public bool LoadSceneData(string fname) { BinStore binfile = new BinStore(); string fixed_path = Tools.getFilepathCaseInsensitive(fname); if (!, scenegraph_i0_2_requiredCrc)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to open original bin:" + fixed_path); return(false); } if (!loadFrom(binfile)) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load data from original bin:" + fixed_path); binfile.close(); return(false); } binfile.close(); return(true); }
bool read_data_to(string directory_path, string storage, SceneModifiers target, uint CRC) { BinStore bin_store = new BinStore(); if (! + storage, CRC)) { Debug.Log("failure"); Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't load " + storage + " from " + directory_path); Debug.LogWarning("Using piggtool, ensure that bin.pigg has been extracted to ./data/"); return(false); } bool res = target.loadFrom(bin_store); bin_store.close(); if (!res) { Debug.Log("Reading " + directory_path + " " + storage + " ... failure"); Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't load " + directory_path + " " + storage + ": wrong file format?"); } return(res); }