Example #1
        public override int OnAfterOpenProject(IVsHierarchy hierarchy, int added)
            // If this is a new project and our project. We use here that it is only our project that will implemnet the "internal"  IBuildDependencyOnProjectContainer.
            if (added != 0 && hierarchy is IBuildDependencyUpdate)
                IVsUIHierarchy uiHierarchy = hierarchy as IVsUIHierarchy;
                Debug.Assert(uiHierarchy != null, "The ProjectNode should implement IVsUIHierarchy");
                // Expand and select project node
                IVsUIHierarchyWindow uiWindow = UIHierarchyUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(this.ServiceProvider, HierarchyNode.SolutionExplorer);
                if (uiWindow != null)
                    __VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE state;
                    uint stateAsInt;
                    if (uiWindow.GetItemState(uiHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, (uint)__VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE.HIS_Expanded, out stateAsInt) == VSConstants.S_OK)
                        state = (__VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE)stateAsInt;
                        if (state != __VSHIERARCHYITEMSTATE.HIS_Expanded)
                            int hr;
                            hr = uiWindow.ExpandItem(uiHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_ExpandParentsToShowItem);
                            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr))
                                Trace.WriteLine("Failed to expand project node");
                            hr = uiWindow.ExpandItem(uiHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_SelectItem);
                            if (ErrorHandler.Failed(hr))
                                Trace.WriteLine("Failed to select project node");

        /// <summary>
        /// Renames the file node for a case only change.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newFileName">The new file name.</param>
        private void RenameCaseOnlyChange(string newFileName)
            //Update the include for this item.
            string include = this.ItemNode.Item.Include;

            if (String.Compare(include, newFileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                this.ItemNode.Item.Include = newFileName;
                string includeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(include);
                this.ItemNode.Item.Include = Path.Combine(includeDir, newFileName);



            // Refresh the property browser.
            IVsUIShell shell = this.ProjectMgr.Site.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;

            Debug.Assert(shell != null, "Could not get the ui shell from the project");
            if (shell == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();


            //Select the new node in the hierarchy
            IVsUIHierarchyWindow uiWindow = UIHierarchyUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(this.ProjectMgr.Site, SolutionExplorer);

            uiWindow.ExpandItem(this.ProjectMgr, this.ID, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_SelectItem);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a dataobject from selected nodes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cutHighlightItems">boolean that defines if the selected items must be cut</param>
        /// <returns>data object for selected items</returns>
        internal virtual DataObject PackageSelectionDataObject(bool cutHighlightItems)
            this.CleanupSelectionDataObject(false, false, false);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            DataObject dataObject = null;

                IList <HierarchyNode> selectedNodes = this.GetSelectedNodes();
                if (selectedNodes != null)

                    StringBuilder selectionContent = null;

                    // If there is a selection package the data
                    if (selectedNodes.Count > 1)
                        foreach (HierarchyNode node in selectedNodes)
                            selectionContent = node.PrepareSelectedNodesForClipBoard();
                            if (selectionContent != null)
                    else if (selectedNodes.Count == 1)
                        HierarchyNode selectedNode = selectedNodes[0];
                        selectionContent = selectedNode.PrepareSelectedNodesForClipBoard();
                        if (selectionContent != null)

                // Add the project items first.
                IntPtr ptrToItems = this.PackageSelectionData(sb, false);
                if (ptrToItems == IntPtr.Zero)

                FORMATETC fmt = DragDropHelper.CreateFormatEtc(DragDropHelper.CF_VSSTGPROJECTITEMS);
                dataObject = new DataObject();
                dataObject.SetData(fmt, ptrToItems);

                // Now add the project path that sourced data. We just write the project file path.
                IntPtr ptrToProjectPath = this.PackageSelectionData(new StringBuilder(this.GetMkDocument()), true);

                if (ptrToProjectPath != IntPtr.Zero)
                    dataObject.SetData(DragDropHelper.CreateFormatEtc(DragDropHelper.CF_VSPROJECTCLIPDESCRIPTOR), ptrToProjectPath);

                if (cutHighlightItems)
                    bool first             = true;
                    IVsUIHierarchyWindow w = UIHierarchyUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(this.site, HierarchyNode.SolutionExplorer);

                    foreach (HierarchyNode node in this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied)
                        ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(w.ExpandItem((IVsUIHierarchy)this, node.ID, first ? EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_CutHighlightItem : EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_AddCutHighlightItem));
                        first = false;
            catch (COMException e)
                Trace.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message);

                dataObject = null;

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        ///  After a drop or paste, will use the dwEffects
        ///  to determine whether we need to clean up the source nodes or not. If
        ///  justCleanup is set, it only does the cleanup work.
        /// </summary>
        internal void CleanupSelectionDataObject(bool dropped, bool cut, bool moved, bool justCleanup)
            if (this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied == null || this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied.Count == 0)

                IVsUIHierarchyWindow w = UIHierarchyUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(this.site, HierarchyNode.SolutionExplorer);
                foreach (HierarchyNode node in this.ItemsDraggedOrCutOrCopied)
                    if ((moved && (cut || dropped) && !justCleanup))
                        // do not close it if the doc is dirty or we do not own it
                        bool isDirty, isOpen, isOpenedByUs;
                        uint docCookie;
                        IVsPersistDocData ppIVsPersistDocData;
                        DocumentManager   manager = node.GetDocumentManager();
                        if (manager != null)
                            manager.GetDocInfo(out isOpen, out isDirty, out isOpenedByUs, out docCookie, out ppIVsPersistDocData);
                            if (isDirty || (isOpen && !isOpenedByUs))

                            // close it if opened
                            if (isOpen)

                    else if (w != null)
                        ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(w.ExpandItem((IVsUIHierarchy)this, node.ID, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_UnCutHighlightItem));
                    // Now delete the memory allocated by the packaging of datasources.
                    // If we just did a cut, or we are told to cleanup, then we need to free the data object. Otherwise, we leave it
                    // alone so that you can continue to paste the data in new locations.
                    if (moved || cut || justCleanup)
                    this.dropDataType = DropDataType.None;
        /// <summary>
        /// Renames the file in the hierarchy by removing old node and adding a new node in the hierarchy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldFileName">The old file name.</param>
        /// <param name="newFileName">The new file name</param>
        /// <param name="newParentId">The new parent id of the item.</param>
        /// <returns>The newly added FileNode.</returns>
        /// <remarks>While a new node will be used to represent the item, the underlying MSBuild item will be the same and as a result file properties saved in the project file will not be lost.</remarks>
        protected virtual FileNode RenameFileNode(string oldFileName, string newFileName, uint newParentId)
            if (string.Compare(oldFileName, newFileName, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                // We do not want to rename the same file


            // Since this node has been removed all of its state is zombied at this point
            // Do not call virtual methods after this point since the object is in a deleted state.

            string[] file = new string[1];
            file[0] = newFileName;
            VSADDRESULT[] result    = new VSADDRESULT[1];
            Guid          emptyGuid = Guid.Empty;

            ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(this.ProjectMgr.AddItemWithSpecific(newParentId, VSADDITEMOPERATION.VSADDITEMOP_OPENFILE, null, 0, file, IntPtr.Zero, 0, ref emptyGuid, null, ref emptyGuid, result));
            FileNode childAdded = this.ProjectMgr.FindChild(newFileName) as FileNode;

            Debug.Assert(childAdded != null, "Could not find the renamed item in the hierarchy");
            // Update the itemid to the newly added.
            this.ID = childAdded.ID;

            // Remove the item created by the add item. We need to do this otherwise we will have two items.
            // Please be aware that we have not removed the ItemNode associated to the removed file node from the hierrachy.
            // What we want to achieve here is to reuse the existing build item.
            // We want to link to the newly created node to the existing item node and addd the new include.

            //temporarily keep properties from new itemnode since we are going to overwrite it
            string newInclude  = childAdded.ItemNode.Item.Include;
            string dependentOf = childAdded.ItemNode.GetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.DependentUpon);


            // Assign existing msbuild item to the new childnode
            childAdded.ItemNode              = this.ItemNode;
            childAdded.ItemNode.Item.Name    = this.ItemNode.ItemName;
            childAdded.ItemNode.Item.Include = newInclude;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependentOf))
                childAdded.ItemNode.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.DependentUpon, dependentOf);

            //Update the new document in the RDT.
            DocumentManager.RenameDocument(this.ProjectMgr.Site, oldFileName, newFileName, childAdded.ID);

            //Select the new node in the hierarchy
            IVsUIHierarchyWindow uiWindow = UIHierarchyUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(this.ProjectMgr.Site, SolutionExplorer);

            uiWindow.ExpandItem(this.ProjectMgr, this.ID, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_SelectItem);

            //Update FirstChild
            childAdded.FirstChild = this.FirstChild;

            //Update ChildNodes
