private void ProcessGeraden(string[] args, PublicMessageEventArgs e, string whatisit, Func <GeradenWoord, string> groupByMember, Func <GeradenWoord, DateTime> whenMember, Func <GeradenWoord, string> nameMember, Func <GeradenWoord, bool> filter) { var collection = GetGeradenWoordCollection(); TimeSpan ago = TimeSpan.Zero; string agoParam = "4w"; string numParam = "42"; if (args.Length >= 1) { agoParam = args[0]; } if (args.Length >= 2) { numParam = args[1]; } try { ago = TimeUtils.ParseTimeSpan(agoParam); } catch (FormatException) { Client.SendMessageToChat(e.Message.Chat.ID, $"Ik snap er niks van. Wat bedoel je met '{MessageUtils.HtmlEscape(agoParam)}'? Probeer eens '5d', '8u', '4w' of doe gek met '3w2d7u'.", "HTML", true); return; } if (!Int32.TryParse(numParam, out int number)) { Client.SendMessageToChat(e.Message.Chat.ID, $"Ik snap er niks van. Wat bedoel je met '{MessageUtils.HtmlEscape(agoParam)}'? Hoe moet ik daar een getal van maken?", "HTML", true); return; } if (number == 0 || ago == TimeSpan.Zero) { Client.SendMessageToChat(e.Message.Chat.ID, $"Haha, erg grappig 👏 Hier zijn je nul resultaten, malloot.", "HTML", true); return; } var filteredCollection = collection.Find(x => filter(x) && whenMember(x) >= (DateTime.UtcNow - ago)); var aggregatedCollection = filteredCollection.GroupBy(groupByMember).Select(cl => new ResultLine { Name = nameMember(cl.First()), Count = cl.Count() }); var sortedAggregatedCollection = aggregatedCollection.OrderByDescending(x => x.Count).Take(number); if (sortedAggregatedCollection.Count() < number) { number = sortedAggregatedCollection.Count(); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.AppendLine($"Top <b>{number}</b> {whatisit} vanaf <b>{TimeService.AsDutchString(DateTime.Now - ago)}</b>:"); int place = 1; foreach (var record in sortedAggregatedCollection) { result.AppendLine($"{place}: {record.Name.TrimStart().TrimStart('@')} ({record.Count})"); place++; } result.AppendLine($"<i>Totaal aantal records in deze periode: {filteredCollection.Count()} voor {aggregatedCollection.Count()} personen</i>"); Client.SendMessageToChat(e.Message.Chat.ID, $"{result}", "HTML", disableWebPagePreview: true, disableNotification: true); }
protected void btnok_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (base.Action.Equals(ActionType.Add.ToString()) && !base.IsAuthorizedOp(ActionType.Add.ToString())) { base.ShowMsg("Không có thẩm quyền"); } else if (base.Action.Equals(ActionType.Modify.ToString()) && !base.IsAuthorizedOp(ActionType.Modify.ToString())) { base.ShowMsg("Không có thẩm quyền"); } else { AccountInfo accountInfo = new AccountInfo(); if (base.IsEdit) { accountInfo = SinGooCMS.BLL.Account.GetDataById(base.OpID); } string @string = WebUtils.GetString(this.TextBox2.Text); if (accountInfo.AccountName != "superadmin") { accountInfo.AccountName = WebUtils.GetString(this.TextBox1.Text); } accountInfo.Email = WebUtils.GetString(this.TextBox3.Text); accountInfo.Mobile = WebUtils.GetString(this.TextBox4.Text); accountInfo.AutoTimeStamp = System.DateTime.Now; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountInfo.AccountName)) { base.ShowMsg("帐户名称不能为空"); } else { if (base.Action.Equals(ActionType.Add.ToString())) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string)) { base.ShowMsg("帐户密码不为空"); return; } accountInfo.Password = DEncryptUtils.SHA512Encrypt(@string); accountInfo.IsSystem = false; if (SinGooCMS.BLL.Account.Add(accountInfo) > 0) { PageBase.log.AddEvent(base.LoginAccount.AccountName, "添加角色[" + accountInfo.AccountName + "] thành công"); MessageUtils.DialogCloseAndParentReload(this); } else { base.ShowMsg("添加角色失败"); } } if (base.Action.Equals(ActionType.Modify.ToString())) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@string)) { accountInfo.Password = DEncryptUtils.SHA512Encrypt(@string); } if (SinGooCMS.BLL.Account.Update(accountInfo)) { PageBase.log.AddEvent(base.LoginAccount.AccountName, "修改角色[" + accountInfo.AccountName + "] thành công"); MessageUtils.DialogCloseAndParentReload(this); } else { base.ShowMsg("修改角色失败"); } } } } }
Widget _buildNotificationTitle() { var type = this.notification.type; var data =; var subTitle = new TextSpan(); var content = ""; if (type == "project_liked") { subTitle = new TextSpan( " 赞了你的文章", CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } if (type == "project_message_commented") { if (data.parentComment.isNotEmpty()) { content = $" “{MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(data.parentComment, this.mentions, false)}”"; subTitle = new TextSpan( " 回复了你的评论" + content, CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } else { subTitle = new TextSpan( " 评论了你的文章", CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } } if (type == "project_participate_comment") { if (data.parentComment.isNotEmpty()) { content = $" “{MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(data.parentComment, this.mentions, false)}”"; } subTitle = new TextSpan( " 回复了你的评论" + content, CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } if (type == "project_message_liked") { if (data.comment.isNotEmpty()) { content = $" “{MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(data.comment, this.mentions, false)}”"; } subTitle = new TextSpan( " 赞了你的评论" + content, CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } if (type == "project_message_participate_liked") { if (data.comment.isNotEmpty()) { content = $" “{MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(data.comment, this.mentions, false)}”"; } subTitle = new TextSpan( " 赞了你的评论" + content, CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } return(new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new RichText( maxLines: 2, text: new TextSpan( children: new List <TextSpan> { new TextSpan( data.fullname, CTextStyle.PLargeMedium ), subTitle } ), overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis ), new Text( data.projectTitle, maxLines: 1, style: CTextStyle.PLargeMedium, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis ) } )); }
/// <summary> /// Starts and adds a new vote to a server /// </summary> /// <param name="voteTitle"></param> /// <param name="voteDescription"></param> /// <param name="lastTime"></param> /// <param name="yesEmoji"></param> /// <param name="noEmoji"></param> /// <param name="guild"></param> /// <param name="channel"></param> /// <param name="userWhoExecuted"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task StartVote(string voteTitle, string voteDescription, TimeSpan lastTime, string yesEmoji, string noEmoji, SocketGuild guild, IMessageChannel channel, SocketUser userWhoExecuted) { if (lastTime.TotalMilliseconds > { await channel.SendMessageAsync("The vote time succeeds the maximum allowed time for a vote to last!"); return; } ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(guild); if (server.Votes.Count >= { await channel.SendMessageAsync( $"There are already {} votes running on this guild right now!\nEnd a vote to start a new one."); return; } //Setup Emojis Emoji yesEmote = new Emoji(yesEmoji); Emoji noEmote = new Emoji(noEmoji); //Setup embed EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("Setting up vote..."); //Send the message and add the initial reactions IUserMessage voteMessage = await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); await voteMessage.AddReactionAsync(yesEmote); await voteMessage.AddReactionAsync(noEmote); Vote newVote = new Vote { VoteMessageId = voteMessage.Id, VoteMessageChannelId = channel.Id, VoteTitle = voteTitle, VoteDescription = voteDescription, VoteStarterUserId = userWhoExecuted.Id, NoCount = 0, YesCount = 0, NoEmoji = noEmoji, YesEmoji = yesEmoji, VoteLastTime = lastTime, VoteStartTime = DateTime.Now, CancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource() }; //User last vote UserAccountsManager.GetAccount((SocketGuildUser)userWhoExecuted).UserLastVoteId = voteMessage.Id; UserAccountsManager.SaveAccounts(); //Add our vote to the server list server.Votes.Add(newVote); ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); embed.WithTitle(voteTitle); embed.WithDescription(voteDescription + $"\nReact to this message with {yesEmoji} to say **YES** or react with {noEmoji} to say **NO**."); embed.WithFooter($"Vote started by {userWhoExecuted} at {DateTime.Now:g} and will end at {DateTime.Now.Add(lastTime):g}.", userWhoExecuted.GetAvatarUrl()); await MessageUtils.ModifyMessage(voteMessage, embed); await RunVote(newVote, guild); }
protected Dictionary <string, ImageInfo> GenerateContentIdsForImageUrlsFromHtmlContent() { var result = new Dictionary <string, ImageInfo>(); // cid:{0} if (HtmlContent != null) { var originalMessageContent = HtmlContent; // TODO: save this somewhere // not sure if needed string html = string.Format("<html><head></head><body>{0}</body></html>", HtmlContent); List <Tuple <HtmlNode, string> > nodesToReplaceWithTextSmiley = new List <Tuple <HtmlNode, string> >(); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(html); var imageNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//img"); if (imageNodes != null) { foreach (var imageNode in imageNodes) { var imgUrl = imageNode.GetAttributeValue("src", ""); var textSmiley = MessageUtils.GetTextReplacementForImageUrl(imgUrl); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textSmiley)) { nodesToReplaceWithTextSmiley.Add(Tuple.Create(imageNode, textSmiley)); continue; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(imgUrl)) { continue; } var cid = MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId(); imageNode.SetAttributeValue("src", $"cid:{cid}"); var imageInfo = new ImageInfo(imgUrl, imgUrl, ImageType.Public); // Handles URLs like this: src =\"\" var teamsImageUrlPattern = @"http.*?/objects/([0-9a-zA-Z-]+?)/views/imgo"; var match = Regex.Match(HtmlContent, teamsImageUrlPattern); if (match.Success) { imageInfo.CacheKey = match.Value; imageInfo.ImageType = ImageType.TeamsWithAuthentication; } result.Add(cid, imageInfo); } foreach (var textReplacement in nodesToReplaceWithTextSmiley) { try { logger.Debug("Replacing image node with smiley {0} (HTML was: {1})", textReplacement.Item2, textReplacement.Item1.OuterHtml); textReplacement.Item1.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<span>{textReplacement.Item2}</span>"), textReplacement.Item1); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e, "Exception while replacing image node with smiley"); continue; } } } var bodyElement = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); HtmlContent = bodyElement.InnerHtml; } return(result); }
public async Task Ban(CommandContext ctx, [Description("The member to Ban.")] DiscordMember member, [Description("The reason on why to ban this member.")] string reason = "No reason given") { await member.BanAsync(7, reason : "Proty Ban : " + reason); await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(MessageUtils.BuildSuccess($"Member {member.Mention} ({member.Id}) was banned from the server !")); }
async void UpdateMessagesOnViewWillAppear() { await MessageUtils.RemoveAllOlderThan(Conf.MAX_MESSAGE_RETENTION_TIME_IN_MINUTES); InvokeOnMainThread(Update); }
Widget _buildNotificationTitle() { var type = this.notification.type; var data =; var subTitle = new TextSpan(); var content = ""; if (type == "project_liked") { subTitle = new TextSpan( " 赞了你的文章", style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } if (type == "project_message_commented") { if (data.parentComment.isNotEmpty()) { content = $" “{MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(data.parentComment, this.mentions, false)}”"; subTitle = new TextSpan( " 回复了你的评论" + content, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } else { subTitle = new TextSpan( " 评论了你的文章", style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } } if (type == "project_participate_comment") { if (data.parentComment.isNotEmpty()) { content = $" “{MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(data.parentComment, this.mentions, false)}”"; } subTitle = new TextSpan( " 回复了你的评论" + content, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } if (type == "project_message_liked") { if (data.comment.isNotEmpty()) { content = $" “{MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(data.comment, this.mentions, false)}”"; } subTitle = new TextSpan( " 赞了你的评论" + content, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } if (type == "project_message_participate_liked") { if (data.comment.isNotEmpty()) { content = $" “{MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(data.comment, this.mentions, false)}”"; } subTitle = new TextSpan( " 赞了你的评论" + content, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } if (type == "followed") { subTitle = new TextSpan( " 关注了你", style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } if (type == "team_followed") { subTitle = new TextSpan( children: new List <TextSpan> { new TextSpan(" 关注了 "), new TextSpan(data.teamName, recognizer: new TapGestureRecognizer { onTap = () => { this.pushToTeamDetail(data.teamId); } }, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBlue) }, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } if (type == "project_article_publish") { string name; GestureTapCallback onTap; if ( == "team") { name = data.teamName; onTap = () => this.pushToTeamDetail(obj: data.teamId); } else { name = data.fullname; onTap = () => this.pushToUserDetail(obj: data.userId); } subTitle = new TextSpan( children: new List <TextSpan> { new TextSpan(text: name, recognizer: new TapGestureRecognizer { onTap = onTap }, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBlue), new TextSpan(" 发布了新文章") }, style: CTextStyle.PLargeBody2 ); } Widget projectTitle; if (data.projectTitle.isNotEmpty()) { projectTitle = new Text( data: data.projectTitle, maxLines: 1, style: CTextStyle.PLargeMedium, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis ); } else { projectTitle = new Container(); } List <TextSpan> textSpans = new List <TextSpan>(); if (type != "project_article_publish") { textSpans.Add(new TextSpan( text: data.fullname, style: CTextStyle.PLargeMedium, recognizer: new TapGestureRecognizer { onTap = () => this.pushToUserDetail(obj: data.userId) } )); } textSpans.Add(item: subTitle); return(new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new RichText( maxLines: 2, text: new TextSpan( children: textSpans ), overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis ), projectTitle } )); }
/// <summary> /// Highlight all word bookmark that not exist on data domain /// </summary> /// <param name="iBms"></param> public void ValidateBookmarkCollectionWithDomain(string key) { try { bool isHighlight = false; List <string> unMatched = new List <string>(); //Get Bookmark Collection then put to WKL GetBookmarkCollection(key); ContentServiceProfile contentProfile = Wkl.MainCtrl.ServiceCtrl.GetProfile(key).ContentService; Dictionary <string, string> wBm = contentProfile.GetBookmarks_OListBM; //Get Internal Bookmark TemplateInfo templateInfo = Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.GetTemplateInfo( contentProfile.ValidateBookmark_ITemplateName); InternalBookmark interBm = templateInfo.InternalBookmark; //Get Domain Data foreach (string domainName in templateInfo.DomainNames) { DomainInfo domainInfo = Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.GetDomainInfo(domainName); if (domainInfo != null) { InternalBookmarkDomain ibmDomain = interBm.GetInternalBookmarkDomain(domainName); foreach (InternalBookmarkItem item in ibmDomain.InternalBookmarkItems) { if (!MarkupUtilities.IsExistOnDomain(item, domainInfo.Fields, true)) { if (wBm.ContainsKey(item.Key) && wBm[item.Key] == item.BizName) { contentProfile.HighlightBookmarkName = item.Key; unMatched.Add(item.BizName); HighlightBookmark(key); isHighlight = true; } } } } else { isHighlight = true; } } contentProfile.UnMatchedFields = unMatched; contentProfile.Result = !isHighlight; } catch (BaseException srvExp) { Services.ServiceException newSrvExp = new Services.ServiceException(ErrorCode.ipe_ValidateWordBookmarkWithDomainError); newSrvExp.Errors.Add(srvExp); throw newSrvExp; } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceException srvExp = new ServiceException(ErrorCode.ipe_ValidateWordBookmarkWithDomainError, MessageUtils.Expand(Properties.Resources.ipe_ValidateWordBookmarkWithDomainError, ex.Message), ex.StackTrace); throw srvExp; } }
public IList <CCatalogFunctionNoAR> GetCatalogFunctionByUserId(string langid, string userid) { IList <CCatalogFunctionNoAR> result = new List <CCatalogFunctionNoAR>(); ISession ss = holder.CreateSession(typeof(CCatalogFunctionNoARDaoOracleImp)); ITransaction tran = ss.BeginTransaction(); try { IList <MRoleUser> mroleuserlist = new List <MRoleUser>(); //get role by userid SimpleQuery <MRoleUser> queryroleuser = new SimpleQuery <MRoleUser>(typeof(MRoleUser), @" from MRoleUser where Id.Userid=:userid"); queryroleuser.SetParameter("userid", userid); mroleuserlist = queryroleuser.Execute(); if (mroleuserlist.Count <= 0) { throw new ApplicationException(MessageUtils.GetMessage("E0001")); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //select f.catalogid,f.functionid,f.functionimage,f.functionindex,f.functionname,f.functionpath,f.langid,c.catalogimage,c.catalogname from (M_FUNCTION f inner join (select functionid from m_role_function //where roleid=1 group by functionid) r on (f.functionid=r.functionid)) left join //m_functioncatalog c on (f.catalogid=c.catalogid and f.langid=c.langid) //where f.langid='zh-CN' //order by f.catalogid,f.functionindex sb.Append(" select f.catalogid,"); sb.Append(" f.functionid,"); sb.Append(" f.functionimage,"); sb.Append(" f.functionindex,"); sb.Append(" f.functionname,"); sb.Append(" f.functionpath,"); sb.Append(" f.langid,"); sb.Append(" c.catalogimage,"); sb.Append(" c.catalogname "); sb.Append(" from (m_function f "); sb.Append(" inner join "); sb.Append(" (select functionid from m_role_function "); sb.Append(" where "); int cnt = 0; foreach (MRoleUser mroleuservo in mroleuserlist) { if (cnt == 0) { sb.Append("roleid = :roleid" + cnt); } else { sb.Append("or roleid = :roleid" + cnt); } cnt++; } sb.Append(" group by functionid) r "); sb.Append(" on (f.functionid=r.functionid)) "); sb.Append(" left join"); sb.Append(" m_functioncatalog c "); sb.Append(" on (f.catalogid=c.catalogid and f.langid=c.langid)"); sb.Append(" where f.langid=:langid"); sb.Append(" order by f.catalogid,f.functionindex"); ISQLQuery querycatalogfunction = ss.CreateSQLQuery(sb.ToString()); querycatalogfunction.AddScalar("langid", NHibernateUtil.String); querycatalogfunction.AddScalar("functionid", NHibernateUtil.Int32); querycatalogfunction.AddScalar("functionname", NHibernateUtil.String); querycatalogfunction.AddScalar("functionpath", NHibernateUtil.String); querycatalogfunction.AddScalar("catalogid", NHibernateUtil.Int32); querycatalogfunction.AddScalar("functionindex", NHibernateUtil.Int32); querycatalogfunction.AddScalar("functionimage", NHibernateUtil.String); querycatalogfunction.AddScalar("catalogimage", NHibernateUtil.String); querycatalogfunction.AddScalar("catalogname", NHibernateUtil.String); cnt = 0; foreach (MRoleUser mroleuservo in mroleuserlist) { querycatalogfunction.SetParameter("roleid" + cnt, mroleuservo.Id.Roleid); cnt++; } querycatalogfunction.SetParameter("langid", langid); result = querycatalogfunction.SetResultTransformer(Transformers.AliasToBean <CCatalogFunctionNoAR>()).List <CCatalogFunctionNoAR>(); tran.Commit(); } catch (Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.ActiveRecordException ex) { tran.Rollback(); throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message, ex); } catch (DbException ex) { tran.Rollback(); throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message, ex); } finally { tran.Dispose(); holder.ReleaseSession(ss); } return(result); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { string text; if ( != null) { if ( { text = "[此消息已被删除]"; } else if ( == ChannelMessageType.image) { text = "[图片]"; } else if ( == ChannelMessageType.file) { text = "[文件]"; } else { text = ?? ""; } } else { text = ""; } var contentTextSpans = new List <TextSpan>(); if ( ?? text.isNotEmpty() && != this.myUserId) { contentTextSpans.Add(new TextSpan( $"{}: ", style: CTextStyle.PRegularBody4 )); } contentTextSpans.AddRange(MessageUtils.messageWithMarkdownToTextSpans( content: text, mentions:, ?? false, null, bodyStyle: CTextStyle.PRegularBody4, linkStyle: CTextStyle.PRegularBody4 )); Widget message = new RichText( text: new TextSpan( ( || && > 0 ? "[有人@我] " : "", style: CTextStyle.PRegularError, children: contentTextSpans ), overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, maxLines: 1 ); // Don't show the time if nonce is 0, i.e. the time is not loaded yet. // Otherwise, the time would be like 0001/01/01 8:00 string timeString = != 0 ? ?? "" : ""; Widget titleLine = new Container( padding: EdgeInsets.only(16), child: new Row( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: new List <Widget> { new Expanded( child: new Text( data:, style: CTextStyle.PLargeMedium, maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis ) ), new Container(width: 16), new Text( data: timeString, style: CTextStyle.PSmallBody4 ) } ) ); return(new GestureDetector( onTap: this.onTap, child: new Container( color: ? CColors.PrimaryBlue.withOpacity(0.04f) : CColors.White, height: 72, padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(12, 16), child: new Row( children: new List <Widget> { new PlaceholderImage( ?? "", 48, 48, 4, fit: BoxFit.cover, true ), new Expanded( child: new Column( children: new List <Widget> { titleLine, new Row( children: new List <Widget> { new Container(width: 16), new Expanded( child: message ), new NotificationDot( > 0 ? > 0 ? $"{}" : "" : null, margin: EdgeInsets.only(16) ) } ) } ) ) } ) ) )); }
/// <summary> /// Plays a song in a given voice channel /// </summary> /// <param name="guild">The <see cref="SocketGuild"/> where we are playing in</param> /// <param name="channel">The <see cref="IMessageChannel"/> to log messages to</param> /// <param name="target">The target <see cref="IVoiceChannel"/> to play music in</param> /// <param name="user">The <see cref="IUser"/> who requested this command</param> /// <param name="search">The query to search for</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task SendAudio(SocketGuild guild, IMessageChannel channel, IVoiceChannel target, IUser user, string search) { //Join the voice channel the user is in if we are already not in a voice channel if (!CheckIfServerIsPlayingMusic(guild, out ServerMusicItem serverMusicList)) { await JoinAudio(guild, target, channel, user); serverMusicList = GetMusicList(guild.Id); } //Check to see if the user is in the playing audio channel if (!await CheckIfUserInChat(user, channel, serverMusicList)) { return; } //Make sure the search isn't empty or null if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search)) { await channel.SendMessageAsync("You need to input a search!"); return; } IUserMessage message = await channel.SendMessageAsync($":musical_note: Preparing to play '{search}'"); string songFileLocation; string songName; search.RemoveIllegalChars(); try { songFileLocation = await GetOrDownloadSong(search, message, serverMusicList); //It failed if (songFileLocation == null) { return; } Logger.Debug("Playing song from {@SongFileLocation}", songFileLocation); //This is so we say "Now playing 'Epic Song'" instead of "Now playing 'Epic Song.mp3'" songName = Path.GetFileName(songFileLocation) .Replace($".{}", ""); //If there is already a song playing, cancel it await StopPlayingAudioOnServer(serverMusicList); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("An error occured while trying to get a song! {@Exception}", ex); return; } //Create music playback for our music format IMusicPlaybackInterface playbackInterface = serverMusicList.MusicPlayback = CreateMusicPlayback(songFileLocation); //Log (if enabled) to the console that we are playing a new song if ( { Logger.Info("The song {@SongName} on server {@GuildName}({@GuildId}) has started.", songName, guild.Name, guild.Id); } serverMusicList.CancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); CancellationToken token = serverMusicList.CancellationSource.Token; serverMusicList.IsPlaying = true; //Create an outgoing pcm stream await using AudioOutStream outStream = serverMusicList.AudioClient.CreatePCMStream(AudioApplication.Music); bool fail = false; bool exit = false; const int bufferSize = 1024; byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; await MessageUtils.ModifyMessage(message, $":musical_note: Now playing **{songName}**."); while (!fail && !exit) { try { if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { exit = true; break; } //Read from stream int read = await playbackInterface.ReadAudioStream(buffer, bufferSize, token); if (read == 0) { exit = true; break; } //Flush await playbackInterface.Flush(); //Write it to outgoing pcm stream await outStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, read, token); //If we are still playing if (serverMusicList.IsPlaying) { continue; } //For pausing the song do { //Do nothing, wait till is playing is true await Task.Delay(100, token); } while (serverMusicList.IsPlaying == false); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { //User canceled } catch (Exception ex) { await channel.SendMessageAsync("Sorry, but an error occured while playing!"); if ( { await Global.BotOwner.SendMessageAsync( $"ERROR: {ex.Message}\nError occured while playing music on guild `{guild.Id}`."); } fail = true; } } if ( { Logger.Info("The song {@SongName} on server {@GuildName}({@GuildId}) has stopped.", songName, guild.Name, guild.Id); } //There wasn't a request to cancel if (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { await channel.SendMessageAsync($":musical_note: **{songName}** ended."); } //Clean up // ReSharper disable MethodSupportsCancellation await outStream.FlushAsync(); outStream.Dispose(); serverMusicList.IsPlaying = false; playbackInterface.EndAudioStream(); serverMusicList.MusicPlayback = null; // ReSharper restore MethodSupportsCancellation serverMusicList.CancellationSource.Dispose(); serverMusicList.CancellationSource = null; }
public static void MarkAllMessagesAsRead() { MessageUtils.MarkAllAsRead(); MessagingCenter.Send(Subscriber, MessagingCenterKeys.KEY_MESSAGE_STATUS_UPDATED); }
public static async Task <List <MessageItemViewModel> > GetMessages() { return(MessageUtils.ToMessageItemViewModelList(await MessageUtils.GetMessages())); }
private void webServerProc() { // 管理者権限がない場合は起動しない if (!WindowsUtils.IsExecuteAdminRole()) { MessageUtils.showMessage(MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageResource.W0005); return; } listener = new HttpListener(); listener.Prefixes.Add(prefix); // プレフィックスの登録 try { listener.Start(); } catch (HttpListenerException httpListenerException) { // すでにポートが使用中もしくは管理者権限なし LinearAudioPlayer.writeErrorMessage(httpListenerException); return; } while (true) { HttpListenerContext context = null; try { context = listener.GetContext(); } catch (HttpListenerException) { // HTTP通信中に終了されたらどうしようもないので例外を握りつぶす } HttpListenerRequest req = context.Request; HttpListenerResponse res = context.Response; Debug.WriteLine("request url: " + req.RawUrl); if (req.RawUrl.IndexOf("/LinearWebService") == -1) { // WEBサーバ string reqPath = req.RawUrl; if (reqPath == "/") { reqPath = "ui/" + LinearGlobal.LinearConfig.ViewConfig.WebInterfaceTheme + ".html"; } reqPath = reqPath.Replace("/", "\\"); reqPath = Regex.Replace(reqPath, "\\?.*", ""); // リクエストされたURLからファイルのパスを求める string path = docRoot + reqPath; // ファイルが存在すればレスポンス・ストリームに書き出す if (File.Exists(path)) { byte[] content = File.ReadAllBytes(path); //string s = File.ReadAllText(path, Encoding.UTF8); //byte[] content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s); res.Headers[HttpResponseHeader.ContentType] = GuessContentType(Path.GetExtension(path)); res.OutputStream.Write(content, 0, content.Length); } } else { // RESTサービス // TODO:変なもの受け取ったら落ちる WebServiceResponseInfo response = new WebServiceResponseInfo(); var dict = req.QueryString; var reqParamJsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject( dict.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, k => dict[k]) ); Debug.WriteLine("req data: " + reqParamJsonString); WebServiceRequestInfo request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WebServiceRequestInfo>(reqParamJsonString); response.action = request.action; switch (request.action) { case "play": Action playAction = () => {, false, false); }; LinearGlobal.MainForm.BeginInvoke(playAction); break; case "pause": Action pauseAction = () => { LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.pause(); }; LinearGlobal.MainForm.BeginInvoke(pauseAction); break; case "stop": Action stopAction = () => { LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.stop(); }; LinearGlobal.MainForm.BeginInvoke(stopAction); break; case "previous": Action previouspAction = () => { LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.previousPlay(); }; LinearGlobal.MainForm.BeginInvoke(previouspAction); break; case "forward": Action forwardAction = () => { if (LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.isPlaying()) { LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.endOfStream(); } }; LinearGlobal.MainForm.BeginInvoke(forwardAction); break; case "voldown": Action volDownAction = () => { int vol = LinearGlobal.Volume; vol -= 5; if (vol < 0) { vol = 0; } LinearGlobal.Volume = vol; LinearGlobal.MainForm.ListForm.setVolume(); }; var voldownActionResult = LinearGlobal.MainForm.BeginInvoke(volDownAction); voldownActionResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); response.volume = LinearGlobal.Volume; break; case "volup": Action volUpAction = () => { int vol = LinearGlobal.Volume; vol += 5; if (vol > 100) { vol = 100; } LinearGlobal.Volume = vol; LinearGlobal.MainForm.ListForm.setVolume(); }; var volupActionResult = LinearGlobal.MainForm.BeginInvoke(volUpAction); volupActionResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); response.volume = LinearGlobal.Volume; break; case "getplayinfo": if (LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController != null) { response.playInfo = LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo; response.isPlaying = LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.isPlaying(); response.isPaused = LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.isPaused(); response.seekRatio = (int)(((float)LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.getPosition() / (float)LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.getLength()) * 100); if (response.seekRatio == 100) { response.seekRatio = 0; } } break; case "seek": Action seekAction = () => { double value = ((double)LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.getLength()) * request.seekPosition; LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.setPosition((uint)value); }; LinearGlobal.MainForm.ListForm.BeginInvoke(seekAction); break; case "getthemelist": var themelist = new List <string>(); var filePaths = FileUtils.getFilePathList( Application.StartupPath + LinearConst.WEB_DIRECTORY_NAME + "ui", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (string path in filePaths) { themelist.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path)); } response.themeList = themelist.ToArray().Reverse().ToArray(); response.nowThemeName = LinearGlobal.LinearConfig.ViewConfig.WebInterfaceTheme; break; case "switchtheme": LinearGlobal.LinearConfig.ViewConfig.WebInterfaceTheme = request.theme; break; case "getnowplaying": response.nowPlaying = LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.getNowPlayingList(10).Select(gi => new TrackInfo(gi.Id, gi.Title, gi.Artist, gi.Rating)).ToArray(); break; case "addnowplaying": response.nowPlaying = LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.getNowPlayingList(request.skip, request.take).Select(gi => new TrackInfo(gi.Id, gi.Title, gi.Artist, gi.Rating)).ToArray(); break; case "getanalyzeinfo": var ai = new AnalyzeInfo(); var startDate = SQLiteManager.Instance.executeQueryOnlyOne(SQLResource.SQL056); if (startDate != null) { ai.StartDate = startDate.ToString().Substring(0, 10); ai.StartDateRelative = DateTimeUtils.getRelativeTimeString(startDate.ToString()); } ai.TotalTracksCount = (long)SQLiteManager.Instance.executeQueryOnlyOne(SQLResource.SQL057); ai.TotalFavoriteTracksCount = (long)SQLiteManager.Instance.executeQueryOnlyOne(SQLResource.SQL058); ai.TotalPlayCount = (long)SQLiteManager.Instance.executeQueryOnlyOne(SQLResource.SQL059); ai.TotalPalyHistoryCount = (long)SQLiteManager.Instance.executeQueryOnlyOne(SQLResource.SQL060); response.analyzeOverview = ai; break; case "getrecentlist": var paramList = new List <DbParameter>(); var recentlist = new List <TrackInfo>(); var limit = request.limit; if (LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo != null && request.offset == 0) { var ci = LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo; recentlist.Add(new TrackInfo(ci.Id, ci.Title, ci.Artist, "", "", ci.Rating)); // NowPlaying limit--; } paramList.Add(new SQLiteParameter("Limit", limit)); paramList.Add(new SQLiteParameter("Offset", request.offset)); recentlist.AddRange(SQLiteManager.Instance.executeQueryNormal(SQLResource.SQL061, paramList).Select(o => new TrackInfo((long)o[0], o[1].ToString(), o[2].ToString(), o[3].ToString(), o[4].ToString(), int.Parse(o[5].ToString())))); response.recentListen = recentlist.ToArray(); var offset = request.offset - limit < 0 ? 0 : request.offset - limit; response.pagerPrevious = request.offset == 0 ? -1 : offset; response.pagerNext = response.recentListen.Length < limit ? -1 : request.offset + limit; break; case "gettopartist": var sql = SQLResource.SQL062; var rangeType = (RangeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RangeType), request.rangeType); var where = ""; if (rangeType != RangeType.ALL) { where = string.Format( "WHERE PH.PLAYDATETIME >= DATETIME(DATETIME('NOW','LOCALTIME'), '{0}','LOCALTIME')", _rangeDictionary[rangeType]); } else { sql = SQLResource.SQL064; } sql = sql.Replace(":Condition", where); var topArtists = SQLiteManager.Instance.executeQueryNormal(sql, new SQLiteParameter("Limit", request.limit)); if (topArtists.Length > 0) { double maxcount = topArtists.Max(o => (long)o[1]); response.topLists = topArtists.Select( o => new TrackInfo(o[0].ToString(), (long)o[1], (int)((int.Parse(o[1].ToString()) / maxcount) * 100), o[2].ToString())) .ToArray(); } break; case "gettoptrack": var sql2 = SQLResource.SQL063; var rangeType2 = (RangeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RangeType), request.rangeType); var where2 = ""; if (rangeType2 != RangeType.ALL) { where2 = string.Format( "WHERE PH.PLAYDATETIME >= DATETIME(DATETIME('NOW','LOCALTIME'), '{0}','LOCALTIME')", _rangeDictionary[rangeType2]); } else { sql2 = SQLResource.SQL065; } sql2 = sql2.Replace(":Condition", where2); var topTracks = SQLiteManager.Instance.executeQueryNormal(sql2, new SQLiteParameter("Limit", request.limit)); if (topTracks.Length > 0) { double maxcount2 = topTracks.Max(o => (long)o[2]); response.topLists = topTracks.Select( o => new TrackInfo(o[0].ToString() + " - " + o[1].ToString(), (long)o[2], (int)((int.Parse(o[2].ToString()) / maxcount2) * 100), o[3].ToString(), int.Parse(o[4].ToString()))).ToArray(); } break; case "ratingon": case "ratingoff": if ( == -1) { break; } LinearEnum.RatingValue rating = request.action == "ratingon" ? LinearEnum.RatingValue.FAVORITE : LinearEnum.RatingValue.NORMAL; Action setRatingAction = () => { var rowIndex = LinearAudioPlayer.GridController.Find((int)GridController.EnuGrid.ID,; if (rowIndex != -1) { LinearAudioPlayer.GridController.setRatingIcon(rowIndex, rating); } if ( == LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo.Id) { LinearGlobal.MainForm.setRating((int)rating); } }; LinearGlobal.MainForm.ListForm.BeginInvoke(setRatingAction); SQLiteManager.Instance.executeNonQuery( SQLBuilder.updateRating(, rating)); break; case "skipnowplaying": Action skipNowPlayingAction = () => { LinearAudioPlayer.PlayController.skipPlayingList(;, false, true); }; LinearGlobal.MainForm.BeginInvoke(skipNowPlayingAction); break; case "getartwork": if (LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo.Artwork != null) { try { if (request.artworkSize == 0) { request.artworkSize = 150; } Bitmap thumbnail = new Bitmap(request.artworkSize, request.artworkSize); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(thumbnail)) { g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; g.DrawImage(LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo.Artwork, 0, 0, request.artworkSize, request.artworkSize); } var artworkDirectoy = Application.StartupPath + Path.Combine(Path.Combine(LinearConst.WEB_DIRECTORY_NAME, "img"), "artwork"); Directory.CreateDirectory(artworkDirectoy); var artworkFileName = string.Format("{0}.png", LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo.Id); var artworkThumbFileName = string.Format("{0}-thumb.png", LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo.Id); LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo.Artwork.Save(artworkDirectoy + "\\" + artworkFileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); thumbnail.Save(artworkDirectoy + "\\" + artworkThumbFileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); thumbnail.Dispose(); var oldfiles = Directory.GetFiles(artworkDirectoy, "*.png") .Where(a => Path.GetFileName(a).IndexOf(LinearGlobal.CurrentPlayItemInfo.Id.ToString()) == -1); foreach (var file in oldfiles) { File.Delete(file); } response.artworkUrl = "../img/artwork/" + artworkFileName; response.artworkThumbUrl = "../img/artwork/" + artworkThumbFileName; } catch (Exception) { response.artworkUrl = ""; } } else { response.artworkUrl = ""; } break; } string resJsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response); byte[] responseByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resJsonString); res.OutputStream.Write(responseByte, 0, responseByte.Length); } res.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Add a bookmark into current document /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of bookmark</param> /// <param name="value">Value of bookmark</param> /// <param name="xsltType">XsltType (Select, Foreach or If)</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AddBookmark(string key) { try { ServicesProfile serviceProfile = Wkl.MainCtrl.ServiceCtrl.GetProfile(key); InternalBookmarkItem bm = serviceProfile.ContentService.AddBookmark_IBookmark; Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.CommonProfile.CurrentTemplateInfo.IsAdding = true; serviceProfile.ContentService.MarkProntDoc = true; switch (bm.Type) { case XsltType.Foreach: AddDoubleBookmark(bm); MarkProntoDoc(key); break; case XsltType.If: AddDoubleBookmark(bm); MarkProntoDoc(key); break; case XsltType.Select: if (bm.IsImage()) { serviceProfile.WbmKey = bm.Key + ProntoMarkup.KeyImage; serviceProfile.WbmValue = MarkupUtilities.GenTextXslTag(bm.BizName, bm.Type, true); serviceProfile.AlternativeText = MarkupUtilities.CreateAlternativeText(serviceProfile.WbmKey, serviceProfile.WbmValue); AddBookmarkImageEvent(key); } else { AddSingleBookmark(bm); } MarkProntoDoc(key); break; case XsltType.Comment: AddCommentBookmark(bm); break; default: break; } Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.CommonProfile.CurrentTemplateInfo.IsAdding = false; return(true); } catch (BaseException srvExp) { Services.ServiceException newSrvExp = new Services.ServiceException(ErrorCode.ipe_AddBookmarkError); newSrvExp.Errors.Add(srvExp); throw newSrvExp; } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceException srvExp = new ServiceException(ErrorCode.ipe_AddBookmarkError, MessageUtils.Expand(Properties.Resources.ipe_AddBookmarkError, ex.Message), ex.StackTrace); throw srvExp; } }
private void WriteItems() { var freeItems = new List <Item>(); if (_settings.LogicMode == LogicMode.Vanilla) { freeItems.Add(Item.FairyMagic); freeItems.Add(Item.MaskDeku); freeItems.Add(Item.SongHealing); freeItems.Add(Item.StartingSword); freeItems.Add(Item.StartingShield); freeItems.Add(Item.StartingHeartContainer1); freeItems.Add(Item.StartingHeartContainer2); if (_settings.ShortenCutscenes) { //giants cs were removed freeItems.Add(Item.SongOath); } WriteFreeItems(freeItems.ToArray()); return; } //write free item (start item default = Deku Mask) freeItems.Add(_randomized.ItemList.Find(u => u.NewLocation == Item.MaskDeku).Item); freeItems.Add(_randomized.ItemList.Find(u => u.NewLocation == Item.SongHealing).Item); freeItems.Add(_randomized.ItemList.Find(u => u.NewLocation == Item.StartingSword).Item); freeItems.Add(_randomized.ItemList.Find(u => u.NewLocation == Item.StartingShield).Item); freeItems.Add(_randomized.ItemList.Find(u => u.NewLocation == Item.StartingHeartContainer1).Item); freeItems.Add(_randomized.ItemList.Find(u => u.NewLocation == Item.StartingHeartContainer2).Item); WriteFreeItems(freeItems.ToArray()); //write everything else ItemSwapUtils.ReplaceGetItemTable(Values.ModsDirectory); ItemSwapUtils.InitItems(); if (_settings.FixEponaSword) { ResourceUtils.ApplyHack(Values.ModsDirectory + "fix-epona"); } if (_settings.PreventDowngrades) { ResourceUtils.ApplyHack(Values.ModsDirectory + "fix-downgrades"); } if (_settings.AddCowMilk) { ResourceUtils.ApplyHack(Values.ModsDirectory + "fix-cow-bottle-check"); } var newMessages = new List <MessageEntry>(); foreach (var item in _randomized.ItemList) { // Unused item if (item.NewLocation == null) { continue; } if (ItemUtils.IsBottleCatchContent(item.Item)) { ItemSwapUtils.WriteNewBottle(item.NewLocation.Value, item.Item); } else { ChestTypeAttribute.ChestType?overrideChestType = null; if ((item.Item.Name().Contains("Bombchu") || item.Item.Name().Contains("Shield")) && _randomized.Logic.Any(il => il.RequiredItemIds?.Contains(item.ID) == true || il.ConditionalItemIds?.Any(c => c.Contains(item.ID)) == true)) { overrideChestType = ChestTypeAttribute.ChestType.LargeGold; } ItemSwapUtils.WriteNewItem(item.NewLocation.Value, item.Item, newMessages, _settings.UpdateShopAppearance, _settings.PreventDowngrades, _settings.UpdateChests && item.IsRandomized, overrideChestType, _settings.CustomStartingItemList.Contains(item.Item)); } } var copyRupeesRegex = new Regex(": [0-9]+ Rupees"); foreach (var newMessage in newMessages) { var oldMessage = _messageTable.GetMessage(newMessage.Id); if (oldMessage != null) { var cost = copyRupeesRegex.Match(oldMessage.Message).Value; newMessage.Message = copyRupeesRegex.Replace(newMessage.Message, cost); } } if (_settings.UpdateShopAppearance) { // update tingle shops foreach (var messageShopText in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MessageShopText)).Cast <MessageShopText>()) { var messageShop = messageShopText.GetAttribute <MessageShopAttribute>(); var item1 = _randomized.ItemList.First(io => io.NewLocation == messageShop.Items[0]).Item; var item2 = _randomized.ItemList.First(io => io.NewLocation == messageShop.Items[1]).Item; newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = (ushort)messageShopText, Header = null, Message = string.Format(messageShop.MessageFormat, item1.Name() + " ", messageShop.Prices[0], item2.Name() + " ", messageShop.Prices[1]) }); } // update business scrub var businessScrubItem = _randomized.ItemList.First(io => io.NewLocation == Item.HeartPieceTerminaBusinessScrub).Item; newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x1631, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x3A\xD2Please! I'll sell you {MessageUtils.GetArticle(businessScrubItem)}\u0001{businessScrubItem.Name()}\u0000 if you just keep this place a secret...\x19\xBF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x1632, Header = null, Message = $"\u0006150 Rupees\u0000 for{MessageUtils.GetPronounOrAmount(businessScrubItem).ToLower()}!\u0011 \u0011\u0002\u00C2I'll buy {MessageUtils.GetPronoun(businessScrubItem)}\u0011No thanks\u00BF" }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x1634, Header = null, Message = $"What about{MessageUtils.GetPronounOrAmount(businessScrubItem, "").ToLower()} for \u0006100 Rupees\u0000?\u0011 \u0011\u0002\u00C2I'll buy {MessageUtils.GetPronoun(businessScrubItem)}\u0011No thanks\u00BF" }); // update biggest bomb bag purchase var biggestBombBagItem = _randomized.ItemList.First(io => io.NewLocation == Item.UpgradeBiggestBombBag).Item; newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x15F5, Header = null, Message = $"I sell {MessageUtils.GetArticle(biggestBombBagItem)}\u0001{MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(biggestBombBagItem)}\u0000, but I'm focusing my marketing efforts on \u0001Gorons\u0000.".Wrap(35, "\u0011").EndTextbox() + "What I'd really like to do is go back home and do business where I'm surrounded by trees and grass.\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x15FF, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x39\x8CRight now, I've got a \u0001special\u0011\u0000offer just for you.\u0019\u00BF" }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x1600, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x38\x81I'll give you {MessageUtils.GetArticle(biggestBombBagItem, "my ")}\u0001{biggestBombBagItem.Name()}\u0000, regularly priced at \u00061000 Rupees\u0000...".Wrap(35, "\u0011").EndTextbox() + "In return, you'll give me just\u0011\u0006200 Rupees\u0000!\u0019\u00BF" }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x1606, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x38\x81I'll give you {MessageUtils.GetArticle(biggestBombBagItem, "my ")}\u0001{biggestBombBagItem.Name()}\u0000, regularly priced at \u00061000 Rupees\u0000, for just \u0006200 Rupees\u0000!\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); // update swamp scrub purchase var magicBeanItem = _randomized.ItemList.First(io => io.NewLocation == Item.ShopItemBusinessScrubMagicBean).Item; newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x15E1, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x39\xA7I'm selling {MessageUtils.GetArticle(magicBeanItem)}\u0001{MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(magicBeanItem)}\u0000 to Deku Scrubs, but I'd really like to leave my hometown.".Wrap(35, "\u0011").EndTextbox() + "I'm hoping to find some success in a livelier place!\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x15E9, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x3A\u00D2Do you know what {MessageUtils.GetArticle(magicBeanItem)}\u0001{MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(magicBeanItem)}\u0000 {MessageUtils.GetVerb(magicBeanItem)}, sir?".Wrap(35, "\u0011") + $"\u0011I'll sell you{MessageUtils.GetPronounOrAmount(magicBeanItem).ToLower()} for \u000610 Rupees\u0000.\u0019\u00BF" }); // update ocean scrub purchase var greenPotionItem = _randomized.ItemList.First(io => io.NewLocation == Item.ShopItemBusinessScrubGreenPotion).Item; newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x1608, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x39\xA7I'm selling {MessageUtils.GetArticle(greenPotionItem)}\u0001{MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(greenPotionItem)}\u0000, but I'm focusing my marketing efforts on Zoras.".Wrap(35, "\u0011").EndTextbox() + "Actually, I'd like to do business someplace where it's cooler and the air is clean.\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x1612, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x39\x8CI'll sell you {MessageUtils.GetArticle(greenPotionItem)}\u0001{greenPotionItem.Name()}\u0000 for \u000640 Rupees\u0000!\u00E0\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); // update canyon scrub purchase var bluePotionItem = _randomized.ItemList.First(io => io.NewLocation == Item.ShopItemBusinessScrubBluePotion).Item; newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x161C, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x39\xA7I'm here to sell {MessageUtils.GetArticle(bluePotionItem)}\u0001{MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(bluePotionItem)}\u0000.".Wrap(35, "\u0011").EndTextbox() + "Actually, I want to do business in the sea breeze while listening to the sound of the waves.\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x1626, Header = null, Message = $"\x1E\x3A\u00D2Don't you need {MessageUtils.GetArticle(bluePotionItem)}\u0001{MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(bluePotionItem)}\u0000? I'll sell you{MessageUtils.GetPronounOrAmount(bluePotionItem).ToLower()} for \u0006100 Rupees\u0000.\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x15EA, Header = null, Message = $"Do we have a deal?\u0011 \u0011\u0002\u00C2Yes\u0011No\u00BF" }); // update gorman bros milk purchase var gormanBrosMilkItem = _randomized.ItemList.First(io => io.NewLocation == Item.ShopItemGormanBrosMilk).Item; newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x3463, Header = null, Message = $"Won'tcha buy {MessageUtils.GetArticle(gormanBrosMilkItem)}\u0001{MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(gormanBrosMilkItem)}\u0000?\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x3466, Header = null, Message = $"\u000650 Rupees\u0000 will do ya for{MessageUtils.GetPronounOrAmount(gormanBrosMilkItem).ToLower()}.\u0011 \u0011\u0002\u00C2I'll buy {MessageUtils.GetPronoun(gormanBrosMilkItem)}\u0011No thanks\u00BF" }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x346B, Header = null, Message = $"Buyin' {MessageUtils.GetArticle(gormanBrosMilkItem)}\u0001{MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(gormanBrosMilkItem)}\u0000?\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x348F, Header = null, Message = $"Seems like we're the only ones who have {MessageUtils.GetArticle(gormanBrosMilkItem)}\u0001{MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(gormanBrosMilkItem)}\u0000. Hyuh, hyuh. If you like, I'll sell you{MessageUtils.GetPronounOrAmount(gormanBrosMilkItem).ToLower()}.\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x3490, Header = null, Message = $"\u000650 Rupees\u0000 will do you for{MessageUtils.GetPronounOrAmount(gormanBrosMilkItem).ToLower()}!\u0011 \u0011\u0002\u00C2I'll buy {MessageUtils.GetPronoun(gormanBrosMilkItem)}\u0011No thanks\u00BF" }); // update lottery message var lotteryItem = _randomized.ItemList.First(io => io.NewLocation == Item.MundaneItemLotteryPurpleRupee).Item; newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x2B5C, Header = null, Message = $"Would you like the chance to buy your dreams for \u000610 Rupees\u0000?".Wrap(35, "\u0011").EndTextbox() + $"Pick any three numbers, and if those are picked, you'll win {MessageUtils.GetArticle(lotteryItem)}\u0001{lotteryItem.Name()}\u0000. It's only for the \u0001first\u0000 person!\u0019\u00BF".Wrap(35, "\u0011") }); } // replace "Razor Sword is now blunt" message with get-item message for Kokiri Sword. newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0xF9, Header = new byte[11] { 0x06, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, Message = $"You got the \x01Kokiri Sword\x00!\u0011This is a hidden treasure of\u0011the Kokiri, but you can borrow it\u0011for a while.\u00BF", }); // replace Magic Power message newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0xC8, Header = null, Message = $"\u0017You've been granted \u0002Magic Power\u0000!\u0018\u0011Replenish it with \u0001Magic Jars\u0000\u0011and \u0001Potions\u0000.\u00BF", }); // update Bank Reward messages newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x45C, Header = null, Message = "\u0017What's this? You've already saved\u0011up \u0001500 Rupees\u0000!?!\u0018\u0011\u0013\u0012Well, little guy, here's your special\u0011gift. Take it!\u00E0\u00BF", }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x45D, Header = null, Message = "\u0017What's this? You've already saved\u0011up \u00011000 Rupees\u0000?!\u0018\u0011\u0013\u0012Well, little guy, I can't take any\u0011more deposits. Sorry, but this is\u0011all I can give you.\u00E0\u00BF", }); if (_settings.AddSkulltulaTokens) { ResourceUtils.ApplyHack(Values.ModsDirectory + "fix-skulltula-tokens"); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x51, Header = new byte[11] { 0x02, 0x00, 0x52, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, Message = $"\u0017You got an \u0005Ocean Gold Skulltula\u0011Spirit\0!\u0018\u001F\u0000\u0010 This is your \u0001\u000D\u0000 one!\u00BF", }); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = 0x52, Header = new byte[11] { 0x02, 0x00, 0x52, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, Message = $"\u0017You got a \u0006Swamp Gold Skulltula\u0011Spirit\0!\u0018\u001F\u0000\u0010 This is your \u0001\u000D\u0000 one!\u00BF", }); } if (_settings.AddStrayFairies) { ResourceUtils.ApplyHack(Values.ModsDirectory + "fix-fairies"); } var dungeonItemMessageIds = new byte[] { 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x74, 0x40, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x53, 0x75, 0x54, 0x61, 0x64, 0x6E, 0x76, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x77, }; var dungeonNames = new string[] { "\u0006Woodfall Temple\u0000", "\u0002Snowhead Temple\u0000", "\u0005Great Bay Temple\u0000", "\u0004Stone Tower Temple\u0000" }; var dungeonItemMessages = new string[] { "\u0017You found a \u0001Small Key\u0000 for\u0011{0}!\u0018\u00BF", "\u0017You found the \u0001Boss Key\u0000 for\u0011{0}!\u0018\u00BF", "\u0017You found the \u0001Dungeon Map\u0000 for\u0011{0}!\u0018\u00BF", "\u0017You found the \u0001Compass\u0000 for\u0011{0}!\u0018\u00BF", "\u0017You found a \u0001Stray Fairy\u0000 from\u0011{0}!\u0018\u001F\u0000\u0010\u0011This is your \u0001\u000C\u0000 one!\u00BF", }; var dungeonItemIcons = new byte[] { 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0xFE }; for (var i = 0; i < dungeonItemMessageIds.Length; i++) { var messageId = dungeonItemMessageIds[i]; var icon = dungeonItemIcons[i % 5]; var dungeonName = dungeonNames[i / 5]; var message = string.Format(dungeonItemMessages[i % 5], dungeonName); newMessages.Add(new MessageEntry { Id = messageId, Header = new byte[11] { 0x02, 0x00, icon, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, Message = message }); } _messageTable.UpdateMessages(newMessages); if (_settings.AddShopItems) { ResourceUtils.ApplyHack(Values.ModsDirectory + "fix-shop-checks"); } }
/// <summary> /// Get bookmark collection in word /// </summary> /// <returns>Dictionary with key is bookmark name and value is bookmark text</returns> public void GetDistinctBookmarks(string key) { //1.Get All Bookmarks //2.Do not add EndIf, EndForEach bookmark //3.If a bookmark is existed in List, increase number entry //4.Else insert to list. try { ContentServiceProfile contentProfile = Wkl.MainCtrl.ServiceCtrl.GetProfile(key).ContentService; List <BookmarkItem> listBookmarks = new List <BookmarkItem>(); Bookmarks bms = Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.CommonProfile.Bookmarks; for (int j = 1; j <= bms.Count; j++) { Bookmark bookmark = bms[j]; //2.Do not add EndIf, EndForEach bookmark if (!MarkupUtilities.GetRangeText(bookmark.Range).Contains(Constants.BookMarkControl.EndIfTag)) { BookmarkItem item = new BookmarkItem(bookmark.Name, string.Empty, string.Empty, bookmark); if (bookmark.Name.Contains("Image")) { GetInternalBookmark(key); InternalBookmark internalBM = Wkl.MainCtrl.ServiceCtrl.GetProfile(key).Ibm; foreach (InternalBookmarkDomain ibmDomain in internalBM.InternalBookmarkDomains) { foreach (InternalBookmarkItem internalItem in ibmDomain.InternalBookmarkItems) { if (internalItem.Key.CompareTo(bookmark.Name) == 0) { item.Value = internalItem.BizName; item.DisplayName = SplitValue(internalItem.BizName); } } } } else { item.Value = MarkupUtilities.GetRangeText(bookmark.Range); item.DisplayName = SplitValue(item.Value); } if (listBookmarks.Count == 0) { listBookmarks.Add(item); } else { int n = -1; bool existed = false; for (int i = 0; i < listBookmarks.Count; i++) { n += 1; if (listBookmarks[i].Value.Equals(item.Value)) { existed = true; break; } } //3. if (existed) { listBookmarks[n].NumberEntry += 1; listBookmarks[n].Items.Add(bookmark); } else//4. { listBookmarks.Add(item); } } } } contentProfile.GetDistinctBM_OListBM = listBookmarks; } catch (BaseException srvExp) { Services.ServiceException newSrvExp = new Services.ServiceException(ErrorCode.ipe_GetDistinctBookmarkError); newSrvExp.Errors.Add(srvExp); throw newSrvExp; } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceException srvExp = new ServiceException(ErrorCode.ipe_GetDistinctBookmarkError, MessageUtils.Expand(Properties.Resources.ipe_GetDistinctBookmarkError, ex.Message), ex.StackTrace); throw srvExp; } }
public async Task Kick(CommandContext ctx, [Description("The member to Kick.")] DiscordMember member, [Description("The reason on why to kick this member.")] string reason = "No reason given") { await member.RemoveAsync("Proty Kick : " + reason); await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(MessageUtils.BuildSuccess($"Member {member.Mention} ({member.Id}) was kicked from the server !")); }
private async void Init() { MessagesViewModel.SubscribeMessages(this, ClearAndAddNewMessages); _messagesList = FindViewById <ListView>(Resource.Id.messages_list); _noItemsTextView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.no_items_description); _lastUpdatedTextView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.last_updated); _messagesList.Divider = null; _messagesList.DividerHeight = 0; TextView title = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.messages_page_title); title.Text = MessagesViewModel.MESSAGES_HEADER; title.SetAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityUtils.GetHeadingAccessibilityDelegate()); string headerText = MessagesViewModel.MESSAGES_NO_ITEMS_TITLE; int unreadMessages = (await MessageUtils.GetAllUnreadMessages()).Count; int messages = (await MessageUtils.GetMessages()).Count; if (unreadMessages > 0) { headerText = MessagesViewModel.MESSAGES_NEW_MESSAGES_HEADER; } else if (messages > 0) { headerText = MessagesViewModel.MESSAGES_NO_NEW_MESSAGES_HEADER; } TextView subheader = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.messages_page_sub_header); subheader.Text = headerText; subheader.SetAccessibilityDelegate(AccessibilityUtils.GetHeadingAccessibilityDelegate()); string lastUpdatedString = MessagesViewModel.LastUpdateString; if (lastUpdatedString == "") { _lastUpdatedTextView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } else { _lastUpdatedTextView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; _lastUpdatedTextView.Text = MessagesViewModel.LastUpdateString; } _noItemsTextView.Text = MessagesViewModel.MESSAGES_NO_ITEMS_DESCRIPTION; _closeButton = FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.arrow_back); _closeButton.Click += new StressUtils.SingleClick(OnCloseBtnClicked).Run; _closeButton.ContentDescription = MessagesViewModel.MESSAGES_ACCESSIBILITY_CLOSE_BUTTON; _adapterMessages = new MessagesAdapter(this, new MessageItemViewModel[0]); _messagesList.Adapter = _adapterMessages; _messagesList.OnItemClickListener = new ItemClickListener(_adapterMessages); ShowList(false); View rootView = Window.DecorView.RootView; rootView.LayoutDirection = LayoutUtils.GetLayoutDirection(); _closeButton.SetBackgroundResource(LayoutUtils.GetBackArrow()); }
public static string AlternateName(this ItemObject itemObject) { return(MessageUtils.GetAlternateName(itemObject.DisplayName())); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public virtual async Task IssueCredentialAsync(Pool pool, Wallet wallet, string issuerDid, string credentialId, Dictionary <string, string> values) { var credentialRecord = await RecordService.GetAsync <CredentialRecord>(wallet, credentialId); if (values != null && values.Count > 0) { credentialRecord.ValuesJson = CredentialUtils.FormatCredentialValues(values); } var definitionRecord = await SchemaService.GetCredentialDefinitionAsync(wallet, credentialRecord.CredentialDefinitionId); var connection = await ConnectionService.GetAsync(wallet, credentialRecord.ConnectionId); if (credentialRecord.State != CredentialState.Requested) { throw new Exception( $"Credential sate was invalid. Expected '{CredentialState.Requested}', found '{credentialRecord.State}'"); } string revocationRegistryId = null; BlobStorageReader tailsReader = null; if (definitionRecord.SupportsRevocation) { var revocationRecordSearch = await RecordService.SearchAsync <RevocationRegistryRecord>( wallet, new SearchRecordQuery { { TagConstants.CredentialDefinitionId, definitionRecord.DefinitionId } }, null, 1); var revocationRecord = revocationRecordSearch.First(); revocationRegistryId = revocationRecord.RevocationRegistryId; tailsReader = await TailsService.OpenTailsAsync(revocationRecord.TailsFile); } var issuedCredential = await AnonCreds.IssuerCreateCredentialAsync(wallet, credentialRecord.OfferJson, credentialRecord.RequestJson, credentialRecord.ValuesJson, revocationRegistryId, tailsReader); if (definitionRecord.SupportsRevocation) { await LedgerService.SendRevocationRegistryEntryAsync(wallet, pool, issuerDid, revocationRegistryId, "CL_ACCUM", issuedCredential.RevocRegDeltaJson); credentialRecord.CredentialRevocationId = issuedCredential.RevocId; } var credentialDetails = new CredentialDetails { CredentialJson = issuedCredential.CredentialJson, RevocationRegistryId = revocationRegistryId }; await credentialRecord.TriggerAsync(CredentialTrigger.Issue); await RecordService.UpdateAsync(wallet, credentialRecord); var credential = await MessageSerializer.PackSealedAsync <CredentialMessage>(credentialDetails, wallet, connection.MyVk, connection.TheirVk); credential.Type = MessageUtils.FormatDidMessageType(connection.TheirDid, MessageTypes.Credential); await RouterService.ForwardAsync(new ForwardEnvelopeMessage { Content = credential.ToJson(), Type = MessageUtils.FormatDidMessageType(connection.TheirDid, MessageTypes.Forward) }, connection.Endpoint); }
IEnumerable <Widget> _buildComments(BuildContext context) { List <string> channelComments = new List <string>(); if (this.widget.viewModel.channelMessageList.ContainsKey(key: this._article.channelId)) { channelComments = this.widget.viewModel.channelMessageList[key : this._article.channelId]; } var mediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context); var comments = new List <Widget> { new Container( color: CColors.White, width: mediaQuery.size.width, padding: EdgeInsets.only(16, 16, 16), child: new Text( "评论", style: CTextStyle.H5, textAlign: TextAlign.left ) ) }; var titleHeight = CTextUtils.CalculateTextHeight( "评论", CTextStyle.H5, mediaQuery.size.width - 16 * 2 // 16 is horizontal padding ) + 16; // 16 is top padding float safeAreaPadding = 0; if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android) { safeAreaPadding = mediaQuery.padding.vertical; } var height = mediaQuery.size.height - navBarHeight - 44 - safeAreaPadding; if (channelComments.Count == 0) { var blankView = new Container( height: height - titleHeight, child: new BlankView( "快来写下第一条评论吧", "image/default-comment" ) ); comments.Add(item: blankView); return(comments); } var messageDict = this.widget.viewModel.channelMessageDict[key : this._article.channelId]; float contentHeights = 0; foreach (var commentId in channelComments) { if (!messageDict.ContainsKey(key: commentId)) { break; } var message = messageDict[key : commentId]; var userLicense = CCommonUtils.GetUserLicense(userId:, userLicenseMap: this.widget.viewModel.userLicenseDict); bool isPraised = _isPraised(message: message, loginUserId: this.widget.viewModel.loginUserId); var parentName = ""; var parentAuthorId = ""; if (message.upperMessageId.isNotEmpty()) { if (messageDict.ContainsKey(key: message.upperMessageId)) { var parentMessage = messageDict[key : message.upperMessageId]; parentName =; parentAuthorId =; } } else if (message.parentMessageId.isNotEmpty()) { if (messageDict.ContainsKey(key: message.parentMessageId)) { var parentMessage = messageDict[key : message.parentMessageId]; parentName =; parentAuthorId =; } } var content = MessageUtils.AnalyzeMessage(message.content, message.mentions, message.mentionEveryone) + (parentName.isEmpty() ? "" : $"回复@{parentName}"); var contentHeight = CTextUtils.CalculateTextHeight( content, CTextStyle.PLargeBody, // 16 is horizontal padding, 24 is avatar size, 8 is content left margin to avatar mediaQuery.size.width - 16 * 2 - 24 - 8 ) + 16 + 24 + 3 + 5 + 22 + 12; // 16 is top padding, 24 is avatar size, 3 is content top margin to avatar, 5 is content bottom margin to commentTime // 22 is commentTime height, 12 is commentTime bottom margin contentHeights += contentHeight; var card = new CommentCard( message: message, userLicense: userLicense, isPraised: isPraised, parentName: parentName, parentAuthorId: parentAuthorId, () => ReportManager.showReportView( isLoggedIn: this.widget.viewModel.isLoggedIn, reportType: ReportType.comment, () => this.widget.actionModel.pushToLogin(), () => this.widget.actionModel.pushToReport(arg1: commentId, arg2: ReportType.comment) ), replyCallBack: () => this._sendComment( "Article_Comment", message.parentMessageId.isNotEmpty() ? message.parentMessageId : commentId, message.parentMessageId.isNotEmpty() ? commentId : "", ? "" : ), praiseCallBack: () => { if (!this.widget.viewModel.isLoggedIn) { this.widget.actionModel.pushToLogin(); } else { if (isPraised) { this.widget.actionModel.removeLikeComment(arg: message); } else { this.widget.actionModel.likeComment(arg: message); } } }, pushToUserDetail: this.widget.actionModel.pushToUserDetail ); comments.Add(item: card); } float endHeight = 0; if (!this._article.hasMore) { comments.Add(new EndView()); endHeight = 52; } if (titleHeight + contentHeights + endHeight < height) { return(new List <Widget> { new Container( height: height, child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: comments ) ) }); } return(comments); }
/// <summary> /// Receive and process message /// </summary> protected virtual void OnReceiveMessage(object client) { using (TcpClient tcpClient = client as TcpClient) { this.m_traceSource.TraceEvent(EventLevel.Verbose, "Accepted connection on {0} from {1}", this.m_listener.LocalEndpoint, tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint); NetworkStream stream = tcpClient.GetStream(); try { // Now read to a string DateTime lastReceive = DateTime.Now; while (DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastReceive) < this.m_timeout) { if (!stream.DataAvailable) { Thread.Sleep(10); continue; } // Read LLP head byte int llpByte = stream.ReadByte(); if (llpByte != START_TX) // first byte must be HT { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid LLP First Byte"); } // Standard stream stuff, read until the stream is exhausted StringBuilder messageData = new StringBuilder(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; bool receivedEOF = false, scanForCr = false; while (!receivedEOF) { if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastReceive) > this.m_timeout) { throw new TimeoutException("Data not received in the specified amount of time. Increase the timeout or check the network connection"); } if (!stream.DataAvailable) { Thread.Sleep(10); continue; } int br = stream.Read(buffer, 0, 1024); messageData.Append(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, br)); // Need to check for CR? if (scanForCr) { receivedEOF = buffer[0] == END_TXNL; } else { // Look for FS int fsPos = Array.IndexOf(buffer, (byte)END_TX); if (fsPos == -1) // not found { continue; } else if (fsPos < buffer.Length - 1) // more room to read { receivedEOF = buffer[fsPos + 1] == END_TXNL; } else { scanForCr = true; // Cannot check the end of message for CR because there is no more room in the message buffer } // so need to check on the next loop } } // Use the nHAPI parser to process the data Hl7MessageReceivedEventArgs messageArgs = null; String originalVersion = null; // Setup local and remote receive endpoint data for auditing var localEp = tcpClient.Client.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint; var remoteEp = tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; Uri localEndpoint = new Uri(String.Format("llp://{0}:{1}", localEp.Address, localEp.Port)); Uri remoteEndpoint = new Uri(String.Format("llp://{0}:{1}", remoteEp.Address, remoteEp.Port)); foreach (var messagePart in messageData.ToString().Split((char)END_TX)) { if (messagePart == "\r") { continue; } try { this.m_traceSource.TraceInfo("Received message from llp://{0}:{1} : {2}", remoteEp.Address, remoteEp.Port, messagePart); // HACK: nHAPI doesn't like URLs ... Will fix this later string messageString = messagePart.Replace("|URL|", "|ST|"); var message = MessageUtils.ParseMessage(messageString, out originalVersion); messageArgs = new Hl7MessageReceivedEventArgs(message, localEndpoint, remoteEndpoint, DateTime.Now); HL7OperationContext.Current = new HL7OperationContext(messageArgs); // Call any bound event handlers that there is a message available OnMessageReceived(messageArgs); } catch (Exception e) { this.m_traceSource.TraceError("Error processing HL7 message: {0}", e); if (messageArgs != null) { var nack = new NHapi.Model.V25.Message.ACK(); nack.MSH.SetDefault(messageArgs.Message.GetStructure("MSH") as NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.MSH); nack.MSA.AcknowledgmentCode.Value = "AE"; nack.MSA.TextMessage.Value = $"FATAL - {e.Message}"; nack.MSA.MessageControlID.Value = (messageArgs.Message.GetStructure("MSH") as NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.MSH).MessageControlID.Value; messageArgs.Response = nack; var icomps = PipeParser.Encode(messageArgs.Message.GetStructure("MSH") as NHapi.Base.Model.ISegment, new EncodingCharacters('|', "^~\\&")).Split('|'); var ocomps = PipeParser.Encode(messageArgs.Response.GetStructure("MSH") as NHapi.Base.Model.ISegment, new EncodingCharacters('|', "^~\\&")).Split('|'); AuditUtil.AuditNetworkRequestFailure(e, messageArgs.ReceiveEndpoint, Enumerable.Range(1, icomps.Length).ToDictionary(o => $"MSH-{o}", o => icomps[o - 1]), Enumerable.Range(1, icomps.Length).ToDictionary(o => $"MSH-{o}", o => ocomps[o - 1])); } else { AuditUtil.AuditNetworkRequestFailure(e, localEndpoint, new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(), new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection()); } } finally { // Send the response back using (MemoryStream memoryWriter = new MemoryStream()) { using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(memoryWriter)) { memoryWriter.Write(new byte[] { START_TX }, 0, 1); // header if (messageArgs != null && messageArgs.Response != null) { var strMessage = MessageUtils.EncodeMessage(messageArgs.Response, originalVersion); this.m_traceSource.TraceInfo("Sending message to llp://{0} : {1}", tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint, strMessage); // Since nHAPI only emits a string we just send that along the stream streamWriter.Write(strMessage); streamWriter.Flush(); } memoryWriter.Write(new byte[] { END_TX, END_TXNL }, 0, 2); // Finish the stream with FSCR stream.Write(memoryWriter.ToArray(), 0, (int)memoryWriter.Position); stream.Flush(); } } lastReceive = DateTime.Now; // Update the last receive time so the timeout function works } } if (!stream.DataAvailable) { return; } } } catch (Exception e) { this.m_traceSource.TraceEvent(EventLevel.Error, e.ToString()); } finally { stream.Close(); tcpClient.Close(); HL7OperationContext.Current = null; } } }
public RpcAdapterProxy(Type typeToProxy, ITestSite site) : base(typeToProxy) { this.proxiedType = typeToProxy; = site; this.messageUtils = new MessageUtils(site, Marshaling.NativeMarshalingConfiguration.Configuration); RpcAdapterConfig rpcConfig = site.Config.GetAdapterConfig(typeToProxy.Name) as RpcAdapterConfig; if (rpcConfig == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("cannot get adapter config for type '{0}'", typeToProxy.Name)); } this.needAutoValidate = rpcConfig.NeedAutoValidate; callingConvention = rpcConfig.CallingConvention; charset = rpcConfig.Charset; if (!typeof(IRpcAdapter).IsAssignableFrom(proxiedType)) throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("adapter type '{0}' is not an rpc adapter", typeToProxy)); if (typeof(IRpcImplicitHandleAdapter).IsAssignableFrom(proxiedType)) { getHandleMethod = typeof(IRpcImplicitHandleAdapter).GetMethod("get_Handle"); setHandleMethod = typeof(IRpcImplicitHandleAdapter).GetMethod("set_Handle"); handleImplicit = true; } }
public async Task SimulateExposureMessage(int notificationTriggerInSeconds = 0) { await Task.Delay(notificationTriggerInSeconds * 1000); await MessageUtils.CreateMessage(this, _messageDateTime); }