public void collision(Missile m) { if (!BasicObjet.colitionTest(this, m)) { int decX = (int)(m.position.x - this.position.x); // _|_ int decY = (int)(m.position.y - this.position.y); bool firstTouch=false; for (int i = 0; i < m.img.Width; i++) for (int ip = 0; ip < m.img.Height; ip++) { if (Color.Black.B == m.img.GetPixel(i, ip).B) { if (0 <= (i + decX) && (i + decX) < img.Width && 0 <= (ip + decY) && (ip + decY) < img.Height && img.GetPixel(i + decX, ip + decY).B == Color.Black.B) { if (!firstTouch) {; firstTouch = !firstTouch; } this.img.SetPixel(i + decX, ip + decY, Color.White); } } } } }
public static Missile create(Missile.MissileName m, float x, float y, PlayerShip player) { Missile node = new Missile(x, y, player); GameObject missile = GameObjectManager.find(GameObject.Name.Missiles); GameObjectManager.insert(node, missile); Debug.Assert(node.Spr != null); Instance.batch.attach(node.Spr); SpriteBatchManager.attachToGroup(node.ColObj.Spr, BatchGroup.BatchType.Collisions); return node; }
/// <summary> /// add misile to the munition /// </summary> /// <param name="mis"></param> /// <param name="num"></param> public void addMisile( Missile mis, int num ) { List<Tuple<Missile, int[]>> a = this.listMissile.FindAll(pi => pi.Equals(mis)); if (a != null && a.Count != 0) { foreach (Tuple<Missile, int[]> sa in a) { sa.Item2[0] = sa.Item2[0] + num; } } else { if (mis != null && num > 0 || num == -1) { int[] tab = new int[1]; tab[0] = num; this.listMissile.Add(new Tuple<Missile, int[]>(mis, tab)); } } }
public override void Notify() { // Delete missile //Debug.WriteLine("ShipRemoveMissileObserver: {0} {1}", this.pSubject.pObjA, this.pSubject.pObjB); // At this point we have two game objects // Actually we can control the objects in the visitor // Alphabetical ordering... A is missile, B is wall // This cast will throw an exception if I'm wrong this.pMissile = (Missile)this.pSubject.pObjA; this.pSubB = this.pSubject.pObjB; if (pMissile.bMarkForDeath == false) { pMissile.bMarkForDeath = true; // Delay - remove object later // TODO - reduce the new functions ShipRemoveMissileObserver pObserver = new ShipRemoveMissileObserver(this); DelayedObjectManager.Attach(pObserver); } }
public ShipRemoveMissileObserverAltPair(ShipRemoveMissileObserverAltPair m) { Debug.Assert(m.pMissile != null); this.pMissile = m.pMissile; }
//------------------------------------- public virtual void VisitMissile(Missile m) { // no differed to subcass Debug.WriteLine("Visit by Missile not implemented"); Debug.Assert(false); }
public abstract void Collision(Missile m);
public RemoveMissileObserver(RemoveMissileObserver m) { Debug.Assert(m != null); this.pMissile = m.pMissile; }
protected abstract void OnCollision(Missile m, int numberOfPixelsInCollision);
// Wątek wykonuje zadanie public void ThreadProc() { while (true) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { enemyShip.MoveTo(x, y); })); if (x < 10)//sprawdza czy statek doleciał do końca lini { endLine = true; } if (x > 700)//sprawdza czy statek doleciał do końca lini { endLine = true; } if (endLine == true && isMovingRigth == true)//jeśłi statek doleciał do końca lini sprawdza kierunek w którym leciał i zmienia go { isMovingRigth = false; endLine = false; } if (endLine == true && isMovingRigth == false) { isMovingRigth = true; endLine = false; } if (isMovingRigth == true)//ustalenie następnej pozycji statku { x += enemyShip.GetSpeed(); } if (isMovingRigth == false)//ustalenie następnej pozycji statku { x -= enemyShip.GetSpeed(); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { for (int i = 0; i < Globals.playerMissiles.Count(); i++) { //Sprawdzenie czy przeciwnik zostal trafiony rakietą przez gracza if (Globals.playerMissiles[i].y > y - 50 && Globals.playerMissiles[i].y <y + 50 && Globals.playerMissiles[i].x> x - 50 && Globals.playerMissiles[i].x < x + 50) // Wystąpienie kolizji { //Sprawdzenie ile zycia posiada przeciwnik if (enemyShip.GetLifes() > 0) { int gundmg = player.gundmg; enemyShip.RemoveLife(gundmg); // Usuniecie ilości życia równej obrażeniom gracza } else // Jezeli przeciwnik straci cale życie jest niszczony { enemyShip.GetImage().Source = null; Globals.points++; MainWindow.main.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate() { MainWindow.main.ScorePoints = Globals.points.ToString(); })); // MainWindow.main.LifePoints = Globals.points.ToString(); dead = true; Globals.shipCounter--; } Globals.playerMissiles[i].dynamicImage.Source = null; Globals.playerMissiles.RemoveAt(i); if (dead == true) { break; } } } })); if (dead == true) { break; } Thread.Sleep(100); missileCounter++; if (missileCounter % 50 == 0) // Pociski enemyShip { Missile miss = new Missile(map, enemyShip.GetGunDmg()); FlyingMissile missile = new FlyingMissile(miss, this.x, this.y, player); Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(missile.ThreadProc)); t.Start(); } } }
public override void Execute() { GameObject pA = (GameObject)this.pAlien; GameObject pB = (GameObject)Iterator.GetParent(pA); float x = this.pAlien.x; float y = this.pAlien.y; AlienGrid pGrid = (AlienGrid)this.pAlien.pParent.pParent; pGrid.nNumActive--; pA.Remove(); // TODO: Need a better way... if (privCheckParent(pB) == true) { GameObject pC = (GameObject)Iterator.GetParent(pB); pB.Remove(); if (privCheckParent(pC) == true) { pC.Remove(); } } Missile pMissile = (Missile)this.pGameObj; Player pPlayer = pMissile.pPlayer; // Font.Name pFontName = Font.Name.Uninitialized; if (this.pGameObj is MissileCategory) { pPlayer.nPoints += this.pAlien.GetPoints(); Font pScore = null; if (pPlayer.n == 1) { pScore = FontMan.Find(Font.Name.Score1Value); pFontName = Font.Name.Score1Value; } if (pPlayer.n == 2) { pScore = FontMan.Find(Font.Name.Score2Value); pFontName = Font.Name.Score2Value; } pScore.Set(pFontName, pPlayer.nPoints.ToString(), Glyph.Name.Consolas20pt, pScore.pFontSprite.x, pScore.pFontSprite.y); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Sound //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SoundMan.PlaySound(Sound.Name.InvaderKilled); TimeEvent pTimeEvent = TimerMan.Find(TimeEvent.Name.ScenePlaySound); pTimeEvent.deltaTime -= 0.01f; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Explosion //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explosion explosion = new Explosion(GameObject.Name.Explosion, GameSprite.Name.Explosion, x, y); SpriteBatch pSB_Aliens = SpriteBatchMan.Find(SpriteBatch.Name.Aliens); explosion.ActivateGameSprite(pSB_Aliens); GameObjectMan.Attach(explosion); TimerMan.Add(TimeEvent.Name.RemoveExplosion, new RemoveExplosionCommand(explosion), 0.25f); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Scene Transition //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (pGrid.nNumActive == 0 && pPlayer.nCurrLevel == 1) { PlayerMan.WriteHighScores(); pPlayer.nCurrLevel++; SceneContext.GetState().Initialize(); if (SceneContext.bMultiplayer) { SceneContext.SetState(SceneContext.Scene.MultiPlay); } else { SceneContext.SetState(SceneContext.Scene.SinglePlay); } } else if (pGrid.nNumActive == 0 && pPlayer.nCurrLevel == 2) { PlayerMan.WriteHighScores(); SceneContext.SetState(SceneContext.Scene.Credits); } }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile m) { GameObject pGameObj = Iterator.GetChildGameObject(this); CollisionPair.Collide(m, pGameObj); }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile m) { // Missile vs Wall-Bottom //Does nothing, here to prevent crashing. }
public override void visitMissile(Missile v, CollisionPair p) { p.collision(v, (GameObject)this.child); }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile m) { // Missile vs WallRoot ColPair.Collide(m, (GameObject)this.pChild); }
public void UpdatePlaying(GameTime currentTime) // Main gameplay { Ticks = Ticks + currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; // Invader movement if (Ticks > 500) { // Invader sideways movement for (int rows = 0; rows < 5; rows++) { for (int cols = 0; cols < 11; cols++) { if (InvaderDir.Equals("Right")) { InvaderArray[rows, cols].X = InvaderArray[rows, cols].X + InvaderSpd; } if (InvaderDir.Equals("Left")) { InvaderArray[rows, cols].X = InvaderArray[rows, cols].X - InvaderSpd; } } } // Invader Limits string ChangeDir = "No"; for (int rows = 0; rows < 5; rows++) { for (int cols = 0; cols < 11; cols++) { if (InvaderLiving[rows, cols].Equals("Yes")) { if (InvaderArray[rows, cols].X + InvaderArray[rows, cols].Width > 870) { InvaderDir = "Left"; ChangeDir = "Yes"; } if (InvaderArray[rows, cols].X < 30) { InvaderDir = "Right"; ChangeDir = "Yes"; } } } } // Invader downward movement if (ChangeDir.Equals("Yes")) { for (int rows = 0; rows < 5; rows++) { for (int cols = 0; cols < 11; cols++) { InvaderArray[rows, cols].Y = InvaderArray[rows, cols].Y + 8; } } } Ticks = 0; } // Gunship control if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { ShipXPos = ShipXPos + 3; } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { ShipXPos = ShipXPos - 3; } //Gunship limits if (ShipXPos < 15) { ShipXPos = 15; } if (ShipXPos > 780) { ShipXPos = 780; } // Firing missile if (ShotsFired != null) // Moves missile when it is visible { ShotsFired.Move(); } if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) & ShotsFired == null) // Fires missile when space is pressed { ShotsFired = new Missile(ShipXPos + 45, 565); } if (ShotsFired != null) // Deletes the missile when it passes the top of the screen { if (ShotsFired.GetMissilePos().Y < 0) { ShotsFired = null; } } // Missile/invader collision detection if (ShotsFired != null) { MissileHitbox = new Rectangle((int)ShotsFired.GetMissilePos().X, (int)ShotsFired.GetMissilePos().Y, Missile.Width, Missile.Height); for (int rows = 0; rows < 5; rows++) { for (int cols = 0; cols < 11; cols++) { if (InvaderLiving[rows, cols].Equals("Yes")) { if (MissileHitbox.Intersects(InvaderArray[rows, cols])) { ShotsFired = null; InvaderLiving[rows, cols] = "No"; Score = Score + 50; } } } } } // Gunship/Invader collision detection ShipHitbox = new Rectangle(ShipXPos, 565, Gunship.Width, Gunship.Height); for (int rows = 0; rows < 5; rows++) { for (int cols = 0; cols < 11; cols++) { if (InvaderLiving[rows, cols].Equals("Yes")) { if (InvaderArray[rows, cols].Y + InvaderArray[rows, cols].Height > ShipHitbox.Y) { GameState = 3; } } } } // Speeds up invaders when they reach a certain point for (int rows = 0; rows < 5; rows++) { for (int cols = 0; cols < 11; cols++) { if (InvaderLiving[rows, cols].Equals("Yes")) { if (InvaderArray[rows, cols].Y > 350) { InvaderSpd = 30; } } } } int Count = 0; for (int rows = 0; rows < 5; rows++) { for (int cols = 0; cols < 11; cols++) { if (InvaderLiving[rows, cols].Equals("Yes")) { Count = Count + 1; } } } // Finishes when all invaders killed if (Count == 0) { this.Exit(); } }
public override void visitMissile(Missile m, CollisionPair p) { p.collision((GameObject)this.Child, m); }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile pMissile) { CollisionPair.Collide(pMissile, (GameObject)this.pChild); }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile m) { }
public virtual void VisitMissile(Missile m) { Debug.WriteLine("Visit by Missile not implemented"); Debug.Assert(false); }
protected virtual void PlayerTwoInit(GameManager pGameManager) { float levelSpeed = 0.75f / pGameManager.pActivePlayer.level; pGameManager.poPlayer2.pGrid = InvaderGridManager.GenerateGrid(pGameManager.pActivePlayer.level); //Debug.WriteLine("Generated Grid ({0}) for P2", pGameManager.poPlayer2.pGrid.GetHashCode()); pGameManager.poPlayer2.pShieldZone = ShieldBuilder.CreateShieldZone(175, 300, 150, 4); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create GameSpace and Wall Objects //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WallManager pWallMan = new WallManager(); //Debug.WriteLine("WallLeft Consts x: {0}, y:{1}, width:{2}, height:{3}", Constants.leftWallXPos, Constants.leftWallYPos, Constants.leftWallWidth, Constants.leftWallHeight); //Debug.WriteLine("WallRight Consts x: {0}, y:{1}, width:{2}, height:{3}", Constants.rightWallXPos, Constants.rightWallYPos, Constants.rightWallWidth, Constants.rightWallHeight); //Debug.WriteLine("Ceiling Consts x: {0}, y:{1}, width:{2}, height:{3}", Constants.ceilingXPos, Constants.ceilingYPos, Constants.ceilingWidth, Constants.ceilingHeight); //Debug.WriteLine("Floor Consts x: {0}, y:{1}, width:{2}, height:{3}", Constants.floorXPos, Constants.floorYPos, Constants.floorWidth, Constants.floorHeight); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up Sprite Animations //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up animations for the 3 basic Invaders AnimationSprite pSmInvaderAnim = new AnimationSprite(Sprite.Name.SmallInvader); pSmInvaderAnim.Attach(Image.Name.SmallInvader1); pSmInvaderAnim.Attach(Image.Name.SmallInvader2); AnimationSprite pMedInvaderAnim = new AnimationSprite(Sprite.Name.MediumInvader); pMedInvaderAnim.Attach(Image.Name.MediumInvader1); pMedInvaderAnim.Attach(Image.Name.MediumInvader2); AnimationSprite pLgInvaderAnim = new AnimationSprite(Sprite.Name.LargeInvader); pLgInvaderAnim.Attach(Image.Name.LargeInvader1); pLgInvaderAnim.Attach(Image.Name.LargeInvader2); // Add the Invader animations as timed events to the TimerManager TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.SmInvaderMarchAnimation, pSmInvaderAnim, levelSpeed); TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.MedInvaderMarchAnimation, pMedInvaderAnim, levelSpeed); TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.LgInvaderMarchAnimation, pLgInvaderAnim, levelSpeed); // Set up bomb animations AnimationSprite pBombZigZagAnim = new AnimationSprite(Sprite.Name.BombZigZag); pBombZigZagAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombZigZag1); pBombZigZagAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombZigZag2); pBombZigZagAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombZigZag3); pBombZigZagAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombZigZag4); AnimationSprite pBombDaggerAnim = new AnimationSprite(Sprite.Name.BombDagger); pBombDaggerAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombDagger1); pBombDaggerAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombDagger2); pBombDaggerAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombDagger3); pBombDaggerAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombDagger4); AnimationSprite pBombRollingAnim = new AnimationSprite(Sprite.Name.BombRolling); pBombRollingAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombRolling1); pBombRollingAnim.Attach(Image.Name.BombRolling2); // Add the bomb animations as timed events to the TimerManager TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.BombAnimation, pBombZigZagAnim, 0.25f); TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.BombAnimation, pBombDaggerAnim, 0.25f); TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.BombAnimation, pBombRollingAnim, 0.25f); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up TimedSoundEffects //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TimedSoundEffects pGridMarchingSounds = new TimedSoundEffects(); pGridMarchingSounds.Attach(Sound.Name.InvaderMarch4); pGridMarchingSounds.Attach(Sound.Name.InvaderMarch3); pGridMarchingSounds.Attach(Sound.Name.InvaderMarch2); pGridMarchingSounds.Attach(Sound.Name.InvaderMarch1); TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.GridMarchSoundEffects, pGridMarchingSounds, levelSpeed); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setting up the collisions for the player ship and missile //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ship pShip = ShipManager.ActivateShip(); Missile pMissile = ShipManager.GetMissile(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add Collision Pairs and their Observers //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Applies to both players // ship vs left wall ColPair pShip_WallLeftColPair = ColPairManager.Add(ColPair.Name.Ship_WallLeft, pShip, pWallMan.GetWallLeft()); Debug.Assert(pShip_WallLeftColPair != null); pShip_WallLeftColPair.Attach(new Ship_WallLeftObserver()); // ship vs Right wall ColPair pShip_WallRightColPair = ColPairManager.Add(ColPair.Name.Ship_WallRight, pShip, pWallMan.GetWallRight()); Debug.Assert(pShip_WallRightColPair != null); pShip_WallRightColPair.Attach(new Ship_WallRightObserver()); // Missile vs Ceiling ColPair pMissile_CeilingColPair = ColPairManager.Add(ColPair.Name.Missile_Ceiling, pMissile, pWallMan.GetCeiling()); Debug.Assert(pMissile_CeilingColPair != null); pMissile_CeilingColPair.Attach(new ShipMissileReadyObserver()); pMissile_CeilingColPair.Attach(new ShipRemoveMissileObserver()); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up Random UFO Spawns //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RandomlySpawnUFO pRandomUfoEvent = new RandomlySpawnUFO(30.0f, pMissile, pWallMan); TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.RandomlySpawnUFO, pRandomUfoEvent, 10.0f); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create Alien Grid and random bomb drops //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BombFactory pBombFactory = new BombFactory(SpriteBatch.Name.Sprites, SpriteBatch.Name.Boxes, pGameManager.poPlayer2.pGrid, pWallMan); RandomlySpawnBomb pRandomBombEvent = new RandomlySpawnBomb(2.0f, pBombFactory); TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.RandomBombSpawn, pRandomBombEvent, 2.0f); // Applies to players seperately // Set up timing for Grid and UFO motion TimeBasedMover pGridMover = new TimeBasedMover(pGameManager.poPlayer2.pGrid); TimerManager.Add(TimeEvent.Name.TimedGridMover, pGridMover, levelSpeed); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create the Shields //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Applies to each player seperately // grid vs leftwall ColPair pGrid_WallLeftColPair = ColPairManager.Add(ColPair.Name.Grid_WallLeft, pGameManager.poPlayer2.pGrid, pWallMan.GetWallLeft()); Debug.Assert(pGrid_WallLeftColPair != null); pGrid_WallLeftColPair.Attach(new Grid_WallLeftObserver()); // Grid vs rightwall ColPair pGrid_WallRightcolPair = ColPairManager.Add(ColPair.Name.Grid_WallRight, pGameManager.poPlayer2.pGrid, pWallMan.GetWallRight()); Debug.Assert(pGrid_WallRightcolPair != null); pGrid_WallRightcolPair.Attach(new Grid_WallRightObserver()); // Grid vs ship ColPair pShip_GridColPair = ColPairManager.Add(ColPair.Name.Ship_Grid, pShip, pGameManager.poPlayer2.pGrid); Debug.Assert(pShip_GridColPair != null); pShip_GridColPair.Attach(new RemoveShipObserver()); // Grid vs Missile ColPair pMissile_GridColPair = ColPairManager.Add(ColPair.Name.Missile_Grid, pMissile, pGameManager.poPlayer2.pGrid); Debug.Assert(pMissile_GridColPair != null); pMissile_GridColPair.Attach(new ShipRemoveMissileObserver()); pMissile_GridColPair.Attach(new ShipMissileReadyObserver()); pMissile_GridColPair.Attach(new RemoveInvaderObserver()); pMissile_GridColPair.Attach(new AwardPointsObserver()); // Grid vs Shields ColPair pGrid_ShieldZoneColPair = ColPairManager.Add(ColPair.Name.Grid_ShieldZone, pGameManager.poPlayer2.pGrid, pGameManager.poPlayer2.pShieldZone); pGrid_ShieldZoneColPair.Attach(new RemoveShieldBrickObserver()); // Missile vs Shields ColPair pMissile_ShieldZoneColPair = ColPairManager.Add(ColPair.Name.Missile_ShieldZone, pMissile, pGameManager.poPlayer2.pShieldZone); pMissile_ShieldZoneColPair.Attach(new ShipMissileReadyObserver()); pMissile_ShieldZoneColPair.Attach(new ShipRemoveMissileObserver()); pMissile_ShieldZoneColPair.Attach(new RemoveShieldBrickObserver()); // STORE Current State of managers into manager mementos pGameManager.poPlayer2.ArchiveManagerStates(pGameManager.pGame.GetTime()); }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile pMissile) { GameObject pGameObj = (GameObject)this.GetFirstChild(); ColPair.FwdCollide(pGameObj, pMissile); }
public override void Collision(Missile m) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile m) { GameObject pGameObject = (GameObject)Iterator.GetChild(this); ColPair.Collide(m, pGameObject); }
public override void visitMissile(Missile v, CollisionPair p) { p.notify(this, v); }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile m) { // does nothing //its okay }
// The thread performs the task public void ThreadProc() { while (true) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { enemyShip.MoveTo(x, y); })); if (x < 10) { endLine = true; } if (x > 700) { endLine = true; } if (endLine == true && isMovingRigth == true) { isMovingRigth = false; endLine = false; } if (endLine == true && isMovingRigth == false) { isMovingRigth = true; endLine = false; } if (isMovingRigth == true) { x += enemyShip.GetSpeed(); } if (isMovingRigth == false) { x -= enemyShip.GetSpeed(); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { for (int i = 0; i < Globals.playerMissiles.Count(); i++) { //Check if enemyShip was hitted by player bullet if (Globals.playerMissiles[i].y > y - 50 && Globals.playerMissiles[i].y <y + 50 && Globals.playerMissiles[i].x> x - 50 && Globals.playerMissiles[i].x < x + 50) // Collision appears { //Check how many lifes enemyShip gotS if (enemyShip.GetLifes() > 0) // If has more than 0 lifes { int gundmg = player.gundmg; enemyShip.RemoveLife(gundmg); // Remove 1 life //Debug.WriteLine("EnemyShip lost lifes, now:" + enemyShip.GetLifes()); } else // If enemyShip has no life destroy him { //Debug.WriteLine("EnemyShip destroyed, " + enemyShip.GetLifes()); enemyShip.GetImage().Source = null; Globals.points++; MainWindow.main.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate() { MainWindow.main.ScorePoints = Globals.points.ToString(); })); // MainWindow.main.LifePoints = Globals.points.ToString(); dead = true; Globals.shipCounter--; } Globals.playerMissiles[i].dynamicImage.Source = null; Globals.playerMissiles.RemoveAt(i); if (dead == true) { break; } } } })); if (dead == true) { break; } Thread.Sleep(100); missileCounter++; if (missileCounter % 50 == 0) // Pociski enemyShip { Missile miss = new Missile(map, enemyShip.GetGunDmg()); FlyingMissile missile = new FlyingMissile(miss, this.x, this.y, player); Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(missile.ThreadProc)); t.Start(); } } }
public RemoveMissileAndBombObserver(Bomb pBomb, Missile pMissile) { this.pBomb = pBomb; this.pMissile = pMissile; }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile m) { //Missile vs AlienColumn ColPair.Collide(m, (GameObject)this.pChild); }
public override void Collision(Missile m) { }
/// <summary> /// Update game /// </summary> public void Update(double deltaT) { if (currentState == GameState.Intro) { //Play "IntroMusic" sound Sounds[17].settings.volume = 200; Sounds[17]; if (Intro.timeIntro.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2000.0) { if (Intro.timeIntro.ElapsedMilliseconds > 4400.0) { intro.Move(3000, deltaT); } if (Intro.timeIntro.ElapsedMilliseconds > 9200.0) { currentState = GameState.Menu; Intro.timeIntro.Reset(); } } } else if (currentState == GameState.Menu) { mainMenu.Blink(); if (KeyDownPressed && mainMenu.currentSelection < MainMenu.DifficultyState.Hard) { mainMenu.currentSelection++; KeyDownPressed = false; //Play "Down" sound Sounds[7].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[7]; } if (KeyUpPressed && mainMenu.currentSelection > MainMenu.DifficultyState.Easy) { mainMenu.currentSelection--; KeyUpPressed = false; //Play "Up" sound Sounds[8].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[8]; } if (KeyEnterPressed) { mainMenu.LevelSelection(); if (mainMenu.currentSelection == MainMenu.DifficultyState.Easy) { //Play "Easy" sound Sounds[9].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[9]; } if (mainMenu.currentSelection == MainMenu.DifficultyState.Medium) { //Play "Medium" sound Sounds[10].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[10]; } if (mainMenu.currentSelection == MainMenu.DifficultyState.Hard) { //Play "Hard" sound Sounds[11].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[11]; } currentState = GameState.Play; } } else if (currentState == GameState.Play) { Sounds[17].controls.stop(); KeyEnterPressed = false; //Play the level music if (mainMenu.currentSelection == MainMenu.DifficultyState.Easy) { Sounds[12].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[12]; } else if (mainMenu.currentSelection == MainMenu.DifficultyState.Medium) { Sounds[13].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[13]; } else if (mainMenu.currentSelection == MainMenu.DifficultyState.Hard) { Sounds[14].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[14]; } //move left if (KeyLeftPressed) { if (playerShip != null) { if (playerShip.Position.x <= 0) { playerShip.Position.x = 0; } else { playerShip.MoveLeft(deltaT, playerSpeed); } } } //move right if (KeyRightPressed) { if (playerShip != null) { if (playerShip.Position.x >= game.gameSize.Width - playerShip.imageWidth) { playerShip.Position.x = game.gameSize.Width - playerShip.imageWidth; } else { playerShip.MoveRight(deltaT, playerSpeed); } } } //Draw missile if (KeySpacePressed) { if (playerMissile == null) { playerMissile = new Missile(new Vecteur2D(200, 200), new Vecteur2D(0, 0), 1); playerMissile.Position.x = playerShip.Position.x + playerShip.imageWidth / 2 - 1; playerMissile.Position.y = playerShip.Position.y - playerMissile.imageHeight; //Play "pew" sound Sounds[0].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[0]; } } //Move Player missile if (playerMissile != null) { playerMissile.Move(deltaT, playerMissile.Vitesse.y); } //Test Player missile collision if (playerMissile != null) { foreach (Bunker b in bunkers) { b.Collision(playerMissile); } if (enemyBlock.Collision(playerMissile)) { //Play "Boom" sound Sounds[2].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[2]; } // maybe dead if (!playerMissile.Alive) { playerMissile = null; } } //Pause the game if (KeyPPressed) { if (currentState == GameState.Play) { Sounds[12].settings.volume = 20; Sounds[13].settings.volume = 20; Sounds[14].settings.volume = 20; currentState = GameState.Pause; KeyPPressed = false; } } //Random enemy shoots if (enemyBlock != null) { foreach (SpaceShip s in enemyBlock.Ships) { enemyBlock.RandomShoot(s, deltaT); } } //Move Enemy Block and enemy's missiles if (enemyBlock != null) { enemyBlock.Move(deltaT); List <Missile> index = new List <Missile>(); List <Bunker> indexBunker = new List <Bunker>();; foreach (Missile m in missiles) { m.Move(deltaT, m.Vitesse.y); foreach (Bunker b in bunkers) { if (b.Collision(m)) { index.Add(m); } } if (playerShip.Collision(m)) { playerShip.Position = new Vecteur2D(gameSize.Width / 2 - space_invaders.Properties.Resources.ship1.Width / 2, gameSize.Height - space_invaders.Properties.Resources.ship1.Height); index.Add(m); //Play "Touched" sound Sounds[6].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[6]; } } if (index.Count != 0) { foreach (Missile m in index) { missiles.Remove(m); } } foreach (Bunker b in bunkers) { if (enemyBlock.Collision(b)) { indexBunker.Add(b); } } if (indexBunker.Count != 0) { foreach (Bunker b in indexBunker) { bunkers.Remove(b); } } } //Move Bonus if (bonus.Count != 0) { foreach (Bonus b in bonus) { b.Move(deltaT); } int index = -1; foreach (Bonus b in bonus) { if (b.Collision(playerShip)) { playerBonus = b; index = bonus.IndexOf(b); //Play "Suck" sound Sounds[3].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[3]; } else if (b.Position.y > gameSize.Height) { index = bonus.IndexOf(b); } } if (index != -1) { bonus.RemoveAt(index); } } //Use Bonus if (KeyBPressed) { if (playerBonus != null) { if (playerMissile == null) { playerBonus.action(); if (playerBonus.bonusName == "DoublePoints") { //Play "DoublePoints" sound Sounds[1].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[1]; bonus3Activated = true; } if (playerBonus.bonusName == "InstantKill") { //Play "Bop" sound Sounds[5].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[5]; } if (playerBonus.bonusName == "BigMissile") { //Play "BigPew" sound Sounds[4].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[4]; } playerBonus = null; KeyBPressed = false; } } } //Increment bonus3's time if (bonus3Activated) { timeBonus.Start(); if (timeBonus.ElapsedMilliseconds > 5000.0) { bonus3Activated = false; timeBonus.Reset(); playerScore.BonusFactor = 1; } } //Win the game if (!enemyBlock.Alive) { currentState = GameState.Win; } //Lost the game if (!playerShip.Alive || (enemyBlock.Position.y + enemyBlock.Size.Height) >= playerShip.Position.y) { currentState = GameState.Lost; } //Check player's lives if (!playerShip.Alive) { playerShip = null; } } else if (currentState == GameState.Pause) { //Unpause game if (KeyPPressed) { currentState = GameState.Play; KeyPPressed = false; } } else if (currentState == GameState.Win) { //Stop game music Sounds[12].controls.stop(); Sounds[13].controls.stop(); Sounds[14].controls.stop(); //Play "WinMusic" sound /*if (timeWinMusic.ElapsedMilliseconds < 9000.0) * { * Sounds[15].settings.volume = 100; * Sounds[15]; * } * * timeWinMusic.Start(); * * if (timeWinMusic.ElapsedMilliseconds > 9500.0) * { * Sounds[15].settings.volume = 0; * Sounds[15].controls.stop(); * }*/ if (!winMusicPlayed) { Sounds[15].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[15]; winMusicPlayed = true; } if ((winScreen.Position.y + winScreen.imageHeight / 2) < gameSize.Height / 2) { winScreen.Move(deltaT); } // Choose after game end winScreen.Blink(); if (KeyDownPressed && winScreen.currentSelection < Win.AfterState.Quit) { winScreen.currentSelection++; KeyDownPressed = false; //Play "Down" sound Sounds[7].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[7]; } if (KeyUpPressed && winScreen.currentSelection > Win.AfterState.MainMenu) { winScreen.currentSelection--; KeyUpPressed = false; //Play "Up" sound Sounds[8].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[8]; } if (KeyEnterPressed) { winScreen.AfterSelection(); KeyEnterPressed = false; } } else if (currentState == GameState.Lost) { //Stop game music Sounds[12].controls.stop(); Sounds[13].controls.stop(); Sounds[14].controls.stop(); //Play "LostMusic" sound /*if (timeLostMusic.ElapsedMilliseconds < 2650.0) * { * Sounds[16].settings.volume = 100; * Sounds[16]; * } * * timeLostMusic.Start(); * * if (timeLostMusic.ElapsedMilliseconds > 2650.0) * { * Sounds[16].settings.volume = 0; * Sounds[16].controls.stop(); * }*/ if (!lostMusicPlayed) { Sounds[16].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[16]; lostMusicPlayed = true; } if ((lostScreen.Position.y + lostScreen.imageHeight / 2) < gameSize.Height / 2) { lostScreen.Move(deltaT); } // Choose after game end lostScreen.Blink(); if (KeyDownPressed && lostScreen.currentSelection < Lost.AfterState.Quit) { lostScreen.currentSelection++; KeyDownPressed = false; //Play "Down" sound Sounds[7].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[7]; } if (KeyUpPressed && lostScreen.currentSelection > Lost.AfterState.MainMenu) { lostScreen.currentSelection--; KeyUpPressed = false; //Play "Up" sound Sounds[8].settings.volume = 100; Sounds[8]; } if (KeyEnterPressed) { lostScreen.AfterSelection(); KeyEnterPressed = false; } } }
public RemoveMissileObserver() { this.pMissile = null; }
public SuperMissile(Vecteur2D vit, int li, bool user,Bitmap img) : base(new Vecteur2D(0,0), vit, li, user, img) { this.brotherRight = new Missile( vit + new Vecteur2D(30, 30), li, user, img); this.brotherLeft = new Missile( vit + new Vecteur2D(-30, 30), li, user, img); }
/// <summary> /// Determines Collision between player ship and a missile /// </summary> /// <param name="m">Colliding missile</param> public bool Collision(Missile m) { if (m.Position.x > Position.x + imageWidth) { return(false); } else if (m.Position.y > Position.y + imageHeight) { return(false); } else if (Position.x > m.Position.x + m.imageWidth) { return(false); } else if (Position.y > m.Position.y + m.imageHeight) { return(false); } else { Vecteur2D[] v = new Vecteur2D[m.imageWidth * m.imageHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < m.imageWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m.imageHeight; j++) { v[(i * m.imageHeight) + j] = new Vecteur2D((i + m.Position.x) - Position.x, (j + m.Position.y) - Position.y); } } Color currentcolor; Vecteur2D currentV = new Vecteur2D(); for (int i = 0; i < v.Length; i++) { if (v[i].y >= 0 && v[i].x > 0 && v[i].x < imageWidth && v[i].y < imageHeight) { currentcolor = image.GetPixel((int)v[i].x, (int)v[i].y); if (currentcolor == Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0)) { currentV.x = v[i].x; currentV.y = v[i].y; i = v.Length; } } } if (currentV.x != 0 || currentV.y != 0) { for (int i = (int)currentV.y; i < imageHeight; i++) { currentcolor = image.GetPixel((int)currentV.x, i); if (currentcolor == Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255)) { currentV.y = i - 1; i = imageHeight; } } for (int i = 0; i < m.imageWidth; i++) { if (currentV.y > 0 && currentV.x > 0 && (i + currentV.x) < imageWidth) { currentcolor = image.GetPixel((int)(i + currentV.x), (int)currentV.y); if (currentcolor == Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0)) { Lives--; m.Lives--; return(true); } } } } return(false); } }
public override void visitMissile(Missile v, CollisionPair p) { }
public override void VisitMissile(Missile m) { // Missile vs ShieldGrid ColPair.Collide(m, (GameObject)this.pChild); }
public virtual void VisitMissile(Missile m) { Debug.Assert(false); }
/// <summary> /// Update game /// </summary> public void Update(double deltaT) { // keyboard events if (keyPressed.Contains(Keys.Space)) { if (playerMissile == null) { playerMissile = new Missile(new Vecteur2D(playerShip.position.x + 30, playerShip.position.y + 50), new Vecteur2D(0, -5), 1); } } if (playerMissile != null) { if (playerMissile.position.y > 0) { playerMissile.move(); bunkers.ForEach(delegate (Bunker bunker) { if (bunker.collision(playerMissile.position.x, playerMissile.position.y)) { playerMissile = null; bunkertoremove.Add(bunker); } }); } else { playerMissile = null; } } if (keyPressed.Contains(Keys.Right)) { if (playerShip.position.x < gameSize.Width - 65) { playerShip.MoveRight(deltaT); } //if (ball != null) // { // ball.MoveRight(deltaT); // if (!ball.Alive) // ball = null; // } } if (keyPressed.Contains(Keys.Left)) { if (playerShip.position.x > 0) { playerShip.MoveLeft(deltaT); } // if (ball != null) // { // ball.MoveLeft(deltaT); // if (!ball.Alive) // { // ball = null; //} // } } //move ball // if (ball != null) // { // ball.Move(deltaT); // maybe dead // if (!ball.Alive) // ball = null; // } }
public virtual void visitMissile(Missile v, CollisionPair p) { Debug.Assert(false, "Shouldn't have been called"); }
/// <summary> /// Lors d'un collision entre un missile et le buncker, on enleve le nombre de pixels en collision /// </summary> /// <param name="m">Objet misile</param> /// <param name="numberOfPixelsInCollision">Nombre de pixel en collision</param> protected override void OnCollision(Missile m, int numberOfPixelsInCollision) { m.Lives -= numberOfPixelsInCollision; }
/// <summary> /// Update game /// </summary> public void Update(double deltaT) { // keyboard events if (keyPressed.Contains(Keys.Space)) { if (playerMissile == null) { playerMissile = new Missile(new Vecteur2D(playerShip.position.x + 30, playerShip.position.y + 50), new Vecteur2D(0, -5), 1); //System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(@"../../shoot.mp3"); //player.Play(); } } if (playerMissile != null && bunker != null) { if (playerMissile.position.y > 0) { playerMissile.move(); //bunkers.ForEach(delegate (Bunker bunker) for(int i=0; i < bunkers.Count; i++) { if(bunker != null && playerMissile != null) { if (bunker.collision(playerMissile.position.x, playerMissile.position.y)) { playerMissile = null; bunkertoremove.Add(bunker); } } } } else { playerMissile = null; } } if (keyPressed.Contains(Keys.Right)) { if (playerShip.position.x < gameSize.Width - 65) { playerShip.MoveRight(deltaT); } //if (ball != null) // { // ball.MoveRight(deltaT); // if (!ball.Alive) // ball = null; // } } if (keyPressed.Contains(Keys.Left)) { if (playerShip.position.x > 0) { playerShip.MoveLeft(deltaT); } // if (ball != null) // { // ball.MoveLeft(deltaT); // if (!ball.Alive) // { // ball = null; //} // } } //move ball // if (ball != null) // { // ball.Move(deltaT); // maybe dead // if (!ball.Alive) // ball = null; // } }