Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Blob from an existing ByteBuffer.  IMPORTANT: If copy is
        /// false, after calling this constructor, if you keep a pointer to the buffer
        /// then you must treat it as immutable and promise not to change it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        /// <param name="copy"></param>
        public Blob(ByteBuffer buffer, bool copy)
            this.haveHashCode_ = false;
            if (buffer != null) {
                if (copy) {
                    buffer_ = ILOG.J2CsMapping.NIO.ByteBuffer.allocate(buffer.remaining());

                    // Put updates buffer.position(), so save and restore it.
                    int savePosition = buffer.position();

                } else
                    buffer_ = buffer.slice();
            } else
                buffer_ = null;
	private void Write(ByteBuffer buffer, int size)

		if (Channel != null)
		else if (ResultBuffer != null)

		TotalSize += size;
Example #3
            /* slices a read only contiguous buffer of chunkLength */
            private ByteBuffer slice(int chunkLength)
                int len = chunkLength;
                long oldOffset = currentOffset;
                ByteBuffer slice;
                if (compressed.remaining() >= len)
                    slice = compressed.slice();
                    // simple case
                    currentOffset += len;
                    compressed.position(compressed.position() + len);
                    return slice;
                else if (currentRange >= (bytes.Count - 1))
                    // nothing has been modified yet
                    throw new IOException("EOF in " + this + " while trying to read " +
                        chunkLength + " bytes");

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                        "Crossing into next BufferChunk because compressed only has %d bytes (needs %d)",
                        compressed.remaining(), len));

                // we need to consolidate 2 or more buffers into 1
                // first copy out compressed buffers
                ByteBuffer copy = allocateBuffer(chunkLength, compressed.isDirect());
                currentOffset += compressed.remaining();
                len -= compressed.remaining();

                for (int i = currentRange; i < bytes.Count && len > 0; i++)
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                        LOG.debug(String.Format("Read slow-path, >1 cross block reads with {0}", this.ToString()));
                    DiskRange range = bytes[i];
                    compressed = range.getData().duplicate();
                    if (compressed.remaining() >= len)
                        slice = compressed.slice();
                        currentOffset += len;
                        compressed.position(compressed.position() + len);
                        return copy;
                    currentOffset += compressed.remaining();
                    len -= compressed.remaining();

                // restore offsets for exception clarity
                throw new IOException("EOF in " + this + " while trying to read " +
                    chunkLength + " bytes");
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Continue to read data until the end of an element, then call
        /// elementListener.onReceivedElement(element ). The buffer passed to
        /// onReceivedElement is only valid during this call.  If you need the data
        /// later, you must copy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <exception cref="EncodingException">For invalid encoding.</exception>
        public void onReceivedData(ByteBuffer data)
            // We may repeatedly set data to a slice as we read elements.
            data = data.slice();

            // Process multiple objects in the data.
            while (true) {
                bool gotElementEnd;
                int offset;

                try {
                    if (!usePartialData_) {
                        // This is the beginning of an element.
                        if (data.remaining() <= 0)
                            // Wait for more data.

                    // Scan the input to check if a whole TLV object has been read.
                    gotElementEnd = tlvStructureDecoder_.findElementEnd(data);
                    offset = tlvStructureDecoder_.getOffset();
                } catch (EncodingException ex) {
                    // Reset to read a new element on the next call.
                    usePartialData_ = false;
                    tlvStructureDecoder_ = new TlvStructureDecoder();

                    throw ex;

                if (gotElementEnd) {
                    // Got the remainder of an element.  Report to the caller.
                    ByteBuffer element;
                    if (usePartialData_) {
                        // We have partial data from a previous call, so append this data and point to partialData.
                        partialData_.ensuredPut(data, 0, offset);

                        element = partialData_.flippedBuffer();
                        // Assume we don't need to use partialData anymore until needed.
                        usePartialData_ = false;
                    } else {
                        // We are not using partialData, so just point to the input data buffer.
                        element = data.duplicate();

                    // Reset to read a new object. Do this before calling onReceivedElement
                    // in case it throws an exception.
                    data = data.slice();
                    tlvStructureDecoder_ = new TlvStructureDecoder();

                    if (data.remaining() <= 0)
                        // No more data in the packet.

                    // else loop back to decode.
                } else {
                    // Save remaining data for a later call.
                    if (!usePartialData_) {
                        usePartialData_ = true;

                    if (partialData_.buffer().position() + data.remaining() > net.named_data.jndn.util.Common.MAX_NDN_PACKET_SIZE) {
                        // Reset to read a new element on the next call.
                        usePartialData_ = false;
                        tlvStructureDecoder_ = new TlvStructureDecoder();

                        throw new EncodingException(
                                "The incoming packet exceeds the maximum limit Face.getMaxNdnPacketSize()");

Example #5
 public void seek(long desired)
     if (desired == 0 && bytes.Count == 0)
     int i = 0;
     foreach (DiskRange curRange in bytes)
         if (desired == 0 && curRange.getData().remaining() == 0)
         if (curRange.getOffset() <= desired &&
             (desired - curRange.getOffset()) < curRange.getLength())
             currentOffset = desired;
             currentRange = i;
             this.range = curRange.getData().duplicate();
             int pos = range.position();
             pos += (int)(desired - curRange.getOffset()); // this is why we duplicate
     // if they are seeking to the precise end, go ahead and let them go there
     int segments = bytes.Count;
     if (segments != 0 && desired == bytes[segments - 1].getEnd())
         currentOffset = desired;
         currentRange = segments - 1;
         DiskRange curRange = bytes[currentRange];
         this.range = curRange.getData().duplicate();
         int pos = range.position();
         pos += (int)(desired - curRange.getOffset()); // this is why we duplicate
     throw new ArgumentException("Seek in " + name + " to " +
       desired + " is outside of the data");
Example #6
 private void seek(long desired)
     if (desired == 0 && bytes.Count == 0)
     int i = 0;
     foreach (DiskRange range in bytes)
         if (range.getOffset() <= desired && desired < range.getEnd())
             currentRange = i;
             compressed = range.getData().duplicate();
             int pos = compressed.position();
             pos += (int)(desired - range.getOffset());
             currentOffset = desired;
     // if they are seeking to the precise end, go ahead and let them go there
     int segments = bytes.Count;
     if (segments != 0 && desired == bytes[segments - 1].getEnd())
         DiskRange range = bytes[segments - 1];
         currentRange = segments - 1;
         compressed = range.getData().duplicate();
         currentOffset = desired;
     throw new IOException("Seek outside of data in " + this + " to " + desired);
 /// <summary>
 /// Call ensureCapacity to ensure there is capacity for buffer.remaining() more
 /// bytes and use buffer().put to copy.
 /// This increments the position by buffer.remaining().
 /// This does update buffer's position to its limit.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer"></param>
 public void ensuredPut(ByteBuffer buffer)
     int savePosition = buffer.position();
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Write the buffer from its position() to limit() to the output just
        /// before getLength() from the back. Advance getLength() of the output. This
        /// does NOT change buffer.position(). Note that this does not encode a type
        /// and length; for that see writeBlobTlv.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"></param>
        public void writeBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)
            if (buffer == null)

            // Write backwards.
            int position = output_.setRemainingFromBack(output_.remaining()
                    + buffer.remaining());
            int saveBufferValuePosition = buffer.position();
            // Restore positions after put.
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse the data from the input buffer recursively and return the root as an
 /// object of a subclass of DerNode.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="inputBuf"></param>
 /// <returns>An object of a subclass of DerNode.</returns>
 public static DerNode parse(ByteBuffer inputBuf)
     return parse(inputBuf, inputBuf.position());
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Write the value to result, escaping characters according to the NDN URI
 /// Scheme.
 /// This also adds "..." to a value with zero or more ".".
 /// This does not add a type code prefix such as "sha256digest=".
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <param name="result">The StringBuffer to write to.</param>
 public static void toEscapedString(ByteBuffer value_ren, StringBuilder result)
     bool gotNonDot = false;
     for (int i = value_ren.position(); i < value_ren.limit(); ++i) {
         if (value_ren.get(i) != 0x2e) {
             gotNonDot = true;
     if (!gotNonDot) {
         // Special case for component of zero or more periods.  Add 3 periods.
         for (int i_0 = value_ren.position(); i_0 < value_ren.limit(); ++i_0)
     } else {
         for (int i_1 = value_ren.position(); i_1 < value_ren.limit(); ++i_1) {
             int x = ((int) value_ren.get(i_1) & 0xff);
             // Check for 0-9, A-Z, a-z, (+), (-), (.), (_)
             if (x >= 0x30 && x <= 0x39 || x >= 0x41 && x <= 0x5a
                     || x >= 0x61 && x <= 0x7a || x == 0x2b || x == 0x2d
                     || x == 0x2e || x == 0x5f)
                 result.append((char) x);
             else {
                 if (x < 16)
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Write a hex string of the contents of buffer from position to limit to the
 /// output.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param>
 /// <returns>A string of hex bytes.</returns>
 /// <param name="output">The StringBuffer to write to.</param>
 public static void toHex(ByteBuffer buffer, StringBuilder output)
     for (int i = buffer.position(); i < buffer.limit(); ++i) {
         String hex = ILOG.J2CsMapping.Util.IlNumber.ToString((int) buffer.get(i) & 0xff,16);
         if (hex.Length <= 1)
             // Append the leading zero.
Example #12
 public void output(ByteBuffer buffer)
     _output.Write(buffer.array(), buffer.arrayOffset() + buffer.position(), buffer.remaining());
 private static int readByteBuffer(Stream file, ByteBuffer dest)
     int pos = dest.position();
     int result = dest.readRemaining(file);
     if (result > 0)
         // Ensure this explicitly since versions before 2.7 read doesn't do it.
         dest.position(pos + result);
     return result;
 public static void readDirect(Stream file, int len, ByteBuffer directBuf)
     // TODO: HDFS API is a mess, so handle all kinds of cases.
     // Before 2.7, read() also doesn't adjust position correctly, so track it separately.
     int pos = directBuf.position(), startPos = pos, endPos = pos + len;
         while (pos < endPos)
             int count = readByteBuffer(file, directBuf);
             if (count < 0) throw new EndOfStreamException();
             Debug.Assert(count != 0, "0-length read: " + (endPos - pos) + "@" + (pos - startPos));
             pos += count;
             Debug.Assert(pos <= endPos, "Position " + pos + " > " + endPos + " after reading " + count);
     catch (NotSupportedException)
         Debug.Assert(pos == startPos);
         // Happens in q files and such.
         RecordReaderImpl.LOG.error("Stream does not support direct read; we will copy.");
         byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
         file.readFully(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
     directBuf.limit(startPos + len);
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the HMAC with SHA-256 of data, as defined in
        /// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2104#section-2 .
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">The key byte array.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The input byte buffer. This does not change the position.</param>
        /// <returns>The HMAC result.</returns>
        public static byte[] computeHmacWithSha256(byte[] key, ByteBuffer data)
            using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(key)) {
            // Copy the buffer to an array.
            var array = new byte[data.remaining()];
            int savePosition = data.position();

            return hmac.ComputeHash(array);
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the sha-256 digest of data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The input byte buffer. This does not change the position.</param>
        /// <returns>The digest.</returns>
        public static byte[] digestSha256(ByteBuffer data)
            // Copy the buffer to an array.
              var array = new byte[data.remaining()];
              int savePosition = data.position();

              return sha256_.ComputeHash(array);
 /// <summary>
 /// Call ensureCapacity to ensure there is capacity for (limit - position) more
 /// bytes and use buffer().put to copy.
 /// This increments the position by (limit - position).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer"></param>
 /// <param name="position">The position in buffer to copy from.</param>
 /// <param name="limit">The limit in buffer to copy from.</param>
 public void ensuredPut(ByteBuffer buffer, int position, int limit)
     ensureRemainingCapacity(limit - position);
     int savePosition = buffer.position();
     int saveLimit = buffer.limit();
     try {
     } finally {
         // put updates buffer's position and limit, so restore.
Example #18
 // Doubles the size of the ByteBuffer, and copies the old data towards the
 // end of the new buffer (since we build the buffer backwards).
 internal virtual ByteBuffer growByteBuffer(ByteBuffer bb)
     sbyte[] old_buf = bb.array();
     int old_buf_size = old_buf.Length;
     if ((old_buf_size & 0xC0000000) != 0) // Ensure we don't grow beyond what fits in an int.
         throw new AssertionError("FlatBuffers: cannot grow buffer beyond 2 gigabytes.");
     int new_buf_size = old_buf_size << 1;
     sbyte[] new_buf = new sbyte[new_buf_size];
     Array.Copy(old_buf, 0, new_buf, new_buf_size - old_buf_size, old_buf_size);
     ByteBuffer nbb = newByteBuffer(new_buf);
     return nbb;
Example #19
 private void getNewInputBuffer()
     if (codec == null)
         current = ByteBuffer.allocate(_bufferSize);
         current = ByteBuffer.allocate(_bufferSize + HEADER_SIZE);
         writeHeader(current, 0, _bufferSize, true);
Example #20
            /// <summary>
            /// Create a new DerInteger from the bytes in the buffer. If bytes represent
            /// a positive integer, you must ensure that the first byte is less than 0x80.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="buffer"></param>
            /// <exception cref="DerEncodingException">if the first byte is not less than 0x80.</exception>
            public DerInteger(ByteBuffer buffer)
                : base(net.named_data.jndn.encoding.der.DerNodeType.Integer)
                if (buffer.remaining() > 0
                        && (((int) buffer.get(buffer.position())) & 0xff) >= 0x80)
                    throw new DerEncodingException(
                            "DerInteger: Negative integers are not currently supported");

                if (buffer.remaining() == 0)
                    payload_.ensuredPut((byte) 0);

Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Set data to the host.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The buffer of data to send.  This reads from position() to 
        /// limit(), but does not change the position.</param>
        public override void send(ByteBuffer data)
            if (socket_ == null)
            throw new System.IO.IOException
              ("Cannot send because the socket is not open.  Use connect.");

              // ByteBuffer is readonly so we can't call array(), and we can't do a low-level
              //   operation on the array, so we have to copy.
              var buffer = new byte[data.remaining()];
              int savePosition = data.position();

         * Decodes bytes starting at the current position of the given input buffer,
         * and writes the equivalent character sequence into the given output buffer
         * from its current position.
         * <p>
         * The buffers' position will be changed with the reading and writing
         * operation, but their limits and marks will be kept intact.
         * <p>
         * A <code>CoderResult</code> instance will be returned according to
         * following rules:
         * <ul>
         * <li>{@link CoderResult#OVERFLOW CoderResult.OVERFLOW} indicates that
         * even though not all of the input has been processed, the buffer the
         * output is being written to has reached its capacity. In the event of this
         * code being returned this method should be called once more with an
         * <code>out</code> argument that has not already been filled.</li>
         * <li>{@link CoderResult#UNDERFLOW CoderResult.UNDERFLOW} indicates that
         * as many bytes as possible in the input buffer have been decoded. If there
         * is no further input and no remaining bytes in the input buffer then this
         * operation may be regarded as complete. Otherwise, this method should be
         * called once more with additional input.</li>
         * <li>A {@link CoderResult#malformedForLength(int) malformed input} result
         * indicates that some malformed input error has been encountered, and the
         * erroneous bytes start at the input buffer's position and their number can
         * be got by result's {@link CoderResult#length() length}. This kind of
         * result can be returned only if the malformed action is
         * {@link CodingErrorAction#REPORT CodingErrorAction.REPORT}. </li>
         * <li>A {@link CoderResult#unmappableForLength(int) unmappable character}
         * result indicates that some unmappable character error has been
         * encountered, and the erroneous bytes start at the input buffer's position
         * and their number can be got by result's
         * {@link CoderResult#length() length}. This kind of result can be returned
         * only if the unmappable character action is
         * {@link CodingErrorAction#REPORT CodingErrorAction.REPORT}. </li>
         * </ul>
         * <p>
         * The <code>endOfInput</code> parameter indicates that the invoker cannot
         * provide further input. This parameter is true if and only if the bytes in
         * current input buffer are all inputs for this decoding operation. Note
         * that it is common and won't cause an error if the invoker sets false and
         * then can't provide more input, while it may cause an error if the invoker
         * always sets true in several consecutive invocations. This would make the
         * remaining input to be treated as malformed input.
         * <p>
         * This method invokes the
         * {@link #decodeLoop(ByteBuffer, CharBuffer) decodeLoop} method to
         * implement the basic decode logic for a specific charset.
         * @param in
         *            the input buffer.
         * @param out
         *            the output buffer.
         * @param endOfInput
         *            true if all the input characters have been provided.
         * @return a <code>CoderResult</code> instance which indicates the reason
         *         of termination.
         * @throws IllegalStateException
         *             if decoding has started or no more input is needed in this
         *             decoding progress.
         * @throws CoderMalfunctionError
         *             if the {@link #decodeLoop(ByteBuffer, CharBuffer) decodeLoop}
         *             method threw an <code>BufferUnderflowException</code> or
         *             <code>BufferOverflowException</code>.
        public CoderResult decode(ByteBuffer inJ, CharBuffer outJ,
                bool endOfInput)
             * status check
            if ((status == FLUSH) || (!endOfInput && status == END)) {
                throw new java.lang.IllegalStateException();

            CoderResult result = null;

            // begin to decode
            while (true) {
                CodingErrorAction action = null;
                try {
                    result = decodeLoop(inJ, outJ);
                } catch (BufferOverflowException ex) {
                    // unexpected exception
                    throw new CoderMalfunctionError(ex);
                } catch (BufferUnderflowException ex) {
                    // unexpected exception
                    throw new CoderMalfunctionError(ex);

                 * result handling
                if (result.isUnderflow()) {
                    int remaining = inJ.remaining(); // WHY inJ.remaining() == 1?
                    status = endOfInput ? END : ONGOING;
                    if (endOfInput && remaining > 0) {
                        result = CoderResult.malformedForLength(remaining);
                    } else {
                        return result;
                if (result.isOverflow()) {
                    return result;
                // set coding error handle action
                action = malformAction;
                if (result.isUnmappable()) {
                    action = unmapAction;
                // If the action is IGNORE or REPLACE, we should continue decoding.
                if (action == CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) {
                    if (outJ.remaining() < replace.length()) {
                        return CoderResult.OVERFLOW;
                } else {
                    if (action != CodingErrorAction.IGNORE)
                        return result;
                inJ.position(inJ.position() + result.length());
	     * Send an object through the telemetry link.
	     * @throws IOException
	     * @param[in] obj Object handle to send
	     * @param[in] type Transaction type \return Success (true), Failure (false)
        private bool transmitSingleObject(UAVObject obj, int type, bool allInstances)
            int length;
            int allInstId = uavConsts.ALL_INSTANCES;

            ByteBuffer bbuf = new ByteBuffer(uavConsts.MAX_PACKET_LENGTH);
            // Determine data length
            if (type == uavConsts.TYPE_OBJ_REQ || type == uavConsts.TYPE_ACK)
                length = 0;
                length = obj.getNumBytes();

            // Setup type and object id fields
            bbuf.put((byte)(uavConsts.SYNC_VAL & 0xff));
            bbuf.put((byte)(type & 0xff));
            bbuf.putShort((UInt16)(length + 2 /* SYNC, Type */+ 2 /* Size */+ 4 /* ObjID */+ (obj
                            .isSingleInstance() ? 0 : 2)));

            // Setup instance ID if one is required
            if (!obj.isSingleInstance())
                // Check if all instances are requested
                if (allInstances)
                    bbuf.putShort((UInt16)(allInstId & 0xffff));
                    bbuf.putShort((UInt16)(obj.getInstID() & 0xffff));

            // Check length
            if (length >= uavConsts.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH)
                return false;

            // Copy data (if any)
            if (length > 0)
                    if (obj.pack(bbuf) == 0)
                        return false;
                catch (Exception e)
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                    return false;

            // Calculate checksum
            bbuf.put((byte)(CRC.updateCRC(0, bbuf.array(), bbuf.position()) & 0xff));

            int packlen = bbuf.position();
            byte[] dst = new byte[packlen];
            bbuf.get(dst, 0, packlen);

            if (type == uavConsts.TYPE_OBJ_ACK || type == uavConsts.TYPE_OBJ_REQ)
                // Once we send a UAVTalk packet that requires an ack or object let's set up
                // the transaction here
                setupTransaction(obj, allInstances, type);


            // Update stats
            txStats.Bytes += bbuf.position();
            txStats.ObjectBytes += length;

            // Done
            return true;