Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Make bit vector of type information. On success, store the result in "bits" and return true.
        /// Encode error correction level and mask pattern. See 8.9 of
        /// JISX0510:2004 (p.45) for details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ecLevel">The ec level.</param>
        /// <param name="maskPattern">The mask pattern.</param>
        /// <param name="bits">The bits.</param>
        public static void makeTypeInfoBits(ErrorCorrectionLevel ecLevel, int maskPattern, BitArray bits)
            if (!QRCode.IsValidMaskPattern(maskPattern))
                throw new WriterException("Invalid mask pattern");
            int typeInfo = (ecLevel.Bits << 3) | maskPattern;

            bits.appendBits(typeInfo, 5);

            int bchCode = calculateBCHCode(typeInfo, TYPE_INFO_POLY);

            bits.appendBits(bchCode, 10);

            BitArray maskBits = new BitArray();

            maskBits.appendBits(TYPE_INFO_MASK_PATTERN, 15);

            if (bits.Size != 15)
                // Just in case.
                throw new WriterException("should not happen but we got: " + bits.Size);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes the specified content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The content.</param>
        /// <param name="ecLevel">The ec level.</param>
        /// <param name="hints">The hints.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static QRCode Encode(string content, ErrorCorrectionLevel ecLevel, Mode mode = null, IDictionary <EncodeHintType, object> hints = null)
            // Determine what character encoding has been specified by the caller, if any
            bool hasEncodingHint = hints != null && hints.ContainsKey(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET);

            var encoding = hints == null || !hints.ContainsKey(EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET) ? null : (string)hints[EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET];

            if (encoding == null)
                encoding = DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ENCODING;

            var generateECI = hasEncodingHint || !DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ENCODING.Equals(encoding);

            // Pick an encoding mode appropriate for the content. Note that this will not attempt to use
            // multiple modes / segments even if that were more efficient. Twould be nice.
            if (mode == null)
                mode = ChooseMode(content, encoding);

            // This will store the header information, like mode and
            // length, as well as "header" segments like an ECI segment.
            var headerBits = new BitArray();

            // Append ECI segment if applicable
            if (mode == Mode.BYTE && generateECI)
                var eci = CharacterSetECI.getCharacterSetECIByName(encoding);
                if (eci != null)
                    var eciIsExplicitDisabled = (hints != null && hints.ContainsKey(EncodeHintType.DISABLE_ECI) && hints[EncodeHintType.DISABLE_ECI] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(hints[EncodeHintType.DISABLE_ECI].ToString()));
                    if (!eciIsExplicitDisabled)
                        appendECI(eci, headerBits);

            // Append the FNC1 mode header for GS1 formatted data if applicable
            var hasGS1FormatHint = hints != null && hints.ContainsKey(EncodeHintType.GS1_FORMAT);

            if (hasGS1FormatHint && hints[EncodeHintType.GS1_FORMAT] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(hints[EncodeHintType.GS1_FORMAT].ToString()))
                // GS1 formatted codes are prefixed with a FNC1 in first position mode header
                AppendModeInfo(Mode.FNC1_FIRST_POSITION, headerBits);

            // (With ECI in place,) Write the mode marker
            AppendModeInfo(mode, headerBits);

            // Collect data within the main segment, separately, to count its size if needed. Don't add it to
            // main payload yet.
            var dataBits = new BitArray();

            appendBytes(content, mode, dataBits, encoding);

            Version version;

            if (hints != null && hints.ContainsKey(EncodeHintType.QR_VERSION))
                int versionNumber = int.Parse(hints[EncodeHintType.QR_VERSION].ToString());
                version = Version.getVersionForNumber(versionNumber);
                int bitsNeeded = CalculateBitsNeeded(mode, headerBits, dataBits, version);
                if (!willFit(bitsNeeded, version, ecLevel))
                    throw new WriterException("Data too big for requested version");
                version = RecommendVersion(ecLevel, mode, headerBits, dataBits);

            var headerAndDataBits = new BitArray();

            // Find "length" of main segment and write it
            var numLetters = mode == Mode.BYTE ? dataBits.SizeInBytes : content.Length;

            AppendLengthInfo(numLetters, version, mode, headerAndDataBits);
            // Put data together into the overall payload

            var ecBlocks     = version.getECBlocksForLevel(ecLevel);
            var numDataBytes = version.TotalCodewords - ecBlocks.TotalECCodewords;

            // Terminate the bits properly.
            terminateBits(numDataBytes, headerAndDataBits);

            // Interleave data bits with error correction code.
            var finalBits = interleaveWithECBytes(headerAndDataBits,

            var qrCode = new QRCode
                ECLevel = ecLevel,
                Mode    = mode,
                Version = version

            //  Choose the mask pattern and set to "qrCode".
            var dimension = version.DimensionForVersion;
            var matrix    = new ByteMatrix(dimension, dimension);

            // Enable manual selection of the pattern to be used via hint
            var maskPattern = -1;

            if (hints != null && hints.ContainsKey(EncodeHintType.QR_MASK_PATTERN))
                var hintMaskPattern = int.Parse(hints[EncodeHintType.QR_MASK_PATTERN].ToString());
                maskPattern = QRCode.IsValidMaskPattern(hintMaskPattern) ? hintMaskPattern : -1;

            if (maskPattern == -1)
                maskPattern = chooseMaskPattern(finalBits, ecLevel, version, matrix);
            qrCode.MaskPattern = maskPattern;

            // Build the matrix and set it to "qrCode".
            MatrixUtil.buildMatrix(finalBits, ecLevel, version, maskPattern, matrix);
            qrCode.Matrix = matrix;
