private void trackTest(Touch touch) { List <ARHitResult> hitResults = ARFrame.HitTest(touch); foreach (ARHitResult singleHit in hitResults) { ARTrackable trackable = singleHit.GetTrackable(); if ((trackable is ARPlane && ((ARPlane)trackable).IsPoseInPolygon(singleHit.HitPose)) || (trackable is ARPoint)) { ARAnchor anchor = singleHit.CreateAnchor(); ARDebug.LogInfo("GridARScript:trackTest anchor world position {0}", anchor.GetPose().position); Vector3 screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(anchor.GetPose().position); ARDebug.LogInfo("GridARScript:trackTest anchor screen position {0}", screenPos); if (m_touchIndex % 2 == 0) { m_touchBeginModel.GetComponent <disToolLogoVisualizer>().setAnchor(anchor); var script = m_grid.GetComponent <GridARScpript>(); if (script) { script.setBeginAnchor(anchor); } } else { m_touchEndModel.GetComponent <disToolLogoVisualizer>().setAnchor(anchor); } ++m_touchIndex; break; } } }
private void BuildHWDatabase(string cliBinaryPath, out string error) { string output; error = null; var tempDirectoryPath = FileUtil.GetUniqueTempPathInProject(); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDirectoryPath); var rawDatabasePath = Path.Combine(tempDirectoryPath, "HwDatabase.bin"); for (int i = 0; i < m_Images.Count; i++) { var imagePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_Images[i].Texture); ShellHelper.RunCommand(cliBinaryPath, string.Format("add-img --input_image_path {0} --input_database_path {1}", imagePath, rawDatabasePath), out output, out error); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { ARDebug.LogInfo("RunCommand err" + error); return; } m_RawData = File.ReadAllBytes(rawDatabasePath); }
private void _Connect() { ARDebug.LogInfo("_connect begin"); const string ANDROID_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NAME = "android.permission.CAMERA"; if (AndroidPermissionsRequest.IsPermissionGranted(ANDROID_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NAME)) { _ConnectToService(); return; } var permissionsArray = new string[] { ANDROID_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NAME }; AndroidPermissionsRequest.RequestPermission(permissionsArray).ThenAction((requestResult) => { if (requestResult.IsAllGranted) { _ConnectToService(); } else { ARDebug.LogError("connection failed because a needed permission was rejected."); errorMessage = "This app require camera permission"; Log(); Invoke("_DoQuit", 0.5f); return; } }); }
public void OnApplicationPause(bool pause) { if (pause == true) { ARDebug.LogInfo("OnApplicationPause false, HelloARController _RemoveAnchorGameObject"); } }
private void _CreateWorld(Touch touch) { List <ARHitResult> hitResults = ARFrame.HitTest(touch); ARDebug.LogInfo("_DrawARLogo hitResults count {0}", hitResults.Count); foreach (ARHitResult singleHit in hitResults) { ARTrackable trackable = singleHit.GetTrackable(); ARDebug.LogInfo("_DrawARLogo GetTrackable {0}", singleHit.GetTrackable()); if (trackable is ARPlane && ((ARPlane)trackable).IsPoseInPolygon(singleHit.HitPose) || trackable is ARPoint) { ARAnchor anchor = singleHit.CreateAnchor(); Vector3 anchorPosition = anchor.GetPose().position; if (world) { world.transform.position = anchorPosition; } else { world = Instantiate(worldPrefab, anchorPosition, Quaternion.identity); } break; } } }
public static bool FindCliBinaryPath(out string path) { string binaryName; if (m_ARAugImageDatabaseType == AREnginesType.HUAWEI_AR_ENGINE) { binaryName = UtilConstants.HWAugmentedImageCliBinaryName; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Wrong AREngine Type" + m_ARAugImageDatabaseType); path = string.Empty; return(false); } string[] cliBinaryGuid = AssetDatabase.FindAssets(binaryName); if (cliBinaryGuid.Length == 0) { ARDebug.LogInfo("Could not find required tool for building AugmentedImageDatabase: {0}. " + "Was it removed from the SDK?", binaryName); path = string.Empty; return(false); } // Remove the '/Assets' from the project path since it will be added in the path below. string projectPath = Application.dataPath.Substring(0, Application.dataPath.Length - 6); path = Path.Combine(projectPath, AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(cliBinaryGuid[0])); return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)); }
public List <ARAugmentedImageDatabaseEntry> GetDirtyQualityEntries() { var dirtyEntries = new List <ARAugmentedImageDatabaseEntry>(); string cliBinaryPath; if (!FindCliBinaryPath(out cliBinaryPath)) { return(dirtyEntries); } string currentCliVersion; { string error; #if !UNITY_EDITOR_WIN string output; ShellHelper.RunCommand("chmod", "+x " + cliBinaryPath, out output, out error); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Debug.LogWarning(error); return(dirtyEntries); } #endif ShellHelper.RunCommand(cliBinaryPath, "version", out currentCliVersion, out error); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { ARDebug.LogInfo(error); return(dirtyEntries); } } bool cliUpdated = m_CliVersion != currentCliVersion; // When CLI is updated, mark all entries dirty. if (cliUpdated) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Images.Count; ++i) { ARAugmentedImageDatabaseEntry updatedImage = m_Images[i]; updatedImage.Quality = string.Empty; m_Images[i] = updatedImage; } m_CliVersion = currentCliVersion; EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); } for (int i = 0; i < m_Images.Count; ++i) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Images[i].Quality)) { continue; } dirtyEntries.Add(m_Images[i]); } return(dirtyEntries); }
public void HandleTouch_Single(GameObject prefab) { Session.SetHitTestMode(ApiHitTestMode.PolygonPersistence); if (Input.touchCount == 0) { return; } if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Began) { if (EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(Input.touches[0].fingerId) == false) { m_bOverGameObj = false; } else { m_bOverGameObj = true; } } if (slamController == null || Frame.TrackingState != TrackingState.Tracking) { return; } ARDebug.LogInfo("bPlaceModel" + bPlaceModel); ARDebug.LogInfo("HandleTouch_Single:IsPointerOverGameObject:" + m_bOverGameObj); TrackableHit hit; TrackableHitFlags raycastFilter = TrackableHitFlags.PlaneWithinBounds | TrackableHitFlags.PlaneWithinPolygon; if (m_bOverGameObj == false && Session.Raycast(Input.touches[0].position.x, Input.touches[0].position.y, raycastFilter, out hit)) { ARDebug.LogInfo("Raycast:" + Input.touches[0].position.x + "," + Input.touches[0].position.y); if (bPlaceModel) { m_ModelObj = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(prefab, hit.Pose.position, hit.Pose.rotation); // Create an anchor to allow ARCore to track the hitpoint as understanding of the physical // world evolves. //Anchor anchor = hit.Trackable.CreateAnchor(hit.Pose); //m_AnchorObj = anchor.gameObject; m_AnchorObj = new GameObject("anchor"); // Make Andy model a child of the anchor. m_ModelObj.transform.parent = m_AnchorObj.transform; m_ModelObj.tag = "ARObj"; m_ModelObj.layer = 10; bPlaceModel = false; } m_ModelObj.transform.position = hit.Pose.position; } }
private void _DrawARLogo(Touch touch) { List <ARHitResult> hitResults = ARFrame.HitTest(touch); ARHitResult hitResult = null; ARTrackable trackable = null; Boolean hasHitFlag = false; ARDebug.LogInfo("_DrawARLogo hitResults count {0}", hitResults.Count); foreach (ARHitResult singleHit in hitResults) { trackable = singleHit.GetTrackable(); ARDebug.LogInfo("_DrawARLogo GetTrackable {0}", singleHit.GetTrackable()); if ((trackable is ARPlane && ((ARPlane)trackable).IsPoseInPolygon(singleHit.HitPose)) || (trackable is ARPoint)) { hitResult = singleHit; hasHitFlag = true; if (trackable is ARPlane) { break; } } } if (hasHitFlag != true) { ARDebug.LogInfo("_DrawARLogo can't hit!"); return; } if (addedAnchors.Count > 16) { ARAnchor toRemove = addedAnchors[0]; toRemove.Detach(); addedAnchors.RemoveAt(0); } GameObject prefab; trackable = hitResult.GetTrackable(); if (trackable is ARPlane) { prefab = arDiscoveryLogoPlanePrefabs; } else { prefab = arDiscoveryLogoPointPrefabs; } /* * ARAnchor anchor = hitResult.CreateAnchor(); * var logoObject = Instantiate(prefab, anchor.GetPose().position, anchor.GetPose().rotation); * logoObject.GetComponent<ARDiscoveryLogoVisualizer>().Initialize(anchor); * addedAnchors.Add(anchor); */ }
private void renderMesh(Vector3 beginPos, Vector3 endPos) { var mat = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material; float distance = Vector3.Distance(beginPos, endPos); float tilingW = distance / (float)mat.mainTexture.width; tilingW *= 100.0f; mat.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", new Vector2(tilingW, 1)); Vector3 cro = Vector3.Cross(endPos - beginPos, new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); cro.Normalize(); ARDebug.LogInfo("GridARScript: tilingW:{0},{1},{2},{3}", tilingW, beginPos, endPos, cro); cro *= mat.mainTexture.height; Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[4]; vertices [0] = beginPos; vertices [1] = endPos; vertices [2] = beginPos + cro; vertices [3] = endPos + cro; Vector2[] uv = new Vector2[vertices.Length]; uv [0] = new Vector2(0, 0); uv [1] = new Vector2(1, 0); uv [2] = new Vector2(0, 1); uv [3] = new Vector2(1, 1); var mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; if (null != mesh) { mesh.Clear(); } // = "Procedural Grid"; mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.uv = uv; int[] triangles = new int[6]; triangles [0] = 0; triangles [1] = 2; triangles [2] = 1; triangles [3] = 2; triangles [4] = 3; triangles [5] = 1; mesh.triangles = triangles; }
public void Update() { if (null == m_body) { return; } ARDebug.LogInfo("body tracking state {0}", m_body.GetTrackingState()); _DonotShowPointAndConnections(); if (m_body.GetTrackingState() == ARTrackable.TrackingState.STOPPED) { Destroy(gameObject); } else if (m_body.GetTrackingState() == ARTrackable.TrackingState.TRACKING) { _UpdateBody(); } }
private void BuildGoogleDatabase(string cliBinaryPath, out string error) { var tempDirectoryPath = FileUtil.GetUniqueTempPathInProject(); Directory.CreateDirectory(tempDirectoryPath); var inputImagesFile = Path.Combine(tempDirectoryPath, "inputImages"); string[] fileLines = new string[m_Images.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < m_Images.Count; i++) { var imagePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_Images[i].Texture); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(m_Images[i].Name).Append('|').Append(imagePath); if (m_Images[i].Width > 0) { sb.Append('|').Append(m_Images[i].Width); } fileLines[i] = sb.ToString(); } File.WriteAllLines(inputImagesFile, fileLines); var rawDatabasePath = Path.Combine(tempDirectoryPath, "out_database"); string output; #if !UNITY_EDITOR_WIN ShellHelper.RunCommand("chmod", "+x " + cliBinaryPath, out output, out error); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Debug.LogWarning(error); return; } #endif ShellHelper.RunCommand(cliBinaryPath, string.Format("build-db --input_image_list_path {0} --output_db_path {1}", inputImagesFile, rawDatabasePath), out output, out error); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { ARDebug.LogInfo("RunCommand err" + error); return; } m_RawData = File.ReadAllBytes(rawDatabasePath + ".imgdb"); }
private void trackTest() { if (null == m_beginAnchor) { m_MeshRenderer.enabled = false; return; } switch (m_beginAnchor.GetTrackingState()) { case ARTrackable.TrackingState.TRACKING: m_MeshRenderer.enabled = true; break; case ARTrackable.TrackingState.PAUSED: m_MeshRenderer.enabled = false; return; case ARTrackable.TrackingState.STOPPED: default: m_MeshRenderer.enabled = false; m_beginAnchor = null; return; } List <ARHitResult> hitResults = ARFrame.HitTest(m_touchScreenPos.x, m_touchScreenPos.y); ARDebug.LogInfo("GridARScript:trackTest hitResults count {0}", hitResults.Count); foreach (ARHitResult singleHit in hitResults) { ARTrackable trackable = singleHit.GetTrackable(); ARDebug.LogInfo("GridARScript:trackTest GetTrackable {0}", singleHit.GetTrackable()); if ((trackable is ARPlane && ((ARPlane)trackable).IsPoseInPolygon(singleHit.HitPose)) || (trackable is ARPoint)) { ARAnchor anchor = singleHit.CreateAnchor(); //ARDebug.LogInfo("GridARScript:trackTest anchor world position {0}", anchor.GetPose().position); renderMesh(m_beginAnchor.GetPose().position, anchor.GetPose().position); break; } } }
public void OnApplicationPause(bool pause) { if (pause == true) { ARDebug.LogInfo("OnApplicationPause false, call session pause"); if (m_SessionManager != null) { m_SessionManager.Pause(); } } else { ARDebug.LogInfo("OnApplicationPause true, call session resume"); if (m_SessionManager != null) { m_SessionManager.Resume(SessionConfig); } } }
public void Update() { sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); sb.Append("BodyAction: " + m_body.GetBodyAction() + "\n"); if (null == m_body) { return; } ARDebug.LogInfo("body tracking state {0}", m_body.GetTrackingState()); _DonotShowPointAndConnections(); if (m_body.GetTrackingState() == ARTrackable.TrackingState.STOPPED) { Destroy(gameObject); } else if (m_body.GetTrackingState() == ARTrackable.TrackingState.TRACKING) { _UpdateBody(); } }
/// <summary> /// The Unity Update method. /// </summary> public void Update() { if (Image == null || Image.GetTrackingState() != ARTrackable.TrackingState.TRACKING) { FrameLowerLeft.SetActive(false); FrameLowerRight.SetActive(false); FrameUpperLeft.SetActive(false); FrameUpperRight.SetActive(false); return; } float halfWidth = Image.GetExtentX() / 2; float halfHeight = Image.GetExtentZ() / 2; if (AREnginesSelector.Instance.GetCreatedEngine() == AREnginesType.HUAWEI_AR_ENGINE) { //arengine GetExtentX&GetExtentZ() isn't changing when camera moving,so using Image.GetCenterPose to move FrameLowerLeft etc. Quaternion poseRotation = Image.GetCenterPose().rotation; FrameLowerLeft.transform.position = poseRotation * ((halfWidth * Vector3.left) + (halfHeight * Vector3.back)) + Image.GetCenterPose().position; FrameLowerLeft.transform.rotation = poseRotation; FrameLowerRight.transform.position = poseRotation * ((halfWidth * Vector3.right) + (halfHeight * Vector3.back)) + Image.GetCenterPose().position; FrameLowerRight.transform.rotation = poseRotation; FrameUpperLeft.transform.position = poseRotation * ((halfWidth * Vector3.left) + (halfHeight * Vector3.forward)) + Image.GetCenterPose().position; FrameUpperLeft.transform.rotation = poseRotation; FrameUpperRight.transform.position = poseRotation * ((halfWidth * Vector3.right) + (halfHeight * Vector3.forward)) + Image.GetCenterPose().position; FrameUpperRight.transform.rotation = poseRotation; } else { //arcore GetExtentX&GetExtentZ() is changing when camera moving,so using halfWidth&halfHeight to move FrameLowerLeft etc. FrameLowerLeft.transform.localPosition = (halfWidth * Vector3.left) + (halfHeight * Vector3.back); FrameLowerRight.transform.localPosition = (halfWidth * Vector3.right) + (halfHeight * Vector3.back); FrameUpperLeft.transform.localPosition = (halfWidth * Vector3.left) + (halfHeight * Vector3.forward); FrameUpperRight.transform.localPosition = (halfWidth * Vector3.right) + (halfHeight * Vector3.forward); } ARDebug.LogInfo("image position {0} rotation {1} width {2} height {3}", Image.GetCenterPose().position, Image.GetCenterPose().rotation, halfWidth, halfHeight); FrameLowerLeft.SetActive(true); FrameLowerRight.SetActive(true); FrameUpperLeft.SetActive(true); FrameUpperRight.SetActive(true); }
/** * \if english * Get parameters map. * \else * 获取当前的面部参数。 * \endif */ public Dictionary <ARParameterType, float> GetParameters() { ARDebug.LogInfo("get Parameter Begin", 1); float[] var1 = m_ndkSession.TrackableAdapter.GetParameterValueArray(m_trackableHandle); int[] var2 = m_ndkSession.TrackableAdapter.GetParameterTypeArray(m_trackableHandle); if (var1.Length != var2.Length) { throw new ARFatalException("Unexpected array length!"); } else { Dictionary <ARParameterType, float> var3 = new Dictionary <ARParameterType, float>(60); for (int var4 = 0; var4 < var2.Length; ++var4) { var3.Add((ARParameterType)var2[var4], var1[var4]); } return(var3); } }
private void _DrawARLogo(Touch touch) { List <ARHitResult> hitResults = ARFrame.HitTest(touch); ARDebug.LogInfo("_DrawARLogo hitResults count {0}", hitResults.Count); foreach (ARHitResult singleHit in hitResults) { ARTrackable trackable = singleHit.GetTrackable(); ARDebug.LogInfo("_DrawARLogo GetTrackable {0}", singleHit.GetTrackable()); if ((trackable is ARPlane && ((ARPlane)trackable).IsPoseInPolygon(singleHit.HitPose)) || (trackable is ARPoint)) { GameObject prefab; if (trackable is ARPlane) { prefab = arDiscoveryLogoPlanePrefabs; } else { prefab = arDiscoveryLogoPointPrefabs; } if (addedAnchors.Count > 16) { ARAnchor toRemove = addedAnchors[0]; toRemove.Detach(); addedAnchors.RemoveAt(0); } ARAnchor anchor = singleHit.CreateAnchor(); var logoObject = Instantiate(prefab, anchor.GetPose().position, anchor.GetPose().rotation); logoObject.GetComponent <ARDiscoveryLogoVisualizer>().Initialize(anchor); addedAnchors.Add(anchor); break; } } }
public void BuildIfNeeded(out string error) { error = ""; if (!m_IsRawDataDirty) { return; } string cliBinaryPath; if (!FindCliBinaryPath(out cliBinaryPath)) { return; } if (m_ARAugImageDatabaseType == AREnginesType.HUAWEI_AR_ENGINE) { BuildHWDatabase(cliBinaryPath, out error); } else { ARDebug.LogWarning("Wrong AREngine Type" + m_ARAugImageDatabaseType); return; } m_IsRawDataDirty = false; EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); // Force a save to make certain build process will get updated asset. AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); const int BYTES_IN_KBYTE = 1024; // TODO:: Remove this log when all errors/warnings are moved to stderr for CLI tool. ARDebug.LogInfo("Built AugmentedImageDatabase '{0}' ({1} Images, {2} KBytes)", name, m_Images.Count, m_RawData.Length / BYTES_IN_KBYTE); }
public void HandleTouch_Single() { if (currPlaceType == EPlaceType.Place_None) { return; } Session.SetHitTestMode(ApiHitTestMode.PolygonPersistence); if (Input.touchCount == 0) { return; } if (Input.touches[0].phase == TouchPhase.Began) { if (EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(Input.touches[0].fingerId) == false) { m_bOverGameObj = false; } else { m_bOverGameObj = true; TouchOnSceneObj(EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject); } } if (slamController == null || Frame.TrackingState != TrackingState.Tracking) { return; } ARDebug.LogInfo("bPlaceModel" + bPlaceModel); ARDebug.LogInfo("HandleTouch_Single:IsPointerOverGameObject:" + m_bOverGameObj); TrackableHit hit; TrackableHitFlags raycastFilter = TrackableHitFlags.PlaneWithinBounds | TrackableHitFlags.PlaneWithinPolygon; if (m_bOverGameObj == false && Session.Raycast(Input.touches[0].position.x, Input.touches[0].position.y, raycastFilter, out hit)) { //DZ_DebugConsole.Log("Raycast:" + Input.touches[0].position.x + "," + Input.touches[0].position.y); ARDebug.LogInfo("Raycast:" + Input.touches[0].position.x + "," + Input.touches[0].position.y); if (currPlaceType == EPlaceType.Place_Anc) { if (bPlaceModel) { TouchHandleCreatCloudAncObj(hit); bPlaceModel = false; } } else { if (bPlaceModel) { TouchHandleCreateMode(hit.Pose.position, hit.Pose.rotation); } else if (selectedObj_ != null) { selectedObj_.transform.position = hit.Pose.position; } } } }
public void Update() { // Exit the app when the 'back' button is pressed. if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.Quit(); } // Check that motion tracking is tracking. if (ARFrame.GetTrackingState() != ARTrackable.TrackingState.TRACKING) { ARDebug.LogInfo("GetTrackingState no tracing return <<"); return; } // Get updated augmented images for this frame. ARFrame.GetTrackables <ARAugmentedImage>(m_TempAugmentedImages, ARTrackableQueryFilter.UPDATED); ARDebug.LogInfo("m_TempAugmentedImages size {0}", m_TempAugmentedImages.Count); // Create visualizers and anchors for updated augmented images that are tracking and do not previously // have a visualizer. Remove visualizers for stopped images. foreach (var image in m_TempAugmentedImages) { AugmentedImageVisualizer visualizer = null; m_Visualizers.TryGetValue(image.GetDataBaseIndex(), out visualizer); ARDebug.LogInfo("GetTrackingState {0}", image.GetTrackingState()); if (image.GetTrackingState() == ARTrackable.TrackingState.TRACKING && visualizer != null) { visualizer.Image = image; ARDebug.LogInfo("update position {0} rotation {1}", image.GetCenterPose().position, image.GetCenterPose().rotation); } if (image.GetTrackingState() == ARTrackable.TrackingState.TRACKING && visualizer == null) { // Create an anchor to ensure that ARCore keeps tracking this augmented image. //ARAnchor anchor = image.CreateAnchor(image.GetCenterPose()); //visualizer = (AugmentedImageVisualizer)Instantiate(AugmentedImageVisualizerPrefab, anchor.GetPose().position, anchor.GetPose().rotation); visualizer = (AugmentedImageVisualizer)Instantiate(AugmentedImageVisualizerPrefab, image.GetCenterPose().position, image.GetCenterPose().rotation); ARDebug.LogInfo("create position {0} rotation {1}", image.GetCenterPose().position, image.GetCenterPose().rotation); visualizer.Image = image; m_Visualizers.Add(image.GetDataBaseIndex(), visualizer); } else if (image.GetTrackingState() == ARTrackable.TrackingState.STOPPED && visualizer != null) { m_Visualizers.Remove(image.GetDataBaseIndex()); GameObject.Destroy(visualizer.gameObject); } } // Show the fit-to-scan overlay if there are no images that are Tracking. foreach (var visualizer in m_Visualizers.Values) { if (visualizer.Image.GetTrackingState() == ARTrackable.TrackingState.TRACKING) { FitToScanOverlay.SetActive(false); return; } } //FitToScanOverlay.SetActive(true); }
public void setBeginAnchor(ARAnchor ch) { m_beginAnchor = ch; m_touchScreenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(ch.GetPose().position); ARDebug.LogInfo("GridARScript:m_touchScreenPos {0}", m_touchScreenPos); }