Example #1
        public void Apply(bool forceNewCheck)
            //This function assumes that connections from the n1,n2 nodes never need to be removed in the future (e.g because the nodes move or something)
            NNConstraint nn = NNConstraint.None;

            nn.distanceXZ = true;
            int graph = (int)startNode.GraphIndex;

            //Search all graphs but the one which start and end nodes are on
            nn.graphMask = ~(1 << graph);

            bool same = true;

            if (true)
                var n1 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(StartTransform.position, nn);
                same          &= n1.node == connectedNode1 && n1.node != null;
                connectedNode1 = n1.node as MeshNode;
                clamped1       = n1.position;
                if (connectedNode1 != null)
                    Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)connectedNode1.position, Vector3.up * 5, Color.red);

            if (true)
                var n2 = AstarPath.active.GetNearest(EndTransform.position, nn);
                same          &= n2.node == connectedNode2 && n2.node != null;
                connectedNode2 = n2.node as MeshNode;
                clamped2       = n2.position;
                if (connectedNode2 != null)
                    Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)connectedNode2.position, Vector3.up * 5, Color.cyan);

            if (connectedNode2 == null || connectedNode1 == null)


            if (same && !forceNewCheck)


            uint cost = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(StartTransform.position - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor);

            startNode.AddConnection(endNode, cost);
            endNode.AddConnection(startNode, cost);

            Int3 dir = connectedNode2.position - connectedNode1.position;

            for (int a = 0; a < connectedNode1.GetVertexCount(); a++)
                Int3 va1 = connectedNode1.GetVertex(a);
                Int3 va2 = connectedNode1.GetVertex((a + 1) % connectedNode1.GetVertexCount());

                if (Int3.DotLong((va2 - va1).Normal2D(), dir) > 0)

                for (int b = 0; b < connectedNode2.GetVertexCount(); b++)
                    Int3 vb1 = connectedNode2.GetVertex(b);
                    Int3 vb2 = connectedNode2.GetVertex((b + 1) % connectedNode2.GetVertexCount());

                    if (Int3.DotLong((vb2 - vb1).Normal2D(), dir) < 0)

                    //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)va1, (Vector3)va2, Color.magenta);
                    //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vb1, (Vector3)vb2, Color.cyan);
                    //Debug.Break ();

                    if (Int3.Angle((vb2 - vb1), (va2 - va1)) > (170.0 / 360.0f) * Mathf.PI * 2)
                        float t1 = 0;
                        float t2 = 1;

                        t2 = System.Math.Min(t2, VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(va1, va2, vb1));
                        t1 = System.Math.Max(t1, VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(va1, va2, vb2));

                        if (t2 < t1)
                            Debug.LogError("Wait wut!? " + t1 + " " + t2 + " " + va1 + " " + va2 + " " + vb1 + " " + vb2 + "\nTODO, fix this error");
                            Vector3 pa = (Vector3)(va2 - va1) * t1 + (Vector3)va1;
                            Vector3 pb = (Vector3)(va2 - va1) * t2 + (Vector3)va1;

                            startNode.portalA = pa;
                            startNode.portalB = pb;

                            endNode.portalA = pb;
                            endNode.portalB = pa;

                            //Add connections between nodes, or replace old connections if existing
                            connectedNode1.AddConnection(startNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor));
                            connectedNode2.AddConnection(endNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor));

                            startNode.AddConnection(connectedNode1, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped1 - StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor));
                            endNode.AddConnection(connectedNode2, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt(((Int3)(clamped2 - EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * costFactor));
