private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SQL_STATEMENT option = (SQL_STATEMENT)Enum.ToObject(typeof(SQL_STATEMENT), SqlOption.SelectedIndex); Game gameObject = new Game(nameField.Text, genreField.Text, typeField.Text, reviewField.Text); List <string> result; switch (option) { case SQL_STATEMENT.INSERT: application.RunSQL(insert.InsertIntoGame(gameObject)); break; case SQL_STATEMENT.UPDATE: application.RunSQL(update.UpdateRowByName(genreField.Text, typeField.Text, nameField.Text)); break; case SQL_STATEMENT.SELECT: application.RunSQL(select.SelectAll(), out result); if (result != null) { PrintToListBox(result); } break; case SQL_STATEMENT.DELETE: application.RunSQL(delete.DeleteFromGame(nameField.Text)); break; default: break; } ClearTextBoxes(); }
public void Run() { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Select 1 to create new row, 2 to update the table, 3 to read the table, 4 to delete a row, 9 to exit"); int option = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (option) { case 1: Game game1 = CreateGameObject(); Insert sqlHelper = new Insert(); RunSQL(sqlHelper.InsertIntoGame(game1.Name, game1.Genre, game1.Type, game1.Review)); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Enter the column to update: "); string column = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the value for the column: "); string value = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the game to update"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Update sqlHelper2 = new Update(); RunSQL(sqlHelper2.UpdateRowByName(column, value, name)); break; case 3: Select sqlHelper3 = new Select(); RunSQL(sqlHelper3.SelectAll()); break; case 4: Delete sqlHelper4 = new Delete(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the game to delete"); string name2 = Console.ReadLine(); RunSQL(sqlHelper4.DeleteFromGame(name2)); break; case 9: return; default: break; } } }