private static error setDefaultListenerSockopts(syscall.Handle s) { // Windows will reuse recently-used addresses by default. // SO_REUSEADDR should not be used here, as it allows // a socket to forcibly bind to a port in use by another socket. // This could lead to a non-deterministic behavior, where // connection requests over the port cannot be guaranteed // to be handled by the correct socket. return(error.As(null !) !); }
private static error setDefaultSockopts(syscall.Handle s, long family, long sotype, bool ipv6only) { if (family == syscall.AF_INET6 && sotype != syscall.SOCK_RAW) { // Allow both IP versions even if the OS default // is otherwise. Note that some operating systems // never admit this option. syscall.SetsockoptInt(s, syscall.IPPROTO_IPV6, syscall.IPV6_V6ONLY, boolint(ipv6only)); } if ((sotype == syscall.SOCK_DGRAM || sotype == syscall.SOCK_RAW) && family != syscall.AF_UNIX && family != syscall.AF_INET6) { // Allow broadcast. return(error.As(os.NewSyscallError("setsockopt", syscall.SetsockoptInt(s, syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SO_BROADCAST, 1L))) !); } return(error.As(null !) !); }
public FD(fdMutex fdmu = default, syscall.Handle Sysfd = default, operation rop = default, operation wop = default, pollDesc pd = default, sync.Mutex l = default, slice <byte> lastbits = default, slice <ushort> readuint16 = default, slice <byte> readbyte = default, long readbyteOffset = default, uint csema = default, bool skipSyncNotif = default, bool IsStream = default, bool ZeroReadIsEOF = default, bool isFile = default, fileKind kind = default) { this.fdmu = fdmu; this.Sysfd = Sysfd; this.rop = rop; this.wop = wop; this.pd = pd; this.l = l; this.lastbits = lastbits; this.readuint16 = readuint16; this.readbyte = readbyte; this.readbyteOffset = readbyteOffset; this.csema = csema; this.skipSyncNotif = skipSyncNotif; this.IsStream = IsStream; this.ZeroReadIsEOF = ZeroReadIsEOF; this.isFile = isFile; this.kind = kind; }
// SendFile wraps the TransmitFile call. public static (long, error) SendFile(ptr <FD> _addr_fd, syscall.Handle src, long n) => func((defer, _, __) =>
private static (@string, error) getModuleFileName(syscall.Handle handle) { @string _p0 = default; error _p0 = default !;
private static (syscall.Handle, error) sysSocket(long family, long sotype, long proto) { syscall.Handle _p0 = default; error _p0 = default !;
// newFileStatFromGetFileInformationByHandle calls GetFileInformationByHandle // to gather all required information about the file handle h. private static (ptr <fileStat>, error) newFileStatFromGetFileInformationByHandle(@string path, syscall.Handle h) { ptr <fileStat> fs = default !;
public rngReader(int used = default, syscall.Handle prov = default, sync.Mutex mu = default) { this.used = used; this.prov = prov; = mu; }
private static error setDefaultMulticastSockopts(syscall.Handle s) { // Allow multicast UDP and raw IP datagram sockets to listen // concurrently across multiple listeners. return(error.As(os.NewSyscallError("setsockopt", syscall.SetsockoptInt(s, syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SO_REUSEADDR, 1L))) !); }
private static ptr <Status> sockso(this ptr <Switch> _addr_sw, syscall.Handle s) => func((defer, _, __) =>
private static error regCreateKeyEx(syscall.Handle key, ptr <ushort> _addr_subkey, uint reserved, ptr <ushort> _addr_@class, uint options, uint desired, ptr <syscall.SecurityAttributes> _addr_sa, ptr <syscall.Handle> _addr_result, ptr <uint> _addr_disposition)
public operation(syscall.Overlapped o = default, System.UIntPtr runtimeCtx = default, int mode = default, int errno = default, uint qty = default, ref ptr <FD> fd = default, syscall.WSABuf buf = default, windows.WSAMsg msg = default, syscall.Sockaddr sa = default, ref ptr <syscall.RawSockaddrAny> rsa = default, int rsan = default, syscall.Handle handle = default, uint flags = default, slice <syscall.WSABuf> bufs = default) { this.o = o; this.runtimeCtx = runtimeCtx; this.mode = mode; this.errno = errno; this.qty = qty; this.fd = fd; this.buf = buf; this.msg = msg; = sa; this.rsa = rsa; this.rsan = rsan; this.handle = handle; this.flags = flags; this.bufs = bufs; }
private static (ptr <netFD>, error) newFD(syscall.Handle sysfd, long family, long sotype, @string net) { ptr <netFD> _p0 = default !;