Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConnectorInfo"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="adapterType">The type of transaction or market data adapter.</param>
		public ConnectorInfo(Type adapterType)
			if (adapterType == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("adapterType");

			if (!typeof(IMessageAdapter).IsAssignableFrom(adapterType))
				throw new ArgumentException("adapterType");

			AdapterType = adapterType;
			Name = adapterType.GetDisplayName();
			Description = adapterType.GetDescription();
			Category = adapterType.GetCategory(LocalizedStrings.Str1559);

			var targetPlatform = adapterType.GetAttribute<TargetPlatformAttribute>();
			if (targetPlatform != null)
				PreferLanguage = targetPlatform.PreferLanguage;
				Platform = targetPlatform.Platform;
				PreferLanguage = Languages.English;
				Platform = Platforms.AnyCPU;
Example #2
 public DatabaseProviderInfo(Type type)
     Description = type.GetDescription();
     RequiresConnectionStringBuilding =
         type.GetCustomAttribute<NoConnectionStringBuilderAttribute>() == null;
     TypeName = type.FullName;
Example #3
		public TaskInfo(Type task)
			if (task == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));

			Task = task;
			Name = task.GetDisplayName();
			Description = task.GetDescription();
			Icon = task.GetIcon();
Example #4
        protected static void EnsureType(Type implementationType, Type serviceType, bool assertImplementation = true)
            if (assertImplementation && (!implementationType.IsClass || implementationType.IsAbstract))
                throw new StyletIoCRegistrationException(String.Format("Type {0} is not a concrete class, and so can't be used to implemented service {1}", implementationType.GetDescription(), serviceType.GetDescription()));

            // Test this first, as it's a bit clearer than hitting 'type doesn't implement service'
            if (assertImplementation && implementationType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                if (!serviceType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                    throw new StyletIoCRegistrationException(String.Format("You can't use an unbound generic type to implement anything that isn't an unbound generic service. Service: {0}, Type: {1}", serviceType.GetDescription(), implementationType.GetDescription()));

                // This restriction may change when I figure out how to pass down the correct type argument
                if (serviceType.GetTypeInfo().GenericTypeParameters.Length != implementationType.GetTypeInfo().GenericTypeParameters.Length)
                    throw new StyletIoCRegistrationException(String.Format("If you're registering an unbound generic type to an unbound generic service, both service and type must have the same number of type parameters. Service: {0}, Type: {1}", serviceType.GetDescription(), implementationType.GetDescription()));
            else if (serviceType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
                if (implementationType.GetGenericArguments().Length > 0)
                    throw new StyletIoCRegistrationException(String.Format("You cannot bind the bound generic type {0} to the unbound generic service {1}", implementationType.GetDescription(), serviceType.GetDescription()));
                    throw new StyletIoCRegistrationException(String.Format("You cannot bind the non-generic type {0} to the unbound generic service {1}", implementationType.GetDescription(), serviceType.GetDescription()));

            if (!implementationType.Implements(serviceType))
                throw new StyletIoCRegistrationException(String.Format("Type {0} does not implement service {1}", implementationType.GetDescription(), serviceType.GetDescription()));
        protected void CreateRestPaths(List<RestService> apis, Type operationType, String operationName)
            var map = EndpointHost.ServiceManager.ServiceController.RestPathMap;
            var paths = new List<string>();
            foreach (var key in map.Keys)
                paths.AddRange(map[key].Where(x => x.RequestType == operationType).Select(t => resourcePathCleanerRegex.Match(t.Path).Value));

            if (paths.Count == 0) return;

            var minPath = paths.Min();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(minPath) || minPath == "/") return;

            apis.Add(new RestService {
                Path = string.Concat("/resource", minPath),
                Description = operationType.GetDescription()
        protected void CreateRestPaths(List<RestService> apis, Type operationType, String operationName)
            var map = EndpointHost.ServiceManager.ServiceController.RestPathMap;
            var paths = new List<string>();
            foreach (var key in map.Keys)
                paths.AddRange(map[key].Where(x => x.RequestType == operationType).Select(t => resourcePathCleanerRegex.Match(t.Path).Value));

            if (paths.Count == 0) return;

            var basePaths = paths.Select(t => string.IsNullOrEmpty(t) ? null : t.Split('/'))
                .Where(t => t != null && t.Length > 1)
                .Select(t => t[1]);

            foreach (var bp in basePaths)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bp)) return;
                if (apis.All(a => a.Path != string.Concat(RESOURCE_PATH, "/" + bp)))
                    apis.Add(new RestService
                        Path = string.Concat(RESOURCE_PATH, "/" + bp),
                        Description = operationType.GetDescription()
        public MetadataType ToType(Type type)
            if (type == null) 
                return null;

            if (type.IsGenericType())
                type = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();

            var metaType = new MetadataType
                Name = type.GetOperationName(),
                Namespace = type.Namespace,
                GenericArgs = type.IsGenericType() ? GetGenericArgs(type) : null,
                Implements = ToInterfaces(type),
                Attributes = ToAttributes(type),
                Properties = ToProperties(type),
                IsNested = type.IsNested ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsEnum = type.IsEnum() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsEnumInt = JsConfig.TreatEnumAsInteger || type.IsEnumFlags() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsInterface = type.IsInterface() ? true : (bool?)null,
                IsAbstract = type.IsAbstract() ? true : (bool?)null,

            if (type.BaseType() != null && type.BaseType() != typeof(object) && !type.IsEnum()
                && !type.HasInterface(typeof(IService)))
                metaType.Inherits = ToTypeName(type.BaseType());

            if (type.GetTypeWithInterfaceOf(typeof(IReturnVoid)) != null)
                metaType.ReturnVoidMarker = true;
                var genericMarker = type != typeof(IReturn<>)
                    ? type.GetTypeWithGenericTypeDefinitionOf(typeof(IReturn<>))
                    : null;

                if (genericMarker != null)
                    var returnType = genericMarker.GetGenericArguments().First();
                    metaType.ReturnMarkerTypeName = ToTypeName(returnType);

            var routeAttrs = HostContext.AppHost.GetRouteAttributes(type).ToList();
            if (routeAttrs.Count > 0)
                metaType.Routes = routeAttrs.ConvertAll(x =>
                    new MetadataRoute
                        Path = x.Path,
                        Notes = x.Notes,
                        Summary = x.Summary,
                        Verbs = x.Verbs,

            metaType.Description = type.GetDescription();

            var dcAttr = type.GetDataContract();
            if (dcAttr != null)
                metaType.DataContract = new MetadataDataContract
                    Name = dcAttr.Name,
                    Namespace = dcAttr.Namespace,

            if (type.IsEnum())
                metaType.EnumNames = new List<string>();
                metaType.EnumValues = new List<string>();

                var isDefaultLayout = true;
                var values = Enum.GetValues(type);
                for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                    var value = values.GetValue(i);
                    var name = value.ToString();
                    var enumValue = Convert.ToInt64(value).ToString();

                    if (enumValue != i.ToString())
                        isDefaultLayout = false;


                if (isDefaultLayout)
                    metaType.EnumValues = null;

            var innerTypes = type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            foreach (var innerType in innerTypes)
                if (metaType.InnerTypes == null)
                    metaType.InnerTypes = new List<MetadataTypeName>();

                metaType.InnerTypes.Add(new MetadataTypeName
                    Name = innerType.GetOperationName(),
                    Namespace = innerType.Namespace,
                    GenericArgs = innerType.IsGenericType()
                        ? innerType.GetGenericArguments().Select(x => x.GetOperationName()).ToArray()
                        : null,

            return metaType;
        public MetadataType ToType(Type type)
            if (type == null) return null;

            var metaType = new MetadataType
                Name = type.GetOperationName(),
                Namespace = type.Namespace,
                GenericArgs = type.IsGenericType
                    ? type.GetGenericArguments().Select(x => x.GetOperationName()).ToArray()
                    : null,
                Attributes = ToAttributes(type),
                Properties = ToProperties(type),

            if (type.BaseType != null && type.BaseType != typeof(object))
                metaType.Inherits = new MetadataTypeName 
                    Name = type.BaseType.GetOperationName(),
                    GenericArgs = type.BaseType.IsGenericType
                        ? type.BaseType.GetGenericArguments().Select(x => x.GetOperationName()).ToArray()
                        : null

            if (type.GetTypeWithInterfaceOf(typeof(IReturnVoid)) != null)
                metaType.ReturnVoidMarker = true;
                var genericMarker = type.GetTypeWithGenericTypeDefinitionOf(typeof(IReturn<>));
                if (genericMarker != null)
                    metaType.ReturnMarkerTypeName = ToTypeName(genericMarker.GetGenericArguments().First());

            var routeAttrs = HostContext.AppHost.GetRouteAttributes(type).ToList();
            if (routeAttrs.Count > 0)
                metaType.Routes = routeAttrs.ConvertAll(x =>
                    new MetadataRoute
                        Path = x.Path,
                        Notes = x.Notes,
                        Summary = x.Summary,
                        Verbs = x.Verbs,

            metaType.Description = type.GetDescription();

            var dcAttr = type.GetDataContract();
            if (dcAttr != null)
                metaType.DataContract = new MetadataDataContract
                    Name = dcAttr.Name,
                    Namespace = dcAttr.Namespace,

            return metaType;