public ModelBindingViewModel View(ModelBindingViewModel model)
     // fake retrieval from database
     // POST, REDIRECT, GET = HTTP workflow; we aren't returning view from POST so that if the
     // user refreshes or hits back button, it doesn't show "repost data?" dialog popup.
     return (ModelBindingViewModel)HttpContext.Current.Session[ModelBindingViewModel.SessionKey];
        public FubuContinuation Edit(InputModel input)
            var viewModel = new ModelBindingViewModel
                FirstName = input.FirstName,
                LastName = input.LastName,
                DateOfBirth = input.DateOfBirth,
                FavoriteColor = input.FavoriteColor

            // fake saving input to database
            HttpContext.Current.Session[ModelBindingViewModel.SessionKey] = viewModel;
            return FubuContinuation.RedirectTo(viewModel);