Example #1
        //// Methods
        //public Font(Font prototype, FontStyle newStyle);
        //public Font(FontFamily family, float emSize);
        //public Font(string familyName, float emSize);
        //public Font(FontFamily family, float emSize, FontStyle style);
        //public Font(FontFamily family, float emSize, GraphicsUnit unit);
        //public Font(string familyName, float emSize, FontStyle style);
        //public Font(string familyName, float emSize, GraphicsUnit unit);
        //public Font(FontFamily family, float emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit);
        //public Font(string familyName, float emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit);
        ////public Font(FontFamily family, float emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet);
        ////public Font(string familyName, float emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet);
        ////public Font(FontFamily family, float emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet, bool gdiVerticalFont);
        ////public Font(string familyName, float emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet, bool gdiVerticalFont);
        //public object Clone();
        //private static FontFamily CreateFontFamilyWithFallback(string familyName);
        //private void Dispose(bool disposing);
        //public override bool Equals(object obj);
        //protected override void Finalize();
        //public static Font FromHdc(IntPtr hdc);
        //public static Font FromHfont(IntPtr hfont);
        //public static Font FromLogFont(object lf);
        //public static Font FromLogFont(object lf, IntPtr hdc);
        //public override int GetHashCode();

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this instance by computing the glyph typeface, font family, font source and TrueType fontface.
        /// (PDFsharp currently only deals with TrueType fonts.)
        /// </summary>
        void Initialize()
            if (_familyName == "Segoe UI Semilight" && (_style & XFontStyle.BoldItalic) == XFontStyle.Italic)

            FontResolvingOptions fontResolvingOptions = OverrideStyleSimulations
                ? new FontResolvingOptions(_style, StyleSimulations)
                : new FontResolvingOptions(_style);

            // HACK: 'PlatformDefault' is used in unit test code.
            if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(_familyName, GlobalFontSettings.DefaultFontName) == 0)
                _familyName = "Calibri";

            // In principle an XFont is an XGlyphTypeface plus an em-size.
            _glyphTypeface = XGlyphTypeface.GetOrCreateFrom(_familyName, fontResolvingOptions);
            // Create font by using font family.
            XFontSource fontSource;  // Not needed here.
            _gdiFont = FontHelper.CreateFont(_familyName, (float)_emSize, (GdiFontStyle)(_style & XFontStyle.BoldItalic), out fontSource);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified font data to the global PrivateFontCollection.
        /// Family name and style are automatically retrieved from the font.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Add(byte[] font)
            IntPtr unmanagedPointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(font.Length);

            Marshal.Copy(font, 0, unmanagedPointer, font.Length);
            Singleton.GetPrivateFontCollection().AddMemoryFont(unmanagedPointer, font.Length);
            // Do not free the memory here, AddMemoryFont stores a pointer, not a copy!

            XFontSource fontSource = XFontSource.GetOrCreateFrom(font);

            string familyName = fontSource.FontName;

            if (familyName.EndsWith(" Regular", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                familyName = familyName.Substring(0, familyName.Length - 8);

            bool bold   = fontSource.Fontface.os2.IsBold;
            bool italic = fontSource.Fontface.os2.IsItalic;

            IncompetentlyMakeAHackToFixAProblemYouWoldNeverHaveIfYouUseAFontResolver(fontSource, ref familyName, ref bold, ref italic);
            string key = MakeKey(familyName, bold, italic);

            Singleton._fontSources.Add(key, fontSource);

            string typefaceKey = XGlyphTypeface.ComputeKey(familyName, bold, italic);

            FontFactory.CacheExistingFontSourceWithNewTypefaceKey(typefaceKey, fontSource);
Example #3
        public static XGlyphTypeface GetOrCreateFrom(string familyName, FontResolvingOptions fontResolvingOptions)
            // Check cache for requested type face.
            string         typefaceKey = ComputeKey(familyName, fontResolvingOptions);
            XGlyphTypeface glyphTypeface;

            if (GlyphTypefaceCache.TryGetGlyphTypeface(typefaceKey, out glyphTypeface))
                // Just return existing one.

            // Resolve typeface by FontFactory.
            FontResolverInfo fontResolverInfo = FontFactory.ResolveTypeface(familyName, fontResolvingOptions, typefaceKey);

            if (fontResolverInfo == null)
                // No fallback - just stop.
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No appropriate font found.");

            // Now create the font family at the first.
            // Create new and exclusively used font family for custom font resolver retrieved font source.
            XFontFamily fontFamily = XFontFamily.CreateSolitary(fontResolverInfo.FaceName);

            // We have a valid font resolver info. That means we also have an XFontSource object loaded in the cache.
            ////XFontSource fontSource = FontFactory.GetFontSourceByTypefaceKey(fontResolverInfo.FaceName);
            XFontSource fontSource = FontFactory.GetFontSourceByFontName(fontResolverInfo.FaceName);

            Debug.Assert(fontSource != null);

            // Each font source already contains its OpenTypeFontface.
            glyphTypeface = new XGlyphTypeface(typefaceKey, fontFamily, fontSource, fontResolverInfo.StyleSimulations);
