public static int PerformCalculation(IntPtr args, int numArgs) { IntPtr[] argArray = new IntPtr[numArgs]; Marshal.Copy(args, argArray, 0, numArgs); IntPtr ChkArgsCount = new IntPtr(numArgs); IntPtr result = ChkArgsCount; // perform the calculation here... return result.ToInt32(); }
public static bool OpenFile(IntPtr args, int numArgs) { IntPtr ChkArgsCount = new IntPtr(numArgs); if (ChkArgsCount.Equals(new IntPtr(1))) { IntPtr filenamePtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(args); string filename = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(filenamePtr); // open file here... return true; } else { return false; } }In this example, the OpenFile method takes a pointer to arguments and the number of arguments as input parameters. It first creates an IntPtr that represents the expected number of arguments and checks whether it is equal to 1 or not. If the expected number of arguments is 1, it reads the first argument pointer and converts it to a string to open the file. Package/Library: The System namespace is part of the .NET Framework and does not require any external package or library. Overall, the System IntPtr ChkArgsCount method is a useful tool for validating the number of arguments passed to a function, ensuring that the function is used correctly.