public ILifetimeScope CreateScope(string arrangement, ContentItem item, IDictionary <string, string> parameters, bool validateParameters = true)
            var combinedParameters = parameters ?? new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

            builder.RegisterModule(new ShorthandModule(_logger));

            builder.Register(ctx => {
                var dependancies = new List <IDependency>();

                if (item.ContentItem.Has("TransformalizeReportPart"))
                    dependancies.Add(new ReportParameterModifier());

                if (Serializer != null)

                dependancies.Add(new ParameterModifier(new PlaceHolderReplacer('@', '[', ']')));

                // these were registered by the ShorthandModule are are used to expand shorthand transforms and validators into "longhand".
                dependancies.Add(ctx.ResolveNamed <IDependency>(TransformModule.FieldsName));
                dependancies.Add(ctx.ResolveNamed <IDependency>(TransformModule.ParametersName));
                dependancies.Add(ctx.ResolveNamed <IDependency>(ValidateModule.FieldsName));
                dependancies.Add(ctx.ResolveNamed <IDependency>(ValidateModule.ParametersName));

                string modified = arrangement;
                if (_httpContext.HttpContext.Request.Method == "GET" && item.ContentItem.Has("TransformalizeFormPart"))
                    modified = _loadFormModifier.Modify(arrangement, item.Id, combinedParameters);

                if (validateParameters)
                    modified = _transformalizeParameters.Modify(arrangement, item.Id, combinedParameters);

                var process = new Process(modified, combinedParameters, dependancies.ToArray());

                if (process.Errors().Any())
                    _logger.Error(() => "The configuration has errors.");
                    foreach (var error in process.Errors())
                        _logger.Error(() => error);

                process.Id = item.Id;

            }).As <Process>().InstancePerDependency();
Example #2
        private string ModifyInternal(string cfg, int id, IDictionary <string, string> parameters)
            var process = new Process(cfg)
                Id = id

            // if there aren't any parameters, just leave
            if (!process.Parameters.Any())

            // if there isn't a primary key, just leave
            var key = process.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PrimaryKey);

            if (key == null || parameters == null || !parameters.ContainsKey(key.Name))

            // if the value being passed in for the primary key is the type's default value, just leave because it's an insert
            if (parameters[key.Name] == Transformalize.Constants.TypeDefaults()[key.Type].ToString())


            var fields = new List <Field>();

            // get all the fields that should be in the form's table and are not specific to insert or update scope
            foreach (var pr in process.Parameters.Where(p => p.Output && p.Scope == "[default]"))
                var field = new Field {
                    Name      = pr.Name,
                    Alias     = pr.Name,
                    Type      = pr.Type,
                    Default   = pr.Value,
                    Length    = pr.Length,
                    Format    = pr.Format,
                    InputType = pr.InputType,
                    Precision = pr.Precision,
                    Scale     = pr.Scale


            var connection = process.Connections.First(c => c.Table != "[default]");

            // create entity
            var entity = new Entity {
                Name   = connection.Table,
                Fields = fields,
                Input  = connection.Name,
                Filter = new List <Filter>()
                    new Filter {
                        Field = key.Name, Value = parameters[key.Name]

            // create process to load the form submission
            var modified = new Process {
                Id       = id,
                Name     = "Load Form",
                ReadOnly = true,
                Entities = new List <Entity> {
                Connections = new List <Connection> {


            if (!modified.Errors().Any())
                // run the process which should get a single row (the form submission) into output
                CfgRow output;
                using (var scope = _container.CreateScope(modified, _logger)) {
                    scope.Resolve <IProcessController>().Execute();
                    output = modified.Entities[0].Rows.FirstOrDefault();

                if (output != null)
                    foreach (var parameter in process.Parameters)
                        var field = modified.Entities[0].Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == parameter.Name);
                        // put the form submission value in the parameters
                        if (field != null)
                            parameters[parameter.Name] = output[field.Name].ToString();

            foreach (var error in process.Errors())
                _logger.Error(() => error);

Example #3
        private string ModifyInternal(string cfg, int id, IDictionary <string, string> parameters)
            // using facade (which is all string properties) so things can be
            // transformed before types are checked or place-holders are replaced

            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

            builder.RegisterModule(new ShorthandModule(_logger));

            Transformalize.ConfigurationFacade.Process facade;

            using (var scope = builder.Build().BeginLifetimeScope()) {
                facade = new Transformalize.ConfigurationFacade.Process(
                    parameters: parameters,
                    dependencies: new List <IDependency> {
                    new TransferParameterModifier(), // consumes parameters
                    scope.ResolveNamed <IDependency>(TransformModule.ParametersName),
                    scope.ResolveNamed <IDependency>(ValidateModule.ParametersName)
                facade.Id = id.ToString();

            if (!facade.Parameters.Any())


            var fields = new List <Field>();

            foreach (var pr in facade.Parameters)
                var field = new Field {
                    Name  = pr.Name,
                    Alias = pr.Name,
                    // Default = pr.Value,  (something has changed, this value didn't cause problems before but it is now in DefaultRowReader)
                    Label      = pr.Label,
                    PostBack   = pr.PostBack,
                    Type       = pr.Type,
                    Help       = pr.Help,
                    InputType  = pr.InputType, // used in ParameterRowReader to identify files
                    Transforms = pr.Transforms.Select(o => o.ToOperation()).ToList(),
                    Validators = pr.Validators.Select(o => o.ToOperation()).ToList()
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pr.Length))
                    field.Length = pr.Length;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pr.Precision) && int.TryParse(pr.Precision, out int precision))
                    field.Precision = precision;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pr.Scale) && int.TryParse(pr.Scale, out int scale))
                    field.Scale = scale;

            var validatorFields = new List <Field>();

            foreach (var field in fields.Where(f => f.Validators.Any()))
                field.ValidField   = field.Name + "Valid";
                field.MessageField = field.Name + "Message";

                validatorFields.Add(new Field {
                    Name    = field.ValidField,
                    Input   = false,
                    Default = "true",
                    Type    = "bool"
                validatorFields.Add(new Field {
                    Name    = field.MessageField,
                    Input   = false,
                    Default = string.Empty,
                    Type    = "string",
                    Length  = "255"

            // create an internal connection for input
            var connections = new List <Transformalize.ConfigurationFacade.Connection> {
                new Transformalize.ConfigurationFacade.Connection()
                    Name = _tpInput, Provider = "internal"

            // add existing connections in case maps need to be loaded

            //create an internal connection for output
            connections.Add(new Transformalize.ConfigurationFacade.Connection()
                Name = _tpOutput, Provider = "internal"

            // create entity
            var entity = new Entity {
                Name             = "Parameters",
                Fields           = fields,
                CalculatedFields = validatorFields,
                Input            = _tpInput

            // disable checking for invalid characters unless set
            var arrangementParameters = new List <Parameter>();

            foreach (var parameter in facade.Parameters)
                var add = parameter.ToParameter();
                if (parameter.InvalidCharacters == null)
                    add.InvalidCharacters = string.Empty;

            // create process to transform and validate the parameter values
            var process = new Process {
                Id         = id,
                Name       = "Transformalize Parameters",
                ReadOnly   = true,
                Mode       = "form", // causes auto post-back's to resolve to either true or false
                Output     = _tpOutput,
                Parameters = arrangementParameters,
                Maps       = facade.Maps.Select(m => m.ToMap()).ToList(),
                Scripts    = facade.Scripts.Select(m => m.ToScript()).ToList(),
                Entities   = new List <Entity> {
                Connections = connections.Select(c => c.ToConnection()).ToList()

            process.Load(); // very important to check after creating, as it runs validation and even modifies!

            if (!process.Errors().Any())
                // modification in Load() do not make it out to local variables so overwrite them
                entity          = process.Entities.First();
                fields          = entity.Fields;
                validatorFields = entity.CalculatedFields;

                CfgRow output;
                _container.GetReaderAlternate = (input, rowFactory) => new ParameterRowReader(input, new DefaultRowReader(input, rowFactory));
                using (var scope = _container.CreateScope(process, _logger)) {
                    scope.Resolve <IProcessController>().Execute();
                    output = process.Entities[0].Rows.FirstOrDefault();

                for (int i = 0; i < process.Maps.Count; i++)
                    var source = process.Maps[i];
                    var target = facade.Maps[i];
                    if (source.Items.Any() && !target.Items.Any())
                        foreach (var item in source.Items)
                            target.Items.Add(new Transformalize.ConfigurationFacade.MapItem()
                                From      = item.From.ToString(),
                                To        = item.To.ToString(),
                                Parameter = item.Parameter,
                                Value     = item.Value
                        target.Query = string.Empty; // remove the query so they are not queried again

                if (output != null)
                    JintVisibility jintVisibility = null;

                    foreach (var parameter in facade.Parameters)
                        var field = fields.First(f => f.Name == parameter.Name);

                        // set the transformed value
                        parameter.Value    = output[field.Name].ToString();
                        parameter.PostBack = field.PostBack; // auto is changed to true|false in transformalize

                        // set the validation results
                        if (parameter.Validators.Any())
                            if ((bool)output[field.ValidField])
                                parameter.Valid = "true";
                                parameter.Valid   = "false";
                                parameter.Message = ((string)output[field.MessageField]).TrimEnd('|');

                        // set the visibility
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Visible))
                            parameter.Visible = "true";
                            if (jintVisibility == null)
                                jintVisibility = new JintVisibility();
                            var response = jintVisibility.Visible(new JvRequest(output, parameter.Visible));
                            if (response.Faulted)
                                _logger.Error(() => $"Parameter {parameter.Name} has a visible script error: {response.Message}");
                                _notifier.Error(H[$"Parameter {parameter.Name} has a visible script error: {response.Message}"]);
                            parameter.Visible = response.Visible.ToString().ToLower();
                            if (parameter.Visible == "false")
                                parameter.Valid = "true"; // because they won't be able to fix it

                        // remove this stuff because all the transforming and validating is done at this point
                        parameter.T = null;
                        parameter.V = null;


            foreach (var error in process.Errors())
                _logger.Error(() => error);
