Example #1
        Training neural networks ensemble using  bootstrap  aggregating (bagging).
        Modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used as base training method.

            Ensemble    -   model with initialized geometry
            XY          -   training set
            NPoints     -   training set size
            Decay       -   weight decay coefficient, >=0.001
            Restarts    -   restarts, >0.

            Ensemble    -   trained model
            Info        -   return code:
                            * -2, if there is a point with class number
                                  outside of [0..NClasses-1].
                            * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed
                                  (NPoints<0, Restarts<1).
                            *  2, if task has been solved.
            Rep         -   training report.
            OOBErrors   -   out-of-bag generalization error estimate

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpebagginglm(ref mlpensemble ensemble,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int npoints,
            double decay,
            int restarts,
            ref int info,
            ref mlptrain.mlpreport rep,
            ref mlptrain.mlpcvreport ooberrors)
            mlpebagginginternal(ref ensemble, ref xy, npoints, decay, restarts, 0.0, 0, true, ref info, ref rep, ref ooberrors);
Example #2
        Internal bagging subroutine.

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 19.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        private static void mlpebagginginternal(ref mlpensemble ensemble,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int npoints,
            double decay,
            int restarts,
            double wstep,
            int maxits,
            bool lmalgorithm,
            ref int info,
            ref mlptrain.mlpreport rep,
            ref mlptrain.mlpcvreport ooberrors)
            double[,] xys = new double[0,0];
            bool[] s = new bool[0];
            double[,] oobbuf = new double[0,0];
            int[] oobcntbuf = new int[0];
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] dy = new double[0];
            double[] dsbuf = new double[0];
            int nin = 0;
            int nout = 0;
            int ccnt = 0;
            int pcnt = 0;
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = 0;
            double v = 0;
            mlptrain.mlpreport tmprep = new mlptrain.mlpreport();
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network = new mlpbase.multilayerperceptron();
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            // Test for inputs
            if( !lmalgorithm & (double)(wstep)==(double)(0) & maxits==0 )
                info = -8;
            if( npoints<=0 | restarts<1 | (double)(wstep)<(double)(0) | maxits<0 )
                info = -1;
            if( ensemble.issoftmax )
                for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                    if( (int)Math.Round(xy[i,ensemble.nin])<0 | (int)Math.Round(xy[i,ensemble.nin])>=ensemble.nout )
                        info = -2;
            // allocate temporaries
            info = 2;
            rep.ngrad = 0;
            rep.nhess = 0;
            rep.ncholesky = 0;
            ooberrors.relclserror = 0;
            ooberrors.avgce = 0;
            ooberrors.rmserror = 0;
            ooberrors.avgerror = 0;
            ooberrors.avgrelerror = 0;
            nin = ensemble.nin;
            nout = ensemble.nout;
            if( ensemble.issoftmax )
                ccnt = nin+1;
                pcnt = nin;
                ccnt = nin+nout;
                pcnt = nin+nout;
            xys = new double[npoints-1+1, ccnt-1+1];
            s = new bool[npoints-1+1];
            oobbuf = new double[npoints-1+1, nout-1+1];
            oobcntbuf = new int[npoints-1+1];
            x = new double[nin-1+1];
            y = new double[nout-1+1];
            if( ensemble.issoftmax )
                dy = new double[0+1];
                dy = new double[nout-1+1];
            for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                for(j=0; j<=nout-1; j++)
                    oobbuf[i,j] = 0;
            for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                oobcntbuf[i] = 0;
            mlpbase.mlpunserialize(ref ensemble.serializedmlp, ref network);
            // main bagging cycle
            for(k=0; k<=ensemble.ensemblesize-1; k++)
                // prepare dataset
                for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                    s[i] = false;
                for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                    j = AP.Math.RandomInteger(npoints);
                    s[j] = true;
                    for(i_=0; i_<=ccnt-1;i_++)
                        xys[i,i_] = xy[j,i_];
                // train
                if( lmalgorithm )
                    mlptrain.mlptrainlm(ref network, ref xys, npoints, decay, restarts, ref info, ref tmprep);
                    mlptrain.mlptrainlbfgs(ref network, ref xys, npoints, decay, restarts, wstep, maxits, ref info, ref tmprep);
                if( info<0 )
                // save results
                rep.ngrad = rep.ngrad+tmprep.ngrad;
                rep.nhess = rep.nhess+tmprep.nhess;
                rep.ncholesky = rep.ncholesky+tmprep.ncholesky;
                i1_ = (0) - (k*ensemble.wcount);
                for(i_=k*ensemble.wcount; i_<=(k+1)*ensemble.wcount-1;i_++)
                    ensemble.weights[i_] = network.weights[i_+i1_];
                i1_ = (0) - (k*pcnt);
                for(i_=k*pcnt; i_<=(k+1)*pcnt-1;i_++)
                    ensemble.columnmeans[i_] = network.columnmeans[i_+i1_];
                i1_ = (0) - (k*pcnt);
                for(i_=k*pcnt; i_<=(k+1)*pcnt-1;i_++)
                    ensemble.columnsigmas[i_] = network.columnsigmas[i_+i1_];
                // OOB estimates
                for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                    if( !s[i] )
                        for(i_=0; i_<=nin-1;i_++)
                            x[i_] = xy[i,i_];
                        mlpbase.mlpprocess(ref network, ref x, ref y);
                        for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                            oobbuf[i,i_] = oobbuf[i,i_] + y[i_];
                        oobcntbuf[i] = oobcntbuf[i]+1;
            // OOB estimates
            if( ensemble.issoftmax )
                bdss.dserrallocate(nout, ref dsbuf);
                bdss.dserrallocate(-nout, ref dsbuf);
            for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                if( oobcntbuf[i]!=0 )
                    v = (double)(1)/(double)(oobcntbuf[i]);
                    for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                        y[i_] = v*oobbuf[i,i_];
                    if( ensemble.issoftmax )
                        dy[0] = xy[i,nin];
                        i1_ = (nin) - (0);
                        for(i_=0; i_<=nout-1;i_++)
                            dy[i_] = v*xy[i,i_+i1_];
                    bdss.dserraccumulate(ref dsbuf, ref y, ref dy);
            bdss.dserrfinish(ref dsbuf);
            ooberrors.relclserror = dsbuf[0];
            ooberrors.avgce = dsbuf[1];
            ooberrors.rmserror = dsbuf[2];
            ooberrors.avgerror = dsbuf[3];
            ooberrors.avgrelerror = dsbuf[4];
Example #3
        Training neural networks ensemble using  bootstrap  aggregating (bagging).
        L-BFGS algorithm is used as base training method.

            Ensemble    -   model with initialized geometry
            XY          -   training set
            NPoints     -   training set size
            Decay       -   weight decay coefficient, >=0.001
            Restarts    -   restarts, >0.
            WStep       -   stopping criterion, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS
            MaxIts      -   stopping criterion, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS

            Ensemble    -   trained model
            Info        -   return code:
                            * -8, if both WStep=0 and MaxIts=0
                            * -2, if there is a point with class number
                                  outside of [0..NClasses-1].
                            * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed
                                  (NPoints<0, Restarts<1).
                            *  2, if task has been solved.
            Rep         -   training report.
            OOBErrors   -   out-of-bag generalization error estimate

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpebagginglbfgs(ref mlpensemble ensemble,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int npoints,
            double decay,
            int restarts,
            double wstep,
            int maxits,
            ref int info,
            ref mlptrain.mlpreport rep,
            ref mlptrain.mlpcvreport ooberrors)
            mlpebagginginternal(ref ensemble, ref xy, npoints, decay, restarts, wstep, maxits, false, ref info, ref rep, ref ooberrors);
Example #4
        Training neural networks ensemble using early stopping.

            Ensemble    -   model with initialized geometry
            XY          -   training set
            NPoints     -   training set size
            Decay       -   weight decay coefficient, >=0.001
            Restarts    -   restarts, >0.

            Ensemble    -   trained model
            Info        -   return code:
                            * -2, if there is a point with class number
                                  outside of [0..NClasses-1].
                            * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed
                                  (NPoints<0, Restarts<1).
                            *  6, if task has been solved.
            Rep         -   training report.
            OOBErrors   -   out-of-bag generalization error estimate

          -- ALGLIB --
             Copyright 10.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey
        public static void mlpetraines(ref mlpensemble ensemble,
            ref double[,] xy,
            int npoints,
            double decay,
            int restarts,
            ref int info,
            ref mlptrain.mlpreport rep)
            int i = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int ccount = 0;
            int pcount = 0;
            double[,] trnxy = new double[0,0];
            double[,] valxy = new double[0,0];
            int trnsize = 0;
            int valsize = 0;
            mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network = new mlpbase.multilayerperceptron();
            int tmpinfo = 0;
            mlptrain.mlpreport tmprep = new mlptrain.mlpreport();
            int i_ = 0;
            int i1_ = 0;

            if( npoints<2 | restarts<1 | (double)(decay)<(double)(0) )
                info = -1;
            if( ensemble.issoftmax )
                for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                    if( (int)Math.Round(xy[i,ensemble.nin])<0 | (int)Math.Round(xy[i,ensemble.nin])>=ensemble.nout )
                        info = -2;
            info = 6;
            // allocate
            if( ensemble.issoftmax )
                ccount = ensemble.nin+1;
                pcount = ensemble.nin;
                ccount = ensemble.nin+ensemble.nout;
                pcount = ensemble.nin+ensemble.nout;
            trnxy = new double[npoints-1+1, ccount-1+1];
            valxy = new double[npoints-1+1, ccount-1+1];
            mlpbase.mlpunserialize(ref ensemble.serializedmlp, ref network);
            rep.ngrad = 0;
            rep.nhess = 0;
            rep.ncholesky = 0;
            // train networks
            for(k=0; k<=ensemble.ensemblesize-1; k++)
                // Split set
                    trnsize = 0;
                    valsize = 0;
                    for(i=0; i<=npoints-1; i++)
                        if( (double)(AP.Math.RandomReal())<(double)(0.66) )
                            // Assign sample to training set
                            for(i_=0; i_<=ccount-1;i_++)
                                trnxy[trnsize,i_] = xy[i,i_];
                            trnsize = trnsize+1;
                            // Assign sample to validation set
                            for(i_=0; i_<=ccount-1;i_++)
                                valxy[valsize,i_] = xy[i,i_];
                            valsize = valsize+1;
                while( ! (trnsize!=0 & valsize!=0) );
                // Train
                mlptrain.mlptraines(ref network, ref trnxy, trnsize, ref valxy, valsize, decay, restarts, ref tmpinfo, ref tmprep);
                if( tmpinfo<0 )
                    info = tmpinfo;
                // save results
                i1_ = (0) - (k*ensemble.wcount);
                for(i_=k*ensemble.wcount; i_<=(k+1)*ensemble.wcount-1;i_++)
                    ensemble.weights[i_] = network.weights[i_+i1_];
                i1_ = (0) - (k*pcount);
                for(i_=k*pcount; i_<=(k+1)*pcount-1;i_++)
                    ensemble.columnmeans[i_] = network.columnmeans[i_+i1_];
                i1_ = (0) - (k*pcount);
                for(i_=k*pcount; i_<=(k+1)*pcount-1;i_++)
                    ensemble.columnsigmas[i_] = network.columnsigmas[i_+i1_];
                rep.ngrad = rep.ngrad+tmprep.ngrad;
                rep.nhess = rep.nhess+tmprep.nhess;
                rep.ncholesky = rep.ncholesky+tmprep.ncholesky;