Example #1
        private Sketch Normalize(Sketch original)
            Sketch sketch = SketchTools.Clone(original);

            sketch = SketchTransformation.Resample(sketch, N);
            sketch = SketchTransformation.ScaleSquare(sketch, Size);
            sketch = SketchTransformation.TranslateCentroid(sketch, K);

Example #2
        private bool StrokeSpeedTest(Sketch model, Sketch input)
            // skip this test if the stroke counts do not match up
            if (!StrokeCountResult)

            // make copies of the model and input strokes
            model = SketchTools.Clone(model);
            input = SketchTools.Clone(input);

            long modelTimespans = 0;
            long factor         = 2;

            foreach (List <long> modelTimes in model.Times)
                int  modelCount    = modelTimes.Count;
                long modelFirst    = modelTimes[0];
                long modelLast     = modelTimes[modelCount - 1];
                long modelTimespan = modelLast - modelFirst;

                modelTimespans += modelTimespan;
            modelTimespans /= factor;

            List <long> inputFirstTimes = input.Times[0];
            List <long> inputLastTimes  = input.Times[input.Times.Count - 1];
            long        inputFirstTime  = inputFirstTimes[0];
            long        inputLastTime   = inputLastTimes[inputLastTimes.Count - 1];
            long        inputTimespans  = inputLastTime - inputFirstTime;

            //Debug.WriteLine($"Model Timespan: {modelTimespans}");
            //Debug.WriteLine($"Input Timespan: {inputTimespans}");
            //Debug.WriteLine($"Difference: {modelTimespans - inputTimespans}");

            return(modelTimespans - inputTimespans > 0);
Example #3
        private bool StrokeOrderTest(Sketch model, Sketch input)
            // skip this test if the stroke counts do not match up
            if (!StrokeCountResult)

            // clone the model and input sketches
            input = SketchTools.Clone(input);
            model = SketchTools.Clone(model);

            // get the corresponding model and input strokes
            List <InkStroke> inputStrokes = new List <InkStroke>(input.Strokes);
            List <InkStroke> modelStrokes = new List <InkStroke>(model.Strokes);

            // sort the input strokes by corresponding model strokes' path length
            var tuples = new List <Tuple <double, int, InkStroke> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputStrokes.Count; ++i)
                InkStroke modelStroke = modelStrokes[i];
                InkStroke inputStroke = inputStrokes[i];
                double    pathLength  = SketchTransformation.PathLength(modelStroke);

                var tuple = new Tuple <double, int, InkStroke>(pathLength, i, inputStroke);
            tuples.Sort((x, y) => x.Item1.CompareTo(y.Item1));

            // pair the input strokes with their corresponding temporal stroke order
            inputStrokes = new List <InkStroke>();
            List <int> temporalOrders = new List <int>();

            foreach (var tuple in tuples)

            // iterate through each input stroke
            List <int>       strokeOrders = new List <int>();
            InkStrokeBuilder builder      = new InkStrokeBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputStrokes.Count; ++i)
                // get the current input stroke and times, and its reverse
                InkStroke   inputStroke   = inputStrokes[i];
                List <long> inputTimes    = input.Times[i];
                InkStroke   reverseStroke = SketchTools.Reverse(inputStroke);

                // iterate through each model stroke
                double minValue = double.MaxValue;
                int    minIndex = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < modelStrokes.Count; ++j)
                    // skip nullified model strokes
                    if (modelStrokes[j] == null)

                    // get the current model stroke, point count, and sketch
                    InkStroke   modelStroke    = model.Strokes[j];
                    List <long> modelTimes     = model.Times[j];
                    int         numModelPoints = modelStroke.GetInkPoints().Count;
                    Sketch      modelSketch    = new Sketch("", new List <InkStroke>()
                    }, new List <List <long> >()
                    }, model.FrameMinX, model.FrameMinY, model.FrameMaxX, model.FrameMaxY);

                    // clone the current input and reverse strokes, and wrap into sketch
                    inputStroke   = SketchTools.Clone(inputStroke);
                    reverseStroke = SketchTools.Clone(reverseStroke);
                    Sketch inputSketch = new Sketch("", new List <InkStroke>()
                    }, new List <List <long> >()
                    }, input.FrameMinX, input.FrameMinY, input.FrameMaxX, input.FrameMaxY);
                    Sketch reverseSketch = new Sketch("", new List <InkStroke>()
                    }, new List <List <long> >()
                    }, input.FrameMinX, input.FrameMinY, input.FrameMaxX, input.FrameMaxY);
                    inputSketch   = SketchTransformation.Resample(inputSketch, numModelPoints);
                    reverseSketch = SketchTransformation.Resample(reverseSketch, numModelPoints);

                    // calculate the distance between the two sketches and add to the list
                    double distance1 = SketchTools.PairwiseDistance(inputSketch.Strokes[0], modelStroke);
                    double distance2 = SketchTools.PairwiseDistance(reverseSketch.Strokes[0], modelStroke);
                    double distance  = Math.Min(distance1, distance2);

                    // determine minimum property
                    if (distance < minValue)
                        minValue = distance;
                        minIndex = j;

                // add the stroke index to the list

                // nullify the stroke for comparison
                modelStrokes[minIndex] = null;

            // pair the temporal stroke order with the actual stroke order, and then sort by the temporal stroke order
            var pairs = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < temporalOrders.Count; ++i)
                int temporalOrder = temporalOrders[i];
                int strokeOrder   = strokeOrders[i];

                var pair = new Tuple <int, int>(temporalOrder, strokeOrder);
            pairs.Sort((x, y) => x.Item1.CompareTo(y.Item1));

            // get the list of assigned stroke order
            strokeOrders = new List <int>();
            foreach (var pair in pairs)
            myStrokeOrders = strokeOrders;

            // determine stroke order correctness
            bool isOrdered = true;

            for (int i = 1; i < myStrokeOrders.Count; ++i)
                int prevIndex = myStrokeOrders[i - 1];
                int currIndex = myStrokeOrders[i];

                if (prevIndex >= currIndex)
                    isOrdered = false;
Example #4
        private bool StrokeDirectionTest(Sketch model, Sketch input)
            // skip this test if the stroke counts do not match up
            if (!StrokeCountResult)

            // make copies of the model and input strokes
            model = SketchTools.Clone(model);
            input = SketchTools.Clone(input);

            // iterate through each model stroke
            myStrokeDirections = new List <bool>();

            // iterate through each input stroke
            bool isDirected = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Strokes.Count; ++i)
                // get the corresponding model stroke, points, and point count
                int             modelIndex     = myStrokeOrders[i];
                InkStroke       modelStroke    = model.Strokes[modelIndex];
                List <InkPoint> modelPoints    = new List <InkPoint>(modelStroke.GetInkPoints());
                int             numModelPoints = modelPoints.Count;

                // wrap the current input stroke into a sketch, then resample to match model stroke
                InkStroke   inputStroke = input.Strokes[i];
                List <long> inputTimes  = input.Times[i];
                Sketch      inputSketch = new Sketch("", new List <InkStroke>()
                }, new List <List <long> > {
                }, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                // resample the input stroke's points to match the current model stroke's points
                inputSketch = SketchTools.Clone(inputSketch);
                inputSketch = SketchTransformation.Resample(inputSketch, modelPoints.Count);
                inputStroke = inputSketch.Strokes[0];

                // get the number of points to iterate between the corresponding model and input stroke
                int numInputPoints = inputStroke.GetInkPoints().Count;
                int count          = numModelPoints < numInputPoints ? numModelPoints : numInputPoints;

                // calculate the distances both forward and backwards between the model and input strokes
                double distances1 = 0.0;
                double distances2 = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0, k = count - 1; j < count; ++j, --k)
                    InkPoint modelPoint  = modelStroke.GetInkPoints()[j];
                    InkPoint inputPoint1 = inputStroke.GetInkPoints()[j];
                    InkPoint inputPoint2 = inputStroke.GetInkPoints()[k];

                    distances1 += SketchTransformation.Distance(modelPoint, inputPoint1);
                    distances2 += SketchTransformation.Distance(modelPoint, inputPoint2);

                // get the stroke direction correctness for each corresponding model and input strokes
                bool result = distances1 < distances2 ? true : false;

                // flag the entire stroke direction as incorrect if one stroke direction is incorrect
                if (!result)
                    isDirected = false;

Example #5
 public void Train(Sketch model, Sketch input)
     // set the model and input sketches
     myModel = SketchTools.Clone(model);
     myInput = SketchTools.Clone(input);