private void UnaryOperatorEasyOut(UnaryOperatorKind kind, BoundExpression operand, UnaryOperatorOverloadResolutionResult result)
            var operandType = operand.Type;
            if (operandType == null)

            var easyOut = UnopEasyOut.OpKind(kind, operandType);

            if (easyOut == UnaryOperatorKind.Error)

            UnaryOperatorSignature signature = this.Compilation.builtInOperators.GetSignature(easyOut);

            Conversion? conversion = Conversions.FastClassifyConversion(operandType, signature.OperandType);

            Debug.Assert(conversion.HasValue && conversion.Value.IsImplicit);

            result.Results.Add(UnaryOperatorAnalysisResult.Applicable(signature, conversion.Value));
        // Takes a list of candidates and mutates the list to throw out the ones that are worse than
        // another applicable candidate.
        private void UnaryOperatorOverloadResolution(
            BoundExpression operand,
            UnaryOperatorOverloadResolutionResult result)
            // SPEC: Given the set of applicable candidate function members, the best function
            // member in that set is located. SPEC: If the set contains only one function member,
            // then that function member is the best function member. 

            if (result.GetValidCount() == 1)

            // SPEC: Otherwise, the best function member is the one function member that is better than all other function 
            // SPEC: members with respect to the given argument list, provided that each function member is compared to all 
            // SPEC: other function members using the rules in If there is not exactly one function member that is 
            // SPEC: better than all other function members, then the function member invocation is ambiguous and a binding-time 
            // SPEC: error occurs.

            // UNDONE: This is a naive quadratic algorithm; there is a linear algorithm that works. Consider using it.

            var candidates = result.Results;
            for (int i = 0; i < candidates.Count; ++i)
                if (candidates[i].Kind != OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Applicable)

                // Is this applicable operator better than every other applicable method?
                for (int j = 0; j < candidates.Count; ++j)
                    if (i == j)
                    if (candidates[j].Kind == OperatorAnalysisResultKind.Inapplicable)
                    var better = BetterConversionFromExpression(operand, candidates[i].Signature.OperandType, candidates[j].Signature.OperandType);
                    if (better == BetterResult.Left)
                        candidates[j] = candidates[j].Worse();
                    else if (better == BetterResult.Right)
                        candidates[i] = candidates[i].Worse();
        public void UnaryOperatorOverloadResolution(UnaryOperatorKind kind, BoundExpression operand, UnaryOperatorOverloadResolutionResult result)
            Debug.Assert(operand != null);
            Debug.Assert(result.Results.Count == 0);

            // We can do a table lookup for well-known problems in overload resolution.
            UnaryOperatorEasyOut(kind, operand, result);
            if (result.Results.Count > 0)

            // SPEC: An operation of the form op x or x op, where op is an overloadable unary operator,
            // SPEC: and x is an expression of type X, is processed as follows:

            // NOTE: In fact, for a unary operator to apply the operand must always have a type. There are no
            // NOTE: unary operators that operate on lambdas, anonymous methods, method groups or null.

            // SPEC: The set of candidate user-defined operators provided by X for the operation operator 
            // SPEC: op(x) is determined using the rules of 7.3.5.

            GetUserDefinedOperators(kind, operand, result.Results);

            // SPEC: If the set of candidate user-defined operators is not empty, then this becomes the 
            // SPEC: set of candidate operators for the operation. Otherwise, the predefined unary operator 
            // SPEC: implementations, including their lifted forms, become the set of candidate operators 
            // SPEC: for the operation. 

            var operators = result.Results;
            if (!result.AnyValid())
                GetAllBuiltInOperators(kind, operand, result.Results);

            // SPEC: The overload resolution rules of 7.5.3 are applied to the set of candidate operators 
            // SPEC: to select the best operator with respect to the argument list (x), and this operator 
            // SPEC: becomes the result of the overload resolution process. If overload resolution fails 
            // SPEC: to select a single best operator, a binding-time error occurs.

            // reduce candidates
            UnaryOperatorOverloadResolution(operand, result);