public void logMouseEvent(object RawMouse, MouseEvent mevent) { //Debug.WriteLine(mevent.handle + ", " + mevent.ts + ", " + mevent.lastx + ", " + mevent.lasty + ", " + mevent.buttons); if (this.test_state == state.idle) { this.lastHandle = mevent.handle; } else if (this.test_state == state.collect) { this.mlog.Add(mevent); } }
public void ProcessRawInput(Message m) { if (m.Msg == WM_INPUT) { uint dwSize = 0; GetRawInputData(m.LParam, RID_INPUT, IntPtr.Zero, ref dwSize, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RAWINPUTHEADER))); IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)dwSize); try { if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero && GetRawInputData(m.LParam, RID_INPUT, buffer, ref dwSize, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RAWINPUTHEADER))) == dwSize) { RAWINPUT raw = (RAWINPUT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(RAWINPUT)); if (raw.header.dwType == RIM_TYPEMOUSE) { if (mevent != null) { MouseEvent meventinfo = new MouseEvent(raw.header.hDevice.ToInt32(), raw.mouse.buttonsStr.usButtonFlags , raw.mouse.lLastX, -raw.mouse.lLastY, stopWatch.ElapsedTicks * 1e3 / Stopwatch.Frequency); mevent(this, meventinfo); } //Debug.WriteLine((stopWatch.ElapsedTicks * 1e3 / Stopwatch.Frequency).ToString() + ", " + // raw.mouse.lLastX.ToString() + ", " + // raw.mouse.lLastY.ToString()); } } } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(buffer); } } }
public void logMouseEvent(object RawMouse, MouseEvent mevent) { //Debug.WriteLine(mevent.ts + ", " + mevent.lastx + ", " + mevent.lasty + ", " + mevent.buttons); if (this.test_state == state.idle) { } else if (this.test_state == state.measure_wait) { if (mevent.buttonflags == 0x0001) { this.mlog.Add(mevent); this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Measuring"; this.test_state = state.measure; } } else if (this.test_state == state.measure) { this.mlog.Add(mevent); if (mevent.buttonflags == 0x0002) { double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; double ts_min = this.mlog.Events[0].ts; foreach (MouseEvent e in this.mlog.Events) { e.ts -= ts_min; x += (double)e.lastx; y += (double)e.lasty; } this.mlog.Cpi = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt((x * x) + (y * y)) / (10 / 2.54)); this.textBoxCPI.Text = this.mlog.Cpi.ToString(); this.textBox1.Text = "Press the Collect or Log Start button\r\n"; this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; this.test_state = state.idle; } } else if (this.test_state == state.collect_wait) { if (mevent.buttonflags == 0x0001) { this.mlog.Add(mevent); this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Collecting"; this.test_state = state.collect; } } else if (this.test_state == state.collect) { this.mlog.Add(mevent); if (mevent.buttonflags == 0x0002) { double ts_min = this.mlog.Events[0].ts; foreach (MouseEvent e in this.mlog.Events) { e.ts -= ts_min; } this.textBox1.Text = "Press the plot button to view data\r\n" + " or\r\n" + "Press the save button to save log file\r\n" + "Events: " + this.mlog.Events.Count.ToString() + "\r\n" + "Sum X: " + this.mlog.deltaX().ToString() + " counts " + Math.Abs(this.mlog.deltaX() / this.mlog.Cpi * 2.54).ToString("0.0") + " cm\r\n" + "Sum Y: " + this.mlog.deltaY().ToString() + " counts " + Math.Abs(this.mlog.deltaY() / this.mlog.Cpi * 2.54).ToString("0.0") + " cm\r\n" + "Path: " + this.mlog.path().ToString("0") + " counts " + (this.mlog.path() / this.mlog.Cpi * 2.54).ToString("0.0") + " cm"; this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; this.test_state = state.idle; } } else if (this.test_state == state.log) { this.mlog.Add(mevent); } }
public void Add(MouseEvent e) {; }
public void logMouseEvent(object RawMouse, MouseEvent mevent) { if (this.test_state == state.idle) { if (mevent.buttonflags == 0x0002) last_released_leftclick = mevent.hDevice; } else if (this.test_state == state.measure_wait) { if (mevent.buttonflags == 0x0001) { this.mlog.Add(mevent); this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Measuring"; this.test_state = state.measure; } } else if (this.test_state == state.measure) { this.mlog.Add(mevent); if (mevent.buttonflags == 0x0002) { double x = 0.0; double y = 0.0; double ts_min = this.mlog.Events[0].ts; foreach (MouseEvent e in this.mlog.Events) { e.ts -= ts_min; x += (double)e.lastx; y += (double)e.lasty; } this.mlog.Cpi = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt((x * x) + (y * y)) / (10 / 2.54)); this.textBoxCPI.Text = this.mlog.Cpi.ToString(); this.textBox1.Text = "Press the Collect or Log Start button\r\n"; this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ""; this.test_state = state.idle; } } else if (this.test_state == state.collect_wait) { if (mevent.buttonflags == 0x0001) { this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Collecting"; this.test_state = state.collect; } } else if (this.test_state == state.collect) { if (mevent.buttonflags == 0x0002) FinishCollecting(); else AddEvent(mevent); } else if (this.test_state == state.log) AddEvent(mevent); }
private void AddEvent(MouseEvent mevent) { if (dual_state == dualstate.ready) { if (mevent.hDevice == mlog1.hDevice) mlog1.Events.Add(mevent); else if (mevent.hDevice == mlog2.hDevice) mlog2.Events.Add(mevent); } else this.mlog.Add(mevent); }