/// <summary> /// Convert a Python value to a correctly typed managed array instance. /// The Python value must support the Python iterator protocol or and the /// items in the sequence must be convertible to the target array type. /// </summary> private static bool ToArray(IntPtr value, Type obType, out object result, bool setError) { Type elementType = obType.GetElementType(); result = null; IntPtr IterObject = Runtime.PyObject_GetIter(value); if (IterObject == IntPtr.Zero) { if (setError) { SetConversionError(value, obType); } else { // PyObject_GetIter will have set an error Exceptions.Clear(); } return(false); } IList list; try { // MakeGenericType can throw because elementType may not be a valid generic argument even though elementType[] is a valid array type. // For example, if elementType is a pointer type. // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.type.makegenerictype#System_Type_MakeGenericType_System_Type var constructedListType = typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(elementType); bool IsSeqObj = Runtime.PySequence_Check(value); if (IsSeqObj) { var len = Runtime.PySequence_Size(value); list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(constructedListType, new Object[] { (int)len }); } else { // CreateInstance can throw even if MakeGenericType succeeded. // See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.activator.createinstance#System_Activator_CreateInstance_System_Type_ list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(constructedListType); } } catch (Exception e) { if (setError) { Exceptions.SetError(e); SetConversionError(value, obType); } return(false); } IntPtr item; while ((item = Runtime.PyIter_Next(IterObject)) != IntPtr.Zero) { object obj; if (!Converter.ToManaged(item, elementType, out obj, setError)) { Runtime.XDecref(item); return(false); } list.Add(obj); Runtime.XDecref(item); } Runtime.XDecref(IterObject); Array items = Array.CreateInstance(elementType, list.Count); list.CopyTo(items, 0); result = items; return(true); }
public static PyObject ToPython(this object o) { return(new PyObject(Converter.ToPython(o, o?.GetType()))); }
/// <summary> /// Implements __getitem__ for array types. /// </summary> public static IntPtr mp_subscript(IntPtr ob, IntPtr idx) { var obj = (CLRObject)GetManagedObject(ob); var arrObj = (ArrayObject)GetManagedObjectType(ob); var items = obj.inst as Array; Type itemType = arrObj.type.GetElementType(); int rank = items.Rank; int index; object value; // Note that CLR 1.0 only supports int indexes - methods to // support long indices were introduced in 1.1. We could // support long indices automatically, but given that long // indices are not backward compatible and a relative edge // case, we won't bother for now. // Single-dimensional arrays are the most common case and are // cheaper to deal with than multi-dimensional, so check first. if (rank == 1) { index = Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(idx); if (Exceptions.ErrorOccurred()) { return(Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("invalid index value")); } if (index < 0) { index = items.Length + index; } try { value = items.GetValue(index); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.IndexError, "array index out of range"); return(IntPtr.Zero); } return(Converter.ToPython(value, itemType)); } // Multi-dimensional arrays can be indexed a la: list[1, 2, 3]. if (!Runtime.PyTuple_Check(idx)) { Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.TypeError, "invalid index value"); return(IntPtr.Zero); } var count = Runtime.PyTuple_Size(idx); var args = new int[count]; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { IntPtr op = Runtime.PyTuple_GetItem(idx, i); index = Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(op); if (Exceptions.ErrorOccurred()) { return(Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("invalid index value")); } if (index < 0) { index = items.GetLength(i) + index; } args.SetValue(index, i); } try { value = items.GetValue(args); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.IndexError, "array index out of range"); return(IntPtr.Zero); } return(Converter.ToPython(value, itemType)); }
public override bool TryConvert(ConvertBinder binder, out object result) { return(Converter.ToManaged(this.obj, binder.Type, out result, false)); }
internal virtual IntPtr Invoke(IntPtr inst, IntPtr args, IntPtr kw, MethodBase info, MethodInfo[] methodinfo) { Binding binding = Bind(inst, args, kw, info, methodinfo); object result; IntPtr ts = IntPtr.Zero; if (binding == null) { var value = "No method matches given arguments"; if (methodinfo != null && methodinfo.Length > 0) { value += $" for {methodinfo[0].Name}"; } Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.TypeError, value); return(IntPtr.Zero); } if (allow_threads) { ts = PythonEngine.BeginAllowThreads(); } try { result = binding.info.Invoke(binding.inst, BindingFlags.Default, null, binding.args, null); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException != null) { e = e.InnerException; } if (allow_threads) { PythonEngine.EndAllowThreads(ts); } Exceptions.SetError(e); return(IntPtr.Zero); } if (allow_threads) { PythonEngine.EndAllowThreads(ts); } // If there are out parameters, we return a tuple containing // the result followed by the out parameters. If there is only // one out parameter and the return type of the method is void, // we return the out parameter as the result to Python (for // code compatibility with ironpython). var mi = (MethodInfo)binding.info; if (binding.outs == 1 && mi.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { } if (binding.outs > 0) { ParameterInfo[] pi = mi.GetParameters(); int c = pi.Length; var n = 0; IntPtr t = Runtime.PyTuple_New(binding.outs + 1); IntPtr v = Converter.ToPython(result, mi.ReturnType); Runtime.PyTuple_SetItem(t, n, v); n++; for (var i = 0; i < c; i++) { Type pt = pi[i].ParameterType; if (pi[i].IsOut || pt.IsByRef) { v = Converter.ToPython(binding.args[i], pt); Runtime.PyTuple_SetItem(t, n, v); n++; } } if (binding.outs == 1 && mi.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { v = Runtime.PyTuple_GetItem(t, 1); Runtime.XIncref(v); Runtime.XDecref(t); return(v); } return(t); } return(Converter.ToPython(result, mi.ReturnType)); }
/// <summary> /// Implements __setitem__ for array types. /// </summary> public static int mp_ass_subscript(IntPtr ob, IntPtr idx, IntPtr v) { var obj = (CLRObject)GetManagedObject(ob); var items = obj.inst as Array; Type itemType = obj.inst.GetType().GetElementType(); int rank = items.Rank; int index; object value; if (items.IsReadOnly) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("array is read-only"); return(-1); } if (!Converter.ToManaged(v, itemType, out value, true)) { return(-1); } if (rank == 1) { index = Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(idx); if (Exceptions.ErrorOccurred()) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("invalid index value"); return(-1); } if (index < 0) { index = items.Length + index; } try { items.SetValue(value, index); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.IndexError, "array index out of range"); return(-1); } return(0); } if (!Runtime.PyTuple_Check(idx)) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("invalid index value"); return(-1); } var count = Runtime.PyTuple_Size(idx); var args = new int[count]; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { IntPtr op = Runtime.PyTuple_GetItem(idx, i); index = Runtime.PyInt_AsLong(op); if (Exceptions.ErrorOccurred()) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("invalid index value"); return(-1); } if (index < 0) { index = items.GetLength(i) + index; } args.SetValue(index, i); } try { items.SetValue(value, args); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.IndexError, "array index out of range"); return(-1); } return(0); }
static Type TryComputeClrArgumentType(Type parameterType, IntPtr argument, bool needsResolution) { // this logic below handles cases when multiple overloading methods // are ambiguous, hence comparison between Python and CLR types // is necessary Type clrtype = null; IntPtr pyoptype; if (needsResolution) { // HACK: each overload should be weighted in some way instead pyoptype = Runtime.PyObject_Type(argument); Exceptions.Clear(); if (pyoptype != IntPtr.Zero) { clrtype = Converter.GetTypeByAlias(pyoptype); } Runtime.XDecref(pyoptype); } if (clrtype != null) { var typematch = false; if ((parameterType != typeof(object)) && (parameterType != clrtype)) { IntPtr pytype = Converter.GetPythonTypeByAlias(parameterType); pyoptype = Runtime.PyObject_Type(argument); Exceptions.Clear(); if (pyoptype != IntPtr.Zero) { if (pytype != pyoptype) { typematch = false; } else { typematch = true; clrtype = parameterType; } } if (!typematch) { // this takes care of enum values TypeCode argtypecode = Type.GetTypeCode(parameterType); TypeCode paramtypecode = Type.GetTypeCode(clrtype); if (argtypecode == paramtypecode) { typematch = true; clrtype = parameterType; } } Runtime.XDecref(pyoptype); if (!typematch) { return(null); } } else { typematch = true; clrtype = parameterType; } } else { clrtype = parameterType; } return(clrtype); }
/// <summary> /// Descriptor __get__ implementation. This method returns the /// value of the property on the given object. The returned value /// is converted to an appropriately typed Python object. /// </summary> public static IntPtr tp_descr_get(IntPtr ds, IntPtr ob, IntPtr tp) { var self = (PropertyObject)GetManagedObject(ds); if (!self.info.Valid) { return(Exceptions.RaiseTypeError(self.info.DeletedMessage)); } var info = self.info.Value; MethodInfo getter = self.getter.UnsafeValue; object result; if (getter == null) { return(Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("property cannot be read")); } if (ob == IntPtr.Zero || ob == Runtime.PyNone) { if (!getter.IsStatic) { Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.TypeError, "instance property must be accessed through a class instance"); return(IntPtr.Zero); } try { result = self.GetMemberGetter(info.DeclaringType)(info.DeclaringType); return(Converter.ToPython(result, info.PropertyType)); } catch (Exception e) { return(Exceptions.RaiseTypeError(e.Message)); } } var co = GetManagedObject(ob) as CLRObject; if (co == null) { return(Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("invalid target")); } try { var type = co.inst.GetType(); result = self.GetMemberGetter(type)(self.IsValueType(type) ? co.inst.WrapIfValueType() : co.inst); return(Converter.ToPython(result, info.PropertyType)); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException != null) { e = e.InnerException; } Exceptions.SetError(e); return(IntPtr.Zero); } }
/// <summary> /// Descriptor __set__ implementation. This method sets the value of /// a property based on the given Python value. The Python value must /// be convertible to the type of the property. /// </summary> public new static int tp_descr_set(IntPtr ds, IntPtr ob, IntPtr val) { var self = (PropertyObject)GetManagedObject(ds); if (!self.info.Valid) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError(self.info.DeletedMessage); return(-1); } var info = self.info.Value; MethodInfo setter = self.setter.UnsafeValue; object newval; if (val == IntPtr.Zero) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("cannot delete property"); return(-1); } if (setter == null) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("property is read-only"); return(-1); } if (!Converter.ToManaged(val, info.PropertyType, out newval, true)) { return(-1); } bool is_static = setter.IsStatic; if (ob == IntPtr.Zero || ob == Runtime.PyNone) { if (!is_static) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("instance property must be set on an instance"); return(-1); } } try { if (!is_static) { var co = GetManagedObject(ob) as CLRObject; if (co == null) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("invalid target"); return(-1); } var type = co.inst.GetType(); self.GetMemberSetter(type)(self.IsValueType(type) ? co.inst.WrapIfValueType() : co.inst, newval); } else { self.GetMemberSetter(info.DeclaringType)(info.DeclaringType, newval); } return(0); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException != null) { e = e.InnerException; } Exceptions.SetError(e); return(-1); } }
/// <summary> /// Descriptor __set__ implementation. This method sets the value of /// a property based on the given Python value. The Python value must /// be convertible to the type of the property. /// </summary> public new static int tp_descr_set(IntPtr ds, IntPtr ob, IntPtr val) { var self = (PropertyObject)GetManagedObject(ds); MethodInfo setter = self.setter; object newval; if (val == IntPtr.Zero) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("cannot delete property"); return(-1); } if (setter == null) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("property is read-only"); return(-1); } if (!Converter.ToManaged(val, self.info.PropertyType, out newval, true)) { return(-1); } bool is_static = setter.IsStatic; if (ob == IntPtr.Zero || ob == Runtime.PyNone) { if (!is_static) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("instance property must be set on an instance"); return(-1); } } try { if (!is_static) { var co = GetManagedObject(ob) as CLRObject; if (co == null) { Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("invalid target"); return(-1); } self.info.SetValue(co.inst, newval, null); } else { self.info.SetValue(null, newval, null); } return(0); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException != null) { e = e.InnerException; } Exceptions.SetError(e); return(-1); } }
internal Binding Bind(IntPtr inst, IntPtr args, IntPtr kw, MethodBase info, MethodInfo[] methodinfo) { // loop to find match, return invoker w/ or /wo error MethodBase[] _methods = null; int pynargs = Runtime.Interop.PyTuple_Size(args); object arg; var isGeneric = false; ArrayList defaultArgList = null; if (info != null) { _methods = new MethodBase[1]; _methods.SetValue(info, 0); } else { _methods = GetMethods(); } Type clrtype; // TODO: Clean up foreach (MethodBase mi in _methods) { if (mi.IsGenericMethod) { isGeneric = true; } ParameterInfo[] pi = mi.GetParameters(); int clrnargs = pi.Length; var match = false; int arrayStart = -1; var outs = 0; if (pynargs == clrnargs) { match = true; } else if (pynargs < clrnargs) { match = true; defaultArgList = new ArrayList(); for (int v = pynargs; v < clrnargs; v++) { if (pi[v].DefaultValue == DBNull.Value) { match = false; } else { defaultArgList.Add(pi[v].DefaultValue); } } } else if (pynargs > clrnargs && clrnargs > 0 && Attribute.IsDefined(pi[clrnargs - 1], typeof(ParamArrayAttribute))) { // This is a `foo(params object[] bar)` style method match = true; arrayStart = clrnargs - 1; } if (match) { var margs = new object[clrnargs]; for (var n = 0; n < clrnargs; n++) { IntPtr op; if (n < pynargs) { if (arrayStart == n) { // map remaining Python arguments to a tuple since // the managed function accepts it - hopefully :] op = Runtime.Interop.PyTuple_GetSlice(args, arrayStart, pynargs); } else { op = Runtime.Interop.PyTuple_GetItem(args, n); } // this logic below handles cases when multiple overloading methods // are ambiguous, hence comparison between Python and CLR types // is necessary clrtype = null; IntPtr pyoptype; if (_methods.Length > 1) { pyoptype = IntPtr.Zero; pyoptype = Runtime.PyObject_Type(op); Exceptions.Clear(); if (pyoptype != IntPtr.Zero) { clrtype = Converter.GetTypeByAlias(pyoptype); } Runtime.XDecref(pyoptype); } if (clrtype != null) { var typematch = false; if ((pi[n].ParameterType != typeof(object)) && (pi[n].ParameterType != clrtype)) { IntPtr pytype = Converter.GetPythonTypeByAlias(pi[n].ParameterType); pyoptype = Runtime.PyObject_Type(op); Exceptions.Clear(); if (pyoptype != IntPtr.Zero) { if (pytype != pyoptype) { typematch = false; } else { typematch = true; clrtype = pi[n].ParameterType; } } if (!typematch) { // this takes care of enum values TypeCode argtypecode = Type.GetTypeCode(pi[n].ParameterType); TypeCode paramtypecode = Type.GetTypeCode(clrtype); if (argtypecode == paramtypecode) { typematch = true; clrtype = pi[n].ParameterType; } } Runtime.XDecref(pyoptype); if (!typematch) { margs = null; break; } } else { typematch = true; clrtype = pi[n].ParameterType; } } else { clrtype = pi[n].ParameterType; } if (pi[n].IsOut || clrtype.IsByRef) { outs++; } if (!Converter.ToManaged(op, clrtype, out arg, false)) { Exceptions.Clear(); margs = null; break; } if (arrayStart == n) { // GetSlice() creates a new reference but GetItem() // returns only a borrow reference. Runtime.XDecref(op); } margs[n] = arg; } else { if (defaultArgList != null) { margs[n] = defaultArgList[n - pynargs]; } } } if (margs == null) { continue; } object target = null; if (!mi.IsStatic && inst != IntPtr.Zero) { //CLRObject co = (CLRObject)ManagedType.GetManagedObject(inst); // InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type // 'Python.Runtime.ClassObject' to type 'Python.Runtime.CLRObject' var co = ManagedType.GetManagedObject(inst) as CLRObject; // Sanity check: this ensures a graceful exit if someone does // something intentionally wrong like call a non-static method // on the class rather than on an instance of the class. // XXX maybe better to do this before all the other rigmarole. if (co == null) { return(null); } target = co.inst; } return(new Binding(mi, target, margs, outs)); } } // We weren't able to find a matching method but at least one // is a generic method and info is null. That happens when a generic // method was not called using the [] syntax. Let's introspect the // type of the arguments and use it to construct the correct method. if (isGeneric && info == null && methodinfo != null) { Type[] types = Runtime.PythonArgsToTypeArray(args, true); MethodInfo mi = MatchParameters(methodinfo, types); return(Bind(inst, args, kw, mi, null)); } return(null); }