static void parseDataDescriptor(List <NatNetML.DataDescriptor> description)
            //  [NatNet] Request a description of the Active Model List from the server.
            //  This sample will list only names of the data sets, but you can access
            int numDataSet = description.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("Total {0} data sets in the capture:", numDataSet);

            for (int i = 0; i < numDataSet; ++i)
                int dataSetType = description[i].type;
                // Parse Data Descriptions for each data sets and save them in the delcared lists and hashtables for later uses.
                switch (dataSetType)
                case ((int)NatNetML.DataDescriptorType.eMarkerSetData):
                    NatNetML.MarkerSet mkset = (NatNetML.MarkerSet)description[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("\tMarkerSet ({0})", mkset.Name);

                case ((int)NatNetML.DataDescriptorType.eRigidbodyData):
                    NatNetML.RigidBody rb = (NatNetML.RigidBody)description[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("\tRigidBody ({0})", rb.Name);

                    // Saving Rigid Body Descriptions

                    // When a Data Set does not match any of the descriptions provided by the SDK.
                    Console.WriteLine("\tError: Invalid Data Set");
        /// <summary>
        /// [NatNet] Request a description of the Active Model List from the server (e.g. Motive) and build up a new spreadsheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void buttonGetDataDescriptions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            needMarkerListUpdate = true;

            OutputMessage("Retrieving Data Descriptions....");
            List <NatNetML.DataDescriptor> descs = new List <NatNetML.DataDescriptor>();
            bool bSuccess = m_NatNet.GetDataDescriptions(out descs);

            if (bSuccess)
                OutputMessage(String.Format("Retrieved {0} Data Descriptions....", descs.Count));
                int iObject = 0;
                foreach (NatNetML.DataDescriptor d in descs)

                    // MarkerSets
                    if (d.type == (int)NatNetML.DataDescriptorType.eMarkerSetData)
                        NatNetML.MarkerSet ms = (NatNetML.MarkerSet)d;
                        OutputMessage("Data Def " + iObject.ToString() + " [MarkerSet]");

                        OutputMessage(" Name : " + ms.Name);
                        OutputMessage(String.Format(" Markers ({0}) ", ms.nMarkers));
                        dataGridView1.Rows.Add("MarkerSet: " + ms.Name);
                        for (int i = 0; i < ms.nMarkers; i++)
                            OutputMessage(("  " + ms.MarkerNames[i]));
                            int rowIndex = dataGridView1.Rows.Add("  " + ms.MarkerNames[i]);
                            // MarkerNameIndexToRow map
                            String strUniqueName = ms.Name + i.ToString();
                            int    key           = strUniqueName.GetHashCode();
                            htMarkers.Add(key, rowIndex);
                    // RigidBodies
                    else if (d.type == (int)NatNetML.DataDescriptorType.eRigidbodyData)
                        NatNetML.RigidBody rb = (NatNetML.RigidBody)d;

                        OutputMessage("Data Def " + iObject.ToString() + " [RigidBody]");
                        OutputMessage(" Name : " + rb.Name);
                        OutputMessage(" ID : " + rb.ID);
                        OutputMessage(" ParentID : " + rb.parentID);
                        OutputMessage(" OffsetX : " + rb.offsetx);
                        OutputMessage(" OffsetY : " + rb.offsety);
                        OutputMessage(" OffsetZ : " + rb.offsetz);


                        int rowIndex = dataGridView1.Rows.Add("RigidBody: " + rb.Name);
                        // RigidBodyIDToRow map
                        int key = rb.ID.GetHashCode();
                        htRigidBodies.Add(key, rowIndex);
                    // Skeletons
                    else if (d.type == (int)NatNetML.DataDescriptorType.eSkeletonData)
                        NatNetML.Skeleton sk = (NatNetML.Skeleton)d;

                        OutputMessage("Data Def " + iObject.ToString() + " [Skeleton]");
                        OutputMessage(" Name : " + sk.Name);
                        OutputMessage(" ID : " + sk.ID);
                        dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Skeleton: " + sk.Name);
                        for (int i = 0; i < sk.nRigidBodies; i++)
                            RigidBody rb = sk.RigidBodies[i];
                            OutputMessage(" RB Name  : " + rb.Name);
                            OutputMessage(" RB ID    : " + rb.ID);
                            OutputMessage(" ParentID : " + rb.parentID);
                            OutputMessage(" OffsetX  : " + rb.offsetx);
                            OutputMessage(" OffsetY  : " + rb.offsety);
                            OutputMessage(" OffsetZ  : " + rb.offsetz);
                            int rowIndex = dataGridView1.Rows.Add("Bone: " + rb.Name);
                            // RigidBodyIDToRow map
                            int uniqueID = sk.ID * 1000 + rb.ID;
                            int key      = uniqueID.GetHashCode();
                            if (htRigidBodies.ContainsKey(key))
                                MessageBox.Show("Duplicate RigidBody ID");
                                htRigidBodies.Add(key, rowIndex);
                        OutputMessage("Unknown DataType");
                OutputMessage("Unable to retrieve DataDescriptions");
        static void parseDataDescriptor(List <NatNetML.DataDescriptor> description)
            //  [NatNet] Request a description of the Active Model List from the server.
            //  This sample will list only names of the data sets, but you can access
            int numDataSet = description.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("Total {0} data sets in the capture:", numDataSet);

            for (int i = 0; i < numDataSet; ++i)
                int dataSetType = description[i].type;
                // Parse Data Descriptions for each data sets and save them in the delcared lists and hashtables for later uses.
                switch (dataSetType)
                case ((int)NatNetML.DataDescriptorType.eMarkerSetData):
                    NatNetML.MarkerSet mkset = (NatNetML.MarkerSet)description[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("\tMarkerSet ({0})", mkset.Name);

                case ((int)NatNetML.DataDescriptorType.eRigidbodyData):
                    NatNetML.RigidBody rb = (NatNetML.RigidBody)description[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("\tRigidBody ({0})", rb.Name);

                    // Saving Rigid Body Descriptions

                case ((int)NatNetML.DataDescriptorType.eSkeletonData):
                    NatNetML.Skeleton skl = (NatNetML.Skeleton)description[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("\tSkeleton ({0}), Bones:", skl.Name);

                    //Saving Skeleton Descriptions

                    // Saving Individual Bone Descriptions
                    for (int j = 0; j < skl.nRigidBodies; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}. {1}", j + 1, skl.RigidBodies[j].Name);
                        int uniqueID = skl.ID * 1000 + skl.RigidBodies[j].ID;
                        int key      = uniqueID.GetHashCode();
                        mHtSkelRBs.Add(key, skl.RigidBodies[j]);     //Saving the bone segments onto the hashtable

                case ((int)NatNetML.DataDescriptorType.eForcePlateData):
                    NatNetML.ForcePlate fp = (NatNetML.ForcePlate)description[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("\tForcePlate ({0})", fp.Serial);

                    // Saving Force Plate Channel Names

                    for (int j = 0; j < fp.ChannelCount; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("\t\tChannel {0}: {1}", j + 1, fp.ChannelNames[j]);

                    // When a Data Set does not match any of the descriptions provided by the SDK.
                    Console.WriteLine("\tError: Invalid Data Set");