Example #1
        protected override void OnDraw(Xwt.Drawing.Context cr, Rectangle bound)
                cr.Rectangle(bound.X, bound.Y, bound.Width, bound.Height);
                using (var layout = PangoUtil.CreateLayout(editor))
                    layout.Font = editor.Options.Font;

                    layout.Text = "000,00-00";
                    var mins = layout.GetSize();

                    var line      = editor.GetLine(editor.Caret.Line);
                    var visColumn = line.GetVisualColumn(editor.GetTextEditorData(), editor.Caret.Column);

                    if (visColumn != editor.Caret.Column)
                        layout.Text = editor.Caret.Line + "," + editor.Caret.Column + "-" + visColumn;
                        layout.Text = editor.Caret.Line + "," + editor.Caret.Column;

                    var statuss = layout.GetSize();

                    statuss.Width = System.Math.Max(statuss.Width, mins.Width);

                    statuss.Width += 8;
                    cr.MoveTo(Size.Width - statuss.Width, 0);
                    statuss.Width += 8;

                    layout.Text = statusText ?? "";
                    var size = layout.GetSize();
                    var x    = System.Math.Min(0, -size.Width + Size.Width - editor.TextViewMargin.CharWidth - statuss.Width);
                    cr.MoveTo(x, 0);
                    if (ShowCaret)
                        if (editor.TextViewMargin.caretBlink)
                            cr.Rectangle(size.Width + x, 0, (int)editor.TextViewMargin.CharWidth, (int)editor.LineHeight);
Example #2
 public static void DrawLine(this Xwt.Drawing.Context cr, Color color, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
     cr.MoveTo(x1, y1);
     cr.LineTo(x2, y2);
Example #3
        public virtual void SpeedTest(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, double sx, double sy)

            ctx.Translate(sx, sy);

            var n  = 1000;
            var ll = 80;
            var p  = new Point(0, 0);

            for (double i = 1; i < n; i++)
                ctx.MoveTo(p.X, p.Y);

                ctx.SetColor(new Color(i / n, i / n, i / n));

                ctx.LineTo(p.X + ll, p.Y + ll);

                if (p.Y + ll > this.Bounds.Bottom)
                    p.Y  = 0;
                    p.X += ll + 5;

Example #4
 internal protected override void Draw(Xwt.Drawing.Context cr, Rectangle area, DocumentLine lineSegment, int line, double x, double y, double lineHeight)
     cr.MoveTo(x + 0.5, y);
     cr.LineTo(x + 0.5, y + lineHeight);
Example #5
        public virtual void Rotate(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, double x, double y)
            ctx.Translate(x + 30, y + 30);

            // Rotation

            double end = 270;

            for (double n = 0; n <= end; n += 5)
                ctx.MoveTo(0, 0);
                ctx.RelLineTo(30, 0);
                double c = n / end;
                ctx.SetColor(new Color(c, c, c));

Example #6
        public virtual void Rotate(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, double x, double y)
            // draws a line along the x-axis from (0,0) to (r,0) with a constant translation and an increasing
            // rotational component. This composite transform is then applied to a vertical line, with inverse
            // color, and an additional x-offset, to form a mirror image figure for easy visual comparison.
            // These transformed points must be drawn with the identity CTM, hence the Restore() each time.

            ctx.Save();                 // save caller's context (assumed to be the Identity CTM)
            ctx.SetLineWidth(3);        // should align exactly if drawn with half-pixel coordinates

            // Vector length (pixels) and rotation limit (degrees)
            double r   = 30;
            double end = 270;

            for (double n = 0; n <= end; n += 5)
                ctx.Save();                     // save context and identity CTM for each line

                // Set up translation to centre point of first figure, ensuring pixel alignment
                ctx.Translate(x + 30.5, y + 30.5);
                ctx.MoveTo(0, 0);
                ctx.RelLineTo(r, 0);
                double c = n / end;
                ctx.SetColor(new Color(c, c, c));
                ctx.Stroke();                   // stroke first figure with composite Translation and Rotation CTM

                // Generate mirror image figure as a visual test of TransformPoints
                Point   p0 = new Point(0, 0);
                Point   p1 = new Point(0, -r);
                Point[] p  = new Point[] { p0, p1 };
                ctx.TransformPoints(p);         // using composite transformation

                ctx.Restore();                  // restore identity CTM
                ctx.Save();                     // save again (to restore after additional Translation)

                ctx.Translate(2 * r + 1, 0);    // extra x-offset to clear first figure
                c = 1 - c;
                ctx.SetColor(new Color(c, c, c));
                ctx.Stroke();           // stroke transformed points with offset in CTM

                ctx.Restore();          // restore identity CTM for next line
            ctx.Restore();              // restore caller's context
Example #7
        void InternalDraw(int markerStart, int markerEnd, TextEditor editor, Xwt.Drawing.Context cr, TextLayout layout, bool selected, int startOffset, int endOffset, double y, double startXPos, double endXPos)
            if (markerStart >= markerEnd)
            double @from;
            double to;

            if (markerStart < startOffset && endOffset < markerEnd)
                @from = startXPos;
                to    = endXPos;
                int start = startOffset < markerStart ? markerStart : startOffset;
                int end   = endOffset < markerEnd ? endOffset : markerEnd;
                double /*lineNr,*/ x_pos;

                x_pos = layout.GetCoordinateFromIndex(start - startOffset).X;
                @from = startXPos + (int)(x_pos);

                x_pos = layout.GetCoordinateFromIndex(end - startOffset).X;

                to = startXPos + (int)(x_pos);
            @from = System.Math.Max(@from, editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
            to    = System.Math.Max(to, editor.TextViewMargin.XOffset);
            if (@from >= to)
            double height = editor.LineHeight / 5;

            if (selected)
                cr.SetSourceColor(ColorName == null ? Color : editor.ColorStyle.GetChunkStyle(ColorName).Foreground);
            if (Wave)
                //Pango.CairoHelper.ShowErrorUnderline(cr, @from, y + editor.LineHeight - height, to - @from, height);
                cr.MoveTo(@from, y + editor.LineHeight - 1.5);
                cr.LineTo(to, y + editor.LineHeight - 1.5);
Example #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Visual test for pixel alignment and odd/even line widths
		/// </summary>
		public void Lines (Context ctx)
			ctx.Save ();

			ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);

			int nPairs = 4;
			double length = 90;
			double gap = 2;

			// set half-pixel y-coordinate for sharp single-pixel-wide line
			// on first line of Canvas, extending to match line pairs below
			ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
			double x = 0;
			double y = 0.5;
			double end = x + 2*(length - 1) + gap;
			ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
			ctx.LineTo (end, y);
			ctx.Stroke ();

			// draw pairs of lines with odd and even widths,
			// each pair aligned on half-pixel y-coordinates
			y = 4.5;
			for (int w = 1; w <= nPairs; ++w) {
				x = 0;
				ctx.SetLineWidth (w);
				ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
				ctx.RelLineTo (length-1, 0);
				ctx.Stroke ();

				ctx.SetLineWidth (w + 1);
				x += (gap + length - 1);
				ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
				ctx.RelLineTo (length-1, 0);
				ctx.Stroke ();
				y += w * 2 + gap;

			ctx.Restore ();
Example #9
        public virtual void Curves1(Context ctx, double x, double y)
            ctx.Save ();
            ctx.Translate (x, y);

            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
            Action curve1 = () => {
                ctx.MoveTo (0, 30);
                ctx.CurveTo (20, 0, 50, 0, 60, 25);
            // curve2 with lineTo; curve1 is closed
            Action curve2 = () => {
                ctx.LineTo (0, 0);
                ctx.CurveTo (20, 30, 50, 30, 60, 5);
            Action paint = () => {
                curve1 ();
                curve2 ();
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                ctx.SetColor (new Color (0, 0, 0, .5));
                ctx.StrokePreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (new Color (1, 0, 1, .5));
                ctx.Fill ();
            paint ();

            ctx.Translate (0, 40);
            // curve2 with moveTo; curve1 is open
            curve2 = () => {
                ctx.MoveTo (0, 0);
                ctx.CurveTo (20, 30, 50, 30, 60, 5);
            paint ();
            ctx.Restore ();

            //Todo: same stuff with arc
Example #10
        public virtual void Rotate(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, double x, double y)
            ctx.Translate(x + 30, y + 30);

            // Rotation

            double end = 270;
            double r   = 30;

            for (double n = 0; n <= end; n += 5)
                ctx.MoveTo(0, 0);
                ctx.RelLineTo(r, 0);
                double c = n / end;
                ctx.SetColor(new Color(c, c, c));

                // Visual test for TransformPoints
                Point   p0 = new Point(0, 0);
                Point   p1 = new Point(0, -r);
                Point[] p  = new Point[] { p0, p1 };
                ctx.Translate(2 * r + 1, 0);
                c = 1 - c;
                ctx.SetColor(new Color(c, c, c));
Example #11
		internal protected override void Draw (Context win, Rectangle area, long line, double x, double y)
			win.Rectangle (x, y, Width, Editor.LineHeight);
			win.SetColor (Style.IconBarBg);
			win.Fill ();
			win.MoveTo (x + Width - 1, y);
			win.LineTo (x + Width - 1, y + Editor.LineHeight);
			win.SetColor (Style.IconBarSeperator);
			win.Stroke ();

			foreach (long bookmark in Data.Bookmarks) {
				if (line * Editor.BytesInRow <= bookmark && bookmark < line * Editor.BytesInRow + Editor.BytesInRow) {
					DrawBookmark (win, x, y);
Example #12
        protected override void OnDraw(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx)
            ctx.Translate(30, 30);
            double end = 270;

            for (double n = 0; n <= end; n += 5)
                ctx.MoveTo(0, 0);
                ctx.RelLineTo(30, 0);
                double c = n / end;
                ctx.SetColor(new Color(c, c, c));
Example #13
        internal protected override void Draw(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, Rectangle area, DocumentLine lineSegment, int line, double x, double y, double lineHeight)
            bool backgroundIsDrawn = false;

            if (lineSegment != null)
                foreach (var marker in lineSegment.Markers)
                    var marginMarker = marker as MarginMarker;
                    if (marginMarker != null && marginMarker.CanDrawBackground(this))
                        backgroundIsDrawn = marginMarker.DrawBackground(editor, ctx, new MarginDrawMetrics(this, area, lineSegment, line, x, y, lineHeight));

            if (!backgroundIsDrawn)
                ctx.Rectangle(x, y, Width, lineHeight);

                ctx.MoveTo(x + Width - 0.5, y);
                ctx.LineTo(x + Width - 0.5, y + lineHeight);

            if (lineSegment != null && line <= editor.Document.LineCount)
                foreach (var marker in lineSegment.Markers)
                    var marginMarker = marker as MarginMarker;
                    if (marginMarker != null && marginMarker.CanDrawForeground(this))
                        marginMarker.DrawForeground(editor, ctx, new MarginDrawMetrics(this, area, lineSegment, line, x, y, lineHeight));
                if (DrawEvent != null)
                    DrawEvent(this, new BookmarkMarginDrawEventArgs(editor, ctx, lineSegment, line, x, y));
Example #14
 void DrawFocus(Context ctx, Point p)
     // Draw a 'zoom'-style Focus at specified point
     double focusRadius = 32;
     double r = 12, w = focusRadius - 1;
     Point o = Point.Zero;	// Drawing origin
     // Align single-thickness lines on 0.5 pixel coords
     o.X += 0.5;
     o.Y += 0.5;
     ctx.Save ();
     ctx.Translate (p);	// Final translation
     // Hairlines in X-direction
     ctx.MoveTo (o.X + r, o.Y);
     ctx.LineTo (o.X + w, o.Y);
     ctx.MoveTo (o.X - r, o.Y);
     ctx.LineTo (o.X - w, o.Y);
     // Hairlines in Y-direction
     ctx.MoveTo (o.X, o.Y + r);
     ctx.LineTo (o.X, o.Y + w);
     ctx.MoveTo (o.X, o.Y - r);
     ctx.LineTo (o.X, o.Y - w);
     // Inner single-thickness circle
     ctx.MoveTo (o.X + r, o.Y);
     ctx.Arc (o.X, o.Y, r, 0, 360);
     ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
     ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
     ctx.Stroke ();
     // Double thickness outer arcs. Draw at (0,0) and rotate
     o = Point.Zero;
     r = 22;
     ctx.Rotate (5);
     ctx.MoveTo (r, 0);
     ctx.Arc (o.X, o.Y, r, 0, 80);
     ctx.MoveTo (o.X, r);
     ctx.Arc (o.X, o.Y, r, 90, 170);
     ctx.MoveTo (-r, o.Y);
     ctx.Arc (o.X, o.Y, r, 180, 260);
     ctx.MoveTo (o.X, -r);
     ctx.Arc (o.X, o.Y, r, 270, 350);
     ctx.SetLineWidth (2);
     ctx.Stroke ();
     ctx.Restore ();
Example #15
        protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            base.OnDraw(ctx, dirtyRect);

            for (int i = 0; i < Size.Width / checkerboard.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Size.Height / checkerboard.Height; j++)
                    ctx.DrawImage(checkerboard, i * checkerboard.Width, j * checkerboard.Height);


            ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, Size.Width - 20, Size.Height);

            ctx.Rectangle(Size.Width - 20, 0, 20, Size.Height);

            ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, Size.Width, Size.Height);

            //ctx.SetColor(Color.Brightness > .5 ? Colors.White : Colors.Black);
            ctx.SetColor(((-1 * Color.Brightness) + 1) * 1.15 + (Color.Alpha) > 1.2 ? Colors.White : Colors.Black);
            ctx.DrawTextLayout(new TextLayout(this) { Text = Color.ToHexString().ToUpper() }, 2, 3);

            if (mover && (IsDefaultColor || mx <= Size.Width - 20))
                ctx.SetColor(new Color(1, 1, 1, .33));
                ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, Size.Width - (IsDefaultColor ? 0 : 20), Size.Height);

            if (!IsDefaultColor)
                if (mover && mx > Size.Width - 20)
                    ctx.SetColor(new Color(1, 1, 1, .33));
                    ctx.Rectangle(Size.Width - 20, 0, 20, Size.Height);

                ctx.MoveTo(Size.Width - 19.5, 0);
                ctx.RelLineTo(0, Size.Height);

                if (mover)
                    ctx.DrawImage(resetImage, Size.Width - 18, (Size.Height - 16) / 2, 16, 16);
Example #16
        public virtual void Texts(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, double x, double y)

            ctx.Translate(x, y);


            var col1 = new Rectangle();
            var col2 = new Rectangle();

            var text = new TextLayout();

            text.Font = this.Font.WithSize(24);

            // first text
            text.Text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,";
            var size1 = text.GetSize();

            col1.Width   = size1.Width;
            col1.Height += size1.Height + 10;
            ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, 0, 0);

            // proofing width; test should align with text above
            text.Text  = "consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy";
            text.Width = col1.Width;
            var size2 = text.GetSize();

            ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, 0, col1.Bottom);
            col1.Height += size2.Height + 10;


            // proofing scale, on second col
            col2.Left = col1.Right + 10;

            text.Text = "eirmod tempor invidunt ut.";

            var scale = 1.2;

            text.Width = text.Width / scale;
            var size3 = text.GetSize();

            col2.Height = size3.Height * scale;
            col2.Width  = size3.Width * scale + 5;
            ctx.Scale(scale, scale);
            ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, col2.Left / scale, col2.Top / scale);

            // proofing heigth, on second col
            text.Text = "Praesent ac lacus nec dolor pulvinar feugiat a id elit.";
            var size4 = text.GetSize();

            text.Height   = size4.Height / 2;
            text.Trimming = TextTrimming.WordElipsis;
            ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, col2.Left, col2.Bottom + 5);

            ctx.Rectangle(new Rectangle(col2.Left, col2.Bottom + 5, text.Width, text.Height));

            // drawing col line

            ctx.MoveTo(col1.Right + 5, col1.Top);
            ctx.LineTo(col1.Right + 5, col1.Bottom);
            ctx.MoveTo(col2.Right + 5, col2.Top);
            ctx.LineTo(col2.Right + 5, col2.Bottom);

            // proofing rotate, and printing size to see the values

            text.Font = this.Font.WithSize(10);
            text.Text = string.Format("Size 1 {0}\r\nSize 2 {1}\r\nSize 3 {2} Scale {3}",
                                      size1, size2, size3, scale);
            text.Width  = -1;            // this clears textsize
            text.Height = -1;
            // maybe someone knows a formula with angle and textsize to calculyte ty
            var ty = 30;

            ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, ty, col1.Bottom + 10);


            // scale example here:


            TextLayout tl0 = new TextLayout(this);

            tl0.Font = this.Font.WithSize(10);
            tl0.Text = "This text contains attributes.";
            tl0.SetUnderline(0, "This".Length);
            tl0.SetForeground(new Color(0, 1.0, 1.0), "This ".Length, "text".Length);
            tl0.SetBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0), "This ".Length, "text".Length);
            tl0.SetFontWeight(FontWeight.Bold, "This text ".Length, "contains".Length);
            tl0.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, "This text ".Length, "contains".Length);
            tl0.SetStrikethrough("This text contains ".Length, "attributes".Length);

            ctx.DrawTextLayout(tl0, col2.Left, col2.Bottom + 100);

            // Text boces

            y = 180;

            // Without wrapping

            TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(this);

            tl.Text = "Stright text";
            DrawText(ctx, tl, ref y);

            // With wrapping

            tl       = new TextLayout(this);
            tl.Text  = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
            tl.Width = 100;
            DrawText(ctx, tl, ref y);

            // With blank lines

            tl       = new TextLayout(this);
            tl.Text  = "\nEmpty line above\nLine break above\n\nEmpty line above\n\n\nTwo empty lines above\nEmpty line below\n";
            tl.Width = 200;
            DrawText(ctx, tl, ref y);
Example #17
		public virtual void Rectangles (Context ctx, double x, double y)
			ctx.Save ();
			ctx.Translate (x, y);
			// Simple rectangles
			ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
			ctx.Rectangle (0, 0, 10, 10);
			ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.Rectangle (15, 0, 10, 10);
			ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
			ctx.Stroke ();
			ctx.SetLineWidth (3);
			ctx.Rectangle (0, 15, 10, 10);
			ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.Rectangle (15, 15, 10, 10);
			ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
			ctx.Stroke ();
			ctx.Restore ();
			// Rectangle with hole
			ctx.Save ();
			ctx.Translate (x + 50, y);
			ctx.Rectangle (0, 0, 40, 40);
			ctx.MoveTo (35, 35);
			ctx.RelLineTo (0, -20);
			ctx.RelLineTo (-20, 0);
			ctx.RelLineTo (0, 20);
			ctx.ClosePath ();
			ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.Restore ();
			// Rounded Rectangle with Arcs
			ctx.Save ();
			ctx.Translate (x + 120, y);
			var r = 5;
			var l = 0;
			var t = 0;
			var w = 50;
			var h = 30;

			ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
			// top left  
			ctx.Arc (l + r, t + r, r, 180, 270);
			// top right 
			ctx.Arc (l + w - r, t + r, r, 270, 0);
			// bottom right  
			ctx.Arc (l + w - r, t + h - r, r, 0, 90);
			// bottom left 
			ctx.Arc (l + r, t + h - r, r, 90, 180);
			ctx.ClosePath ();
			ctx.StrokePreserve ();
			ctx.SetColor (Colors.AntiqueWhite);
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.Restore ();
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the axis. This involves three steps:
        ///	 (1) Draw the axis line.
        ///	 (2) Draw the tick marks.
        ///	 (3) Draw the label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Drawing Context with which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="physicalMin">The physical position corresponding to the world minimum of the axis.</param>
        /// <param name="physicalMax">The physical position corresponding to the world maximum of the axis.</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBox">out The bounding rectangle of the axis including axis line, label, tick marks and tick mark labels</param>
        public virtual void Draw(Context ctx, Point physicalMin, Point physicalMax, out Rectangle boundingBox)
            // calculate the bounds of the axis line only.
            double x1 = Math.Min (physicalMin.X, physicalMax.X);
            double x2 = Math.Max (physicalMin.X, physicalMax.X);
            double y1 = Math.Min (physicalMin.Y, physicalMax.Y);
            double y2 = Math.Max (physicalMin.Y, physicalMax.Y);
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle (x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1);

            if (!Hidden) {
                // (1) Draw the axis line.
                ctx.Save ();
                ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
                ctx.SetColor (LineColor);
                ctx.MoveTo (physicalMin.X+0.5, physicalMin.Y+0.5);
                ctx.LineTo (physicalMax.X+0.5, physicalMax.Y+0.5);
                ctx.Stroke ();
                ctx.Restore ();

                // (2) draw tick marks (subclass responsibility).

                object labelOffset;
                object tickBounds;
                DrawTicks (ctx, physicalMin, physicalMax, out labelOffset, out tickBounds);

                // (3) draw the axis label
                object labelBounds = null;
                if (!HideTickText) {
                    labelBounds = DrawLabel (ctx, (Point)labelOffset, physicalMin, physicalMax);

                // (4) merge bounds and return.
                if (labelBounds != null) {
                    bounds = Rectangle.Union (bounds, (Rectangle)labelBounds);

                if (tickBounds != null) {
                    bounds = Rectangle.Union (bounds, (Rectangle)tickBounds);
            boundingBox = bounds;
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the candle plot with the specified Drawing Context and X,Y axes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Drawing Context with which to draw</param>
        /// <param name="xAxis">The physical X-Axis to draw against</param>
        /// <param name="yAxis">The physical Y-Axis to draw against</param>
        public void Draw(Context ctx, PhysicalAxis xAxis, PhysicalAxis yAxis)
            CandleDataAdapter cd = new CandleDataAdapter (DataSource, DataMember,
                AbscissaData, OpenData, LowData, HighData, CloseData);

            double offset = 0;
            if (Centered) {
                offset = CalculatePhysicalSeparation (cd,xAxis)/2;

            double addAmount = StickWidth/2;
            double stickWidth = StickWidth;

            if (StickWidth == AutoScaleStickWidth) {
                // default
                addAmount = 2;
                stickWidth = 4;

                double minDist = CalculatePhysicalSeparation (cd, xAxis);

                addAmount = minDist / 3;
                stickWidth = addAmount * 2;

            ctx.Save ();
            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);

            // brant hyatt proposed.
            if (Style == Styles.Stick)
                p.Width = stickWidth;
                addAmount = stickWidth + 2;

            for (int i=0; i<cd.Count; ++i) {

                PointOLHC point = (PointOLHC)cd [i];
                if ((!double.IsNaN (point.Open)) && (!double.IsNaN(point.High))
                 && (!double.IsNaN (point.Low)) && (!double.IsNaN(point.Close))) {
                    double xPos = (xAxis.WorldToPhysical (point.X, false)).X;

                    if (xPos + offset + addAmount < xAxis.PhysicalMin.X || xAxis.PhysicalMax.X < xPos + offset - addAmount) {

                    double yLo  = (yAxis.WorldToPhysical (point.Low,  false)).Y;
                    double yHi  = (yAxis.WorldToPhysical (point.High, false)).Y;
                    double yOpn = (yAxis.WorldToPhysical (point.Open, false)).Y;
                    double yCls = (yAxis.WorldToPhysical (point.Close,false)).Y;

                    if (Style == Styles.Stick) {
                        // brant hyatt proposed.
                        if (i > 0)
                            if ( ((PointOLHC)cd[i]).Close > ((PointOLHC)cd[i-1]).Close)
                                p.Color = BullishColor;
                                p.Color = BearishColor;
                        ctx.SetColor (Color);
                        ctx.MoveTo (xPos+offset, yLo);
                        ctx.LineTo (xPos+offset, yHi);		// Low to High line

                        ctx.MoveTo (xPos-addAmount+offset, yOpn);
                        ctx.LineTo (xPos+offset, yOpn);		// Open line

                        ctx.MoveTo (xPos+addAmount+offset, yCls);
                        ctx.LineTo (xPos+offset, yCls);		// Close line
                        ctx.Stroke ();
                    else if (Style == Styles.Filled) {
                        ctx.MoveTo (xPos+offset, yLo);
                        ctx.LineTo (xPos+offset, yHi);
                        ctx.Stroke ();
                        if (yOpn > yCls) {
                            ctx.SetColor (BullishColor);
                            ctx.Rectangle (xPos-addAmount+offset, yCls, stickWidth, yOpn - yCls);
                            ctx.FillPreserve ();
                            ctx.SetColor (Color);
                            ctx.Stroke ();
                        else if (yOpn < yCls) {
                            ctx.SetColor (BearishColor);
                            ctx.Rectangle (xPos-addAmount+offset, yOpn, stickWidth, yCls - yOpn);
                            ctx.FillPreserve ();
                            ctx.SetColor (Color);
                            ctx.Stroke ();
                        else {	// Cls == Opn
                            ctx.MoveTo (xPos-addAmount+offset, yOpn);
                            ctx.LineTo (xPos-addAmount+stickWidth+offset, yCls);
                            ctx.Stroke ();
            ctx.Restore ();
Example #20
		public virtual void Curves2 (Context ctx, double sx, double sy)
			ctx.Save ();
			ctx.Translate (sx, sy);
			ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
			double x = 0, y = 40;
			double x1 = y - x, y1 = x1 + y, x2 = x + y, y2 = x, x3 = y1, y3 = y;

			ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
			ctx.CurveTo (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);

			ctx.SetLineWidth (2.0);
			ctx.Stroke ();

			ctx.SetColor (new Color (1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6));
			ctx.SetLineWidth (1.0);
			ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
			ctx.LineTo (x1, y1);
			ctx.MoveTo (x2, y2);
			ctx.LineTo (x3, y3);
			ctx.Stroke ();
			ctx.Restore ();
Example #21
        protected override void OnDraw(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx)

            // Simple rectangles

            ctx.Rectangle(100, 5, 10, 10);

            ctx.Rectangle(115, 5, 10, 10);


            ctx.Rectangle(100, 20, 10, 10);

            ctx.Rectangle(115, 20, 10, 10);

            // Rectangle with hole

            ctx.Rectangle(10, 100, 40, 40);
            ctx.MoveTo(45, 135);
            ctx.RelLineTo(0, -20);
            ctx.RelLineTo(-20, 0);
            ctx.RelLineTo(0, 20);

            // Dashed lines

            ctx.SetLineDash(15, 10, 10, 5, 5);
            ctx.Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100);

            ImageBuilder ib = new ImageBuilder(30, 30, ImageFormat.ARGB32);

            ib.Context.Arc(15, 15, 15, 0, 360);
            ib.Context.SetColor(new Color(1, 0, 1));
            ib.Context.Rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5);
            var img = ib.ToImage();

            ctx.DrawImage(img, 90, 90);
            ctx.DrawImage(img, 90, 140, 50, 10);

            ctx.Arc(190, 190, 15, 0, 360);
            ctx.SetColor(new Color(1, 0, 1, 0.4));

            ctx.Translate(90, 220);
            ctx.Pattern = new ImagePattern(img);
            ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 70);

            ctx.Translate(30, 30);
            double end = 270;

            for (double n = 0; n <= end; n += 5)
                ctx.MoveTo(0, 0);
                ctx.RelLineTo(30, 0);
                double c = n / end;
                ctx.SetColor(new Color(c, c, c));

Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the horizontal line plot using the Context and the x and y axes specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Context with which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="xAxis">The X-Axis to draw against.</param>
        /// <param name="yAxis">The Y-Axis to draw against.</param>
        public void Draw(Context ctx, PhysicalAxis xAxis, PhysicalAxis yAxis)
            double xMin = xAxis.PhysicalMin.X;
            double xMax = xAxis.PhysicalMax.X;

            xMin += pixelIndent_;
            xMax -= pixelIndent_;

            double length = Math.Abs (xMax - xMin);
            double lengthDiff = length - length*scale_;
            double indentAmount = lengthDiff/2;

            xMin += indentAmount;
            xMax -= indentAmount;

            double yPos = yAxis.WorldToPhysical (value_, false).Y;

            ctx.Save ();
            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
            ctx.SetColor (color_);
            ctx.MoveTo (xMin, yPos);
            ctx.LineTo (xMax, yPos);
            ctx.Stroke ();
            ctx.Restore ();

            // todo:  clip and proper logic for flipped axis min max.
Example #23
        protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            base.OnDraw(ctx, dirtyRect);

            if (image != null) {
                if (Heighlighted && IsThumbnail) {
                    ctx.RoundRectangle(new Rectangle(Point.Zero, image.Size), 3);

                ctx.DrawImage(image, (new Rectangle(Point.Zero, image.Size)).Inflate(-3, -3));

                if (mask != null && ShowMask) {
                    ctx.DrawImage(MaskBitmap, (new Rectangle(Point.Zero, image.Size)).Inflate(-3, -3), 0.6);

            if (isEditMode) {
                Point scaleFactor = new Point(
                                        scan.Size.Width / image.Size.Width,
                                        scan.Size.Height / image.Size.Height);

                foreach (MaskEntry p in scan.Mask.MaskPositions) {
                    switch (p.type) {
                    case MaskEntryType.Point:
                        ctx.SetLineWidth(p.pointerSize / scaleFactor.Y * 2);
                        ctx.LineTo(p.position.X / scaleFactor.X, p.position.Y / scaleFactor.Y);

                            p.position.X / scaleFactor.X, p.position.Y / scaleFactor.Y,
                            p.pointerSize / scaleFactor.Y, 0, 360);

                        ctx.MoveTo(p.position.X / scaleFactor.X, p.position.Y / scaleFactor.Y);
                    case MaskEntryType.Space:
                    case MaskEntryType.Delete:
                            p.position.X / scaleFactor.X, p.position.Y / scaleFactor.Y,
                            p.pointerSize / scaleFactor.Y, 0, 360);
                        int newX = (int) Math.Min(Math.Max(
                                       p.position.X / scaleFactor.X - pointerSize / scaleFactor.Y, 0), scan.Size.Width);
                        int newY = (int) Math.Min(Math.Max(
                                       p.position.Y / scaleFactor.Y - pointerSize / scaleFactor.Y, 0), scan.Size.Height);

                        using (ImageBuilder ib =
                                   new ImageBuilder((pointerSize / scaleFactor.Y * 2), (pointerSize / scaleFactor.Y * 2))) {
                            BitmapImage bi = ib.ToBitmap();
                                newX, newY,
                                (int) (pointerSize / scaleFactor.Y * 2), (int) (pointerSize / scaleFactor.Y * 2),
                                bi, 0, 0);
                            ctx.DrawImage(bi, new Point(newX, newY));


                if (mousePosition != Point.Zero) {
                    ctx.Arc(mousePosition.X, mousePosition.Y, pointerSize / Math.Max(scaleFactor.X, scaleFactor.Y), 0, 360);

                    if (mousePositionStart != Point.Zero) {
                        ctx.SetLineWidth((pointerSize / Math.Max(scaleFactor.X, scaleFactor.Y)) * 2);
                        ctx.Arc(mousePositionStart.X, mousePositionStart.Y, pointerSize / Math.Max(scaleFactor.X, scaleFactor.Y), 0, 360);
Example #24
 public static void Line(this Xwt.Drawing.Context cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
     cr.MoveTo(x1, y1);
     cr.LineTo(x2, y2);
Example #25
		void DrawCursor (Context ctx, ChartCursor cursor)
			ctx.SetColor (cursor.Color);
			double x, y;
			GetPoint (cursor.Value, cursor.Value, out x, out y);
			if (cursor.Dimension == AxisDimension.X) {
				double cy = top - AreaBorderWidth - 1;
				ctx.MoveTo (x, cy);
				ctx.LineTo (x + (cursor.HandleSize/2), cy - cursor.HandleSize + 1);
				ctx.LineTo (x - (cursor.HandleSize/2), cy - cursor.HandleSize + 1);
				ctx.ClosePath ();
				if (activeCursor == cursor)
					ctx.FillPreserve ();
				ctx.Stroke ();
				ctx.MoveTo (x, top);
				ctx.RelLineTo (0, height);
				ctx.Stroke ();
			} else {
				throw new NotSupportedException ();
Example #26
		void DrawSerie (Context ctx, Serie serie)
			ctx.NewPath ();
			ctx.Rectangle (left, top, width + 1, height + 1);
			ctx.Clip ();
			ctx.NewPath ();
			ctx.SetColor (serie.Color);
			ctx.SetLineWidth (serie.LineWidth);
			bool first = true;
			bool blockMode = serie.DisplayMode == DisplayMode.BlockLine;
			double lastY = 0;
			foreach (Data d in serie.GetData (startX, endX)) {
				double x, y;
				GetPoint (d.X, d.Y, out x, out y);
				if (first) {
					ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
					lastY = y;
					first = false;
				} else {
					if (blockMode) {
						if (lastY != y)
							ctx.LineTo (x, lastY);
						ctx.LineTo (x, y);
					} else
						ctx.LineTo (x, y);
				lastY = y;
			ctx.Stroke ();
Example #27
		void DrawTicks (Context ctx, TickEnumerator e, AxisPosition pos, AxisDimension ad, int tickSize, bool showLabels)
			double rheight = Bounds.Height;
			TextLayout layout = null;
			if (showLabels) {
				layout = new TextLayout ();
				layout.Font = chartFont;
			bool isX = pos == AxisPosition.Top || pos == AxisPosition.Bottom;
			bool isTop = pos == AxisPosition.Top || pos == AxisPosition.Right;
			double start = GetStart (ad);
			double end = GetEnd (ad);
			e.Init (GetOrigin (ad));
			while (e.CurrentValue > start)
				e.MovePrevious ();
			double lastPosLabel;
			double lastPos;
			double lastTw = 0;
			if (isX) {
				lastPosLabel = reverseXAxis ? left + width + MinLabelGapX : left - MinLabelGapX;
				lastPos = left - minTickStep*2;
			else {
				lastPosLabel = reverseYAxis ? top - MinLabelGapY : rheight + MinLabelGapY;
				lastPos = top + height + minTickStep*2;
			for ( ; e.CurrentValue <= end; e.MoveNext ())
				double px, py;
				double tw = 0, th = 0;
				int tick = tickSize;
				GetPoint (e.CurrentValue, e.CurrentValue, out px, out py);
				if (showLabels) {
					layout.Text = e.CurrentLabel;
					var ts = layout.GetSize ();
					tw = ts.Width;
					th = ts.Height;

				if (isX) {
					if (Math.Abs ((long)px - (long)lastPos) < minTickStep || px < left || px > left + width)
					lastPos = px;
					bool labelFits = false;
					if ((Math.Abs (px - lastPosLabel) - (tw/2) - (lastTw/2)) >= MinLabelGapX) {
						lastPosLabel = px;
						lastTw = tw;
						labelFits = true;
					if (isTop) {
						if (showLabels) {
							if (labelFits)
								ctx.DrawTextLayout (layout, px - (tw/2), top - AreaBorderWidth - th);
								tick = tick / 2;
						ctx.MoveTo (px, top);
						ctx.LineTo (px, top + tick);
						ctx.Stroke ();
					else {
						if (showLabels) {
							if (labelFits)
								ctx.DrawTextLayout (layout, px - (tw/2), top + height + AreaBorderWidth);
								tick = tick / 2;
						ctx.MoveTo (px, top + height);
						ctx.LineTo (px, top + height - tick);
						ctx.Stroke ();
				else {
					if (Math.Abs ((long)lastPos - (long)py) < minTickStep || py < top || py > top + height)
					lastPos = py;
					bool labelFits = false;
					if ((Math.Abs (py - lastPosLabel) - (th/2) - (lastTw/2)) >= MinLabelGapY) {
						lastPosLabel = py;
						lastTw = th;
						labelFits = true;
					if (isTop) {
						if (showLabels) {
							if (labelFits)
								ctx.DrawTextLayout (layout, left + width + AreaBorderWidth + 1, py - (th/2));
								tick = tick / 2;
						ctx.MoveTo (left + width, py);
						ctx.LineTo (left + width - tick, py);
						ctx.Stroke ();
					else {
						if (showLabels) {
							if (labelFits)
								ctx.DrawTextLayout (layout, left - AreaBorderWidth - tw - 1, py - (th/2));
								tick = tick / 2;
						ctx.MoveTo (left, py);
						ctx.LineTo (left + tick, py);
						ctx.Stroke ();
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Does all the work in drawing grid lines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The graphics context with which to draw</param>
        /// <param name="axis">TODO</param>
        /// <param name="orthogonalAxis">TODO</param>
        /// <param name="a">the list of world values to draw grid lines at.</param>
        /// <param name="horizontal">true if want horizontal lines, false otherwise.</param>
        /// <param name="color">the color to draw the grid lines.</param>
        private void DrawGridLines(Context ctx,
			PhysicalAxis axis, PhysicalAxis orthogonalAxis,
			System.Collections.ArrayList a, bool horizontal)
            for (int i=0; i<a.Count; ++i) {
                Point p1 = axis.WorldToPhysical ((double)a[i], true);
                Point p2 = p1;
                Point p3 = orthogonalAxis.PhysicalMax;
                Point p4 = orthogonalAxis.PhysicalMin;
                if (horizontal) {
                    p1.Y = p4.Y;
                    p2.Y = p3.Y;
                else {
                    p1.X = p4.X;
                    p2.X = p3.X;
                ctx.MoveTo (p1);
                ctx.LineTo (p2);
            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
            ctx.SetColor (gridColor);
            ctx.SetLineDash (0, gridDash);
            ctx.Stroke ();
Example #29
 public static void SharpLineY(this Xwt.Drawing.Context cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
     cr.MoveTo(x1, y1 + 0.5);
     cr.LineTo(x2, y2 + 0.5);
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the arrow on a plot surface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">the Drawing Context with which to draw</param>
        /// <param name="xAxis">The X-Axis to draw against.</param>
        /// <param name="yAxis">The Y-Axis to draw against.</param>
        public void Draw(Context ctx, PhysicalAxis xAxis, PhysicalAxis yAxis )
            if (To.X > xAxis.Axis.WorldMax || To.X < xAxis.Axis.WorldMin) {
            if (To.Y > yAxis.Axis.WorldMax || To.Y < yAxis.Axis.WorldMin) {

            ctx.Save ();

            TextLayout layout = new TextLayout ();
            layout.Font = textFont_;
            layout.Text = text_;

            double angle = angle_;
            if (angle_ < 0.0) {
                int mul = -(int)(angle_ / 360.0) + 2;
                angle = angle_ + 360.0 * (double)mul;

            double normAngle = (double)angle % 360.0;	// angle in range 0 -> 360.

            Point toPoint = new Point (
                xAxis.WorldToPhysical (to_.X, true).X,
                yAxis.WorldToPhysical (to_.Y, true).Y);

            double xDir = Math.Cos (normAngle * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0);
            double yDir = Math.Sin (normAngle * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0);

            toPoint.X += xDir*headOffset_;
            toPoint.Y += yDir*headOffset_;

            double xOff = physicalLength_ * xDir;
            double yOff = physicalLength_ * yDir;

            Point fromPoint = new Point(
                (int)(toPoint.X + xOff),
                (int)(toPoint.Y + yOff) );

            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
            ctx.SetColor (arrowColor_);
            ctx.MoveTo (fromPoint);
            ctx.LineTo (toPoint);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            xOff = headSize_ * Math.Cos ((normAngle-headAngle_/2) * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0);
            yOff = headSize_ * Math.Sin ((normAngle-headAngle_/2) * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0);

            ctx.LineTo (toPoint.X + xOff, toPoint.Y + yOff);

            double xOff2 = headSize_ * Math.Cos ((normAngle+headAngle_/2) * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0);
            double yOff2 = headSize_ * Math.Sin ((normAngle+headAngle_/2) * 2.0 * Math.PI / 360.0);

            ctx.LineTo (toPoint.X + xOff2, toPoint.Y + yOff2);
            ctx.LineTo (toPoint);
            ctx.ClosePath ();
            ctx.SetColor (arrowColor_);
            ctx.Fill ();

            Size textSize = layout.GetSize ();
            Size halfSize = new Size (textSize.Width/2, textSize.Height/2);

            double quadrantSlideLength = halfSize.Width + halfSize.Height;

            double quadrantD = normAngle / 90.0;		// integer part gives quadrant.
            int quadrant = (int)quadrantD;				// quadrant in.
            double prop = quadrantD - (double)quadrant;	// proportion of way through this qadrant.
            double dist = prop * quadrantSlideLength;	// distance along quarter of bounds rectangle.

            // now find the offset from the middle of the text box that the
            // rear end of the arrow should end at (reverse this to get position
            // of text box with respect to rear end of arrow).
            // There is almost certainly an elgant way of doing this involving
            // trig functions to get all the signs right, but I'm about ready to
            // drop off to sleep at the moment, so this blatent method will have
            // to do.
            Point offsetFromMiddle = new Point (0, 0);
            switch (quadrant) {
            case 0:
                if (dist > halfSize.Height) {
                    dist -= halfSize.Height;
                    offsetFromMiddle = new Point ( -halfSize.Width + dist, halfSize.Height );
                else {
                    offsetFromMiddle = new Point ( -halfSize.Width, - dist );
            case 1:
                if (dist > halfSize.Width) {
                    dist -= halfSize.Width;
                    offsetFromMiddle = new Point ( halfSize.Width, halfSize.Height - dist );
                else {
                    offsetFromMiddle = new Point ( dist, halfSize.Height );
            case 2:
                if (dist > halfSize.Height) {
                    dist -= halfSize.Height;
                    offsetFromMiddle = new Point ( halfSize.Width - dist, -halfSize.Height );
                else {
                    offsetFromMiddle = new Point ( halfSize.Width, -dist );
            case 3:
                if (dist > halfSize.Width) {
                    dist -= halfSize.Width;
                    offsetFromMiddle = new Point ( -halfSize.Width, -halfSize.Height + dist );
                else {
                    offsetFromMiddle = new Point ( -dist, -halfSize.Height );
                throw new XwPlotException( "Programmer error." );

            ctx.SetColor (textColor_);
            double x = fromPoint.X - halfSize.Width - offsetFromMiddle.X;
            double y = fromPoint.Y - halfSize.Height + offsetFromMiddle.Y;
            ctx.DrawTextLayout (layout, x, y);

            ctx.Restore ();
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the marker at the given position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Drawing Context with which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The [physical] x position to draw the marker.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The [physical] y position to draw the marker.</param>
        public void Draw(Context ctx, double x, double y )
            ctx.Save ();
            ctx.SetLineWidth (lineWidth);
            ctx.SetColor (lineColor);

            switch (markerType) {
            case MarkerType.Cross1:
                ctx.MoveTo (x-h, y+h);
                ctx.LineTo (x+h, y-h);
                ctx.MoveTo (x+h, y+h);
                ctx.LineTo (x-h, y-h);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.Cross2:
                ctx.MoveTo (x, y-h);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y+h);
                ctx.MoveTo (x-h, y);
                ctx.LineTo (x+h, y);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.Circle:
                ctx.MoveTo (x+h,y);
                ctx.Arc (x, y, h, 0, 360);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                if (filled ) {
                    ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                    ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.Square:
                ctx.Rectangle (x-h, y-h, size, size);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                if (filled) {
                    ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                    ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.Triangle:
                ctx.MoveTo (x-h, y+h);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y-h);
                ctx.LineTo (x+h, y+h);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                if (filled) {
                    ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                    ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.TriangleDown:
                ctx.MoveTo (x-h, y-h);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y+h);
                ctx.LineTo (x+h, y-h);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                if (filled) {
                    ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                    ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.FilledCircle:
                ctx.MoveTo (x+h,y);
                ctx.Arc (x, y, h, 0, 360);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.FilledSquare:
                ctx.Rectangle (x-h, y-h, size, size);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.FilledTriangle:
                ctx.MoveTo (x-h, y+h);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y-h);
                ctx.LineTo (x+h, y+h);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.Diamond:
                ctx.MoveTo (x-h, y);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y-h);
                ctx.LineTo (x+h, y);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y+h);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                if (filled) {
                    ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                    ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.Flag:
                ctx.MoveTo (x, y-size);
                ctx.LineTo (x+size, y-size+size/3);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y-size+2*size/3);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y-size);
                if (filled) {
                    ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                    ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.FlagDown:
                ctx.MoveTo (x, y+size);
                ctx.LineTo (x+size, y+size-size/3);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y+size-2*size/3);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y+size);
                if (filled) {
                    ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                    ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.FilledFlag:
                ctx.MoveTo (x, y-size);
                ctx.LineTo (x+size, y-size+size/3);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y-size+2*size/3);
                ctx.ClosePath ();
                ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
                ctx.LineTo (x, y-size);
                ctx.SetColor (fillColor);
                ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (lineColor);
                ctx.Stroke ();

            case MarkerType.None:
            ctx.Restore ();
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the line plot using the Context and Physical Axes provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Drawing Context with which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="xAxis">The X-Axis to draw against.</param>
        /// <param name="yAxis">The Y-Axis to draw against.</param>
        /// <param name="drawShadow">If true draw the shadow for the line. If false, draw line.</param>
        public void DrawLineOrShadow(Context ctx, PhysicalAxis xAxis, PhysicalAxis yAxis, bool drawShadow)
            SequenceAdapter data = new SequenceAdapter (DataSource, DataMember, OrdinateData, AbscissaData);

            ITransform2D t = Transform2D.GetTransformer (xAxis, yAxis);

            int numberPoints = data.Count;

            if (data.Count == 0) {

            ctx.Save ();
            ctx.SetLineWidth (lineWidth_);

            // clipping is now handled assigning a clip region in the
            // graphic object before this call
            if (numberPoints == 1) {
                Point physical = t.Transform (data[0]);

                if (drawShadow) {
                    ctx.SetColor (shadowColor_);
                    ctx.MoveTo (physical.X - 0.5 + ShadowOffset.X, physical.Y + ShadowOffset.Y);
                    ctx.LineTo (physical.X + 0.5 + ShadowOffset.X, physical.Y + ShadowOffset.Y);
                    ctx.Stroke ();
                else {
                    ctx.SetColor (lineColor_);
                    ctx.MoveTo (physical.X-0.5, physical.Y);
                    ctx.LineTo (physical.X+0.5, physical.Y);
                    ctx.Stroke ();
            else {
                // prepare for clipping
                double leftCutoff = xAxis.PhysicalToWorld (xAxis.PhysicalMin, false);
                double rightCutoff = xAxis.PhysicalToWorld (xAxis.PhysicalMax, false);
                if (leftCutoff > rightCutoff) {
                    Utils.Swap (ref leftCutoff, ref rightCutoff);
                if (drawShadow) {
                    // correct cut-offs
                    double shadowCorrection =
                        xAxis.PhysicalToWorld (ShadowOffset, false) - xAxis.PhysicalToWorld (new Point(0,0), false);
                    leftCutoff -= shadowCorrection;
                    rightCutoff -= shadowCorrection;

                for (int i = 1; i < numberPoints; ++i) {
                    // check to see if any values null. If so, then continue.
                    double dx1 = data[i-1].X;
                    double dx2 = data[i].X;
                    double dy1 = data[i-1].Y;
                    double dy2 = data[i].Y;
                    if (Double.IsNaN(dx1) || Double.IsNaN(dy1) || Double.IsNaN(dx2) || Double.IsNaN(dy2)) {

                    // do horizontal clipping here, to speed up
                    if ((dx1 < leftCutoff && dx2 < leftCutoff) || (rightCutoff < dx1 && rightCutoff < dx2)) {

                    // else draw line.
                    Point p1 = t.Transform (data[i-1]);
                    Point p2 = t.Transform (data[i]);

                    // when very far zoomed in, points can fall ontop of each other,
                    // and g.DrawLine throws an overflow exception
                    if (p1.Equals(p2)) {

                    if (drawShadow) {
                        ctx.SetColor (shadowColor_);
                        ctx.MoveTo (p1.X + ShadowOffset.X, p1.Y + ShadowOffset.Y);
                        ctx.LineTo (p2.X + ShadowOffset.X, p2.Y + ShadowOffset.Y);
                        ctx.Stroke ();
                    else {
                        ctx.SetColor (lineColor_);
                        ctx.MoveTo (p1.X, p1.Y);
                        ctx.LineTo (p2.X, p2.Y);
                        ctx.Stroke ();
            ctx.Restore ();
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the point plot using the Drawing Context and x and y axes supplied
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Drawing Context with which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="xAxis">The X-Axis to draw against.</param>
        /// <param name="yAxis">The Y-Axis to draw against.</param>
        public virtual void Draw(Context ctx, PhysicalAxis xAxis, PhysicalAxis yAxis)
            SequenceAdapter data_ = new SequenceAdapter (DataSource, DataMember, OrdinateData, AbscissaData );

            double leftCutoff_ = xAxis.PhysicalMin.X - marker.Size;
            double rightCutoff_ = xAxis.PhysicalMax.X + marker.Size;

            ctx.Save ();
            ctx.SetColor (marker.LineColor);
            ctx.SetLineWidth (marker.LineWidth);

            for (int i=0; i<data_.Count; ++i) {
                if (!Double.IsNaN(data_[i].X) && !Double.IsNaN(data_[i].Y)) {
                    Point xPos = xAxis.WorldToPhysical (data_[i].X, false);
                    if (xPos.X < leftCutoff_ || rightCutoff_ < xPos.X) {

                    Point yPos = yAxis.WorldToPhysical (data_[i].Y, false);
                    marker.Draw (ctx, xPos.X, yPos.Y);
                    if (marker.DropLine) {
                        Point yMin = new Point (data_[i].X, Math.Max (0.0, yAxis.Axis.WorldMin));
                        Point yStart = yAxis.WorldToPhysical (yMin.Y, false);
                        ctx.MoveTo (xPos.X, yStart.Y);
                        ctx.LineTo (xPos.X, yPos.Y);
                        ctx.Stroke ();
            ctx.Restore ();
Example #34
        public static void DrawRoundRectangle(Xwt.Drawing.Context cr, bool topLeftRound, bool topRightRound, bool bottomLeftRound, bool bottomRightRound, double x, double y, double r, double w, double h)
            //  UA****BQ
            //  H      C
            //  *      *
            //  G      D
            //  TF****ES


            if (topLeftRound)
                cr.MoveTo(x + r, y);                 // Move to A
                cr.MoveTo(x, y);             // Move to U

            if (topRightRound)
                cr.LineTo(x + w - r, y);             // Straight line to B

                cr.CurveTo(x + w, y,
                           x + w, y,
                           x + w, y + r);  // Curve to C, Control points are both at Q
                cr.LineTo(x + w, y);         // Straight line to Q

            if (bottomRightRound)
                cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h - r);                              // Move to D

                cr.CurveTo(x + w, y + h,
                           x + w, y + h,
                           x + w - r, y + h);  // Curve to E
                cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h); // Move to S

            if (bottomLeftRound)
                cr.LineTo(x + r, y + h);                      // Line to F
                cr.CurveTo(x, y + h,
                           x, y + h,
                           x, y + h - r);  // Curve to G
                cr.LineTo(x, y + h); // Line to T

            if (topLeftRound)
                cr.LineTo(x, y + r);              // Line to H
                cr.CurveTo(x, y,
                           x, y,
                           x + r, y);  // Curve to A
                cr.LineTo(x, y); // Line to U
Example #35
			void Draw (Context ctx, bool fill)
				var parent = (RoundedFrameBox)Parent;
				var border = parent.BorderSpacing;
				var radius = parent.cornerRadius;
				var rect = Bounds;

				ctx.MoveTo (rect.X, rect.Y);

				if (border.Top > 0) {
					ctx.NewPath ();
					if (radius.TopLeft > 0)
						ctx.Arc (rect.Left + radius.TopLeft + border.Left / 2, rect.Top + radius.TopLeft + border.Top / 2, radius.TopLeft, 180, 270);
						PathTo (ctx, rect.Left, rect.Top + border.Top / 2, fill);

					if (radius.TopRight > 0) {
						ctx.LineTo (rect.Right - (radius.TopRight + border.Right / 2), rect.Top + border.Top / 2);
						ctx.Arc (rect.Right - (radius.TopRight + border.Right / 2), rect.Top + radius.TopRight + border.Top / 2, radius.TopRight, 270, 0);
					} else
						ctx.LineTo (rect.Right, rect.Top + border.Top / 2);
				} else
					PathTo (ctx, rect.Right - border.Right / 2, rect.Top, fill);

				if (border.Right > 0)
					// TODO: round corners if top/bottom border disabled
					ctx.LineTo (rect.Right - border.Right / 2, rect.Bottom - (border.Bottom > 0 ? radius.BottomRight : 0));
					PathTo (ctx, rect.Right - border.Right / 2, rect.Bottom - (border.Bottom > 0 ? radius.BottomRight : 0), fill);

				if (border.Bottom > 0) {
					if (radius.BottomRight > 0)
						ctx.Arc (rect.Right - (radius.BottomRight + border.Right / 2), rect.Bottom - (radius.BottomRight + border.Bottom / 2), radius.BottomRight, 0, 90);
						PathTo (ctx, rect.Right, rect.Bottom - border.Bottom / 2, fill);

					if (radius.BottomLeft > 0) {
						ctx.LineTo (rect.Left + (radius.BottomLeft + border.Left / 2), rect.Bottom - border.Bottom / 2);
						ctx.Arc (rect.Left + radius.BottomLeft + border.Left / 2, rect.Bottom - (radius.BottomLeft + border.Bottom / 2), radius.BottomLeft, 90, 180);
					} else
						ctx.LineTo (rect.Left + border.Left / 2, rect.Bottom - border.Bottom / 2);
				} else
					PathTo (ctx, rect.Left + border.Left / 2, rect.Bottom - border.Bottom / 2, fill);

				if (border.Left > 0)
					// TODO: round corners if top/bottom border disabled
					ctx.LineTo (rect.Left + border.Left / 2, rect.Top + (border.Top > 0 ? radius.TopLeft : 0));
					PathTo (ctx, rect.Left + border.Left / 2, rect.Top + (border.Top > 0 ? radius.TopLeft : 0), fill);

				if (fill) {
					ctx.SetColor (parent.innerColor);
					ctx.Fill ();
				} else {
					ctx.SetColor (parent.borderColor);
					ctx.SetLineWidth (parent.borderWidth);
					ctx.Stroke ();
Example #36
        protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle cellArea)
            ctx.Rectangle (BackgroundBounds);
            ctx.SetColor (new Color (0.9, 0.9, 0.9));
            ctx.Fill ();

            ctx.Rectangle (Bounds);
            ctx.SetColor (new Color (0.7, 0.7, 0.7));
            ctx.Fill ();

            var pct = GetValue (ValueField);
            var size = (cellArea.Width * pct.Value) / 100f;
            cellArea.Width = (int) size;

            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
            ctx.Rectangle (cellArea.Inflate (-0.5, -0.5));
            ctx.SetColor (Selected ? Colors.Blue : Colors.LightBlue);
            ctx.FillPreserve ();
            ctx.SetColor (Colors.Gray);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            if (pct.YPos != -1) {
                ctx.MoveTo (cellArea.Right, Bounds.Y + pct.YPos);
                ctx.Arc (cellArea.Right, Bounds.Y + pct.YPos, 2.5, 0, 360);
                ctx.SetColor (Colors.Red);
                ctx.Fill ();
Example #37
			void PathTo (Context ctx, double x, double y, bool stroke)
				if (stroke)
					ctx.LineTo (x, y);
					ctx.MoveTo (x, y);
Example #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a tick on the axis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Drawing Context with on which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="w">The tick position in world coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The size of the tick (in pixels)</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text associated with the tick</param>
        /// <param name="textOffset">The Offset to draw from the auto calculated position</param>
        /// <param name="axisPhysMin">The minimum physical extent of the axis</param>
        /// <param name="axisPhysMax">The maximum physical extent of the axis</param>
        /// <param name="boundingBox">out: The bounding rectangle for the tick and tickLabel drawn</param>
        /// <param name="labelOffset">out: offset from the axies required for axis label</param>
        public virtual void DrawTick( 
			Context ctx, 
			double w,
			double size,
			string text,
			Point textOffset,
			Point axisPhysMin,
			Point axisPhysMax,
			out Point labelOffset,
			out Rectangle boundingBox )
            // determine physical location where tick touches axis.
            Point tickStart = WorldToPhysical (w, axisPhysMin, axisPhysMax, true);

            // determine offset from start point.
            Point  axisDir = Utils.UnitVector (axisPhysMin, axisPhysMax);

            // rotate axisDir anti-clockwise by TicksAngle radians to get tick direction. Note that because
            // the physical (pixel) origin is at the top left, a RotationTransform by a positive angle will
            // be clockwise.  Consequently, for anti-clockwise rotations, use cos(A-B), sin(A-B) formulae
            double x1 = Math.Cos (TicksAngle) * axisDir.X + Math.Sin (TicksAngle) * axisDir.Y;
            double y1 = Math.Cos (TicksAngle) * axisDir.Y - Math.Sin (TicksAngle) * axisDir.X;

            // now get the scaled tick vector.
            Point tickVector = new Point (TickScale * size * x1, TickScale * size * y1);

            if (TicksCrossAxis) {
                tickStart.X -= tickVector.X / 2;
                tickStart.Y -= tickVector.Y / 2;

            // and the end point [point off axis] of tick mark.
            Point  tickEnd = new Point (tickStart.X + tickVector.X, tickStart.Y + tickVector.Y);

            // and draw it
            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
            ctx.SetColor (LineColor);
            ctx.MoveTo (tickStart.X+0.5, tickStart.Y+0.5);
            ctx.LineTo (tickEnd.X+0.5, tickEnd.Y+0.5);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            // calculate bounds of tick.
            double minX = Math.Min (tickStart.X, tickEnd.X);
            double minY = Math.Min (tickStart.Y, tickEnd.Y);
            double maxX = Math.Max (tickStart.X, tickEnd.X);
            double maxY = Math.Max (tickStart.Y, tickEnd.Y);
            boundingBox = new Rectangle (minX, minY, maxX-minX, maxY-minY);

            // by default, label offset from axis is 0. TODO: revise this.
            labelOffset = new Point (-tickVector.X, -tickVector.Y);

            // ------------------------

            // now draw associated text.

            // **** TODO ****
            // The following code needs revising. A few things are hard coded when
            // they should not be. Also, angled tick text currently just works for
            // the bottom x-axis. Also, it's a bit hacky.

            if (text != "" && !HideTickText) {
                TextLayout layout = new TextLayout ();
                layout.Font = tickTextFontScaled;
                layout.Text = text;
                Size textSize = layout.GetSize ();

                // determine the center point of the tick text.
                double textCenterX;
                double textCenterY;

                // if text is at pointy end of tick.
                if (!TickTextNextToAxis) {
                    // offset due to tick.
                    textCenterX = tickStart.X + tickVector.X*1.2;
                    textCenterY = tickStart.Y + tickVector.Y*1.2;

                    // offset due to text box size.
                    textCenterX += 0.5 * x1 * textSize.Width;
                    textCenterY += 0.5 * y1 * textSize.Height;
                    // else it's next to the axis.
                else {
                    // start location.
                    textCenterX = tickStart.X;
                    textCenterY = tickStart.Y;

                    // offset due to text box size.
                    textCenterX -= 0.5 * x1 * textSize.Width;
                    textCenterY -= 0.5 * y1 * textSize.Height;

                    // bring text away from the axis a little bit.
                    textCenterX -= x1*(2.0+FontScale);
                    textCenterY -= y1*(2.0+FontScale);

                // If tick text is angled..
                if (TickTextAngle != 0) {

                    // determine the point we want to rotate text about.
                    Point textScaledTickVector = new Point (
                                                TickScale * x1 * (textSize.Height/2),
                                                TickScale * y1 * (textSize.Height/2) );
                    Point rotatePoint;
                    if (TickTextNextToAxis) {
                        rotatePoint = new Point (
                                            tickStart.X - textScaledTickVector.X,
                                            tickStart.Y - textScaledTickVector.Y);
                    else {
                        rotatePoint = new Point (
                                            tickEnd.X + textScaledTickVector.X,
                                            tickEnd.Y + textScaledTickVector.Y);

                    double actualAngle;
                    if (FlipTickText) {
                        double radAngle = TickTextAngle * Math.PI / 180;
                        rotatePoint.X += textSize.Width * Math.Cos (radAngle);
                        rotatePoint.Y += textSize.Width * Math.Sin (radAngle);
                        actualAngle = TickTextAngle + 180;
                    else {
                        actualAngle = TickTextAngle;

                    ctx.Save ();

                    ctx.Translate (rotatePoint.X, rotatePoint.Y);
                    ctx.Rotate (actualAngle);

                    Point [] recPoints = new Point [2];
                    recPoints[0] = new Point (0.0, -textSize.Height/2);
                    recPoints[1] = new Point (textSize.Width, textSize.Height);
                    ctx.TransformPoints (recPoints);

                    double t_x1 = Math.Min (recPoints[0].X, recPoints[1].X);
                    double t_x2 = Math.Max (recPoints[0].X, recPoints[1].X);
                    double t_y1 = Math.Min (recPoints[0].Y, recPoints[1].Y);
                    double t_y2 = Math.Max (recPoints[0].Y, recPoints[1].Y);

                    boundingBox = Rectangle.Union (boundingBox, new Rectangle (t_x1, t_y1, (t_x2-t_x1), (t_y2-t_y1)));

                    ctx.DrawTextLayout (layout, 0, -textSize.Height/2);

                    t_x2 -= tickStart.X;
                    t_y2 -= tickStart.Y;
                    t_x2 *= 1.25;
                    t_y2 *= 1.25;

                    labelOffset = new Point (t_x2, t_y2);

                    ctx.Restore ();

                    //ctx.Rectangle (boundingBox.X, boundingBox.Y, boundingBox.Width, boundingBox.Height);
                    //ctx.Stroke ();

                else 				{
                    double bx1 = (textCenterX - textSize.Width/2);
                    double by1 = (textCenterY - textSize.Height/2);
                    double bx2 = textSize.Width;
                    double by2 = textSize.Height;

                    Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle (bx1, by1, bx2, by2);
                    // ctx.Rectangle (drawRect);

                    boundingBox = Rectangle.Union (boundingBox, drawRect);

                    // ctx.Rectangle (boundingBox);

                    ctx.DrawTextLayout (layout, bx1, by1);

                    textCenterX -= tickStart.X;
                    textCenterY -= tickStart.Y;
                    textCenterX *= 2.3;
                    textCenterY *= 2.3;

                    labelOffset = new Point (textCenterX, textCenterY);
Example #39
		public static void DrawRoundRectangle (Context cr, double x, double y, double r, double w, double h)
			const double ARC_TO_BEZIER = 0.55228475;
			double radius_x = r;
			double radius_y = r / 4;
			if (radius_x > w - radius_x)
				radius_x = w / 2;
			if (radius_y > h - radius_y)
				radius_y = h / 2;
			double c1 = ARC_TO_BEZIER * radius_x;
			double c2 = ARC_TO_BEZIER * radius_y;
			cr.NewPath ();
			cr.MoveTo (x + radius_x, y);
			cr.RelLineTo (w - 2 * radius_x, 0.0);
			cr.RelCurveTo (c1, 0.0, radius_x, c2, radius_x, radius_y);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, h - 2 * radius_y);
			cr.RelCurveTo (0.0, c2, c1 - radius_x, radius_y, -radius_x, radius_y);
			cr.RelLineTo (-w + 2 * radius_x, 0);
			cr.RelCurveTo (-c1, 0, -radius_x, -c2, -radius_x, -radius_y);
			cr.RelLineTo (0, -h + 2 * radius_y);
			cr.RelCurveTo (0.0, -c2, radius_x - c1, -radius_y, radius_x, -radius_y);
			cr.ClosePath ();
Example #40
        void DrawBorder(Context ctx, double x, double y, double w, double h, double radius, double thickness)
            // test limits (without using multiplication)
            if (radius > w - radius)
                radius = w / 2;
            if (radius > h - radius)
                radius = h / 2;

            // approximate (quite close) the arc using a bezier curve
            double arc = ArcToBezier * radius;

            ctx.SetLineWidth (thickness);

            // top-left corner
            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.MoveTo (x, y + radius);
            ctx.CurveTo (x, y + radius - arc, x + radius - arc, y, x + radius, y);
            ctx.Pattern = GetCornerGradient (x + radius, y + radius, radius, thickness / 2);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            // top edge
            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.MoveTo (x + radius - 0.5, y);
            ctx.LineTo (x + w - radius + 0.5, y);
            ctx.Pattern = GetTopEdgeGradient (y, thickness / 2);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            // top-right corner
            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.MoveTo (x + w - radius, y);
            ctx.CurveTo (x + w - radius + arc, y, x + w, y + arc, x + w, y + radius);
            ctx.Pattern = GetCornerGradient (x + w - radius, y + radius, radius, thickness / 2);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            // right edge
            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.MoveTo (x + w, y + radius - 0.5);
            ctx.LineTo (x + w, y + h - radius + 0.5);
            ctx.Pattern = GetRightEdgeGradient (x + w, thickness / 2);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            // bottom-right corner
            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.MoveTo (x + w, y + h - radius);
            ctx.CurveTo (x + w, y + h - radius + arc, x + w + arc - radius, y + h, x + w - radius, y + h);
            ctx.Pattern = GetCornerGradient (x + w - radius, y + h - radius, radius, thickness / 2);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            // bottom edge
            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.MoveTo (x + w - radius + 0.5, y + h);
            ctx.LineTo (x + radius - 0.5, y + h);
            ctx.Pattern = GetBottomEdgeGradient (y + h, thickness / 2);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            // bottom-left corner
            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.MoveTo (x + radius, y + h);
            ctx.CurveTo (x + radius - arc, y + h, x, y + h - arc, x, y + h - radius);
            ctx.Pattern = GetCornerGradient (x + radius, y + h - radius, radius, thickness / 2);
            ctx.Stroke ();

            // left edge
            ctx.NewPath ();
            ctx.MoveTo (x, y + h - radius + 0.5);
            ctx.LineTo (x, y + radius - 0.5);
            ctx.Pattern = GetLeftEdgeGradient (x, thickness / 2);
            ctx.Stroke ();
Example #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a representation of this plot in the legend.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Drawing Context with which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="startEnd">A rectangle specifying the bounds of the area in the legend set aside for drawing.</param>
        public void DrawInLegend(Context ctx, Rectangle startEnd )
            ctx.Save ();

            if (marker.Size > 0) {
                marker.Draw (ctx, (startEnd.Left + startEnd.Right) / 2, (startEnd.Top + startEnd.Bottom) / 2);
            else if (marker.LineWidth > 0) {
                ctx.SetLineWidth (marker.LineWidth);
                ctx.SetColor (marker.LineColor);
                ctx.MoveTo ((startEnd.Left + startEnd.Right)/2, (startEnd.Top + startEnd.Bottom - marker.LineWidth)/2);
                ctx.LineTo ((startEnd.Left + startEnd.Right)/2, (startEnd.Top + startEnd.Bottom + marker.LineWidth)/2);
                ctx.Stroke ();
            ctx.Restore ();
Example #42
		protected override void OnDraw (Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
			ctx.Rectangle (Bounds);
			ctx.SetColor (Colors.White);
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.MoveTo (0, 0);
			ctx.LineTo (Size.Width, 0);
			ctx.LineTo (0, Size.Height);
			ctx.LineTo (0, 0);
			ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
			ctx.Fill ();
			ctx.Rectangle (Bounds);
			ctx.SetColor (color);
			ctx.Fill ();
Example #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the step plot using a Drawing Context against the provided x and y axes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">The Drawing Context with which to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="xAxis">The X-Axis to draw against.</param>
        /// <param name="yAxis">The Y-Axis to draw against.</param>
        public virtual void Draw(Context ctx, PhysicalAxis xAxis, PhysicalAxis yAxis )
            SequenceAdapter data =
                new SequenceAdapter (DataSource, DataMember, OrdinateData, AbscissaData);

            double leftCutoff = xAxis.PhysicalToWorld(xAxis.PhysicalMin, false);
            double rightCutoff = xAxis.PhysicalToWorld(xAxis.PhysicalMax, false);

            for (int i=0; i<data.Count; ++i) {
                Point p1 = data[i];
                if (Double.IsNaN(p1.X) || Double.IsNaN(p1.Y)) {

                Point p2;
                Point p3;
                if (i+1 != data.Count) {
                    p2 = data[i+1];
                    if (Double.IsNaN(p2.X) || Double.IsNaN(p2.Y)) {
                    p2.Y = p1.Y;
                    p3 = data[i+1];
                else {
                    // Check that we are not dealing with a DataSource of 1 point.
                    // This check is done here so it is only checked on the end
                    // condition and not for every point in the DataSource.
                    if (data.Count > 1) {
                        p2 = data[i - 1];
                    else {
                        // TODO: Once log4net is set up post a message to the user that a step-plot of 1 really does not make any sense.
                        p2 = p1;

                    double offset = p1.X - p2.X;
                    p2.X = p1.X + offset;
                    p2.Y = p1.Y;
                    p3 = p2;

                if (center_) {
                    double offset = ( p2.X - p1.X ) / 2.0;
                    p1.X -= offset;
                    p2.X -= offset;
                    p3.X -= offset;

                Point xPos1 = xAxis.WorldToPhysical (p1.X, false);
                Point yPos1 = yAxis.WorldToPhysical (p1.Y, false);
                Point xPos2 = xAxis.WorldToPhysical (p2.X, false);
                Point yPos2 = yAxis.WorldToPhysical (p2.Y, false);
                Point xPos3 = xAxis.WorldToPhysical (p3.X, false);
                Point yPos3 = yAxis.WorldToPhysical (p3.Y, false);

                // do horizontal clipping here, to speed up
                if ((p1.X<leftCutoff && p2.X<leftCutoff && p3.X<leftCutoff) || (p1.X>rightCutoff && p2.X>rightCutoff && p3.X>rightCutoff)) {

                ctx.Save ();
                ctx.SetColor (Color);
                ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
                if (!this.hideHorizontalSegments_) {
                    if (scale_ != 1) {
                        double middle = (xPos2.X + xPos1.X) / 2;
                        double width = xPos2.X - xPos1.X;
                        width *= this.scale_;
                        ctx.MoveTo (middle-width/2, yPos1.Y);
                        ctx.LineTo (middle+width/2, yPos2.Y);
                    else {
                        ctx.MoveTo (xPos1.X, yPos1.Y);
                        ctx.LineTo (xPos2.X, yPos2.Y);
                    ctx.Stroke ();

                if (!this.hideVerticalSegments_) {
                    ctx.MoveTo (xPos2.X, yPos2.Y);
                    ctx.LineTo (xPos3.X, yPos3.Y);
                    ctx.Stroke ();
                ctx.Restore ();
Example #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a representation of the horizontal line in the legend.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ctx">The Drawing Context with which to draw</param>
 /// <param name="startEnd">A rectangle specifying the bounds of the area in the legend set aside for drawing</param>
 public void DrawInLegend(Context ctx, Rectangle startEnd)
     ctx.Save ();
     ctx.MoveTo (startEnd.Left, (startEnd.Top + startEnd.Bottom)/2);
     ctx.LineTo (startEnd.Right, (startEnd.Top + startEnd.Bottom)/2);
     ctx.SetColor (color_);
     ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
     ctx.Stroke ();
     ctx.Restore ();
Example #45
        public virtual void Scale(Context ctx, double ax, double ay)
            ctx.Save ();
            ctx.Translate (ax, ay);
            ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);

            var x = 0d;
            var y = 0d;
            var w = 10d;
            var inc = .1d;
            for (var i = inc; i < 3.5d; i +=inc) {
                ctx.Save ();
                ctx.Scale (i, i);
                ctx.Rectangle (x, y, w, w);
                ctx.SetColor (Colors.Yellow.WithAlpha (1 / i));
                ctx.FillPreserve ();
                ctx.SetColor (Colors.Red.WithAlpha (1 / i));
                ctx.Stroke ();
                ctx.MoveTo (x += w * inc, y += w * inc / 3);
                ctx.Restore ();


            ctx.Restore ();