProperties = { HeadingExpression = "[HEADING]" }

                // Create the tank graphic - get the model path.
                string modelPath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("07d62a792ab6496d9b772a24efea45d0", "bradle.3ds");
                // - Create the symbol and make it 10x larger (to be the right size relative to the scene).
                ModelSceneSymbol tankSymbol = await ModelSceneSymbol.CreateAsync(new Uri(modelPath), 10);

                // - Adjust the position.
                tankSymbol.Heading = 90;
                // - The tank will be positioned relative to the scene surface by its bottom.
                //     This ensures that the tank is on the ground rather than partially under it.
                tankSymbol.AnchorPosition = SceneSymbolAnchorPosition.Bottom;
                // - Create the graphic.
                _tank = new Graphic(new MapPoint(28.047199, -26.189105, SpatialReferences.Wgs84), tankSymbol);
                // - Update the heading.
                _tank.Attributes["HEADING"] = 0.0;
                // - Add the graphic to the overlay.

                // Create a viewshed for the tank.
                GeoElementViewshed geoViewshed = new GeoElementViewshed(
                    geoElement: _tank,
                    horizontalAngle: 90.0,
                    verticalAngle: 40.0,
                    minDistance: 0.1,
                    maxDistance: 250.0,
                    headingOffset: 0.0,
                    pitchOffset: 0.0)
                    // Offset viewshed observer location to top of tank.
                    OffsetZ = 3.0

                // Create the analysis overlay and add to the scene.
                AnalysisOverlay overlay = new AnalysisOverlay();

                // Create and use a camera controller to orbit the tank.
                _mySceneView.CameraController = new OrbitGeoElementCameraController(_tank, 200.0)
                    CameraPitchOffset = 45.0

                // Create a timer; this will enable animating the tank.
                _animationTimer = new Timer(60)
                    Enabled   = true,
                    AutoReset = true
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();