public IndividualGenomeDatabase Read()
            // Initialize the database.
            var database = new IndividualGenomeDatabase();

            // Read the table of SNP genotypes.
                delegate(string[] columns)
                if (columns.Length == 4)
                    // Parse a column of this format: rs#	chromosome	position	genotype
                    var snpId            = columns[0];
                    var snpValue         = new SNPGenotype();
                    snpValue.genotype    = DNA.StringToDiploidGenotype(columns[3]);
                    snpValue.orientation = Orientation.Plus;

                    // Add the SNP genotype to the database.
                    database.AddSNPValue(snpId, snpValue);
        public IndividualGenomeDatabase Read()
            // Initialize the database.
            var database = new IndividualGenomeDatabase();

            // Read the table of SNP genotypes.
                delegate(string[] columns)
                if (columns.Length == 6)
                    // Parse a column of this format: rs4477212,A/G,1,72017,+,AA
                    var snpId            = columns[0];
                    var snpValue         = new SNPGenotype();
                    snpValue.genotype    = DNA.StringToDiploidGenotype(columns[5]);
                    snpValue.orientation = DNA.StringToOrientation(columns[4]);

                    // Add the SNP genotype to the database.
                    database.AddSNPValue(snpId, snpValue);