/// <summary>
        /// Handles addition of new tracked object if user is using Unity triggers.
        /// </summary>
        private void handleTriggerAddition(GameObject trackedObject, WorldMonitors owner, string objectAffiliation, float threshold)
            if (!trackedObject.GetComponent <TrackedObjectTriggers>())
                trackedObject.AddComponent <TrackedObjectTriggers>();

            TrackedObjectTriggers tot = trackedObject.GetComponent <TrackedObjectTriggers>();

            GameObjectIDReference.Add(trackedObject, AllocationSpace);
            gameObjectReference.Add(AllocationSpace, trackedObject);

            TrackedObjectData TOData = new TrackedObjectData
                Object       = trackedObject,
                Threshold    = TriggersMimicOctree ? 0.75f * threshold : threshold,
                ObjectOwners = new List <WorldMonitors>()

            if (owner)

            TrackedObjectDataRef.Add(AllocationSpace, TOData);
            TrackedObjectAffiliations.Add(AllocationSpace, objectAffiliation);

        /// <summary>
        /// Runtime objects should be inserted into the tracking system here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trackedObject">The object to be tracked.</param>
        /// <param name="owner">Provide the WorldMonitors component from the agent tracking this object.</param>
        /// <param name="objectAffiliation">The class of objects this item is in (e.g. "A", "B", etc.)</param>
        /// <param name="threshold">Regardless of class type, this object can be inserted with its own threshold size.</param>
        /// <remarks>Due to the cost associated with this operation, perform minimal additions per frame or run from coroutine</remarks>
        public void InsertNewTrackedObject(GameObject trackedObject, WorldMonitors owner, string objectAffiliation, float threshold)
            if (!FreeSpace)

            if (usingTriggers)
                handleTriggerAddition(trackedObject, owner, objectAffiliation, threshold);
                FreeSpace = MaximumObjectsAllowed - AllocationSpace > 0;

             * Do not need to add directly into Octree
             * Happens in the first update saving time from main thread

            int id;

            if (GameObjectIDReference.TryGetValue(trackedObject, out id))
                // allow for user to add new trackers to one object
                TrackedObjectData TOData;
                TrackedObjectDataRef.TryGetValue(id, out TOData);

                if (owner) // else the user has tried to add a non-owned object more than once
                GameObjectIDReference.Add(trackedObject, AllocationSpace);
                gameObjectReference.Add(AllocationSpace, trackedObject);

                TrackedObjectData TOData = new TrackedObjectData
                    Object       = trackedObject,
                    Threshold    = OctreeMimicTriggerInteraction ? 3 / 2 * threshold : threshold,
                    ObjectOwners = new List <WorldMonitors>()

                if (owner)

                Octree.MasterList.Add(AllocationSpace, new List <int>());

                TrackedObjectDataRef.Add(AllocationSpace, TOData);
                TrackedObjectAffiliations.Add(AllocationSpace, objectAffiliation);


                Octree.TrackedObjectStates = TrackedObjectStates;
                FreeSpace = MaximumObjectsAllowed - AllocationSpace >= 0;
        public void Start()
            usingTriggers = TrackingMode == TrackingMode.UnityTriggers;

            agentMonitors = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <WorldMonitors>();

             * Start procedure is O(i*j*k) and a faster solution may exist

            for (int i = 0; i < agentMonitors.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < agentMonitors[i].TrackedObjects.Count; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < agentMonitors[i].TrackedObjects[j].TrackedObjects.Count; k++)
                        // double threshold size if user wishes for point octree to mimic trigger interaction distances
                        float threshold = (OctreeMimicTriggerInteraction && TrackingMode == TrackingMode.Octree) ? agentMonitors[i].ThresholdSet[j] * 3 / 2 : agentMonitors[i].ThresholdSet[j];

                        GameObject go = agentMonitors[i].TrackedObjects[j].TrackedObjects[k];

                        if (go) // allows user to leave empty gameobject slots in tracked object inspector
                            int id;
                            if (GameObjectIDReference.TryGetValue(go, out id))
                                TrackedObjectData TOData;
                                TrackedObjectDataRef.TryGetValue(id, out TOData);
                                TrackedObjectDataRef[id] = TOData;

                                if (usingTriggers)
                                    // WorldMonitors will declare ownership in its Start() method

                                    if (!go.GetComponent <TrackedObjectTriggers>())
                                        go.AddComponent <TrackedObjectTriggers>();

                                    go.GetComponent <TrackedObjectTriggers>().Initialize();
                                GameObjectIDReference.Add(go, TotalTrackedObjects); //object ID = current number of tracked objects
                                gameObjectReference.Add(TotalTrackedObjects, go);   //using IDs necessary to run aux thread

                                TrackedObjectData TOData = new TrackedObjectData
                                    Object       = go,
                                    Threshold    = threshold,
                                    ObjectOwners = new List <WorldMonitors>()

                                TrackedObjectDataRef.Add(TotalTrackedObjects, TOData);
                                TrackedObjectAffiliations.Add(TotalTrackedObjects, OTIEditorBase._AlphabetAssembler(j));

                                if (usingTriggers)
                                    if (!go.GetComponent <TrackedObjectTriggers>())
                                        go.AddComponent <TrackedObjectTriggers>();
                                    go.GetComponent <TrackedObjectTriggers>().Initialize();


            AllocationSpace = TotalTrackedObjects;
            FreeSpace       = MaximumObjectsAllowed - AllocationSpace >= 0;

            if (usingTriggers || ExhaustiveMethod)
                return; // no more set up required; switching between modes is not allowed at runtime.
            Octree = new Octree();

            //configure tracked object states at start
            for (int i = 0; i < TotalTrackedObjects; i++)
                List <int> locals = new List <int>();

                if (Octree.MasterList.ContainsKey(i))
                    Octree.MasterList[i] = locals;
                    Octree.MasterList.Add(i, locals);

            OctreeThreadParameters otp = new OctreeThreadParameters
                ObjectIDs           = new List <int>(TrackedObjectDataRef.Keys),
                TotalTrackedObjects = TotalTrackedObjects,
                Coordinates         = getUpdatedPositions(new List <int>(TrackedObjectDataRef.Keys)),
                DynamicObjects      = TrackedObjectAffiliations

            //construct initial octree
            Octree.Initialize(InitialWorldSize, WorldOrigin, MinimumObjectSize);

            Octree.IsDone = true; //allows an initial pass into job start
            Octree.ThreadOctreeInit(otp, RestrictToMainThread);

            while (!Octree.UpdateOctree())
            }                                  //wait until conflict states are established

            TrackedObjectStates = Octree.TrackedObjectStates;

            // wipe initial results so conflicts existing before start register
            for (int i = 0; i < Octree.MasterList.Count; i++)
                Octree.MasterList[i] = new List <int>();