Exemple #1
    // Run from the player, also plays sound at this point.
    public void Run()
        mMover.mCanUsePath = false;
        // if we're not already charging, set our state to charging
        if (!mIsFleeing)
            string[] args = new string[] { "Grunt", "Cower" };
            AUD_Manager.DynamicDialogue("VO_Negatives_E", args, gameObject);

            mAnim.mState     = AnimState.FLEEING;
            mIsFleeing       = true;
            mTimeStartedFlee = Time.time;

            // set the goal to somewhere behind the player.
            Vector3 dir = transform.position - mEntity.mPlayerTrans.Value.position;
            dir.y = 0f;
            Vector3 spot = transform.position + Vector3.Normalize(dir) * 100f;
            mEntity.mGoalPos = spot;

        mEntity.mCurMaxVel = mEntity.GetBase().mMaxSpd * 1.2f;

        mRigid.rotation = mOrienter.OrientToDirection(mRigid.velocity);

        // handle if the flee state has finished.
        if (Time.time - mTimeStartedFlee > mEntity.GetBase().mFleeTime.Value)
            mMover.mCanUsePath = true;
            mIsFleeing         = false;
            mCanFlee           = false;
            Invoke("CanFlee", 0.2f);
            mAnim.mState = AnimState.IDLE;
    public void Run()
        // spawn hitbox, double velocity, do other stuff

        mCannon.mState = CANNON_STATE.INACTIVE;

        // if we're not already charging, set our state to charging
        if (!mIsCharging)
            mIsCharging        = true;
            mTimeStartedCharge = Time.time;

            // set the goal to somewhere behind the player.
            Vector3 dir = mEntity.mPlayerTrans.Value.position - transform.position;
            dir.y      = 0f;
            dir        = Vector3.Normalize(dir);
            mCachedDir = dir;
            Vector3 spot = transform.position + Vector3.Normalize(dir) * 10f;
            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, spot, Color.black, 5f);
            mEntity.mGoalPos = spot;


            mAnim.mState = AnimState.CHARGING;

        // ugh. Gotta do some manual velocity LERPing here.
        mEntity.mCurMaxVel = mEntity.GetBase().mMaxSpd * 2.5f;
        float tmStartsSlowing = 1.1f;

        if (Time.time - mTimeStartedCharge > tmStartsSlowing)
            float tmSinceStart          = Time.time - mTimeStartedCharge;
            float tmAfterStartedSlowing = tmSinceStart - tmStartsSlowing;
            float tmToZero = mEntity.GetBase().mChargeTime.Value - tmStartsSlowing;
            float percent  = 1f - (tmAfterStartedSlowing / tmToZero);
            mEntity.mCurMaxVel *= percent;

        mRigid.rotation = mOrienter.OrientToDirection(mCachedDir);

        // handle if the charge has finished.
        if (Time.time - mTimeStartedCharge > mEntity.GetBase().mChargeTime.Value)
            mIsCharging = false;
            mCanCharge  = false;
            Invoke("CanCharge", 1.1f);

Exemple #3
    private Vector3 CalculateRandomError(Vector3 dir)
        AI_Controller owner = UT_FindComponent.FindComponent <AI_Controller>(gameObject);

        if (owner == null)

        SO_AI_Base bs = owner.GetBase();

        if (!bs.mFireInaccurately)

        // now find a random spread up to the max spread.
        float spread = Random.Range(0, bs.mInacRange);

        if (Random.value > 0.5f)
            spread *= -1;

        // now apply that spread to the bullets direction.
        Vector3 newDir = Quaternion.AngleAxis(spread, Vector3.up) * dir;

Exemple #4
    public void Run()
        mRigid.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.None;
        // mAnim.mState = AnimState.FLYING;

        // after a certain amount of time, switch states back to combat
        // before that, let us handle collisions again.
        float timePassed = Time.time - mTimeStartedFlying;

        // If they have been flying for > 4 seconds, then just kill them.
        if (timePassed > 4f)
            Debug.Log("Killed because flying too long");
        if (timePassed > 0.05f)
            mRigid.detectCollisions = true;

        if (timePassed > mEntity.GetBase().mTimeFly)
            mEntity.mStateChange = STATE.COMBAT;

        // make them tumble in the air.
        mModelFollower.rotateSpeed = 100000000000f;
        Vector3 rot = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        rot.x += mRotSpeed.Value.x; rot.y += mRotSpeed.Value.y; rot.z += mRotSpeed.Value.z;
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rot);
Exemple #5
    private void Update()
        // first set health bar length.
        float percent = mOwner.GetHealth() / mOwner.GetBase().mMaxHealth;

        mBarImg.fillAmount = percent;
Exemple #6
    private void Fire()
        mFireTimeStamp = Time.time;

        Vector3 dir = Vector3.Normalize(mVictim.position - transform.position);

        GameObject clone;
        bool       red = (Random.value < 0.5);

        if (red)
            clone = Instantiate(mCannonProperties.mRedBullet, mFirePoint.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, Vector3.up));
            clone = Instantiate(mCannonProperties.mBlueBullet, mFirePoint.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, Vector3.up));

        clone.GetComponent <Bullet>().SetOwner(mEntity.transform);
        clone.GetComponent <Bullet>().SetTarget(mVictim);

        Instantiate(mGunProperties.mMuzzleBlast, mFirePoint.transform.position, transform.rotation);

        AUD_Manager.PostEvent(mGunProperties.mAudFireEvent, gameObject);
        AUD_Manager.DynamicDialogueFromData(mEntity.GetBase().mShootLine, gameObject);


        // Tank cannon specific stuff.
        if (mNumFiredThisVolley == mCannonProperties.mNumInVolley)
            mState              = CANNON_STATE.CHARGING;
            mCurChargeAmt       = 0f;
            mNumFiredThisVolley = 0;
            mState         = CANNON_STATE.PREFIRE;
            mCurChamberAmt = 0f;
Exemple #7
    *  Each individual weapon will define how it fires its projectile.
    *  By the time this has been called we are sure that we are firing the weapon. We have already checked
    *  that we are loaded, charged, and nothing else is preventing us from firing.
    *  Great opportunity to use Carlos's Event system.
    protected virtual void FireProjectile(Transform trans)
        mFireTimeStamp = Time.time;

        // our plasma ray gun is as basic as it gets, spawning a plasmoid and then trying to re-chamber.
        // The target has already been set, and the projectile now simply has to have force added in the direction
        Vector3 dir = Vector3.Normalize(trans.position - transform.position);

        // GameObject clone = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(mGunProperties.bullet.name, transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, Vector3.up));
        dir = CalculateRandomError(dir);
        GameObject    clone = Instantiate(mRegGunProperties.bullet, firePoint.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, Vector3.up));
        AI_Controller owner = UT_FindComponent.FindComponent <AI_Controller>(gameObject);

        if (owner != null)
            clone.GetComponent <Bullet>().SetOwner(owner.transform);
            clone.GetComponent <Bullet>().SetOwner(transform);
        clone.GetComponent <Bullet>().SetTarget(trans);

        // Also, got to create those particles for the muzzle blast
        if (mGunProperties.mMuzzleBlast)
            var mBlast = Instantiate(mGunProperties.mMuzzleBlast, firePoint.transform.position, transform.rotation);

        for (int i = 0; i < mGunProperties.mSwitchGroups.Length; i++)
            AUD_Manager.SetSwitch(mGunProperties.mSwitchGroups[i], mGunProperties.mSwitchStates[i], gameObject);
        AUD_Manager.PostEvent(mGunProperties.mAudFireEvent, gameObject);

        // play the dialogue for our character shooting.
        AUD_Manager.DynamicDialogueFromData(owner.GetBase().mShootLine, gameObject);

        // Now push the event that a weapon has fired.
Exemple #8
    private float CalcStunLeft()
        // after a certain amount of time, switch states back to combat
        float timePassed = Time.time - mGrenLogic.mTimeHitGrenade;

        float normTimeLeft = 1f - (timePassed / mEntity.GetBase().mTimeInGrenadeStun);

        if (normTimeLeft < 0f)
            normTimeLeft = 0f;
Exemple #9
    public void Run()
        mAnim.mState = AnimState.GROSSED_OUT;

        mRigid.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll;
        mRigid.velocity    = Vector3.zero;

        // after a certain amount of time, switch states back to combat
        float timePassed = Time.time - mTimeHitGrenade;

        if (timePassed > mEntity.GetBase().mTimeInGrenadeStun)
            mEntity.mStateChange = STATE.COMBAT;
Exemple #10
    private void Awake()
        mOwner         = GetComponent <AI_Controller>();
        mGrenadedLogic = GetComponent <AI_GrenadedLogic>();
        mStunParticles = GetComponentInChildren <StunnedParticles>();

        switch (mOwner.GetBase().mType)
        case EnemyTypes.GRUNT: sType = "Grunt"; break;

        case EnemyTypes.LANKY: sType = "Lanky"; break;

        case EnemyTypes.TANK: sType = "Tank"; break;
    // Lots of side effects. May have to make one that doesn't have master tell us to fire.
    public void Run()
        float dis = Vector3.Distance(mEntity.mPlayerTrans.Value.position, transform.position);

        bool doStrafe = false;

        if (dis < mGun.mGunProperties.mRange * 0.8f && mCons.mCanSeePlayer && mWasWithinRange)
            doStrafe = true;
        if (dis < mGun.mGunProperties.mRange && mCons.mCanSeePlayer)
            doStrafe = true;

        if (doStrafe)
            // now we strafe and stuff.
            mRigid.rotation = mOrienter.OrientToSpot(mEntity.mPlayerTrans.Value.position);

            if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, mEntity.mPlayerTrans.Value.position) < mEntity.GetBase().mAlwaysFireRange)

            // now we have to check if we're really close. Let's say within 5f meters for now. Eventually, put this in as a back up range in SO_AI_Base.
            // If so, we move backwards, and animate for backwards.
            if (dis < 5f)
                Vector3 dir = transform.position - mEntity.mPlayerTrans.Value.position;
                dir = Vector3.Normalize(dir);
                mEntity.mGoalPos   = transform.position + dir * 10f;
                mAnim.mState       = AnimState.BACKING_UP;
                mEntity.mCurMaxVel = mEntity.GetBase().mMaxSpd * 0.5f;

            // we get the enemies to slowly move side to side when in range.
            if (mStrafer.NeedsNewStrafeSpot())
                mEntity.mGoalPos = mStrafer.FindStrafeSpot();
            mEntity.mCurMaxVel = mEntity.GetBase().mMaxSpd * 0.4f;

            // eventually set us to strafing. For now, just set us to idle.
            // Actually, we have to figure out if we're strafing left or right.
            float dot = Vector3.Dot(transform.right, (mEntity.mGoalPos - transform.position));
            if (dot > 0f)
                // means we're going to our right.
                mAnim.mState = AnimState.STRAFING_RIGHT;
                mAnim.mState = AnimState.STRAFING_LEFT;
            // now we just try to move to the player.
            mEntity.mGoalPos   = mEntity.mPlayerTrans.Value.position;
            mEntity.mCurMaxVel = mEntity.GetBase().mMaxSpd;
            mRigid.rotation    = mOrienter.OrientToDirection(mRigid.velocity);

            mAnim.mState = AnimState.MOVING_FORWARD;