Example #1
 public bool AttachToWindow(ovrRecti destMirrorRect, ovrRecti sourceRenderTargetRect)
     return ovrHmd_AttachToWindow(HmdPtr, IntPtr.Zero, destMirrorRect, sourceRenderTargetRect);
Example #2
 private static extern bool ovrHmd_AttachToWindow(IntPtr hmd, IntPtr window, ovrRecti destMirrorRect, ovrRecti sourceRenderTargetRect);
Example #3
 private static extern void ovrHmd_GetRenderScaleAndOffset(ovrFovPort fov,
     ovrSizei textureSize,
     ovrRecti renderViewport,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 2)]
     [Out] out ovrVector2f[] uvScaleOffsetOut);
Example #4
 // Computes updated 'uvScaleOffsetOut' to be used with a distortion if render target size or
 // viewport changes after the fact. This can be used to adjust render size every frame, if desired.
 public ovrVector2f[] GetRenderScaleAndOffset(ovrFovPort fov,
     ovrSizei textureSize,
     ovrRecti renderViewport)
     ovrVector2f[] uvScaleOffsetOut;
     ovrHmd_GetRenderScaleAndOffset(fov, textureSize, renderViewport, out uvScaleOffsetOut);
     return uvScaleOffsetOut;