Exemple #1
        public async Task<ActionResult> Index(string year = "", string make = "", string model = "", string style = "") {
            HttpContext ctx = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;
            Settings settings = ViewBag.settings;
            int cust_id = 0;
            try {
                cust_id = Convert.ToInt32(settings.Get("CURTAccount"));
            } catch (Exception) { }

            style = style.Replace('!', '/');

            var pcats = CURTAPI.GetParentCategoriesAsync();
            var vtask = CURTAPI.getVehicleAsync(year, make, model, style);
            var parttask = CURTAPI.GetVehiclePartsAsync(year.Trim(), make.Trim(), model.Trim(), style.Trim(), cust_id);
            await Task.WhenAll(new Task[] { pcats, vtask, parttask });
            ViewBag.parent_cats = await pcats;

            FullVehicle vehicle = await vtask;

            UDF.SetCookies(ctx, year, make, model, style, vehicle.vehicleID);
            ViewBag.year = year;
            ViewBag.make = make;
            ViewBag.model = model;
            ViewBag.style = style;
            ViewBag.vehicleID = vehicle.vehicleID;

            // Get all the parts that match our search criteria
            List<APIPart> parts = await parttask;

            // Get the unique classes of the returned parts
            IEnumerable<IGrouping<string,APIPart>> distinct = parts.GroupBy(x => x.pClass.Trim());

            // Loop through the unique groups and get the color codes for each pClass
            foreach (IGrouping<string,APIPart> d in distinct) {
                APIPart p = d.FirstOrDefault<APIPart>();

                // Get the color code from the API
                APIColorCode color_code = CURTAPI.GetColorCode(p.partID);

                // Set up default code if something went wrong
                if (color_code == null || color_code.code == null) {
                    color_code = new APIColorCode();
                    color_code.code = "ffffff";

                // Get the parts that match this pClass and bind our colorCode to them
                List<APIPart> codedParts = parts.Where(x => x.pClass.Equals(p.pClass)).ToList<APIPart>();
                foreach (APIPart codedPart in codedParts) {
                    codedPart.colorCode = color_code.code;

            int part_count = parts.Count;
            Dictionary<string, List<APIPart>> ordered_parts = new Dictionary<string, List<APIPart>>();
            foreach (APIPart part in parts) {
                if (part.pClass.Length > 0) {
                    if (ordered_parts.Keys.Contains(part.pClass)) { // Already added to dictionary
                        List<APIPart> existing_parts = ordered_parts.Where(x => x.Key == part.pClass).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault<List<APIPart>>();
                        ordered_parts[part.pClass] = existing_parts;
                    } else { // New Color Code
                        List<APIPart> new_parts = new List<APIPart>();
                        ordered_parts.Add(part.pClass, new_parts);
                } else {
                    if (ordered_parts.Keys.Contains("Wiring")) { // Already added to dictionary
                        List<APIPart> existing_parts = ordered_parts.Where(x => x.Key == "Wiring").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault<List<APIPart>>();
                        ordered_parts["Wiring"] = existing_parts;
                    } else { // New Color Code
                        List<APIPart> new_parts = new List<APIPart>();
                        ordered_parts.Add("Wiring", new_parts);

            ViewBag.parts = ordered_parts;
            ViewBag.partCount = part_count;
            ViewBag.year = year;
            ViewBag.make = make;
            ViewBag.model = model;
            ViewBag.style = style;

            return View();
        } // End Index
        public ActionResult Index(string year = "", string make = "", string model = "", string style = "")
            Settings settings = ViewBag.settings;
            style = style.Replace('!', '/');

            Session["year"] = year.Trim();
            Session["make"] = make.Trim();
            Session["model"] = model.Trim();
            Session["style"] = style.Trim();
            Session.Timeout = 30;

            int cust_id = 0;
            try {
                cust_id = Convert.ToInt32(settings.Get("CURTAccount"));
            } catch (Exception) { }

            // Get all the parts that match our search criteria
            List<APIPart> parts = CURTAPI.GetVehicleParts(year.Trim(), make.Trim(), model.Trim(), style.Trim(), cust_id);

            // Get the unique classes of the returned parts
            IEnumerable<IGrouping<string,APIPart>> distinct = parts.GroupBy(x => x.pClass.Trim());

            // Loop through the unique groups and get the color codes for each pClass
            foreach (IGrouping<string,APIPart> d in distinct) {
                APIPart p = d.FirstOrDefault<APIPart>();

                // Get the color code from the API
                APIColorCode color_code = CURTAPI.GetColorCode(p.partID);

                // Set up default code if something went wrong
                if (color_code == null || color_code.code == null) {
                    color_code = new APIColorCode();
                    color_code.code = "ffffff";

                // Get the parts that match this pClass and bind our colorCode to them
                List<APIPart> codedParts = parts.Where(x => x.pClass.Equals(p.pClass)).ToList<APIPart>();
                foreach (APIPart codedPart in codedParts) {
                    codedPart.colorCode = color_code.code;

            int part_count = parts.Count;
            Dictionary<string, List<APIPart>> ordered_parts = new Dictionary<string, List<APIPart>>();
            foreach (APIPart part in parts) {
                if (part.pClass.Length > 0) {
                    if (ordered_parts.Keys.Contains(part.pClass)) { // Already added to dictionary
                        List<APIPart> existing_parts = ordered_parts.Where(x => x.Key == part.pClass).Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault<List<APIPart>>();
                        ordered_parts[part.pClass] = existing_parts;
                    } else { // New Color Code
                        List<APIPart> new_parts = new List<APIPart>();
                        ordered_parts.Add(part.pClass, new_parts);
                } else {
                    if (ordered_parts.Keys.Contains("Wiring")) { // Already added to dictionary
                        List<APIPart> existing_parts = ordered_parts.Where(x => x.Key == "Wiring").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault<List<APIPart>>();
                        ordered_parts["Wiring"] = existing_parts;
                    } else { // New Color Code
                        List<APIPart> new_parts = new List<APIPart>();
                        ordered_parts.Add("Wiring", new_parts);

            ViewBag.parts = ordered_parts;
            ViewBag.partCount = part_count;
            ViewBag.year = year;
            ViewBag.make = make;
            ViewBag.model = model;
            ViewBag.style = style;

            return View();
        public async Task<ActionResult> Index(int catID = 0, int page = 1, int per_page = 10) {
            HttpContext ctx = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;

            APICategory category = new APICategory();
            APIColorCode color_code = new APIColorCode();
            List<APIPart> catparts = new List<APIPart>();
            List<APIPart> moreparts = new List<APIPart>();
            Task<List<APICategory>> pcats = CURTAPI.GetParentCategoriesAsync();
            Task<List<APICategory>> crumbs = null;
            Task<APICategory> cat = null;
            Task<List<APIPart>> parts = null;
            Task<List<APIPart>> moreTask = null;
            Task<APIColorCode> codetask = null;
            List<APICategory> breadcrumbs = new List<APICategory>();
            List<Task> tasks = new List<Task> { pcats };

            if (catID > 0) {
                UDF.SetCategoryCookie(ctx, catID);
                cat = CURTAPI.GetCategoryAsync(catID);
                parts = CURTAPI.GetCategoryPartsAsync(catID, page, per_page);
                moreTask = CURTAPI.GetCategoryPartsAsync(catID, page + 1, per_page);
                codetask = CURTAPI.GetCategoryColorCodeAsync(catID);
                crumbs = CURTAPI.GetBreadcrumbsAsync(catID);
            } else {
                category.catTitle = "Product Categories";
                category.catID = 0;
            await Task.WhenAll( tasks.ToArray() );
            ViewBag.parent_cats = await pcats;
            if (catID > 0) {
                category = await cat;
                color_code = await codetask;
            } else {
                category.SubCategories = ViewBag.parent_cats;
            ViewBag.category = category;
            if (crumbs != null) {
                breadcrumbs = await crumbs;
            ViewBag.breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs;
            if (parts != null) {
                catparts = await parts;
                moreparts = await moreTask;
                if (catparts.Count > 0) {
                    ViewBag.parts = catparts;
                    int more_count = moreparts.Count;
                    ViewBag.more_count = more_count;

                    ViewBag.page = page;
                    ViewBag.per_page = per_page;

                    return View("Parts");

            return View();