Example #1
        //ForceFeedbackEnvelope envelope;
        //uint gain = nominalMaxGain;
        //float samplePeriod;


        internal ForceFeedbackEffect(ForceFeedbackController owner, ForceFeedbackEffectTypes effectType,
                                     JoystickAxes[] axes)
            this.owner      = owner;
            this.effectType = effectType;

            this.axes = new JoystickAxes[axes.Length];
            for (int n = 0; n < axes.Length; n++)
                this.axes[n] = axes[n];
            this.axesAsReadOnly = new ReadOnlyCollection <JoystickAxes>(this.axes);

            //if( axes.Length > 1 )
            //   direction = new float[ this.axes.Length ];
            //   directionAsReadOnly = new ReadOnlyCollection<float>( direction );

            //envelope = new ForceFeedbackEnvelope( this );
Example #2
 internal ForceFeedbackRampEffect(ForceFeedbackController owner, JoystickAxes[] axes)
     : base(owner, ForceFeedbackEffectTypes.Ramp, axes)
Example #3
 internal ForceFeedbackConstantForceEffect(ForceFeedbackController owner, JoystickAxes[] axes)
     : base(owner, ForceFeedbackEffectTypes.ConstantForce, axes)
Example #4
 internal ForceFeedbackPeriodicEffect(ForceFeedbackController owner,
                                      ForceFeedbackEffectTypes effectType, JoystickAxes[] axes)
     : base(owner, effectType, axes)
        protected void InitDeviceData(Button[] buttons, Axis[] axes, POV[] povs, Slider[] sliders,
                                      ForceFeedbackController forceFeedbackController)
                foreach (Button button in buttons)
                    if (button == null)
                        Log.Fatal("JoystickInputDevice: SetButtons: " +
                                  "Button in the array is not initialized.");

                this.buttons = buttons;

                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (Button button in buttons)
                        int key = (int)button.Name;
                        if (key >= count)
                            count = key + 1;

                    buttonsDictionary = new Button[count];

                    foreach (Button button in buttons)
                        int key = (int)button.Name;
                        buttonsDictionary[key] = button;

                foreach (Axis axis in axes)
                    if (axis == null)
                        Log.Fatal("JoystickInputDevice: SetAxes: " +
                                  "Axis in the array is not initialized.");

                this.axes = axes;

                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (Axis axis in axes)
                        int key = (int)axis.Name;
                        if (key >= count)
                            count = key + 1;

                    axesDictionary = new Axis[count];

                    foreach (Axis axis in axes)
                        int key = (int)axis.Name;
                        axesDictionary[key] = axis;

                foreach (POV pov in povs)
                    if (pov == null)
                        Log.Fatal("JoystickInputDevice: SetPOVs: " +
                                  "POV in the array is not initialized.");

                this.povs = povs;

                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (POV pov in povs)
                        int key = (int)pov.Name;
                        if (key >= count)
                            count = key + 1;

                    povsDictionary = new POV[count];

                    foreach (POV pov in povs)
                        int key = (int)pov.Name;
                        povsDictionary[key] = pov;

                foreach (Slider slider in sliders)
                    if (slider == null)
                        Log.Fatal("JoystickInputDevice: SetSliders: " +
                                  "Slider in the array is not initialized.");

                this.sliders = sliders;

                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (Slider slider in sliders)
                        int key = (int)slider.Name;
                        if (key >= count)
                            count = key + 1;

                    slidersDictionary = new Slider[count];

                    foreach (Slider slider in sliders)
                        int key = (int)slider.Name;
                        slidersDictionary[key] = slider;

            this.forceFeedbackController = forceFeedbackController;