private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (var db = new Model2())
                // creates/adds video and playlist items in db with many to many association.

                var newVideo    = new Video();
                var newPlaylist = new playlist();
                newVideo.Name    = "New Video";
                newPlaylist.Name = "New Playlist";

                //uses many to many relationships for both video and playlist
                newVideo.Playlists = new List <playlist>()
                newPlaylist.Videos = new List <Video>()

                //updates log
                addLineToLog("New Video: " + newVideo.Name);
                addLineToLog("New Playlist: " + newPlaylist.Name);
                addLineToLog("Many2Many association created for " + newVideo.Name + " and " + newPlaylist.Name);

                //adds both the video and playlist to the db as well as their many to many association (table: videoplaylists)
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // many to many relationship. many different videos can be on many different playlists
            int tempID;

            //grabs the user input for the Video's ID to use in this example. *caution* currently Does not check for bad input
            tempID = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text);

            //uses the model2 db (manytomany.db)
            using (var db = new Model2())
                //finds the video the ID of the users input tempID
                var tempVideo = db.Videos.Where(v => v.ID == tempID).Include(v => v.Playlists).FirstOrDefault();

                //lists all of the names of returned video's playlists
                addLineToLog("Video: " + tempVideo.Name + " can be found on the following playlists:");
                foreach (var playlist in tempVideo.Playlists)

                //removes any playlist's association with the returned video (table: videoplaylists)