/// <summary>
        /// Gets the fields to serialize for the specified object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of fields to serialize.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="type"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public virtual HashSet<string> GetFieldsToSerialize(Type type)
            Argument.IsNotNull("type", type);

            return _fieldsToSerializeCache.GetFromCacheOrFetch(type, () =>
                var fields = new List<string>();

                var typeFields = type.GetFieldsEx();
                foreach (var typeField in typeFields)
                    if (AttributeHelper.IsDecoratedWithAttribute<IncludeInSerializationAttribute>(typeField))

                return new HashSet<string>(fields);
        private void AddTypeMembers(Type type, XmlSerializerTypeInfo serializerTypeInfo)
            var typesToCheck = new List<Type>();

            var isModelBase = type.IsModelBase();
            if (isModelBase)
                // No need to check members, they will be serialized by ModelBase
                //var catelTypeInfo = PropertyDataManager.Default.GetCatelTypeInfo(type);
                //var modelBaseProperties = catelTypeInfo.GetCatelProperties();
                //foreach (var modelBaseProperty in modelBaseProperties)
                //    typesToCheck.Add(modelBaseProperty.Value.Type);
                var allowNonPublicReflection = AllowNonPublicReflection(type);

                // Fields
                var fields = type.GetFieldsEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(false, false, allowNonPublicReflection));
                foreach (var field in fields)

                // Properties
                var properties = type.GetPropertiesEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(false, false, allowNonPublicReflection));
                foreach (var property in properties)

            foreach (var typeToCheck in typesToCheck)
                if (serializerTypeInfo.IsTypeAlreadyHandled(typeToCheck))

                if (!IsTypeSerializable(typeToCheck, serializerTypeInfo))

                var propertyTypeFullName = typeToCheck.GetSafeFullName();
                if (propertyTypeFullName == null)

                GetKnownTypes(typeToCheck, serializerTypeInfo);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the fields that represent a <see cref="PropertyData"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of <see cref="PropertyData"/> elements found as fields.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">One ore more fields are not declared correctly.</exception>
        private IEnumerable<PropertyData> FindCatelFields(Type type)
            // CTL-212: Generic types are not supported for FieldInfo.GetValue
            if (type.ContainsGenericParametersEx())
                return new PropertyData[] { };

            // Fields - safety checks for non-static fields
            var nonStaticFields = (from field in type.GetFieldsEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(true, false, true))
                                   where field.FieldType == typeof(PropertyData)
                                   select field).ToList();
            foreach (var nonStaticField in nonStaticFields)
                string error = string.Format("The field '{0}' of type 'PropertyData' declared as instance, but they can only be used as static", nonStaticField.Name);

                throw new InvalidOperationException(error);

            // Fields - safety checks for non-public fields
            var nonPublicFields = (from field in type.GetFieldsEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(true, true, true))
                                   where field.FieldType == typeof(PropertyData) && !field.IsPublic
                                   select field).ToList();
            foreach (var nonPublicField in nonPublicFields)
                string error = string.Format("The field '{0}' of type 'PropertyData' declared as non-public, but they can only be used as public", nonPublicField.Name);

                throw new InvalidOperationException(error);

            // Fields - actual addition
            var foundFields = new List<PropertyData>();

            var fields = new List<FieldInfo>();
            fields.AddRange(type.GetFieldsEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(true, true, false)));
            foreach (var field in fields)
                if (field.FieldType == typeof(PropertyData))
                    var propertyValue = (field.IsStatic ? field.GetValue(null) : field.GetValue(this)) as PropertyData;
                    if (propertyValue != null)

            return foundFields;
        private void AddTypeMembers(Type type, XmlSerializerTypeInfo serializerTypeInfo)
            var isModelBase = (type == typeof(ModelBase)) || typeof(ModelBase).IsAssignableFromEx(type);
            if (isModelBase)
                var catelTypeInfo = PropertyDataManager.Default.GetCatelTypeInfo(type);
                var modelBaseProperties = catelTypeInfo.GetCatelProperties();
                foreach (var modelBaseProperty in modelBaseProperties)
                    var propertyType = modelBaseProperty.Value.Type;
                    if (propertyType.FullName != null)
                        GetKnownTypes(propertyType, serializerTypeInfo);
                bool allowNonPublicReflection = AllowNonPublicReflection(type);

                // Fields
                var fields = type.GetFieldsEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(false, false, allowNonPublicReflection));
                foreach (var field in fields)
                    var fieldType = field.FieldType;
                    if (fieldType.FullName != null)
                        GetKnownTypes(fieldType, serializerTypeInfo);

                // Properties
                var properties = type.GetPropertiesEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(false, false, allowNonPublicReflection));
                foreach (var property in properties)
                    var propertyType = property.PropertyType;
                    if (propertyType.FullName != null)
                        GetKnownTypes(propertyType, serializerTypeInfo);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type of the model.</param>
        /// <returns>A hash set containing the fields.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="type"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception>
        public Dictionary<string, MemberMetadata> GetFields(Type type)
            Argument.IsNotNull("type", type);

            return _fieldsCache.GetFromCacheOrFetch(type, () =>
                var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, MemberMetadata>();

                var fields = type.GetFieldsEx();
                foreach (var fieldInfo in fields)
                    if (fieldInfo.Name.Contains("__BackingField") ||
                        fieldInfo.DeclaringType == typeof (ModelBase))

                    var memberMetadata = new MemberMetadata(type, fieldInfo.FieldType, SerializationMemberGroup.Field, fieldInfo.Name)
                        Tag = fieldInfo

                    var nameOverride = GetNameOverrideForSerialization(fieldInfo);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nameOverride))
                        memberMetadata.MemberNameForSerialization = nameOverride;

                    dictionary[fieldInfo.Name] = memberMetadata;

                return dictionary;
 internal static object TryParseEnum(string name, Type type)
     if (type.IsEnum())
         foreach (var field in type.GetFieldsEx(MemberFlags.Public | MemberFlags.Static))
             if (field.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                 return field.GetValue(null);
     return null;
Example #7
        private void PreventWrongDeclaredFields(Type type)
            // Fields - safety checks for non-static fields
            var nonStaticFields = (from field in type.GetFieldsEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(true, false, true))
                                   where field.FieldType == typeof(PropertyData)
                                   select field).ToList();
            foreach (var nonStaticField in nonStaticFields)
                throw Log.ErrorAndCreateException<InvalidOperationException>("The field '{0}' of type 'PropertyData' declared as instance, but they can only be used as static", nonStaticField.Name);

            // Fields - safety checks for non-public fields
            var nonPublicFields = (from field in type.GetFieldsEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(true, true, true))
                                   where field.FieldType == typeof(PropertyData) && !field.IsPublic
                                   select field).ToList();
            foreach (var nonPublicField in nonPublicFields)
                throw Log.ErrorAndCreateException<InvalidOperationException>("The field '{0}' of type 'PropertyData' declared as non-public, but they can only be used as public", nonPublicField.Name);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the fields that represent a <see cref="PropertyData"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        /// <returns>The list of <see cref="PropertyData"/> elements found as fields.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">One ore more fields are not declared correctly.</exception>
        private IEnumerable<PropertyData> FindCatelFields(Type type)
            // CTL-212: Generic types are not supported for FieldInfo.GetValue
            if (type.ContainsGenericParametersEx())
                return new PropertyData[] { };


            // Fields - actual addition
            var foundFields = new List<PropertyData>();

            var fields = new List<FieldInfo>();
            fields.AddRange(type.GetFieldsEx(BindingFlagsHelper.GetFinalBindingFlags(true, true, false)));
            foreach (var field in fields)
                if (field.FieldType == typeof(PropertyData))
                    var propertyValue = (field.IsStatic ? field.GetValue(null) : field.GetValue(this)) as PropertyData;
                    if (propertyValue != null)

            return foundFields;