Example #1
 static void i_UpdateStatus(object source, ImgurUploaderStatus s)
     _f.FilesMessage   = s.TotalMessage;
     _f.FilesProgress  = s.TotalProgress;
     _f.UploadMessage  = s.FileBeingProcessed + " " + s.FileProcessMessage;
     _f.UploadProgress = s.FileProcessProgress;
Example #2
                #pragma warning restore 0649

        void AttemptReauthorize(ImgurUploaderStatus status)
            status.FileProcessMessage = "Access token expired, re-authorizing...";
            UpdateStatus(this, status);
            try {
                Authorize(GrantType.RefreshToken, Settings.Default.RefreshToken);
            catch (AuthorizationException aEx) {
                MessageBox.Show("Could not authorize. Try re-authorizing your account.", "Error");
                Application.Run(new SettingsForm());
Example #3
        public void UploadFiles()
            Dictionary <string, string> fields = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            fields.Add("key", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["APIKey"]);

            int currentFileNumber = 0;

            foreach (string file in Files)
                string TotalMessage        = String.Format("Dealing with file {0}/{1}", currentFileNumber, Files.Count);
                double TotalProgress       = (currentFileNumber - 1) / (Files.Count * 1.0f);
                ImgurUploaderStatus status =
                    new ImgurUploaderStatus {
                    TotalMessage       = TotalMessage,
                    TotalProgress      = TotalProgress,
                    FileBeingProcessed = Path.GetFileName(file)
                    status.FileProcessProgress = 0;

                    status.FileProcessMessage = "Verifying existence";
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);

                    if (!File.Exists(file))
                        throw new InvalidFileException {
                                  Message = "File could not be found"

                    status.FileProcessMessage = "Verifying file integrity";
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);
                    { Image i = Image.FromFile(file); }
                    catch (ArgumentException) { throw new InvalidFileException {
                                                          Message = "File did not appear to be an image"
                                                }; }

                    //okee - moving on! now lets compose a webrequest and send it along it's merry way.

                    HttpWebRequest hr    = WebRequest.Create(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadURL"]) as HttpWebRequest;
                    string         bound = "----------------------------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x");
                    hr.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + bound;
                    hr.Method      = "POST";
                    hr.KeepAlive   = true;
                    hr.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

                    byte[] boundBytes       = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\r\n--" + bound + "\r\n");
                    string formDataTemplate = "\r\n--" + bound + "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\";\r\n\r\n{1}";

                    //add fields + a boundary
                    MemoryStream fieldData = new MemoryStream();
                    foreach (string key in fields.Keys)
                        byte[] formItemBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
                            string.Format(formDataTemplate, key, fields[key]));
                        fieldData.Write(formItemBytes, 0, formItemBytes.Length);
                    fieldData.Write(boundBytes, 0, boundBytes.Length);

                    //calculate the total length we expect to send
                    string headerTemplate =
                        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\"; filename=\"{1}\"\r\n Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n";
                    long fileBytes = 0;

                    byte[] headerBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
                        String.Format(headerTemplate, "image", file));
                    FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                    fileBytes       += headerBytes.Length;
                    fileBytes       += fs.Length;
                    fileBytes       += boundBytes.Length;
                    hr.ContentLength = fieldData.Length + fileBytes;

                    Stream s = hr.GetRequestStream();
                    //write the fields to the request stream
                    Debug.WriteLine("sending field data");

                    //write the files to the request stream
                    Debug.WriteLine("sending file data");
                    status.FileProcessMessage = "Sending File...";
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);
                    s.Write(headerBytes, 0, headerBytes.Length);

                    int    bytesRead  = 0;
                    long   bytesSoFar = 0;
                    byte[] buffer     = new byte[10240];
                    while ((bytesRead = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
                        bytesSoFar += bytesRead;
                        s.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("sending file data {0:0.000}%", (bytesSoFar * 100.0f) / fs.Length));
                        status.FileProcessProgress = (bytesSoFar * 1.0f) / fs.Length;
                        status.TotalProgress       = TotalProgress + 1 / (Files.Count * 1.0f) * status.FileProcessProgress;
                        UpdateStatus(this, status);

                    s.Write(boundBytes, 0, boundBytes.Length);

                    status.FileProcessMessage = "File Sent, Waiting for Response...";
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);

                    HttpWebResponse response       = hr.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
                    string          responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

                    status.FileProcessMessage  = "All finished, what's next?";
                    status.FileProcessProgress = 1;
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);

                    XmlDocument responseXml = new XmlDocument();
                    if (responseXml["rsp"].Attributes["stat"].Value == "ok")
                        FileComplete(this, new ImgurUploadInfo
                            imgur_page      = responseXml["rsp"]["imgur_page"].InnerText,
                            original_image  = responseXml["rsp"]["original_image"].InnerText,
                            small_thumbnail = responseXml["rsp"]["small_thumbnail"].InnerText,
                            large_thumbnail = responseXml["rsp"]["large_thumbnail"].InnerText,
                            delete_page     = responseXml["rsp"]["delete_page"].InnerText,
                            delete_hash     = responseXml["rsp"]["delete_hash"].InnerText,
                            image_hash      = responseXml["rsp"]["image_hash"].InnerText,
                            file            = file
                        throw new InvalidFileException {
                                  Message = "Imgur didn't like it"

                    hr = null;
                catch (InvalidFileException ex)
                    InvalidFileFound(this, file, ex.Message);

            UpdateStatus(this, new ImgurUploaderStatus
                FileBeingProcessed  = "All Finished",
                FileProcessMessage  = "",
                FileProcessProgress = 1,
                TotalMessage        = "All Files Done",
                TotalProgress       = 1
Example #4
        public void UploadFiles()
            string accessToken                = Settings.Default.AccessToken;
            ImgurUploaderStatus status        = new ImgurUploaderStatus();
            UploadResponse      albumResponse = null;
            HttpWebRequest      hr;

            try {
                if (Files.Count > 1 && Settings.Default.UploadAlbum)
                    // Create album
                    status = new ImgurUploaderStatus {
                        FileProcessMessage = "Creating album..."
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);

                    hr             = WebRequest.Create(Settings.Default.AlbumURL) as HttpWebRequest;
                    hr.Method      = "POST";
                    hr.KeepAlive   = true;
                    hr.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                    string authHeader = accessToken != "" ? "Bearer " + accessToken : "Client-ID " + Settings.Default.ClientID;
                    hr.Headers.Add("Authorization", authHeader);

                    using (HttpWebResponse response = hr.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) {
                        string responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                        albumResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UploadResponse>(responseString);

                        if (!albumResponse.success)
                            MessageBox.Show("Imgur didn't like the request.", "Error");

                    hr = null;

                int currentFileNumber           = 0;
                List <UploadResponse> responses = new List <UploadResponse>();

                foreach (string file in Files)
                    string TotalMessage  = String.Format("Handling file {0}/{1}", currentFileNumber, Files.Count);
                    double TotalProgress = (currentFileNumber - 1) / (Files.Count * 1.0f);
                    status =
                        new ImgurUploaderStatus {
                        UploadProgress     = 0,
                        FilesMessage       = TotalMessage,
                        FilesProgress      = TotalProgress,
                        FileBeingProcessed = Path.GetFileName(file)

                    status.FileProcessMessage = "Verifying existence";
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);

                    if (!File.Exists(file))
                        MessageBox.Show("File could not be found.", "Error");

                    status.FileProcessMessage = "Verifying file integrity";
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);

                    try { Image.FromFile(file); }
                    catch (ArgumentException) { MessageBox.Show("File did not appear to be an image.", "Error"); }

                    hr = WebRequest.Create(Settings.Default.UploadURL) as HttpWebRequest;
                    string bound = "----------------------------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x");
                    hr.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + bound;
                    hr.Method      = "POST";
                    hr.KeepAlive   = true;
                    hr.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                    string authHeader = accessToken != "" ? "Bearer " + accessToken : "Client-ID " + Settings.Default.ClientID;
                    hr.Headers.Add("Authorization", authHeader);

                    byte[] boundBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("\r\n--" + bound + "\r\n");

                    string headerTemplate =
                        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"image\"; filename=\"{0}\"\r\n Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n";

                    byte[] headerBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
                        String.Format(headerTemplate, Path.GetFileName(file)));

                    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
                        // Calculate the total length we expect to send
                        long contentLength = 0;
                        contentLength += headerBytes.Length;
                        contentLength += fs.Length;
                        contentLength += boundBytes.Length * 2;
                        byte[] albumData = null;
                        if (albumResponse != null)
                            albumData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
                                "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"album\"\r\n\r\n" +
                                (accessToken != "" ? albumResponse.data.id : albumResponse.data.deletehash));
                            contentLength += albumData.Length + boundBytes.Length;
                        hr.ContentLength = contentLength;

                        using (Stream s = hr.GetRequestStream()) {
                            s.Write(boundBytes, 0, boundBytes.Length);

                            if (albumData != null)
                                // Add album ID
                                s.Write(albumData, 0, albumData.Length);
                                s.Write(boundBytes, 0, boundBytes.Length);

                            // Write the file to the request stream
                            status.FileProcessMessage = "Sending File...";
                            UpdateStatus(this, status);
                            s.Write(headerBytes, 0, headerBytes.Length);

                            int    bytesRead  = 0;
                            long   bytesSoFar = 0;
                            byte[] buffer     = new byte[10240];
                            while ((bytesRead = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
                                bytesSoFar += bytesRead;
                                s.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("sending file data {0:0.000}%", (bytesSoFar * 100.0f) / fs.Length));
                                status.UploadProgress = (bytesSoFar * 1.0f) / fs.Length;
                                status.FilesProgress  = TotalProgress + 1 / (Files.Count * 1.0f) * status.UploadProgress;
                                UpdateStatus(this, status);
                            s.Write(boundBytes, 0, boundBytes.Length);

                    status.FileProcessMessage = "File sent, waiting for response...";
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);

                    using (HttpWebResponse response = hr.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) {
                        string         responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                        UploadResponse imgur          = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UploadResponse>(responseString);

                        if (!imgur.success)
                            MessageBox.Show("Imgur didn't like the request.", "Error");
                        else if (albumResponse == null)

                    status.FileProcessMessage = "All finished, what's next?";
                    status.UploadProgress     = 1;
                    UpdateStatus(this, status);

                    hr = null;

                if (albumResponse == null)
                    foreach (UploadResponse imgur in responses)
                        if (accessToken == "" && Settings.Default.DeleteWindow)
                            Process.Start("http://imgur.com/delete/" + imgur.data.deletehash);
                    // TODO: Figure out deletion for anonymous albums
                    //if (accessToken == "")
                    //	Process.Start("http://imgur.com/{???}" + albumResponse.data.deletehash);
                    Process.Start("http://imgur.com/a/" + albumResponse.data.id + "/layout/grid");

            catch (WebException ex) {
                HttpWebResponse response = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
                    MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong during upload. Check your network connection.", "Error");