public MeshCollisionData.Convex CreateCollisionConvex(OBJGroup.SubObject sub)
            var positions = sub.GetPositions(importer);
            var convex    = new MeshCollisionData.Convex();

            convex.Positions = positions;
Example #2
 private void updateActiveSubObject()
     if (activeGroup == null)
         activeSubObject = null;
     activeSubObject = activeGroup.GetOrCreateSubObject(activeMaterial);
 private void addPositionsFromSubObject(ObjImporter importer, OBJGroup.SubObject subObj, List <Vector3> positions)
     for (int k = 0; k < subObj.Faces.Count; k++)
         var f = subObj.Faces[k];
        private void convertSubObjectPhysicsConvexMesh(ObjImporter importer, OBJGroup.SubObject sub, RAMMesh mesh)
            var positions = new List <Vector3>();

            addPositionsFromSubObject(importer, sub, positions);

            var convex = new MeshCollisionData.Convex();

            convex.Positions = positions;

        private void convertSubObjectPhysicsTriangleMesh(ObjImporter importer, OBJGroup.SubObject sub, RAMMesh mesh)
            if (mesh.GetCollisionData().TriangleMesh != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Multiple Physics triangle meshes found in an object!");
            var positions = new List <Vector3>();

            addPositionsFromSubObject(importer, sub, positions);

            var indices = createIndices(positions.Count * 3);

            var tm = new MeshCollisionData.TriangleMeshData();

            tm.Positions = positions.ToArray();
            tm.Indices   = indices;

            mesh.GetCollisionData().TriangleMesh = tm;
 private void convertSubObject(ObjImporter importer, OBJGroup.SubObject sub, Dictionary <OBJMaterial, MeshCoreData.Material> materials, RAMMesh mesh)
     if (sub.Material.Name == materialNamePhysicsBox)
         convertSubObjectPhysicsBox(importer, sub, mesh);
     else if (sub.Material.Name == materialNameTriangleMesh)
         convertSubObjectPhysicsTriangleMesh(importer, sub, mesh);
     else if (sub.Material.Name == materialNameConvex)
         convertSubObjectPhysicsConvexMesh(importer, sub, mesh);
         convertSubObjectRenderPart(mesh, sub, importer, materials);
        public MeshCollisionData.Box CreateCollisionBox(OBJGroup.SubObject subObj, RAMMesh mesh)
            var data      = mesh.GetCollisionData();
            var positions = new List <Vector3>();

            for (int i = 0; i < subObj.Faces.Count; i++)
                var face = subObj.Faces[i];

            var bb = BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(positions);

            var box = new MeshCollisionData.Box();

            box.Dimensions  = bb.Max - bb.Min;
            box.Orientation = Matrix.CreateTranslation((bb.Max + bb.Min) * 0.5f);
        public MeshCoreData.Part CreateMeshPart(OBJGroup.SubObject sub)
            if (sub.Faces.Count == 0)

            Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[sub.Faces.Count * 3];
            Vector3[] normals   = new Vector3[sub.Faces.Count * 3];
            Vector2[] texcoords = new Vector2[sub.Faces.Count * 3];

            // Note that faces are flipped in this piece of code!!!

            for (int k = 0; k < sub.Faces.Count; k++)
                var face = sub.Faces[k];
                positions[k * 3 + 0] = importer.Vertices[face.V1.Position];
                positions[k * 3 + 1] = importer.Vertices[face.V3.Position];
                positions[k * 3 + 2] = importer.Vertices[face.V2.Position];

                normals[k * 3 + 0] = importer.Normals[face.V1.Normal];
                normals[k * 3 + 1] = importer.Normals[face.V3.Normal];
                normals[k * 3 + 2] = importer.Normals[face.V2.Normal];

                texcoords[k * 3 + 0] = new Vector2(importer.TexCoords[face.V1.TextureCoordinate].X,
                                                   1 - importer.TexCoords[face.V1.TextureCoordinate].Y);
                texcoords[k * 3 + 1] = new Vector2(importer.TexCoords[face.V3.TextureCoordinate].X,
                                                   1 - importer.TexCoords[face.V3.TextureCoordinate].Y);
                texcoords[k * 3 + 2] = new Vector2(importer.TexCoords[face.V2.TextureCoordinate].X,
                                                   1 - importer.TexCoords[face.V2.TextureCoordinate].Y);

            TangentSolver solver   = new TangentSolver();
            var           tangents =
                solver.GenerateTangents(positions, normals, texcoords).Select(f => new Vector3(f.X, f.Y, f.Z)).ToArray();

            var positionsSource = new MeshPartGeometryData.Source();

            positionsSource.DataVector3 = positions;
            positionsSource.Semantic    = MeshPartGeometryData.Semantic.Position;
            var normalsSource = new MeshPartGeometryData.Source();

            normalsSource.DataVector3 = normals;
            normalsSource.Semantic    = MeshPartGeometryData.Semantic.Normal;
            var texcoordsSource = new MeshPartGeometryData.Source();

            texcoordsSource.DataVector2 = texcoords;
            texcoordsSource.Semantic    = MeshPartGeometryData.Semantic.Texcoord;
            var tangentsSource = new MeshPartGeometryData.Source();

            tangentsSource.DataVector3 = tangents;
            tangentsSource.Semantic    = MeshPartGeometryData.Semantic.Tangent;

            var part = new MeshCoreData.Part();

            part.MeshMaterial = materials[sub.Material];

            var meshPart = new RAMMeshPart();


            part.MeshPart     = meshPart;
            part.ObjectMatrix = Matrix.Identity;

        private void convertSubObjectRenderPart(RAMMesh mesh, OBJGroup.SubObject sub, ObjImporter importer, Dictionary <OBJMaterial, MeshCoreData.Material> materials)
            if (sub.Faces.Count == 0)

            var meshCoreData = mesh.GetCoreData();

            Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[sub.Faces.Count * 3];
            Vector3[] normals   = new Vector3[sub.Faces.Count * 3];
            Vector2[] texcoords = new Vector2[sub.Faces.Count * 3];

            for (int k = 0; k < sub.Faces.Count; k++)
                var face = sub.Faces[k];
                positions[k * 3 + 0] = importer.Vertices[face.V1.Position];
                positions[k * 3 + 1] = importer.Vertices[face.V2.Position];
                positions[k * 3 + 2] = importer.Vertices[face.V3.Position];

                normals[k * 3 + 0] = importer.Normals[face.V1.Normal];
                normals[k * 3 + 1] = importer.Normals[face.V2.Normal];
                normals[k * 3 + 2] = importer.Normals[face.V3.Normal];

                texcoords[k * 3 + 0] = new Vector2(importer.TexCoords[face.V1.TextureCoordinate].X, 1 - importer.TexCoords[face.V1.TextureCoordinate].Y);
                texcoords[k * 3 + 1] = new Vector2(importer.TexCoords[face.V2.TextureCoordinate].X, 1 - importer.TexCoords[face.V2.TextureCoordinate].Y);
                texcoords[k * 3 + 2] = new Vector2(importer.TexCoords[face.V3.TextureCoordinate].X, 1 - importer.TexCoords[face.V3.TextureCoordinate].Y);

            TangentSolver solver   = new TangentSolver();
            var           tangents = solver.GenerateTangents(positions, normals, texcoords).Select(f => new Vector3(f.X, f.Y, f.Z)).ToArray();

            var positionsSource = new MeshPartGeometryData.Source();

            positionsSource.DataVector3 = positions;
            positionsSource.Semantic    = MeshPartGeometryData.Semantic.Position;
            var normalsSource = new MeshPartGeometryData.Source();

            normalsSource.DataVector3 = normals;
            normalsSource.Semantic    = MeshPartGeometryData.Semantic.Normal;
            var texcoordsSource = new MeshPartGeometryData.Source();

            texcoordsSource.DataVector2 = texcoords;
            texcoordsSource.Semantic    = MeshPartGeometryData.Semantic.Texcoord;
            var tangentsSource = new MeshPartGeometryData.Source();

            tangentsSource.DataVector3 = tangents;
            tangentsSource.Semantic    = MeshPartGeometryData.Semantic.Tangent;

            var part = new MeshCoreData.Part();

            part.MeshMaterial = materials[sub.Material];

            var meshPart = new RAMMeshPart();


            part.MeshPart     = meshPart;
            part.ObjectMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
