Exemple #1
        protected void ASPxListBox1_Callback(object sender, CallbackEventArgsBase e)
            string[] param  = e.Parameter.Split(',');
            string   type   = param[0];
            string   pline1 = ASPxComboBoxPline.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();
            //string pline1 = param[1];
            //string begindate1 = param[1] ;
            string      begindate1 = ASPxDateEdit1.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            ASPxListBox location   = sender as ASPxListBox;

            if (type == "ALL")
                string sql = "select plan_code||'; '||plan_so||'; '||plan_qty||'; '||pline_code ID1 from data_plan where pline_code='" + pline1 + "' and (plan_type='C' or plan_type='D') and begin_date=to_date('" + begindate1 + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and  confirm_flag='Y' and bom_flag='N' and item_flag='N' and third_flag='N' and run_flag='N' order by plan_code";

                DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql);
                location.DataSource = dt;
            if (type == "ALLW")
                string sql = "select plan_code||'; '||plan_so||'; '||plan_qty||'; '||pline_code ID1 from data_plan where pline_code='" + pline1 + "' and (plan_type='C' or plan_type='D') and confirm_flag='Y' and bom_flag='N' and item_flag='N' and third_flag='N' and run_flag='N' order by plan_code";

                DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql);
                location.DataSource = dt;
            string sql1 = "select rmes_id,plan_code,plan_so,plan_qty,pline_code from data_plan where pline_code='" + pline1 + "' and (plan_type='C' or plan_type='D') and begin_date=to_date('" + begindate1 + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and  confirm_flag='Y' and bom_flag='N' and item_flag='N' and third_flag='N' and run_flag='N' order by plan_code";

            ASPxListBoxLocation.DataSource = dc.GetTable(sql1);
Exemple #2
    protected void ASPxListBoxLocation_Callback(object sender, CallbackEventArgsBase e)
        string pline = e.Parameter;
        string sql   = "select distinct location_code from ms_location_time where gzdd ='" + pline + "'"
                       + "and location_code not in (select location_code from code_location ) order by location_code";

        SqlLocation.SelectCommand = sql;