public void UniGLTFSimpleSceneTest() { var go = CreateSimpleScene(); // export var gltf = new glTF(); string json = null; using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf, new GltfExportSettings())) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(new GltfExportSettings(), new EditorTextureSerializer()); // remove empty buffer gltf.buffers.Clear(); json = gltf.ToJson(); } // parse var data = new JsonWithStorageParser(json).Parse(); // import using (var context = new ImporterContext(data)) using (var loaded = context.Load()) { AssertAreEqual(go.transform, loaded.transform); } }
protected override void ExportPath(string path) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower(); var isGlb = false; switch (ext) { case ".glb": isGlb = true; break; case ".gltf": isGlb = false; break; default: throw new System.Exception(); } var progress = 0; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("export gltf", path, progress); try { var data = new ExportingGltfData(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(data, Settings, new EditorProgress())) { exporter.Prepare(State.ExportRoot); exporter.Export(new EditorTextureSerializer()); } if (isGlb) { var bytes = data.ToGlbBytes(); File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); } else { var(json, buffer0) = data.ToGltf(path); { // write JSON without BOM var encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false); File.WriteAllText(path, json, encoding); } { // write to buffer0 local folder var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); var bufferPath = Path.Combine(dir, buffer0.uri); File.WriteAllBytes(bufferPath, data.BinBytes.ToArray()); } } if (path.StartsWithUnityAssetPath()) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path.ToUnityRelativePath()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } }
public void UniGLTFSimpleSceneTest() { var go = CreateSimpleScene(); // export var gltf = new glTF(); string json = null; using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(MeshExportSettings.Default); // remove empty buffer gltf.buffers.Clear(); json = gltf.ToJson(); } // parse var parser = new GltfParser(); parser.ParseJson(json, new SimpleStorage(new ArraySegment <byte>())); // import using (var context = new ImporterContext(parser)) { context.Load(); AssertAreEqual(go.transform, context.Root.transform); } }
private static void ExportFromMenu() { var go = Selection.activeObject as GameObject; var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel( "Save glb", "", + ".glb", "glb"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(); } var bytes = gltf.ToGlbBytes(); File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); if (path.StartsWithUnityAssetPath()) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path.ToUnityRelativePath()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } }
private static void ExportFromMenu() { var go = Selection.activeObject as GameObject; if (go.transform.position == && go.transform.rotation == Quaternion.identity && go.transform.localScale == { var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel( "Save glb", "", + ".glb", "glb"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(); } var bytes = gltf.ToGlbBytes(); File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); if (path.StartsWithUnityAssetPath()) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path.ToUnityRelativePath()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } else { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "The Root transform should have Default translation, rotation and scale.", "ok"); } }
public void UniGLTFSimpleSceneTest() { var go = CreateSimpelScene(); var context = new ImporterContext(); try { // export var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(); // import context.ParseJson(gltf.ToJson(), new SimpleStorage(new ArraySegment <byte>())); //Debug.LogFormat("{0}", context.Json); gltfImporter.Load(context); AssertAreEqual(go.transform, context.Root.transform); } } finally { //Debug.LogFormat("Destory, {0}",; GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); context.Destroy(true); } }
public void UniGLTFSimpleSceneTest() { var go = CreateSimpleScene(); // export var data = new ExportingGltfData(); string json = null; using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(data, new GltfExportSettings())) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(new EditorTextureSerializer()); // remove empty buffer data.GLTF.buffers.Clear(); json = data.GLTF.ToJson(); } // parse using (var parsed = GltfData.CreateFromExportForTest(data)) using (var context = new ImporterContext(parsed)) using (var loaded = context.Load()) { AssertAreEqual(go.transform, loaded.transform); } }
private static void ExportFromMenu(bool isGlb, MeshExportSettings settings) { var go = Selection.activeObject as GameObject; var ext = isGlb ? "glb" : "gltf"; if (go.transform.position == && go.transform.rotation == Quaternion.identity && go.transform.localScale == { var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel( $"Save {ext}", "", + $".{ext}", $"{ext}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(settings); } if (isGlb) { var bytes = gltf.ToGlbBytes(); File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); } else { var(json, buffers) = gltf.ToGltf(path); // without BOM var encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false); File.WriteAllText(path, json, encoding); // write to local folder var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); foreach (var b in buffers) { var bufferPath = Path.Combine(dir, b.uri); File.WriteAllBytes(bufferPath, b.GetBytes().ToArray()); } } if (path.StartsWithUnityAssetPath()) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path.ToUnityRelativePath()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } else { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "The Root transform should have Default translation, rotation and scale.", "ok"); } }
protected override void ExportPath(string path) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower(); var isGlb = false; switch (ext) { case ".glb": isGlb = true; break; case ".gltf": isGlb = false; break; default: throw new System.Exception(); } var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf, m_settings.InverseAxis)) { exporter.Prepare(State.ExportRoot); var settings = new MeshExportSettings { ExportOnlyBlendShapePosition = m_settings.DropNormal, UseSparseAccessorForMorphTarget = m_settings.Sparse, DivideVertexBuffer = m_settings.DivideVertexBuffer, }; exporter.Export(settings, new EditorTextureSerializer()); } if (isGlb) { var bytes = gltf.ToGlbBytes(); File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); } else { var(json, buffers) = gltf.ToGltf(path); // without BOM var encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false); File.WriteAllText(path, json, encoding); // write to local folder var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); foreach (var b in buffers) { var bufferPath = Path.Combine(dir, b.uri); File.WriteAllBytes(bufferPath, b.GetBytes().ToArray()); } } if (path.StartsWithUnityAssetPath()) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path.ToUnityRelativePath()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } }
public static glTF Export(GameObject go) { var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(); } return(gltf); }
static Byte[] Export(GameObject root) { var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(root); exporter.Export(MeshExportSettings.Default, AssetTextureUtil.IsTextureEditorAsset, AssetTextureUtil.GetTextureBytesWithMime); return(gltf.ToGlbBytes()); } }
static Byte[] Export(GameObject root) { var data = new ExportingGltfData(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(data, new GltfExportSettings())) { exporter.Prepare(root); exporter.Export(new EditorTextureSerializer()); } return(data.ToGlbBytes()); }
static Byte[] Export(GameObject root) { var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf, new GltfExportSettings())) { exporter.Prepare(root); exporter.Export(new GltfExportSettings(), new EditorTextureSerializer()); return(gltf.ToGlbBytes()); } }
public void MeshHasNoRendererTest() { var go = new GameObject("mesh_has_no_renderer"); try { { var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cube.transform.SetParent(go.transform); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(cube.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>()); } // export var gltf = new glTF(); string json; using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(UniGLTF.MeshExportSettings.Default, AssetTextureUtil.IsTextureEditorAsset, AssetTextureUtil.GetTextureBytesWithMime); json = gltf.ToJson(); } Assert.AreEqual(0, gltf.meshes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, gltf.nodes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(-1, gltf.nodes[0].mesh); // import { var parser = new GltfParser(); parser.ParseJson(json, new SimpleStorage(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1024 * 1024]))); using (var context = new ImporterContext(parser)) { context.Load(); Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Root.transform.GetChildren().Count()); { var child = context.Root.transform.GetChild(0); Assert.IsNull(child.GetSharedMesh()); } } } } finally { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); } }
private static void Export(GameObject go, string path, MeshExportSettings settings, Axises inverseAxis) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower(); var isGlb = false; switch (ext) { case ".glb": isGlb = true; break; case ".gltf": isGlb = false; break; default: throw new System.Exception(); } var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf, inverseAxis)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(settings, AssetTextureUtil.IsTextureEditorAsset); } if (isGlb) { var bytes = gltf.ToGlbBytes(); File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes); } else { var(json, buffers) = gltf.ToGltf(path); // without BOM var encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false); File.WriteAllText(path, json, encoding); // write to local folder var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); foreach (var b in buffers) { var bufferPath = Path.Combine(dir, b.uri); File.WriteAllBytes(bufferPath, b.GetBytes().ToArray()); } } if (path.StartsWithUnityAssetPath()) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path.ToUnityRelativePath()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } }
public void MeshHasNoRendererTest() { var go = new GameObject("mesh_has_no_renderer"); try { { var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cube.transform.SetParent(go.transform); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(cube.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>()); } // export var gltf = new glTF(); string json; using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf, new GltfExportSettings())) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(new UniGLTF.GltfExportSettings(), new EditorTextureSerializer()); json = gltf.ToJson(); } Assert.AreEqual(0, gltf.meshes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, gltf.nodes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(-1, gltf.nodes[0].mesh); // import { var storage = new SimpleStorage(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1024 * 1024])); var data = new JsonWithStorageParser(json, storage).Parse(); using (var context = new ImporterContext(data)) using (var loaded = context.Load()) { Assert.AreEqual(1, loaded.transform.GetChildren().Count()); { var child = loaded.transform.GetChild(0); Assert.IsNull(child.GetSharedMesh()); } } } } finally { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); } }
public void MeshHasNoRendererTest() { var go = new GameObject("mesh_has_no_renderer"); try { { var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cube.transform.SetParent(go.transform); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(cube.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>()); } // export var data = new ExportingGltfData(); var gltf = data.GLTF; string json; using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(data, new GltfExportSettings())) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(new EditorTextureSerializer()); json = gltf.ToJson(); } Assert.AreEqual(0, gltf.meshes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, gltf.nodes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(-1, gltf.nodes[0].mesh); // import { var parsed = GltfData.CreateFromExportForTest(data); using (var context = new ImporterContext(parsed)) using (var loaded = context.Load()) { Assert.AreEqual(1, loaded.transform.GetChildren().Count()); { var child = loaded.transform.GetChild(0); Assert.IsNull(child.GetSharedMesh()); } } } } finally { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); } }
private static Texture2D AssignTextureToMaterialPropertyAndExportAndExtract(Texture2D srcTex, string srcImageName, string propertyName) { // Prepare var root = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); var mat = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); mat.SetTexture(propertyName, srcTex); root.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = mat; // Export glTF var data = new ExportingGltfData(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(data, new GltfExportSettings { InverseAxis = Axes.X, ExportOnlyBlendShapePosition = false, UseSparseAccessorForMorphTarget = false, DivideVertexBuffer = false, })) { exporter.Prepare(root); exporter.Export(new EditorTextureSerializer()); } var gltf = data.GLTF; Assert.AreEqual(1, gltf.images.Count); var exportedImage = gltf.images[0]; Assert.AreEqual("image/png", exportedImage.mimeType); Assert.AreEqual(srcImageName,; UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(mat); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(root); var parsed = GltfData.CreateFromGltfDataForTest(gltf, data.BinBytes); // Extract Image to Texture2D var exportedBytes = parsed.GetBytesFromBufferView(exportedImage.bufferView).ToArray(); var exportedTexture = new Texture2D(2, 2, TextureFormat.ARGB32, mipChain: false, linear: false); Assert.IsTrue(exportedTexture.LoadImage(exportedBytes)); // Always true ? Assert.AreEqual(srcTex.width, exportedTexture.width); Assert.AreEqual(srcTex.height, exportedTexture.height); return(exportedTexture); }
public void UniGLTFSimpleSceneTest() { var go = CreateSimpleScene(); ImporterContext context = default; try { // export var gltf = new glTF(); string json = null; using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(MeshExportSettings.Default); // remove empty buffer gltf.buffers.Clear(); json = gltf.ToJson(); } // parse var parser = new GltfParser(); parser.ParseJson(json, new SimpleStorage(new ArraySegment <byte>())); // import context = new ImporterContext(parser); context.Load(); AssertAreEqual(go.transform, context.Root.transform); } finally { //Debug.LogFormat("Destroy, {0}",; GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); if (context != null) { var editor = new EditorImporterContext(context); editor.EditorDestroyRootAndAssets(); } } }
private static void ExportFromMenu() { var go = Selection.activeObject as GameObject; var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel( "Save glb", "", + ".glb", "glb"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return; } using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(new glTF())) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(); exporter.WriteTo(path); } }
public void SameMeshButDifferentMaterialExport() { var go = new GameObject("same_mesh"); try { var shader = Shader.Find("Unlit/Color"); var cubeA = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); { cubeA.transform.SetParent(go.transform); var material = new Material(shader); = "red"; material.color =; cubeA.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = material; } { var cubeB = GameObject.Instantiate(cubeA); cubeB.transform.SetParent(go.transform); var material = new Material(shader); material.color =; = "blue"; cubeB.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = material; Assert.AreEqual(cubeB.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh, cubeA.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh); } // export var gltf = new glTF(); var json = default(string); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(); json = gltf.ToJson(); } Assert.AreEqual(2, gltf.meshes.Count); var red = gltf.materials[gltf.meshes[0].primitives[0].material]; Assert.AreEqual(new float[] { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, red.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor); var blue = gltf.materials[gltf.meshes[1].primitives[0].material]; Assert.AreEqual(new float[] { 0, 0, 1, 1 }, blue.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor); Assert.AreEqual(2, gltf.nodes.Count); Assert.AreNotEqual(gltf.nodes[0].mesh, gltf.nodes[1].mesh); // import { var context = new ImporterContext(); context.ParseJson(json, new SimpleStorage(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1024 * 1024]))); //Debug.LogFormat("{0}", context.Json); context.Load(); var importedRed = context.Root.transform.GetChild(0); var importedRedMaterial = importedRed.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial; Assert.AreEqual("red",; Assert.AreEqual(, importedRedMaterial.color); var importedBlue = context.Root.transform.GetChild(1); var importedBlueMaterial = importedBlue.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial; Assert.AreEqual("blue",; Assert.AreEqual(, importedBlueMaterial.color); } // import new version { var context = new ImporterContext { UseUniJSONParser = true }; context.ParseJson(json, new SimpleStorage(new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1024 * 1024]))); //Debug.LogFormat("{0}", context.Json); context.Load(); var importedRed = context.Root.transform.GetChild(0); var importedRedMaterial = importedRed.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial; Assert.AreEqual("red",; Assert.AreEqual(, importedRedMaterial.color); var importedBlue = context.Root.transform.GetChild(1); var importedBlueMaterial = importedBlue.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial; Assert.AreEqual("blue",; Assert.AreEqual(, importedBlueMaterial.color); } } finally { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); } }
public void GlTFToJsonTest() { var gltf = new glTF(); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(gltf)) { exporter.Prepare(CreateSimpleScene()); exporter.Export(); } var expected = gltf.ToJson().ParseAsJson(); expected.AddKey(Utf8String.From("meshes")); expected.AddValue(default(ArraySegment <byte>), ValueNodeType.Array); expected["meshes"].AddValue(default(ArraySegment <byte>), ValueNodeType.Object); var mesh = expected["meshes"][0]; mesh.AddKey(Utf8String.From("name")); mesh.AddValue(Utf8String.From(JsonString.Quote("test")).Bytes, ValueNodeType.String); mesh.AddKey(Utf8String.From("primitives")); mesh.AddValue(default(ArraySegment <byte>), ValueNodeType.Array); mesh["primitives"].AddValue(default(ArraySegment <byte>), ValueNodeType.Object); var primitive = mesh["primitives"][0]; primitive.AddKey(Utf8String.From("mode")); primitive.AddValue(Utf8String.From("0").Bytes, ValueNodeType.Integer); primitive.AddKey(Utf8String.From("indices")); primitive.AddValue(Utf8String.From("0").Bytes, ValueNodeType.Integer); primitive.AddKey(Utf8String.From("material")); primitive.AddValue(Utf8String.From("0").Bytes, ValueNodeType.Integer); primitive.AddKey(Utf8String.From("attributes")); primitive.AddValue(default(ArraySegment <byte>), ValueNodeType.Object); primitive["attributes"].AddKey(Utf8String.From("POSITION")); primitive["attributes"].AddValue(Utf8String.From("0").Bytes, ValueNodeType.Integer); primitive.AddKey(Utf8String.From("targets")); primitive.AddValue(default(ArraySegment <byte>), ValueNodeType.Array); primitive["targets"].AddValue(default(ArraySegment <byte>), ValueNodeType.Object); primitive["targets"][0].AddKey(Utf8String.From("POSITION")); primitive["targets"][0].AddValue(Utf8String.From("1").Bytes, ValueNodeType.Integer); primitive["targets"].AddValue(default(ArraySegment <byte>), ValueNodeType.Object); primitive["targets"][1].AddKey(Utf8String.From("POSITION")); primitive["targets"][1].AddValue(Utf8String.From("2").Bytes, ValueNodeType.Integer); primitive["targets"][1].AddKey(Utf8String.From("TANGENT")); primitive["targets"][1].AddValue(Utf8String.From("0").Bytes, ValueNodeType.Integer); gltf.meshes.Add(new glTFMesh("test") { primitives = new List <glTFPrimitives> { new glTFPrimitives { indices = 0, attributes = new glTFAttributes { POSITION = 0, TANGENT = -1 // should be removed }, targets = new List <gltfMorphTarget> { new gltfMorphTarget { POSITION = 1, TANGENT = -1 // should be removed }, new gltfMorphTarget { POSITION = 2, TANGENT = 0 } } } } }); var actual = gltf.ToJson().ParseAsJson(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void ExportingNullMeshTest() { var validator = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <MeshExportValidator>(); var root = new GameObject("root"); try { { var child = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); child.transform.SetParent(root.transform); // remove MeshFilter Component.DestroyImmediate(child.GetComponent <MeshFilter>()); } { var child = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); child.transform.SetParent(root.transform); // set null child.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = null; } // validate validator.SetRoot(root, new GltfExportSettings(), new DefualtBlendShapeExportFilter()); var vs = validator.Validate(root); Assert.True(vs.All(x => x.CanExport)); // export var data = new ExportingGltfData(); var gltf = data.GLTF; string json; using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(data, new GltfExportSettings())) { exporter.Prepare(root); exporter.Export(new EditorTextureSerializer()); json = gltf.ToJson(); } Assert.AreEqual(0, gltf.meshes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(2, gltf.nodes.Count); Assert.AreEqual(-1, gltf.nodes[0].mesh); Assert.AreEqual(-1, gltf.nodes[1].mesh); // import { var parsed = GltfData.CreateFromExportForTest(data); using (var context = new ImporterContext(parsed)) using (var loaded = context.Load()) { Assert.AreEqual(2, loaded.transform.GetChildren().Count()); { var child = loaded.transform.GetChild(0); Assert.IsNull(child.GetSharedMesh()); } { var child = loaded.transform.GetChild(1); Assert.IsNull(child.GetSharedMesh()); } } } } finally { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(root); ScriptableObject.DestroyImmediate(validator); } }
public void SameMeshButDifferentMaterialExport() { var go = new GameObject("same_mesh"); try { var shader = Shader.Find("Unlit/Color"); var cubeA = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); { cubeA.transform.SetParent(go.transform); var material = new Material(shader); = "red"; material.color =; cubeA.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = material; } { var cubeB = GameObject.Instantiate(cubeA); cubeB.transform.SetParent(go.transform); var material = new Material(shader); material.color =; = "blue"; cubeB.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = material; Assert.AreEqual(cubeB.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh, cubeA.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh); } // export var data = new ExportingGltfData(); var gltf = data.GLTF; var json = default(string); using (var exporter = new gltfExporter(data, new GltfExportSettings())) { exporter.Prepare(go); exporter.Export(new EditorTextureSerializer()); json = gltf.ToJson(); } Assert.AreEqual(2, gltf.meshes.Count); var red = gltf.materials[gltf.meshes[0].primitives[0].material]; Assert.AreEqual(new float[] { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, red.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor); var blue = gltf.materials[gltf.meshes[1].primitives[0].material]; Assert.AreEqual(new float[] { 0, 0, 1, 1 }, blue.pbrMetallicRoughness.baseColorFactor); Assert.AreEqual(2, gltf.nodes.Count); Assert.AreNotEqual(gltf.nodes[0].mesh, gltf.nodes[1].mesh); // import { var parsed = GltfData.CreateFromExportForTest(data); using (var context = new ImporterContext(parsed)) using (var loaded = context.Load()) { var importedRed = loaded.transform.GetChild(0); var importedRedMaterial = importedRed.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial; Assert.AreEqual("red",; Assert.AreEqual(, importedRedMaterial.color); var importedBlue = loaded.transform.GetChild(1); var importedBlueMaterial = importedBlue.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial; Assert.AreEqual("blue",; Assert.AreEqual(, importedBlueMaterial.color); } } // import new version { var parsed = GltfData.CreateFromExportForTest(data); using (var context = new ImporterContext(parsed)) using (var loaded = context.Load()) { var importedRed = loaded.transform.GetChild(0); var importedRedMaterial = importedRed.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial; Assert.AreEqual("red",; Assert.AreEqual(, importedRedMaterial.color); var importedBlue = loaded.transform.GetChild(1); var importedBlueMaterial = importedBlue.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial; Assert.AreEqual("blue",; Assert.AreEqual(, importedBlueMaterial.color); } } } finally { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(go); } }