private void JobView4_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dsComments.comments' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. // this.commentsTableAdapter1.Fill(this.dsComments.comments); // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'ds_Comments.comments' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. // this.commentsTableAdapter.Fill(this.ds_Comments.comments); // commentsTableAdapter.fillComments(dsComments.comments, strJobNumber); try { commentsTableAdapter1.fillComments(this.dsComments.comments, strJobNumber); this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.VisibleColumns.Remove("id"); this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.VisibleColumns.Remove("baseid"); this.gridGroupingControl1.Appearance.AlternateRecordFieldCell.BackColor = Color.LightGray; this.gridGroupingControl1.TableOptions.ColumnHeaderRowHeight = 20; this.gridGroupingControl1.TableOptions.RecordRowHeight = 40; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } using (var db = new TestEntities()) { ImportantDate idate = db.ImportantDates.Find(strJobNumber); picture findpic =; // Margin_Over_time mot = db.Margin_Over_time.Find(strJobNumber); // rbcMain if (findpic != null) { using (var bmpTemp = new Bitmap(findpic.Path)) { image = new Bitmap(bmpTemp); // is3.Images.Add(image); is3.BackgroundImage = image; is3.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; // is1.SlideShow = false; // dscomments // is1. is3.ImageCollection.ImageSize.Height.Equals(512); is3.ImageCollection.ImageSize.Width.Equals(512); } } else { Image i2 = Image.FromFile(@"r:\wippictures\na.jpg"); is3.Images.Add(i2); } Team jobteam1 = new Team(); bool check1 = db.Teams.Any(u => u.JobNumber == strJobNumber); #region LabelChecks string strJob = strJobNumber.Replace("/", "_").Replace(" ", ""); string path = "R:\\wipviewer2017\\jobfiles\\" + strJob + "\\riskassessment.xlsx"; if (File.Exists(path) == true) { } else { btnRA.BackColor = Color.Red; btnRA.Enabled = false; } path = "R:\\wipviewer2017\\jobfiles\\" + strJob + "\\aqp.xlsx"; if (File.Exists(path) == true) { } else { btnAQP.BackColor = Color.Red; btnAQP.Enabled = false; } if (check1 == true) { jobteam1 = db.Teams.Find(strJobNumber); if (jobteam1.ProgramManager != null) { lblPm.Text = "Program Manager: " + jobteam1.ProgramManager; } else { lblPm.Text = "PM NOT SET"; } if (jobteam1.Processor != null) { lblProcessor.Text = "Processor: " + jobteam1.Processor; } else { lblProcessor.Text = "PROCESSOR NOT SET"; } if (jobteam1.BuildLeader != null) { lblBl.Text = "Build Leader: " + jobteam1.BuildLeader; } else { lblBl.Text = "BUILD LEADER NOT SET"; } if (jobteam1.PODate != null) { lblPO.Text = "PO Date: " + jobteam1.PODate.Value.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); } else { lblPO.Text = "PO DATE NOT ENTERED"; } #endregion ActiveJob aj1 = db.ActiveJobs.Find(strJobNumber); this.Text = strJobNumber; } } }
private void testjobview_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var db = new TestEntities()) { ImportantDate idate = db.ImportantDates.Find(strJobNumber); picture findpic =; // Margin_Over_time mot = db.Margin_Over_time.Find(strJobNumber); // rbcMain if (findpic != null) { using (var bmpTemp = new Bitmap(findpic.Path)) { image = new Bitmap(bmpTemp); // is3.Images.Add(image); is3.BackgroundImage = image; is3.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; // is1.SlideShow = false; // dscomments // is1. is3.ImageCollection.ImageSize.Height.Equals(512); is3.ImageCollection.ImageSize.Width.Equals(512); } } else { Image i2 = Image.FromFile(@"r:\wippictures\na.jpg"); is3.Images.Add(i2); } Team jobteam1 = new Team(); bool check1 = db.Teams.Any(u => u.JobNumber == strJobNumber); #region LabelChecks string strJob = strJobNumber.Replace("/", "_").Replace(" ", ""); string path = "R:\\wipviewer2017\\jobfiles\\" + strJob + "\\riskassessment.xlsx"; if (File.Exists(path) == true) { } else { btnRA.BackColor = Color.Red; btnRA.Enabled = false; } path = "R:\\wipviewer2017\\jobfiles\\" + strJob + "\\aqp.xlsx"; if (File.Exists(path) == true) { } else { btnAQP.BackColor = Color.Red; btnAQP.Enabled = false; } if (check1 == true) { jobteam1 = db.Teams.Find(strJobNumber); if (jobteam1.ProgramManager != null) { lblPm.Text = "Program Manager: " + jobteam1.ProgramManager; } else { lblPm.Text = "PM NOT SET"; } if (jobteam1.Processor != null) { lblProcessor.Text = "Processor: " + jobteam1.Processor; } else { lblProcessor.Text = "PROCESSOR NOT SET"; } if (jobteam1.BuildLeader != null) { lblBl.Text = "Build Leader: " + jobteam1.BuildLeader; } else { lblBl.Text = "BUILD LEADER NOT SET"; } if (jobteam1.PODate != null) { lblPO.Text = "PO Date: " + jobteam1.PODate.Value.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"); } else { lblPO.Text = "PO DATE NOT ENTERED"; } #endregion ActiveJob aj1 = db.ActiveJobs.Find(strJobNumber); #region agechecks if (aj1.age1 <= 30) { DateTime testdate = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Min()); DateTime testdate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Max()); cc1.PrimaryXAxis.DateTimeRange = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeRange(testdate, testdate2, 5, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeIntervalType.Days); } if (aj1.age1 > 30 && aj1.age1 <= 60) { DateTime testdate = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Min()); DateTime testdate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Max()); cc1.PrimaryXAxis.DateTimeRange = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeRange(testdate, testdate2, 10, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeIntervalType.Days); } if (aj1.age1 > 60 && aj1.age1 <= 150) { DateTime testdate = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Min()); DateTime testdate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Max()); cc1.PrimaryXAxis.DateTimeRange = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeRange(testdate, testdate2, 1, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeIntervalType.Months); } if (aj1.age1 > 150 && aj1.age1 <= 365) { DateTime testdate = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Min()); DateTime testdate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Max()); cc1.PrimaryXAxis.DateTimeRange = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeRange(testdate, testdate2, 2, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeIntervalType.Months); } if (aj1.age1 > 365) { DateTime testdate = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Min()); DateTime testdate2 = Convert.ToDateTime(db.Margin_Over_time.Where(cc4 => cc4.BaseID == strJobNumber).Select(cc4 => cc4.BatchDate).Max()); cc1.PrimaryXAxis.DateTimeRange = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeRange(testdate, testdate2, 3, Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Chart.ChartDateTimeIntervalType.Months); } #endregion this.Text = strJobNumber; } } }