Example #1
        public QDBusReply(QDBusMessage reply)
            m_error = new QDBusError(reply);

            QVariant variant;

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(QVariant))
                variant = QVariant.FromValue <QDBusVariant>(null);
                variant = QVariant.FromValue <T>(default(T));

            qyoto_qdbus_reply_fill((IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(reply), (IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(m_error),

            if (!m_error.IsValid())
                // qyoto_qdbus_reply_fill extracts the QVariant from the QDBusVariant for us
                if (typeof(T) == typeof(QVariant))
                    m_data = (T)(object)variant;
                    m_data = variant.Value <T>();
Example #2
        public override QVariant Data(QModelIndex index, int role)
            GCHandle ret = (GCHandle)QAbstractItemModelData((IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(this),
                                                            (IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(index), role);
            QVariant v = (QVariant)ret.Target;

Example #3
        public QDBusReply(QDBusMessage reply)
            m_error = new QDBusError(reply);
            QVariant variant = QVariant.FromValue <T>(default(T));

            qyoto_qdbus_reply_fill((IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(reply), (IntPtr)GCHandle.Alloc(m_error),
            if (!m_error.IsValid())
                m_data = variant.Value <T>();
Example #4
        protected QVariant ItemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, QVariant val)
            if (change == GraphicsItemChange.ItemPositionHasChanged) {
                foreach (EdgeItem ein in inList) {
                    ein.SetToPoint(X(), Y());
                foreach (EdgeItem eout in outList) {
                    eout.SetFromPoint(X(), Y());

            return base.ItemChange(change, val);
Example #5
 protected virtual QVariant ItemChange(QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange change, QVariant value)
     return (QVariant) interceptor.Invoke("itemChange$#", "itemChange(QGraphicsItem::GraphicsItemChange, const QVariant&)", typeof(QVariant), typeof(QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange), change, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #6
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static QDataStream Write(QDataStream s, QVariant p)
     return (QDataStream) staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator<<##", "operator<<(QDataStream&, const QVariant&)", typeof(QDataStream), typeof(QDataStream), s, typeof(QVariant), p);
Example #7
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static void QDBusReplyFill(QDBusMessage reply, QDBusError error, QVariant data)
     staticInterceptor.Invoke("qDBusReplyFill###", "qDBusReplyFill(const QDBusMessage&, QDBusError&, QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(QDBusMessage), reply, typeof(QDBusError), error, typeof(QVariant), data);
 public QDBusMessage Call(QDBus.CallMode mode, string method, QVariant arg1, QVariant arg2, QVariant arg3, QVariant arg4, QVariant arg5, QVariant arg6, QVariant arg7, QVariant arg8)
     return((QDBusMessage)interceptor.Invoke("call$$########", "call(QDBus::CallMode, const QString&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&)", typeof(QDBusMessage), typeof(QDBus.CallMode), mode, typeof(string), method, typeof(QVariant), arg1, typeof(QVariant), arg2, typeof(QVariant), arg3, typeof(QVariant), arg4, typeof(QVariant), arg5, typeof(QVariant), arg6, typeof(QVariant), arg7, typeof(QVariant), arg8));
 public IQDBusPendingCall AsyncCall(string method, QVariant arg1)
     return((IQDBusPendingCall)interceptor.Invoke("asyncCall$#", "asyncCall(const QString&, const QVariant&)", typeof(IQDBusPendingCall), typeof(string), method, typeof(QVariant), arg1));
Example #10
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Reads the value of an entry specified by <code>key</code> in the current group.
 /// <param> name="key" The key to search for.
 /// </param><param> name="aDefault" A default value returned if the key was not found.
 /// </param></remarks>        <return> The value for this key. Can be QVariant() if aDefault is null.
 ///      </return>
 ///         <short>    Reads the value of an entry specified by <code>key</code> in the current group.</short>
 public QVariant ReadEntry(string key, QVariant aDefault)
     return (QVariant) interceptor.Invoke("readEntry$#", "readEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&) const", typeof(QVariant), typeof(string), key, typeof(QVariant), aDefault);
Example #11
 public virtual bool SetHeaderData(int section, Qt.Orientation orientation, QVariant value, int role)
     return((bool)interceptor.Invoke("setHeaderData$$#$", "setHeaderData(int, Qt::Orientation, const QVariant&, int)", typeof(bool), typeof(int), section, typeof(Qt.Orientation), orientation, typeof(QVariant), value, typeof(int), role));
Example #12
 public virtual QVariant extension(QScriptClass.Extension extension, QVariant argument)
     return((QVariant)interceptor.Invoke("extension$#", "extension(QScriptClass::Extension, const QVariant&)", typeof(QVariant), typeof(QScriptClass.Extension), extension, typeof(QVariant), argument));
Example #13
 protected void SetField(string name, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("setField$#", "setField(const QString&, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(string), name, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #14
 protected QRect Check(QStyleOptionViewItem option, QRect bounding, QVariant variant)
     return((QRect)interceptor.Invoke("check###", "check(const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QRect&, const QVariant&) const", typeof(QRect), typeof(QStyleOptionViewItem), option, typeof(QRect), bounding, typeof(QVariant), variant));
Example #15
 protected QPixmap Decoration(QStyleOptionViewItem option, QVariant variant)
     return((QPixmap)interceptor.Invoke("decoration##", "decoration(const QStyleOptionViewItem&, const QVariant&) const", typeof(QPixmap), typeof(QStyleOptionViewItem), option, typeof(QVariant), variant));
Example #16
 public override bool SetHeaderData(int section, Qt.Orientation orientation, QVariant value)
     return((bool)interceptor.Invoke("setHeaderData$$#", "setHeaderData(int, Qt::Orientation, const QVariant&)", typeof(bool), typeof(int), section, typeof(Qt.Orientation), orientation, typeof(QVariant), value));
Example #17
 public EffectParameter(int parameterId, string name, uint hints, QVariant defaultValue)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("EffectParameter$$$#", "EffectParameter(int, const QString&, Phonon::EffectParameter::Hints, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(int), parameterId, typeof(string), name, typeof(uint), hints, typeof(QVariant), defaultValue);
Example #18
 public virtual List <QModelIndex> Match(QModelIndex start, int role, QVariant value, int hits)
     return((List <QModelIndex>)interceptor.Invoke("match#$#$", "match(const QModelIndex&, int, const QVariant&, int) const", typeof(List <QModelIndex>), typeof(QModelIndex), start, typeof(int), role, typeof(QVariant), value, typeof(int), hits));
Example #19
 public void WriteEntry(string key, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("writeEntry$#", "writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(string), key, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #20
 public virtual bool SetData(QModelIndex index, QVariant value)
     return((bool)interceptor.Invoke("setData##", "setData(const QModelIndex&, const QVariant&)", typeof(bool), typeof(QModelIndex), index, typeof(QVariant), value));
 public QDBusMessage Call(string method, QVariant arg1, QVariant arg2, QVariant arg3, QVariant arg4, QVariant arg5, QVariant arg6, QVariant arg7)
     return((QDBusMessage)interceptor.Invoke("call$#######", "call(const QString&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&)", typeof(QDBusMessage), typeof(string), method, typeof(QVariant), arg1, typeof(QVariant), arg2, typeof(QVariant), arg3, typeof(QVariant), arg4, typeof(QVariant), arg5, typeof(QVariant), arg6, typeof(QVariant), arg7));
Example #22
 public void AppendVariant(QVariant v)
     interceptor.Invoke("appendVariant#", "appendVariant(const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(QVariant), v);
Example #23
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets data to be used internally by the associated
 ///  AbstractRunner.
 ///  When set, it is also used to form
 ///  part of the id() for this match. If that is innapropriate
 ///  as an id, the runner may generate its own id and set that
 ///  with setId(string) directly after calling setData
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Sets data to be used internally by the associated  AbstractRunner.</short>
 public void SetData(QVariant data)
     interceptor.Invoke("setData#", "setData(const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(QVariant), data);
Example #24
 public void SetTabData(int index, QVariant data)
     interceptor.Invoke("setTabData$#", "setTabData(int, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(int), index, typeof(QVariant), data);
Example #25
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static QDataStream Read(QDataStream s, QVariant.TypeOf p)
     return (QDataStream) staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator>>#$", "operator>>(QDataStream&, QVariant::Type&)", typeof(QDataStream), typeof(QDataStream), s, typeof(QVariant.TypeOf), p);
Example #26
 public void SetData(QVariant var)
     interceptor.Invoke("setData#", "setData(const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(QVariant), var);
Example #27
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Set a value for a key.
 ///  This also marks this source as needing to signal an update.
 ///  If you call setData() directly on a DataContainer, you need to
 ///  either trigger the scheduleSourcesUpdated() slot for the
 ///  data engine it belongs to or call checkForUpdate() on the
 ///  DataContainer.
 /// <param> name="key" a string used as the key for the data
 /// </param><param> name="value" a QVariant holding the actual data. If a null or invalid
 ///               QVariant is passed in and the key currently exists in the
 ///               data, then the data entry is removed
 /// </param></remarks>        <short>    Set a value for a key.</short>
 public void SetData(string key, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("setData$#", "setData(const QString&, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(string), key, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #28
 public void SetKeyValueAt(double step, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("setKeyValueAt$#", "setKeyValueAt(qreal, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(double), step, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #29
 public void SetData(int key, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("setData$#", "setData(int, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(int), key, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #30
 protected virtual QVariant Interpolated(QVariant from, QVariant to, double progress)
     return (QVariant) interceptor.Invoke("interpolated##$", "interpolated(const QVariant&, const QVariant&, qreal) const", typeof(QVariant), typeof(QVariant), from, typeof(QVariant), to, typeof(double), progress);
Example #31
 public void AssignProperty(QObject arg1, string name, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("assignProperty#$#", "assignProperty(QObject*, const char*, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(QObject), arg1, typeof(string), name, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #32
 protected abstract void UpdateCurrentValue(QVariant value);
Example #33
 public EffectParameter(int parameterId, string name, uint hints, QVariant defaultValue, QVariant min, QVariant max, List<QVariant> values)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("EffectParameter$$$###?", "EffectParameter(int, const QString&, Phonon::EffectParameter::Hints, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QList<QVariant>&)", typeof(void), typeof(int), parameterId, typeof(string), name, typeof(uint), hints, typeof(QVariant), defaultValue, typeof(QVariant), min, typeof(QVariant), max, typeof(List<QVariant>), values);
Example #34
 public override bool SetData(QModelIndex index, QVariant value)
     return (bool) interceptor.Invoke("setData##", "setData(const QModelIndex&, const QVariant&)", typeof(bool), typeof(QModelIndex), index, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #35
 public QDateTimeEdit(QVariant val, QVariant.TypeOf parserType) : this((Type)null)
     interceptor.Invoke("QDateTimeEdit#$", "QDateTimeEdit(const QVariant&, QVariant::Type)", typeof(void), typeof(QVariant), val, typeof(QVariant.TypeOf), parserType);
Example #36
 public override bool SetHeaderData(int section, Qt.Orientation orientation, QVariant value)
     return (bool) interceptor.Invoke("setHeaderData$$#", "setHeaderData(int, Qt::Orientation, const QVariant&)", typeof(bool), typeof(int), section, typeof(Qt.Orientation), orientation, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #37
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Writes a value to the config object.
 /// <param> name="key" The key to write
 /// </param><param> name="value" The value to write
 /// </param><param> name="pFlags" The flags to use when writing this entry.
 ///      </param></remarks>        <short>    Writes a value to the config object.</short>
 public void WriteEntry(string key, QVariant value, uint pFlags)
     interceptor.Invoke("writeEntry$#$", "writeEntry(const QString&, const QVariant&, KConfigBase::WriteConfigFlags)", typeof(void), typeof(string), key, typeof(QVariant), value, typeof(uint), pFlags);
Example #38
 public virtual string DisplayText(QVariant value, QLocale locale)
     return((string)interceptor.Invoke("displayText##", "displayText(const QVariant&, const QLocale&) const", typeof(string), typeof(QVariant), value, typeof(QLocale), locale));
 public IQDBusPendingCall AsyncCall(string method, QVariant arg1, QVariant arg2, QVariant arg3, QVariant arg4, QVariant arg5, QVariant arg6, QVariant arg7)
     return((IQDBusPendingCall)interceptor.Invoke("asyncCall$#######", "asyncCall(const QString&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&, const QVariant&)", typeof(IQDBusPendingCall), typeof(string), method, typeof(QVariant), arg1, typeof(QVariant), arg2, typeof(QVariant), arg3, typeof(QVariant), arg4, typeof(QVariant), arg5, typeof(QVariant), arg6, typeof(QVariant), arg7));
Example #40
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Will create an invalid Variant if other has an unsupported type.
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Will create an invalid Variant if other has an unsupported type.</short>
 public Variant(QVariant other)
     : this((Type) null)
     interceptor.Invoke("Variant#", "Variant(const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(QVariant), other);
 protected void InternalPropSet(string propname, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("internalPropSet$#", "internalPropSet(const char*, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(string), propname, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #42
 public override bool SetData(QModelIndex index, QVariant value, int role)
     return((bool)interceptor.Invoke("setData##$", "setData(const QModelIndex&, const QVariant&, int)", typeof(bool), typeof(QModelIndex), index, typeof(QVariant), value, typeof(int), role));
 public QDBusMessage Call(string method, QVariant arg1)
     return((QDBusMessage)interceptor.Invoke("call$#", "call(const QString&, const QVariant&)", typeof(QDBusMessage), typeof(string), method, typeof(QVariant), arg1));
Example #44
 public override List <QModelIndex> Match(QModelIndex start, int role, QVariant value, int hits, uint flags)
     return((List <QModelIndex>)interceptor.Invoke("match#$#$$", "match(const QModelIndex&, int, const QVariant&, int, Qt::MatchFlags) const", typeof(List <QModelIndex>), typeof(QModelIndex), start, typeof(int), role, typeof(QVariant), value, typeof(int), hits, typeof(uint), flags));
Example #45
 public bool Write(QObject arg1, QVariant value)
     return (bool) interceptor.Invoke("write##", "write(QObject*, const QVariant&) const", typeof(bool), typeof(QObject), arg1, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #46
 public override List <QModelIndex> Match(QModelIndex start, int role, QVariant value)
     return((List <QModelIndex>)interceptor.Invoke("match#$#", "match(const QModelIndex&, int, const QVariant&) const", typeof(List <QModelIndex>), typeof(QModelIndex), start, typeof(int), role, typeof(QVariant), value));
Example #47
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Sets a value for a data source. If the source
 ///  doesn't exist then it is created.
 /// <param> name="source" the name of the data source
 /// </param><param> name="key" the key to use for the data
 /// </param><param> name="value" the data to associated with the source
 /// </param></remarks>        <short>    Sets a value for a data source.</short>
 protected void SetData(string source, string key, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("setData$$#", "setData(const QString&, const QString&, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(string), source, typeof(string), key, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #48
 public abstract void SetProperty(QPrintEngine.PrintEnginePropertyKey key, QVariant value);
Example #49
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static QDataStream Read(QDataStream s, QVariant p)
     return (QDataStream) staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator>>##", "operator>>(QDataStream&, QVariant&)", typeof(QDataStream), typeof(QDataStream), s, typeof(QVariant), p);
Example #50
 public virtual string DisplayText(QVariant value, QLocale locale)
     return (string) interceptor.Invoke("displayText##", "displayText(const QVariant&, const QLocale&) const", typeof(string), typeof(QVariant), value, typeof(QLocale), locale);
Example #51
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static QDBusArgument Read(QDBusArgument a, QVariant v)
     return (QDBusArgument) staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator>>##", "operator>>(const QDBusArgument&, QVariant&)", typeof(QDBusArgument), typeof(QDBusArgument), a, typeof(QVariant), v);
Example #52
 protected void SetHeader(QNetworkRequest.KnownHeaders header, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("setHeader$#", "setHeader(QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(QNetworkRequest.KnownHeaders), header, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #53
File: Qt.cs Project: KDE/qyoto
 public static QDataStream Write(QDataStream s, QVariant.TypeOf p)
     return (QDataStream) staticInterceptor.Invoke("operator<<#$", "operator<<(QDataStream&, const QVariant::Type)", typeof(QDataStream), typeof(QDataStream), s, typeof(QVariant.TypeOf), p);
Example #54
 protected void SetAttribute(QNetworkRequest.Attribute code, QVariant value)
     interceptor.Invoke("setAttribute$#", "setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::Attribute, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(QNetworkRequest.Attribute), code, typeof(QVariant), value);
Example #55
 protected virtual QVariant extension(QVariant variant)
     return (QVariant) interceptor.Invoke("extension#", "extension(const QVariant&) const", typeof(QVariant), typeof(QVariant), variant);
Example #56
 public QDBusVariant(QVariant variant) : base(variant)
Example #57
 protected virtual void SetExtension(QGraphicsItem.Extension extension, QVariant variant)
     interceptor.Invoke("setExtension$#", "setExtension(QGraphicsItem::Extension, const QVariant&)", typeof(void), typeof(QGraphicsItem.Extension), extension, typeof(QVariant), variant);
Example #58
 static public new QDBusVariant FromValue <T>(object value)
     return(new QDBusVariant(QVariant.FromValue(value, typeof(T))));
Example #59
 public override bool SetData(QModelIndex item, QVariant value)
     return((bool)interceptor.Invoke("setData##", "setData(const QModelIndex&, const QVariant&)", typeof(bool), typeof(QModelIndex), item, typeof(QVariant), value));
Example #60
 /// <remarks>
 ///  Reimplemented from QGraphicsItem
 ///          </remarks>        <short>    Reimplemented from QGraphicsItem          </short>
 protected virtual QVariant ItemChange(QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange change, QVariant value)
     Object[] parameters = new Object[2];
     parameters[0] = change;
     parameters[1] = value;
     return (QVariant) appletType.GetMethod("ItemChange").Invoke(applet, parameters);