Exemple #1
         * Method is simulating a push notification request being sent to PushApps server.
         * including validations that needs to be done before sending notification.
         * Pay attention that only 1 of the audience option is allowed: either By Platforms OR Devices OR customIds OR DeviceIds.
        public static void SendPushNotification()
            PushNotification_Demo notification = new PushNotification_Demo();

            notification.SecretToken = SecretToken;
            notification.Message     = "Hello World";

            //  an empty list will send to all available platforms.
            notification.Platforms = new List <Enums.DevicePlatform>();
            notification.Platforms.Add(Enums.DevicePlatform.Android);      // in case you want to choose only one platform and not send all
            notification.Platforms.Add(Enums.DevicePlatform.iOS);          // in case you want to choose only one platform and not send all

            /* in case you want to send to custom devices list.
             * notification.Devices = new List<Device>();
             * Device User = new Device();
             * User.DeviceType = Enums.DevicePlatform.Android; // can be also Enums.DevicePlatform.iOS
             * User.PushToken = "Enter Push Token Here";

            /* in case you want to send to custom list of Device ids
             * notification.DeviceIds = new List<string>();
             * notification.DeviceIds.Add("30010501023");
             * notification.DeviceIds.Add("44557015744");

            /* in case you want to send to a list of Custom ids you provided eariler.
             * notification.CustomIds = new List<string>();
             * notification.CustomIds.Add("IosDevice1");
             * notification.CustomIds.Add("AndroidDevice10");

             * Platforms specific features, Null in sound means no sound will be sent causing device to get silent notification.
            notification.PlatformFeatures = new PlatforeFeatures();
            notification.PlatformFeatures.AndroidTitle = "Some Android Title";
            //notification.PlatformFeatures.AndroidSound = "sound file without extension";
            notification.PlatformFeatures.iOSBadge = 1;     //can be changed to every number.
            //notification.PlatformFeatures.iOSSound = "sound file without extension";
