public static List <EmailAddress> GetEmails(string crmID) { try { string type = DiscoverType(crmID); List <EmailAddress> emails = new List <EmailAddress>(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select * from Emails where CRMID='" + crmID + "'and module='" + type + "' and deleted=0"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { string crmid = row["crmid"].ToString(); string email = row["email"].ToString(); bool isPrimary = Convert.ToBoolean(row["isprimary"]); bool doNotMail = Convert.ToBoolean(row["donotmail"]); emails.Add(new EmailAddress(crmid, email, email, isPrimary, doNotMail)); } } return(emails); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-GetEmails", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <Contact> Contacts(string id) { try { string type = DiscoverType(id); List <Contact> contacts = new List <Contact>(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT * from Connections('" + id + "', '" + type + "') where contacttype='Contact' and ISNULL(contactid,'')!=''"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { Contact cont = Contact.FetchContact(row["contact_id"].ToString()); cont.relationship = row["reldesc"].ToString(); contacts.Add(cont); } } contacts.Sort(); return(contacts); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-Contacts", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static Staff FetchStaff(string iD) { try { Staff staff = new Staff(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select * from Staff where crmID='" + iD + "'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { staff.crmID = xlReader.Rows[0]["crmid"].ToString(); staff.relationship = ""; //Only used in collections staff.username = xlReader.Rows[0]["username"].ToString(); = xlReader.Rows[0]["fullname"].ToString(); staff.initials = xlReader.Rows[0]["initials"].ToString(); staff.department = xlReader.Rows[0]["department"].ToString(); = xlReader.Rows[0]["office"].ToString(); staff.grade = xlReader.Rows[0]["grade"].ToString(); staff.emails = EmailAddress.GetEmails(staff.crmID); staff.addresses = Address.GetAddresses(staff.crmID); staff.salutations = Salutation.GetSalutations(staff.crmID); staff.numbers = Number.GetNumbers(staff.crmID); } return(staff); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-FetchStaff", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static FPIClient GetFPIClientInvoice(Client client) { DataTable table = XLSQL.ReturnTable("select * from FPIInvoice('" + client.clientcode + "')"); FPIClient fpiClient = new FPIClient(table.Rows[0]); return(fpiClient); }
public static Organisation FetchOrganisation(string iD) { try { //Get contact data from Organisation Organisation org = new Organisation(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select * from Organisations where CRMID='" + iD + "'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { org.crmID = iD; = xlReader.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); //Addresses org.addresses = Address.GetAddresses(org.crmID); //Numbers org.numbers = Number.GetNumbers(org.crmID); } return(org); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-FetchOrganisation", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <IndexList> SectionLists(string office, string department, string sectionValue) { try { string fileStore = FileStore(office, department); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT Label, ListId, indexno FROM [XLant].[dbo].[VCSectionValuesView] where CabinetName='" + fileStore + "' and SectionValue='" + sectionValue + "' and label is not null order by Listid"); List <IndexList> lists = new List <IndexList>(); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { IndexList iList = new IndexList(); = row["Label"].ToString(); iList.index = row["IndexNo"].ToString(); DataTable listReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT Value FROM [XLant].[dbo].[VCListsView] where ListId='" + row["ListId"].ToString() + "' order by Value"); List <string> list = new List <string>(); if (listReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow r in listReader.Rows) { list.Add(r["Value"].ToString()); } } iList.items = list; lists.Add(iList); } } return(lists); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLVC-SectionLists", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <Address> GetAddresses(string crmID) { try { string type = DiscoverType(crmID); List <Address> addresses = new List <Address>(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select * from [XLant].[dbo].[Addresses] ('" + crmID + "','" + type + "')"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { addresses.Add(new Address(Convert.ToBoolean(row["IsPrimary"].ToString()), row["address1"].ToString(), row["address2"].ToString(), row["address3"].ToString(), row["address4"].ToString(), row["address5"].ToString(), row["postcode"].ToString())); } return(addresses); } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-GetAddresses", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <EntityCouplet> AllClients(bool activeOnly = true) { try { List <EntityCouplet> group = new List <EntityCouplet>(); string query = "SELECT clientcode, name from client"; if (activeOnly) { query = query + " where status in ('Active', 'New')"; } query = query + " order by clientcode"; DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable(query); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { group.Add(new EntityCouplet(row["clientcode"].ToString(), row["clientcode"].ToString() + " - " + row["name"].ToString())); } } return(group); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-AllClients", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <Client> Clients(string id) { try { string type = DiscoverType(id); List <Client> group = new List <Client>(); Client tempClient = null; DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT * from Connections('" + id + "', '" + type + "') where contacttype='Client' and ISNULL(contactid,'')!=''"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { tempClient = Client.FetchClient(row["crmid"].ToString()); tempClient.relationship = row["reldesc"].ToString(); group.Add(tempClient); } } return(group); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-Clients", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static Contact FetchContact(string iD) { try { Contact cont = new Contact(); //Get contact data from MainContact DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select * from Contact where CRMID='" + iD + "'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { cont.crmID = iD; cont.firstname = xlReader.Rows[0]["first_name"].ToString(); cont.lastname = xlReader.Rows[0]["last_name"].ToString(); cont.relationship = ""; //only used in collections cont.type = xlReader.Rows[0]["type"].ToString(); //see whether the title exists in the enum if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Title), xlReader.Rows[0]["title"].ToString())) { cont.title = (Title)Enum.Parse(typeof(Title), xlReader.Rows[0]["title"].ToString(), true); } else { cont.title = (Title)Enum.Parse(typeof(Title), "Mr", true); } cont.position = xlReader.Rows[0]["position"].ToString(); } //Organisation cont.organisation = Organisation.GetOrganisation(cont.crmID); //Addresses cont.addresses = Address.GetAddresses(cont.crmID); //Update the address block with the organisation name if (cont.organisation != null) { foreach (Address add in cont.addresses) { add.addressBlock = + Environment.NewLine + add.addressBlock; } } //Numbers cont.numbers = Number.GetNumbers(cont.crmID); //email cont.emails = EmailAddress.GetEmails(cont.crmID); //salutations cont.salutations = Salutation.GetSalutations(cont.crmID); //parameters cont.parameters = null; return(cont); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-FetchContact", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static Contact FetchContact(string ID, string clientcrmid) { try { //Get client data from Client Contact contact = new Contact(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select * from IPSContact('" + clientcrmid + "') where ID='" + ID + "'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { contact.crmID = ID; = xlReader.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); contact.type = xlReader.Rows[0]["ctype"].ToString(); contact.address1 = xlReader.Rows[0]["address1"].ToString(); contact.address2 = xlReader.Rows[0]["address2"].ToString(); contact.address3 = xlReader.Rows[0]["address3"].ToString(); contact.address4 = xlReader.Rows[0]["address4"].ToString(); contact.address5 = xlReader.Rows[0]["address5"].ToString(); contact.postcode = xlReader.Rows[0]["postcode"].ToString(); if (contact.address1 != "") { contact.addressBlock = contact.address1 + Environment.NewLine; } if (contact.address2 != "") { contact.addressBlock += contact.address2 + Environment.NewLine; } if (contact.address3 != "") { contact.addressBlock += contact.address3 + Environment.NewLine; } if (contact.address4 != "") { contact.addressBlock += contact.address4 + Environment.NewLine; } if (contact.address5 != "") { contact.addressBlock += contact.address5 + Environment.NewLine; } if (contact.postcode != "") { contact.addressBlock += contact.postcode; } contact.fax = xlReader.Rows[0]["fax"].ToString();; } return(contact); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("Insol-FetchContact", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static Client FetchClientFromCode(string clientCode) { try { Client client = new Client(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select crmid from Client where clientcode='" + clientCode + "'"); client = FetchClient(xlReader.Rows[0]["crmid"].ToString()); return(client); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-FetchClientfromcode", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static string GetSubject(string crmiID) { try { Contact contact = new Contact(); string subject = ""; DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT [XLant].[dbo].[Insol_Subject] ('" + crmiID + "') as subject"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { subject = xlReader.Rows[0]["subject"].ToString();; } return(subject); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("Insol-GetSubject", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static Staff GetStaff(string grade, string iD) { try { Staff staff = new Staff(); string type = DiscoverType(iD); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT TOP 1 * from Connections('" + iD + "', '" + type + "') where contacttype='Staff' and reldesc = '" + grade + "' and ISNULL(contactid,'')!=''"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { staff = FetchStaff(xlReader.Rows[0]["contactid"].ToString()); } return(staff); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-GetStaff", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public bool SavetoDb() { try { string query = "set dateformat dmy; INSERT INTO [XLant].[dbo].[Errors]([date],[user],[machine],[command],[error]) Values (@date, @user, @machine, @command, @errorMessage)"; List <SqlParameter> parameterCollection = new List <SqlParameter>(); parameterCollection.Add(new SqlParameter("date", Date.ToShortDateString())); parameterCollection.Add(new SqlParameter("user", User)); parameterCollection.Add(new SqlParameter("machine", Machine)); parameterCollection.Add(new SqlParameter("command", Command)); parameterCollection.Add(new SqlParameter("errorMessage", ErrorMessage)); bool result = XLSQL.RunCommand(query, parameterCollection); return(result); } catch { return(false); //no error handling we would just create a cycle } }
//public DateTime appdate { get; set; } public static KeyData FetchKeyData(string ID) { try { KeyData data = new KeyData(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select * from insol where crmID='" + ID + "'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { //data.appdate = Convert.ToDateTime(xlReader["appdate"].ToString()); //DateTime.Parse(xlReader.NiceString("appdate")); data.caseType = xlReader.Rows[0]["type"].ToString(); data.sign = xlReader.Rows[0]["sign"].ToString(); data.title = xlReader.Rows[0]["app"].ToString(); } return(data); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("Insol-FetchKeyData", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static Number GetNumber(string crmID, string ndesc) { try { string type = DiscoverType(crmID); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT Top 1 * FROM [XLant].[dbo].[Numbers] ('" + crmID + "','" + type + "') where ndesc='" + ndesc + "' and ISNULL(number,'')!='' order by isPrimary desc"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { Number number = new Number(xlReader.Rows[0]["ndesc"].ToString(), xlReader.Rows[0]["number"].ToString(), Convert.ToBoolean(xlReader.Rows[0]["isPrimary"].ToString())); return(number); } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-GetNumber", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <Number> GetNumbers(string crmID) { try { string type = DiscoverType(crmID); List <Number> numbers = new List <Number>(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT * FROM [XLant].[dbo].[Numbers] ('" + crmID + "','" + type + "') where ISNULL(number,'')!=''"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { numbers.Add(new Number(row["ndesc"].ToString(), row["number"].ToString(), Convert.ToBoolean(row["isPrimary"].ToString()))); } } return(numbers); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-GetNumbers", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <string> SectionValues(string office, string department) { try { List <string> sections = new List <string>(); string fileStore = FileStore(office, department); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT Distinct SectionValue FROM [XLant].[dbo].[VCSectionValuesView] where CabinetName='" + fileStore + "' order by SectionValue"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { sections.Add(row["SectionValue"].ToString()); } } return(sections); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLVC-SectionValues", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the FPI clients for a manager /// </summary> /// <param name="managerCRMId">THe Id of the manager</param> /// <param name="additionalQuery">Allows you to filter the list at the sql end format "where x = y"</param> /// <returns>The populated list of clients</returns> public static List <FPIClient> GetFPIClients(string managerCRMId, string additionalQuery = null, bool domestic = true) { List <FPIClient> list = new List <FPIClient>(); Staff manager = Staff.FetchStaff(managerCRMId); string query = "SELECT * FROM [dbo].[FPIManager] ('" + + "')"; if (additionalQuery != null) { query += " " + additionalQuery; } if (query.Contains("where")) { query += " and"; } else { query += " where"; } if (domestic) { query += " (isnull(add4,'') = '' or add4 in ('UK', 'United Kingdom', 'England', 'Wales', 'Scotland', 'Northern Ireland', 'GB', 'NULL', ' '))"; } else { query += " (isnull(add4,'') != '' and add4 not in ('UK', 'United Kingdom', 'England', 'Wales', 'Scotland', 'Northern Ireland', 'GB', 'NULL', ' '))"; } DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable(query); if (xlReader != null) { for (int i = 0; i < xlReader.Rows.Count; i++) { FPIClient client = new FPIClient(xlReader.Rows[i]); list.Add(client); } } return(list); }
public static Organisation GetOrganisation(string contactID) { try { Organisation org = new Organisation(); //Get contact data from Organisation DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT * from Connections('" + contactID + "', 'Contact') where contacttype='Organisation' and ISNULL(contactid,'')!=''"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { org = Organisation.FetchOrganisation(xlReader.Rows[0]["contactID"].ToString()); } else { org = null; } return(org); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-FetchOrganisation", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <Salutation> GetSalutations(string crmID) { try { string type = DiscoverType(crmID); List <Salutation> salutations = new List <Salutation>(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select * from [XLant].[dbo].[Salutations] ('" + crmID + "','" + type + "') where ISNULL(salutation,'')!=''"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { salutations.Add(new Salutation("", row["desc"].ToString(), row["addressee"].ToString(), row["Salutation"].ToString(), Convert.ToBoolean(row["isprimary"].ToString()))); } } return(salutations); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-GetSalutations", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static Staff StaffFromUser(string username) { try { Staff staff = new Staff(); if (@username.Contains("\\")) { //Contains domain so take everything after the \ doubled to handle escaping username = username.Substring(@username.LastIndexOf("\\")); } DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select Top 1 * from Staff where username='******'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { staff = FetchStaff(xlReader.Rows[0]["crmid"].ToString()); } return(staff); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-FetchStaffFromUser", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <EntityCouplet> AllStaff() { try { List <EntityCouplet> staff = new List <EntityCouplet>(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT fullname, crmid from VCStaffView order by fullname"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { EntityCouplet tempStaff = new EntityCouplet(); tempStaff.crmID = row["crmid"].ToString(); = row["fullname"].ToString(); staff.Add(tempStaff); } } return(staff); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-Allstaff", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <Staff> connectedStaff(string id) { try { string type = DiscoverType(id); List <Staff> staff = new List <Staff>(); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("SELECT * from Connections('" + id + "', '" + type + "') where contacttype='Staff' and ISNULL(contactid,'')!=''"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { Staff emp = FetchStaff(row["contactid"].ToString()); emp.relationship = row["reldesc"].ToString(); staff.Add(emp); } } return(staff); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-ConnectedStaff", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static FileInfo FileIndex(string fileID, bool current = true) { try { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(); if (fileID != null) { DataTable xlReader = new DataTable(); if (current) { xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select TOP(1) * from [XLant].[dbo].[VCFileIndexView] where fileID = '" + fileID + "'"); } else { //if not current, returns the last set of audit data xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("select TOP(1)* from VCAuditLog where fileid = '" + fileID + "' and index01 is null order by auditId desc"); } string statusIndex = ""; string toBeIndex = ""; XDocument settingsDoc = XLtools.settingsDoc; IEnumerable <XElement> xIndexes = settingsDoc.Descendants("Indexes"); foreach (XElement xIndex in xIndexes.Descendants("Index")) { if (xIndex.AttributeValueNull("Type") == "Status") { statusIndex = xIndex.ElementValueNull(); } else if (xIndex.AttributeValueNull("Type") == "ToBe") { toBeIndex = xIndex.ElementValueNull(); } } file.FileID = fileID; file.Cabinet = xlReader.Rows[0]["FolderName"].ToString(); file.ToBeActionedBy = xlReader.Rows[0]["INDEX" + toBeIndex].ToString(); file.Status = xlReader.Rows[0]["INDEX" + statusIndex].ToString(); file.Extension = xlReader.Rows[0]["Extension"].ToString(); string indexNumber = ""; List <IndexPair> list = new List <IndexPair>(); for (int i = 1; i < 51; i++) { //add the 0 where required. Index09 is the section name and is handled differently try { if (i < 9) { indexNumber = "INDEX0" + i.ToString(); } else if (i == 9) { IndexPair index = new IndexPair(); index.index = "INDEX09"; index.value = xlReader.Rows[0]["SectionName"].ToString(); list.Add(index); } else { indexNumber = "INDEX" + i.ToString(); } string value = xlReader.Rows[0][indexNumber].ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { IndexPair index = new IndexPair(); index.index = indexNumber; index.value = value; list.Add(index); } } catch { continue; } } file.Indexes = list; foreach (IndexPair i in file.Indexes) { //grab the client string and code if (i.index == "INDEX02") { file.ClientString = i.value; file.ClientCode = i.value.Substring(0, i.value.IndexOf("-") - 1); } //and the description if (i.index == "INDEX03") { file.Description = i.value; } } } return(file); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLVC-FileIndex", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static List <FileInfo> GetToDos(string userName) { try { //Run query against database List <FileInfo> newToDos = new List <FileInfo>(); string description = ""; string status = ""; string toBeIndex = ""; //discover the to be actioned by index XDocument settingsDoc = XLtools.settingsDoc; //query the setting files and try to find a match XElement setting = (from index in settingsDoc.Descendants("Indexes") select index).FirstOrDefault(); foreach (XElement xIndex in setting.Descendants("Index")) { if (xIndex.AttributeValueNull("Type") == "ToBe") { toBeIndex = xIndex.Value; } if (xIndex.AttributeValueNull("Type") == "Description") { description = xIndex.Value; } if (xIndex.AttributeValueNull("Type") == "Status") { status = xIndex.Value; } } string str = "select * from VCFileIndexView where index" + toBeIndex + " ='" + userName + "'"; DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable(str); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow row in xlReader.Rows) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(); file = FileIndex(row["FileId"].ToString()); //file.FileID = row["FileId"].ToString(); //file.Cabinet = row["FolderName"].ToString(); //file.EntryDate = DateTime.Parse(row["EntryDate"].ToString()); //string indexNumber = ""; //List<IndexPair> list = new List<IndexPair>(); //for (int i = 1; i < 51; i++) //{ // //add the 0 where required. Index09 is the section name and is handled differently // try // { // if (i == int.Parse(description)) // { // file.Description = xlReader.Rows[0][indexNumber].ToString(); // } // if (i == int.Parse(status)) // { // file.Status = xlReader.Rows[0][indexNumber].ToString(); // } // if (i == int.Parse(toBeIndex)) // { // file.ToBeActionedBy = xlReader.Rows[0][indexNumber].ToString(); // } // if (i == 2) // { // file.ClientString = xlReader.Rows[0][indexNumber].ToString(); // } // if (i < 9) // { // indexNumber = "INDEX0" + i.ToString(); // } // else if (i == 9) // { // IndexPair index = new IndexPair(); // index.index = "INDEX09"; // index.value = xlReader.Rows[0]["SectionName"].ToString(); // list.Add(index); // } // else // { // indexNumber = "Index" + i.ToString(); // } // string value = xlReader.Rows[0][indexNumber].ToString(); // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) // { // IndexPair index = new IndexPair(); // index.index = indexNumber; // index.value = value; // list.Add(index); // } // } // catch // { // continue; // } //} //file.Indexes = list; //string clientStr = file.ClientString; //clientStr = clientStr.Substring(0, clientStr.IndexOf("-")); //file.ClientCode = clientStr.TrimEnd(); newToDos.Add(file); } } return(newToDos); } catch (Exception e) { XLtools.LogException("XLant Monitor", e.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static Client FetchClient(string ID) { try { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ID)) { return(null); } //Get client data from Client Client client = new Client(); //SqlDataReader xlReader = XLSQL.ReaderQuery("Select * from Client where CRMID='" + ID + "'"); DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select Top 1 * from Client where CRMID='" + ID + "'"); //if we get more than one result we have a problem if (xlReader.Rows.Count == 1) { client.crmID = ID; client.clientcode = xlReader.Rows[0]["clientcode"].ToString(); = xlReader.Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); client.relationship = "";//only used in collections client.type = xlReader.Rows[0]["type"].ToString(); client.status = xlReader.Rows[0]["status"].ToString(); if (client.status.ToUpper() == "ACTIVE" || client.status.ToUpper() == "NEW") { client.isLive = true; } else { client.isLive = false; } client.department = xlReader.Rows[0]["department"].ToString(); = xlReader.Rows[0]["office"].ToString(); client.partner = Staff.GetStaff("Partner", client.crmID); client.manager = Staff.GetStaff("Manager", client.crmID); if (client.type == "Ltd" || client.type == "Plc" || client.type == "LLP" || client.type == "PartnerS" || client.type == "Charity") { client.IsIndividual = false; } else { client.IsIndividual = true; } } client.wip = 0; client.debtor = 0; //} //Addresses client.addresses = Address.GetAddresses(client.crmID); //Numbers client.numbers = Number.GetNumbers(client.crmID); //email client.emails = EmailAddress.GetEmails(client.crmID); //salutations client.salutations = Salutation.GetSalutations(client.crmID); //parameters client.parameters = null; //connections return(client); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-FetchClient", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
public static string DiscoverType(string crmID) { try { string type = null; //first find out whether it is a client DataTable xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select count(crmID) as number from Client where crmID='" + crmID + "'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { if (Convert.ToInt16(xlReader.Rows[0]["number"].ToString()) != 0) { type = "Client"; } } if (type == null) { //contact xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select count(crmID) as number from Contact where crmID='" + crmID + "'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { if (Convert.ToInt16(xlReader.Rows[0]["number"].ToString()) != 0) { type = "Contact"; } } } if (type == null) { //staff xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select count(crmID) as number from Staff where crmID='" + crmID + "'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { if (Convert.ToInt16(xlReader.Rows[0]["number"].ToString()) != 0) { type = "Staff"; } } } if (type == null) { //organisation xlReader = XLSQL.ReturnTable("Select count(crmID) as number from Organisations where crmID='" + crmID + "'"); if (xlReader.Rows.Count != 0) { if (Convert.ToInt16(xlReader.Rows[0]["number"].ToString()) != 0) { type = "Organisation"; } } } if (type == null) { type = "Unknown"; } return(type); } catch (Exception ex) { XLtools.LogException("XLMain-DiscoverType", ex.ToString()); return(null); } }