Example #1
        private static bool IsSeparated(ref BurstBoxCollider a, ref BurstBoxCollider b, Vector3 axis)
            // Handles the cross product = {0,0,0} case
            if (axis == Vector3.zero)

            var aMin = float.MaxValue;
            var aMax = float.MinValue;
            var bMin = float.MaxValue;
            var bMax = float.MinValue;

            // For each vertex combination >>

            CalculateMinMax(axis, a.V1, b.V1, ref aMin, ref aMax, ref bMin, ref bMax);
            CalculateMinMax(axis, a.V2, b.V2, ref aMin, ref aMax, ref bMin, ref bMax);
            CalculateMinMax(axis, a.V3, b.V3, ref aMin, ref aMax, ref bMin, ref bMax);
            CalculateMinMax(axis, a.V4, b.V4, ref aMin, ref aMax, ref bMin, ref bMax);
            CalculateMinMax(axis, a.V5, b.V5, ref aMin, ref aMax, ref bMin, ref bMax);
            CalculateMinMax(axis, a.V6, b.V6, ref aMin, ref aMax, ref bMin, ref bMax);
            CalculateMinMax(axis, a.V7, b.V7, ref aMin, ref aMax, ref bMin, ref bMax);
            CalculateMinMax(axis, a.V8, b.V8, ref aMin, ref aMax, ref bMin, ref bMax);

            // One-dimensional intersection test between a and b
            var longSpan = Mathf.Max(aMax, bMax) - Mathf.Min(aMin, bMin);
            var sumSpan  = aMax - aMin + bMax - bMin;

            return(longSpan >= sumSpan); // > to treat touching as intersection
Example #2
        private static BurstBoxCollider BurstBoxCollider(Vector3 center, Vector3 size, Quaternion rotation, float4x4 matrix)
            var max = size * 0.5f;
            var min = -max;

            var box = new BurstBoxCollider
                Bounds        = new Bounds(center, size),
                Center        = center,
                Right         = rotation * Vector3.right,
                Up            = rotation * Vector3.up,
                Forward       = rotation * Vector3.forward,
                Max           = max,
                Min           = min,
                ToWorldMatrix = matrix,
                ToLocalMatrix = math.inverse(matrix),

                V1 = center + rotation * min,
                V2 = center + rotation * new Vector3(max.x, min.y, min.z),
                V3 = center + rotation * new Vector3(min.x, max.y, min.z),
                V4 = center + rotation * new Vector3(max.x, max.y, min.z),
                V5 = center + rotation * new Vector3(min.x, min.y, max.z),
                V6 = center + rotation * new Vector3(max.x, min.y, max.z),
                V7 = center + rotation * new Vector3(min.x, max.y, max.z),
                V8 = center + rotation * max,

Example #3
        public static bool BoxSphereIntersects(BurstBoxCollider box, BurstSphereCollider b, out IntersectionInfo info)
            info = new IntersectionInfo();

            var closest         = box.ClosestPosition(b.Center);
            var distToClosest   = Vector3.Distance(b.Center, closest);
            var gapDistance     = distToClosest - b.Radius;
            var centerToClosest = closest - b.Center;
            var overlapVector   = (b.Radius - distToClosest) * centerToClosest.normalized;

            info.GapDistance    = gapDistance;
            info.IsIntersecting = gapDistance <= 0 ? 1 : 0;
            info.PointOnB       = closest + overlapVector;
            info.PointOnA       = closest;

            if (gapDistance <= 0)
                info.PenetrationDirection = overlapVector;
                info.PenetrationDistance  = overlapVector.magnitude;

            info.GapDirection = overlapVector;
Example #4
        public static bool BoxSphereIntersects(BurstBoxCollider box, BurstSphereCollider sphere)
            var closestPosition = box.ClosestPosition(sphere.Center + sphere.Offset);
            var distance        = Vector3.Distance(sphere.Center + sphere.Offset, closestPosition);

            return(distance - sphere.Radius * sphere.Scale <= 0);
        public static Vector3 ClosestPosition(this BurstBoxCollider box, Vector3 worldPosition, float4x4 toLocal)
            var localPosition = math.transform(toLocal, worldPosition);
            var closest       = box.ClosestLocalPosition(localPosition);

            return(math.transform(math.inverse(box.ToWorldMatrix), closest));
        public static Vector3 ClosestPosition(this BurstBoxCollider box, Vector3 worldPosition, float4x4 toLocal, float4x4 toWorld)
            var localSphereCenter = math.transform(toLocal, worldPosition);
            var closest           = box.ClosestLocalPosition(localSphereCenter);

            return(math.transform(toWorld, closest));
        public static bool Contains(this BurstBoxCollider box, Vector3 worldPosition, float4x4 matrix)
            var localPosition = math.transform(matrix, worldPosition);

            return(localPosition.x > box.Min.x && localPosition.x < box.Max.x &&
                   localPosition.y > box.Min.y && localPosition.y < box.Max.y &&
                   localPosition.z > box.Min.z && localPosition.z < box.Max.z);
        public static bool Contains(this BurstBoxCollider box, Vector3 worldPosition)
            var localPosition = box.GetLocalPosition(worldPosition);

            return(localPosition.x > box.Min.x && localPosition.x < box.Max.x &&
                   localPosition.y > box.Min.y && localPosition.y < box.Max.y &&
                   localPosition.z > box.Min.z && localPosition.z < box.Max.z);
        private static Vector3 ClosestLocalPosition(this BurstBoxCollider box, float3 localPosition)
            var closestX = Mathf.Max(box.Min.x, Mathf.Min(localPosition.x, box.Max.x));
            var closestY = Mathf.Max(box.Min.y, Mathf.Min(localPosition.y, box.Max.y));
            var closestZ = Mathf.Max(box.Min.z, Mathf.Min(localPosition.z, box.Max.z));
            var closest  = new Vector3(closestX, closestY, closestZ);

Example #10
        public void Update(Collider collider)
            if (collider is SphereCollider sphere)
                Sphere = BurstColliderFactory.CreateSphere(sphere);

            if (collider is BoxCollider box)
                Box = BurstColliderFactory.CreateBox(box);
 public static void UpdateBounds(this BurstBoxCollider box)
     box.Bounds = new Bounds();
Example #12
        //public class ConvexPolyhedron
        //    public Face[] Faces;
        //    public Vector3[] Vertices;
        //    public Vector3[] Edges;

        //    public class Face
        //    {
        //        public Vector3 Normal;
        //        public Vector3 Vertex;
        //    }

        //    //public class Edge
        //    //{

        //    //}

        //public static bool Intersects(ConvexPolyhedron C0, ConvexPolyhedron C1)
        //    if (IsFaceSeparation(C0, C1))
        //        return false;

        //    if (IsFaceSeparation(C1, C0))
        //        return false;

        //    for (int i = 0; i < C0.Edges.Length; i++)
        //    {
        //        for (int j = 0; j < C1.Edges.Length; j++)
        //        {
        //            var edgePoint0 = C0.Edges[i];
        //            var edgePoint1 = C1.Edges[j];

        //            var axis = Vector3.Cross(edgePoint0, edgePoint1);

        //            var side0 = WhichSide(C0.Vertices, axis, edgePoint0);
        //            if (side0 == 0)
        //            {
        //                continue;
        //            }

        //            var side1 = WhichSide(C1.Vertices, axis, edgePoint0);
        //            if (side1 == 0)
        //            {
        //                continue;
        //            }

        //            if (side0 * side1 < 0)
        //            {
        //                return false;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //private static bool IsFaceSeparation(ConvexPolyhedron C0, ConvexPolyhedron C1)
        //    for (int i = 0; i < C0.Faces.Length; i++)
        //    {
        //        var normal = C0.Faces[i].Normal;
        //        var vertex = C0.Faces[i].Vertex;
        //        if (WhichSide(C1.Vertices, normal, vertex) > 0)
        //        {
        //            return true;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return false;

        //public static int WhichSide(Vector3[] vertices, Vector3 d, Vector3 p)
        //    var positive = 0;
        //    var negative = 0;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < C.N; i++)
        //    {
        //        var t = Vector3.Dot(d, vertices[i] - p);
        //        if (t > 0) positive++;
        //        else if (t < 0) negative++;
        //        if (positive == 0 && negative == 0) return 0;
        //    }
        //    return positive == 0 ? 0 : positive > 0 ? 1 : -1;

        public static bool BoxBoxIntersects(BurstBoxCollider a, BurstBoxCollider b)
            // For each Axis/Normal project and check for separation

            // Source https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/44500/how-many-and-which-axes-to-use-for-3d-obb-collision-with-sat

            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, a.Right))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, a.Up))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, a.Forward))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, b.Right))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, b.Up))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, b.Forward))

            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, Vector3.Cross(a.Right, b.Right)))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, Vector3.Cross(a.Right, b.Up)))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, Vector3.Cross(a.Right, b.Forward)))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, Vector3.Cross(a.Up, b.Right)))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, Vector3.Cross(a.Up, b.Up)))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, Vector3.Cross(a.Up, b.Forward)))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, Vector3.Cross(a.Forward, b.Right)))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, Vector3.Cross(a.Forward, b.Up)))
            if (IsSeparated(ref a, ref b, Vector3.Cross(a.Forward, b.Forward)))

 public static Vector3 GetWorldPosition(this BurstBoxCollider box, Vector3 localPosition)
     return(math.transform(box.ToWorldMatrix, localPosition));
 public static Vector3 ClosestPosition(this BurstBoxCollider box, Vector3 worldPosition)
     return(ClosestPosition(box, worldPosition, box.ToLocalMatrix, box.ToWorldMatrix));
 public static BurstBaseCollider ToBaseCollider(this BurstBoxCollider box) => new BurstBaseCollider
     Type = BurstColliderType.Box,
     Box  = box