/// <summary>
        /// Reads a DistributionConfiguration from a specified stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">TCP Client that manages the network stream</param>
        /// <param name="br"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DistributionConfiguration ReadFromStream(TcpClient client, BinaryReader br)
            DistributionConfiguration cfg = new DistributionConfiguration();

            while (client.Available < 17) ; // wait for data
            Byte[] problemid = br.ReadBytes(16);
            cfg.ProblemID = new Guid(problemid);

            Byte addrtype = br.ReadByte();

            // Read Controller Server Information
            Int32 cblen = 6 + ((addrtype & 1) == 0 ? 0 : 12);
            while (client.Available < cblen) ; // Wait for data
            Byte[] cb = br.ReadBytes(cblen - 2);
            cfg.ControllerServer = new IPAddress(cb);
            cfg.ControllerServerPort = br.ReadUInt16();

            // Read Redis Server Information
            Int32 rblen = 6 + ((addrtype & 2) == 0 ? 0 : 12);
            while (client.Available < rblen) ; // wait for data
            Byte[] rb = br.ReadBytes(rblen - 2);
            cfg.RedisServer = new IPAddress(rb);
            cfg.RedisServerPort = br.ReadUInt16();

            // Read OSRM Server Information
            Int32 oblen = 6 + ((addrtype & 4) == 0 ? 0 : 12);
            while (client.Available < oblen) ; // wait for data
            Byte[] ob = br.ReadBytes(oblen - 2);
            cfg.OsrmServer = new IPAddress(ob);
            cfg.OsrmServerPort = br.ReadUInt16();

            while (client.Available < 8) ; // wait for data

            // Read Random Seed
            cfg.RandomSeed = br.ReadInt32();

            // Read Workers
            Int32 wcount = br.ReadInt32();
            while (client.Available < Worker.SerializedLength * wcount) ; // wait for data
            cfg.Workers = new Worker[wcount];
            for (int i = 0; i < wcount; i++)
                cfg.Workers[i] = Worker.ReadFromStream(br);

            // Read Clusters
            while (client.Available < 4) ; // wait for data
            Int32 tcount = br.ReadInt32();
            cfg.Tasks = new Task[tcount];
            for (int i = 0; i < tcount; i++)
                while (client.Available < Task.SerializedLength) ; // wait for data
                cfg.Tasks[i] = Task.ReadFromStream(br);

            return cfg;
        private void btnPpCgfNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Construct config object
            config = new DistributionConfiguration();

            // tree view
            TreeNode rootNode = new TreeNode("DictributionConfiguration (#" + config.GetHashCode().ToString() + ")");

            // misc
            config.ControllerServer = IPAddress.Parse("");
            config.ControllerServerPort = 0;
            config.OsrmServerPort = 5000;
            config.RedisServerPort = 6379;

            // guid
            try { config.ProblemID = Guid.Parse(txtPpCfgId.Text); }
            catch { erp.SetError(txtPpCfgId, "Cannot parse GUID"); return; }
            rootNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("ProblemID: {0}", config.ProblemID));

            rootNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("ControllerServer: {0}:{1}", config.ControllerServer, config.ControllerServerPort));

            // redis ip
            try { config.RedisServer = IPAddress.Parse(txtPpCfgRedisAddr.Text); }
            catch { erp.SetError(txtPpCfgRedisAddr, "Invalid IP Address"); return; }
            rootNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("RedisServer: {0}:{1}", config.RedisServer, config.RedisServerPort));

            // osrm ip
            try { config.OsrmServer = IPAddress.Parse(txtPpCfgOsrmAddr.Text); }
            catch { erp.SetError(txtPpCfgOsrmAddr, "Invalid IP Address"); return; }
            rootNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("OsrmServer: {0}:{1}", config.OsrmServer, config.OsrmServerPort));

            // random seed
            try { config.RandomSeed = Int32.Parse(txtPpCfgRnd.Text); }
            catch { erp.SetError(txtPpCfgRnd, "Cannot parse number"); return; }
            rootNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("RandomSeed: {0}", config.RandomSeed));

            // generate workers
            TreeNode workersNode = new TreeNode("Workers");
            List<Worker> workers = new List<Worker>();
            for (int i = 0; i < nudPpCfgWorkerC.Value; i++)
                Worker w = new Worker() { WorkerID = (uint)i };
                workersNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("Worker {{ID: {0}}}", w.WorkerID));
            config.Workers = workers.ToArray();

            // generate tasks
            TreeNode tasksNode = new TreeNode("Tasks");
            List<ProblemLib.DataModel.Task> tasks = new List<ProblemLib.DataModel.Task>();
            for (int i = 0; i < nudPpCfgTaskC.Value; i++)
                Coordinate c = locations[i];
                ProblemLib.DataModel.Task t = new ProblemLib.DataModel.Task((uint)(100000 + i), (float)c.lon, (float)c.lat);
                tasksNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("Task {{ID: {0}; Location: ({1}, {2})}}", t.TaskID, t.Latitude, t.Longitude));
            config.Tasks = tasks.ToArray();

            // partition stuff
            Int32 dtPprocC = (int)nudPpCfgPprocC.Value;
            Int64 totalLen = ProblemLib.Preprocessing.PreprocessingPartition<int>.RowSum(config.Tasks.Length, config.Tasks.Length);
            Int32 distribution = (int)(totalLen / dtPprocC);

            TreeNode distributionNode = new TreeNode("Preprocessing Distribution");
            for (int i = 0; i < dtPprocC - 1; i++)
                distributionNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("Distribution {{Start: {0}; Length: {1}}}", i * distribution, distribution));
            distributionNode.Nodes.Add(String.Format("Distribution {{Start: {0}; Length: {1}}}", (dtPprocC - 1) * distribution, totalLen - (dtPprocC - 1) * distribution));


Example #3
        // Basic structure for problem controller
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // NOTE this is an implementation for testing only!
            var console = new ConsoleLogger();

            TcpClient client = new TcpClient();

                client.Connect("localhost", 17924);
            catch (Exception x)
                GlobalLogger.SendLogMessage("Error", "Failed to connect to distribution server: {0}", x.Message);
            var s = client.GetStream();
            var bw = new BinaryWriter(s);
            var br = new BinaryReader(s);

            var r = new Random();

                var c = new DistributionConfiguration();
                c.ProblemID = Guid.NewGuid();
                c.ControllerServer = IPAddress.Parse("");
                c.ControllerServerPort = 3879;
                c.RedisServer = IPAddress.Parse("");
                c.RedisServerPort = 6379;
                c.OsrmServer = IPAddress.Parse("");
                c.OsrmServerPort = 5000;
                c.RandomSeed = 1234567;
                c.Workers = new[] { new Worker() { WorkerID = 0 }, new Worker() { WorkerID = 1 }, new Worker() { WorkerID = 2 } };
                c.Tasks = new[] {
                    new Task(0, 1111.1111F, 2222.2222F), new Task(0, 1111.1111F, 2222.2222F),new Task(0, 1111.1111F, 2222.2222F) ,new Task(0, 1111.1111F, 2222.2222F),
                    new Task(0, 5511.1111F, 5522.2222F), new Task(0, 5511.1111F, 5522.2222F),new Task(0, 5511.1111F, 5522.2222F) ,new Task(0, 5511.5511F, 5522.2222F),
                    new Task(0, 8811.1111F, 2222.2222F), new Task(0, 8811.1111F, 2222.2222F),new Task(0, 8811.1111F, 2222.2222F) ,new Task(0, 8811.1111F, 2222.2222F)


                while (client.Available < 2) ;
                UInt16 ctrl = br.ReadUInt16();

                if (ctrl == ControlCodes.Acknowledge)
                    GlobalLogger.SendLogMessage("ControllerEvent", "Distribution server replied with ACK!");
                else if (ctrl == ControlCodes.Error)
                    while (client.Available < 12) ; // wait for data
                    UInt32 errcode = br.ReadUInt32();
                    DateTime ts = new DateTime(br.ReadInt64());
                    GlobalLogger.SendLogMessage("DistributionError", "Distribution server reported error {0} at {1}:{2}:{3}.{4}", errcode, ts.Hour, ts.Minute, ts.Second, ts.Millisecond);
                bw.Write(ControlCodes.TerminateConnection); // emulate disconnect code
