/// <summary>
        /// "BootstrapServiceDomain_EntHttpBsGetSuperNodeIP" function is use by Node for getting their supernode IP.
        /// in this function bootstrap will check whether supernode is available or not if supernode is available the it will give this supernode IP to
        /// Node. Node will communicate (Open HTTP or P2P clients) based on this IP.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uName"></param>
        /// <param name="IP"></param>
        /// <param name="blSuperNode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        VMukti.Business.WCFServices.SuperNodeServices.DataContract.clsSuperNodeDataContract BootstrapServiceDomain_EntHttpBsGetSuperNodeIP(string uName, string IP, bool blSuperNode)
            // SqlCeConnection Conn = new SqlCeConnection(awClientConnectionString);

            SqlCeCommand sqlcmd = null;

                clsSuperNodeDataContract objSuperNodeInfo = new clsSuperNodeDataContract();

                //super node checking
                #region Node is not SuperNode
                if (!blSuperNode) //Find Free SuperNode from the list and allocate itto Node

                    //code for super node service availabity checking 
                    //if super node is still available than findAvailableIp=true

                    Boolean isSuperNodeAvailable = false;
                    int intIncrementCounter = 0;
                    String SupId = null;
                    //Find Free available SuperNode untill can not be found
                    while (isSuperNodeAvailable == false)
                        //Find Free available SuperNode
                        SqlCeDataAdapter sqlDataAdap = null;
                        DataTable dt = null;
                        // Conn.Open();
                        sqlcmd = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT count(*) FROM SuperNode_Info");
                        sqlcmd.Connection = LocalSQLConn;
                        object objSuperNodeCount = sqlcmd.ExecuteScalar();
                        sqlDataAdap = null;

                        if (int.Parse(objSuperNodeCount.ToString()) > 1) // This means more than one supernode is present(1Bootstrap + supernodes)
                            //  ClsException.WriteToLogFile("More Than One supernode available");

                            sqlDataAdap = new SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM SuperNode_Info WHERE SuperNodeIP <> '" + strCurrentMachineIP + "' ORDER BY NodeCount", LocalSQLConn);
                            dt = new DataTable();

                            // ClsException.WriteToLogFile("Row Count is  :: " + dt.Rows.Count.ToString());

                            objSuperNodeInfo.SuperNodeIP = dt.Rows[0]["SuperNodeIP"].ToString();

                            //   ClsException.WriteToLogFile("Node :: "+ IP + " SuperNode IP :: " + objSuperNodeInfo.SuperNodeIP);

                            isSuperNodeAvailable = checkSuperNodeAvailable(objSuperNodeInfo.SuperNodeIP);

                            //ClsException.WriteToLogFile("Available  SuperNode IP is...... :: " + objSuperNodeInfo.SuperNodeIP);
                            //    ClsException.WriteToLogFile("Only One supernode available That means BootStap");

                            sqlDataAdap = new SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM SuperNode_Info ORDER BY NodeCount", LocalSQLConn);
                            dt = new DataTable();

                            //   ClsException.WriteToLogFile("Row Count is  :: " + dt.Rows.Count.ToString());

                            objSuperNodeInfo.SuperNodeIP = dt.Rows[0]["SuperNodeIP"].ToString();

                            //ClsException.WriteToLogFile("Available SuperNode IP :: " + objSuperNodeInfo.SuperNodeIP);
                            //shilpa 5-Feb-2008
                            //isSuperNodeAvailable = true because we are assigning  boostrap as super node
                            //which will be running continuesly
                            isSuperNodeAvailable = true;

                        //shilpa code 5-Feb-2008
                        //method for super node service checking

                        if (!isSuperNodeAvailable)
                            //assign all its  node to the another super node 
                            //shilpa code

                            //deleting the super node entry
                            //with the same super node ip
                            //exit from the while loop
                            intIncrementCounter = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["NodeCount"].ToString()) + 1;
                            SupId = dt.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString();
                        //  Conn.Close();

                    } // end while


                    // end code
                    // shilpa 5-Feb-2008
                    //  Conn.Open();
                    //int intIncrementCounter = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["NodeCount"].ToString()) + 1;
                    sqlcmd = new SqlCeCommand("Update SuperNode_Info Set NodeCount = '" + intIncrementCounter + "' where Id='" + SupId + "'");
                    sqlcmd.Connection = LocalSQLConn;
                    int TotUpdate = sqlcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    sqlcmd = new SqlCeCommand("Select Id from SuperNode_Node_Info where Node_Name = '" + uName + "'");
                    sqlcmd.Connection = LocalSQLConn;
                    object objTemp = sqlcmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    if (objTemp != null)
                        sqlcmd = new SqlCeCommand("Update SuperNode_Node_Info set SuperNode_Id='" + SupId + "' where Node_Name='" + uName + "'");
                        sqlcmd.Connection = LocalSQLConn;
                        sqlcmd = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO SuperNode_Node_Info (SuperNode_Id,Node_Name) VALUES ('" + SupId + "','" + uName + "')");
                        sqlcmd.Connection = LocalSQLConn;



                #region Node is SuperNode
                else //Add New SuperNode to available superNode List
                    sqlcmd = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT Count(*) from SuperNode_Info where SuperNodeIP = '" + IP + "'");
                    sqlcmd.Connection = LocalSQLConn;
                    object temp = sqlcmd.ExecuteScalar();
                    if (int.Parse(temp.ToString()) <= 0)
                        sqlcmd = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO SuperNode_Info (SuperNodeIP, NodeCount,SuperNodeName) VALUES ('" + IP + "', '0','" + uName + "')");
                        sqlcmd.Connection = LocalSQLConn;
                    objSuperNodeInfo.SuperNodeIP = IP;
                    // **
                    if (!lstsSuperNodeInfo.Contains(IP))
                // Meet Code For Buddylist Implementation.

                if (VMuktiAPI.VMuktiInfo.CurrentPeer.CurrAuthType == AuthType.SIPAuthentication)
                    objSuperNodeInfo.FileExists = false;
                    sqlcmd = new SqlCeCommand("SELECT SIP_Number FROM SIP_Info WHERE UserName='******'");
                    sqlcmd.Connection = LocalSQLConn;
                    object objTempSipNumber = sqlcmd.ExecuteScalar();

                    sqlcmd = new SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO Registered_Users (UserName,SIPNumber) VALUES ('" + uName + "','" + objTempSipNumber.ToString() + "')");
                    sqlcmd.Connection = LocalSQLConn;
                return objSuperNodeInfo;
            catch (Exception ex)
                VMuktiHelper.ExceptionHandler(ex, "BootStrapServiceDomain_EntHTTPBsGetSuperNodeIP", "Domains\\BootstrapServiceDomain.cs");                
                return null;
		public void Dispose()
                if (objRTCAuthClient != null)
                    objRTCAuthClient = null;

                if (EntAutherized != null)
                    EntAutherized = null;

                if (objSuperNodeDataContract != null)
                    objSuperNodeDataContract = null;
                if (txtEmail != null)
                    txtEmail = null;
                if (dispTimer4DomainLoading != null)
                    dispTimer4DomainLoading = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                VMuktiAPI.VMuktiHelper.ExceptionHandler(ex, "Dispose()", "Controls\\CtlLogin.xaml.cs");